Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_kisa():

    logger = getLogger('ostap.test_kisa')

    if 62400 <= ROOT.gROOT.GetVersionInt() < 62406:
        logger.warning('Test can fail for %s' % ROOT.gROOT.GetVersion())

    h1 = ROOT.TH1D('h1', '', 200, 3, 3.2)
    h2 = h1.clone()

    chain = data.chain

    with timing('SEQUENTIAL(%s):' % len(chain), logger):
        chain.project(h1, 'mass',
                      '3<=mass && mass<=3.2 && 0<=c2dtf && c2dtf<5')

    logger.info(h1.dump(100, 30))

    with timing('PARALLEL(%s):' % len(chain), logger):
                       '3<=mass && mass<=3.2 && 0<=c2dtf && c2dtf<5',

    logger.info(h2.dump(100, 30))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_kisa2 () :
    logger = getLogger ( 'ostap.test_kisa2' )

    if 62400 <= ROOT.gROOT.GetVersionInt() < 62406 :
        logger.warning ('Test can fail for %s' % ROOT.gROOT.GetVersion() )

    from ostap.fitting.pyselectors import SelectorWithVars, Variable  
    variables = [
        Variable   ( 'mass'  , 'mass(mu+mu-)' ,  3.09 , 3.11 ) , 
        Variable   ( 'c2dtf' , 'chi2(dtf)'    , -1    , 10   ) , 
        Variable   ( 'mass2' , 'mass(mu+mu-)' , 1 , 5 , MASS()  ) , 
        Variable   ( 'mass3' , 'mass(mu+mu-)' , 1 , 5 , 'mass'  ) 
    from sys import version_info  as python_version
    if  python_version.major < 3 :
        variables.append ( Variable ( 'mass1' , 'mass(mu+mu-)' , 2 , 4 , lambda s : s.mass ) )
    ppservers = () ## 'lxplus051' , )
    ## ppservers = 'auto'
    nf   = len ( data.files )
    nf //= 40
    nf  += 1 
    nf   = min ( nf , 25 )
    with timing('%d files in sequence %s' % ( nf , len( data.chain )  ) ) :
        selector = SelectorWithVars  (
            variables = variables ,
            selection = '2<=mass && mass<4 && 0<=c2dtf && c2dtf<5' ,
            silence   = False
        chain =  data.chain[:nf]
        st = chain.process ( selector , silent = False , shortcut = True )
        ds = selector.data
        del selector 
    logger.info ( 'Dataset (sequential):\n%s' % ds.table()  )
    with timing('%s files in parallel %s' % ( len ( data.files ) , len( data.chain ) ) ) :
        selector = SelectorWithVars  (
            variables = variables ,
            selection = '2<=mass && mass<4 && 0<=c2dtf && c2dtf<5' ,
            silence   = True 
        st = data.chain.parallel_fill ( selector               ,
                                        silent     = False     ,
                                        chunk_size = -1        ,
                                        max_files  =  1        ,
                                        ppservers  = ppservers )
        ds = selector.data 
        del selector 
    logger.info ( 'Dataset (paralell):\n%s' % ds.table ( prefix = '# ' ) )
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_kisa2 () :
    from ostap.fitting.selectors import SelectorWithVars, Variable  
    variables = [
        Variable   ( 'mass'  , 'mass(mu+mu-)' ,  3.09 , 3.11 ) , 
        Variable   ( 'c2dtf' , 'chi2(dtf)'    , -1    , 10   ) , 
        Variable   ( 'mass2' , 'mass(mu+mu-)' , 1 , 5 , MASS()  ) , 
        Variable   ( 'mass3' , 'mass(mu+mu-)' , 1 , 5 , 'mass'  ) 
    from sys import version_info  as python_version
    if  python_version.major < 3 :
        variables.append ( Variable ( 'mass1' , 'mass(mu+mu-)' , 2 , 4 , lambda s : s.mass ) )

    ppservers = () ## 'lxplus051' , )
    ## ppservers = 'auto'
    nf   = len ( data.files )
    nf //= 40
    nf  += 1 
    nf   = min ( nf , 25 )
    with timing('%d files in sequence %s' % ( nf , len( data.chain )  ) ) :
        selector = SelectorWithVars  (
            variables = variables ,
            selection =  '2<=mass && mass<4 && 0<=c2dtf && c2dtf<5' ,
            silence   = False
        chain =  data.chain[:nf]
        st = chain.process ( selector , silent = False , shortcut = True )
        ds = selector.data
        del selector 
    logger.info ( 'Dataset:\n%s' % ds )
    with timing('%s files in parallel %s' % ( len ( data.files ) , len( data.chain ) ) ) :
        selector = SelectorWithVars  (
            variables = variables ,
            selection =  '2<=mass && mass<4 && 0<=c2dtf && c2dtf<5' ,
            silence   = True 
        st = data.chain.pprocess ( selector               ,
                                   silent     = False     ,
                                   chunk_size = -1        ,
                                   max_files  =  1        ,
                                   ppservers  = ppservers )
        ds = selector.data 
        del selector 
    logger.info ( 'Dataset:\n%s' % ds )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_kisa3():

    logger = getLogger('ostap.test_kisa3')

    if 62400 <= ROOT.gROOT.GetVersionInt() < 62406:
        logger.warning('Test can fail for %s' % ROOT.gROOT.GetVersion())

    h1 = ROOT.TH1D('h1', '', 100, 0, 20)
    h1 += lambda x: x

    ## from  ostap.trees.funcs import H1DFunc
    ## xh1 = H1DFunc ( histo = h1 , xvar = 'pt' )
    ## from  ostap.trees.funcs import FuncTH1
    ## xh1 = FuncTH1 ( histo = h1 , xvar = 'pt' )

    from ostap.fitting.pyselectors import SelectorWithVars, Variable
    variables = [
        ## Variable ( 'mass1' , 'mass(mu+mu-)' , 2 , 4 , lambda s : s.mass ) ,
        Variable('mass', 'mass(mu+mu-)', 3.09, 3.11),
        Variable('c2dtf', 'chi2(dtf)', -1, 10),
        ## Variable ( 'xpt'   , 'xpt'          , -1    , 30   , xh1 ) ,
        Variable('mass2', 'mass(mu+mu-)', 1, 5, MASS()),
        Variable('mass3', 'mass(mu+mu-)', 1, 5, 'mass')

    with timing('fill it!'):
        selector = SelectorWithVars(
            selection='2<=mass && mass<4 && 0<=c2dtf && c2dtf<5',
        chain = data.chain
        st = chain.pprocess(selector, silent=False, shortcut=True)
        ds = selector.data
        del selector
    logger.info('Dataset (paralell):\n%s' % ds.table(prefix='# '))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_loop_with_cuts():
    """More advanced test
    - loop over the good entries in the chain,
    - fill dataset    

    logger = getLogger("test_loop_with_cuts")

    with timing("Loop with cuts", logger):

        varset = ROOT.RooArgSet(mass, c2dtf, pt)
        dataset = ROOT.RooDataSet(dsID(), 'Test Data set-1', varset)

        for i in data.chain.withCuts(cuts):

            v_mass = i.mass
            v_c2dtf = i.c2dtf
            v_pt = i.pt

            ## fill dataset
            mass.value = v_mass
            c2dtf.value = v_c2dtf
            pt.value = v_pt


    logger.info("Data set (loop-with-cuts):\n%s" % dataset.table(prefix="# "))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_simple_loop():
    """Simple test
    - loop over the entries in the chain
    - select good entries
    - fill dataset

    logger = getLogger("test_simple_loop")

    with timing("Simple loop", logger):

        varset = ROOT.RooArgSet(mass, c2dtf, pt)
        dataset = ROOT.RooDataSet(dsID(), 'Test Data set-1', varset)

        for i in data.chain:

            v_mass = float(i.mass)
            v_c2dtf = float(i.c2dtf)
            v_pt = float(i.pt)

            ## apply cuts
            if not 3.015 < v_mass < 3.150: continue
            if not 0.0 < v_c2dtf < 3.0: continue
            if not 1.5 < v_pt < 10: continue

            ## fill dataset
            mass.value = v_mass
            c2dtf.value = v_c2dtf
            pt.value = v_pt

    logger.info("Data set (simple-loop):\n%s" % dataset.table(prefix="# "))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def derivative_testing ( der_type , func , der_exact , logger , **kwargs ) :

    IMAX = der_type.IMAX
    cnt1  = {}
    for i in range ( IMAX )  :  cnt1 [i] = SE()
    ders = [ der_type ( func , I , **kwargs ) for I in range ( IMAX ) ]
    with timing ( 'derivative test' , logger = logger ) :
        for i in range(10000) :
            x = random.uniform ( 0 , pi )
            d_true = der_exact ( x )
            for I , dd in enumerate ( ders ) :
                delta     = dd ( x ) - d_true
                cnt1 [I] += delta

    rows = [ ('I' , 'rms' , 'min' , 'max' ) ]
    for i,c in cnt1.items() :
        row = '%d' % i , '% .4g' % c.rms () , '% .4g' % c.min() , '% .4g' % c.max() 
        rows.append ( row ) 
    table = T.table ( rows ,
                      title  = 'Test numerical derivatives' ,
                      prefix = '# ' , alignment = 'clll'     )
    logger.info ( 'Test numerical derivatives\n%s' % table )
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_db() :
    logger.info('Saving all objects into DBASE')
    import ostap.io.zipshelve   as     DBASE
    from ostap.utils.timing     import timing 
    with timing( name = 'Save everything to DBASE'), DBASE.tmpdb() as db : 
        db['models'   ] = models
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_kisa () : 
    h1 = ROOT.TH1D( 'h1' , '' , 200 , 3 , 3.2 )
    h2 = h1.clone()
    chain = data.chain
    with timing('SEQUENTIAL(%s):' % len(chain) , logger ) :
        chain. project ( h1 , 'mass' , '3<=mass && mass<=3.2 && 0<=c2dtf && c2dtf<5' )

    logger.info ( h1.dump(100,30) ) 
    with timing('PARALLEL(%s):' % len(chain) , logger ) :
        chain.pproject ( h2 , 'mass' , '3<=mass && mass<=3.2 && 0<=c2dtf && c2dtf<5' , silent = False )
    logger.info ( h2.dump(100,30) ) 
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_db():
    logger.info('Saving all objects into DBASE')
    with timing(name='Save everything to DBASE'), DBASE.tmpdb() as db:
        db['m_x'] = m_x
        db['m_y'] = m_y
        db['vars'] = varset
        db['models'] = models
        db['dataset'] = dataset
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_positive_pdf():

    logger = getLogger("test_positive_pdf")
    with timing('Positive [4]', logger):
        params = [h.pdf_positive(4, silent=True, draw=True) for h in histos]

    for h, f in zip(histos, params):
        logger.info("%-25s : difference %s" % (h.title, diff1(f, h)))
def test_convex_3():

    with timing('Convex   [4]', logger):
        rB1 = h1.pdf_convex_decreasing(4, silent=True, draw=True)
        rB2 = h2.pdf_convex_increasing(4, silent=True, draw=True)
        rB3 = h3.pdf_concave_increasing(4, silent=True, draw=True)
        rB4 = h4.pdf_concave_decreasing(4, silent=True, draw=True)
            'Convex   [4]: diff   %s ' %
            [diff1(*p) for p in [(rB1, h1), (rB2, h2), (rB3, h3), (rB4, h4)]])
def test_monotonic_3():

    with timing('Monotonic[4]', logger):
        rB1 = h1.pdf_decreasing(4, silent=True, draw=True)
        rB2 = h2.pdf_increasing(4, silent=True, draw=True)
        rB3 = h3.pdf_increasing(4, silent=True, draw=True)
        rB4 = h4.pdf_decreasing(4, silent=True, draw=True)
            'Monotonic[4]: diff   %s ' %
            [diff1(*p) for p in [(rB1, h1), (rB2, h2), (rB3, h3), (rB4, h4)]])
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_convex():

    with timing('Convex[4]', logger):
        rL1 = h1.convex(4, increasing=False, convex=True)
        rL2 = h2.convex(4, increasing=True, convex=True)
        rL3 = h3.convex(4, increasing=True, convex=False)
        rL4 = h4.convex(4, increasing=False, convex=False)
            'Convex[4]: diff    %s ' %
            [diff2(*p) for p in [(rL1, h1), (rL2, h2), (rL3, h3), (rL4, h4)]])
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_monotonic():

    with timing('Monotonic[4]', logger):
        rL1 = h1.monotonic(4, increasing=False)
        rL2 = h2.monotonic(4, increasing=True)
        rL3 = h3.monotonic(4, increasing=True)
        rL4 = h4.monotonic(4, increasing=False)
            'Monotonic[4]: diff    %s ' %
            [diff2(*p) for p in [(rL1, h1), (rL2, h2), (rL3, h3), (rL4, h4)]])
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_db():

    logger.info('Saving all objects into DBASE')
    import ostap.io.zipshelve as DBASE
    from ostap.utils.timing import timing
    with timing('Save everything to DBASE', logger), DBASE.tmpdb() as db:
        for i, m in enumerate(models):
            db['model/%-2d: %s' % (i, m.name)] = m
        db['models'] = models
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_db() :

    with timing ( 'Save everything to DBASE' , logger ), DBASE.tmpdb() as db : 
        db['m_x'     ] = m_x
        db['m_y'     ] = m_y
        db['vars'    ] = varset
        for m in models : db[ 'model:' + m.name ] = m 
        db['models'  ] = models
        db['dataset' ] = dataset
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_positive_spline_pdf () :
    logger = getLogger("test_positive_spline_pdf")
    with timing ('P-spline [3,2]' , logger ) :
        params = [ h.pdf_pSpline ( (5,2) , silent = True , draw = True ) for h in histos ] 

    for h , f in zip ( histos , params ) :
        with wait ( 1 ) ,  use_canvas ( 'test_positive_spline_pdf: ' + h.GetTitle() )  :
            f.plot.draw () 
            logger.info ( "%-25s : difference %s" %  ( h.title , diff1 ( f , h ) ) )
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_db():
    logger.info('Saving all objects into DBASE')
    import ostap.io.zipshelve as DBASE
    from ostap.utils.timing import timing
    with timing(name='Save everything to DBASE'), DBASE.tmpdb() as db:
        db['mass,vars'] = mass, varset0
        db['dataset'] = dataset0
        for m in models:
            db['model:' + m.name] = m
        db['models'] = models
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_positive_spline():

    logger = getLogger("test_positive_spline")
    with timing('P-spline [2,2]', logger):
        params = [h.pSpline(degree=2, knots=2) for h in histos]

    for h, f in zip(histos, params):
        logger.info("%-25s : difference %s" % (h.title, diff2(f, h)))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_generic_spline():

    logger = getLogger("test_generic_spline")
    with timing('B-spline [1,4]', logger):
        params = [h.bSpline(degree=1, knots=4) for h in histos]

    for h, f in zip(histos, params):
        logger.info("%-25s : difference %s" % (h.title, diff2(f, h)))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_fourier():

    logger = getLogger("test_fourier")
    with timing('Fourier [4]', logger):
        params = [h5.fourier(4), h6.fourier(6)]

    for h, f in zip((h5, h6), params):
        logger.info("%-25s : difference %s" % (h.title, diff2(f, h)))
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_positive():

    logger = getLogger("test_positive")
    with timing('Positive [4]', logger):
        params = [h.positive(4) for h in histos]

    for h, f in zip(histos, params):
        logger.info("%-25s : difference %s" % (h.title, diff2(f, h)))
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_positive() :

    logger =   getLogger("test_positive")
    with timing ( 'Positive [4]' , logger ) :
        params = [ h.positive ( 4 ) for h in  histos ]
    for h , f in zip ( histos , params ) :
        with wait ( 2 ) ,  use_canvas ( 'test_positive %s' % h.GetTitle()  ) : 
            h    .draw()
            logger.info ( "%-25s : difference %s" %  ( h.title , diff2 ( f , h ) ) )
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_positive_spline () :
    logger =   getLogger("test_positive_spline")
    with timing ('P-spline [2,3]' , logger ) :
        params = [ h.pSpline ( degree = 2 , knots = 3 ) for h in  histos ]

    for h , f in zip ( histos , params ) :
        with wait ( 2 ) ,  use_canvas ( 'test_positive_spline: %s' % h.GetTitle()  ) : 
            h    .draw()
            logger.info ( "%-25s : difference %s" %  ( h.title , diff2 ( f , h ) ) )
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_db():

    logger = getLogger('test_db')
    logger.info('Saving all objects into DBASE')
    import ostap.io.zipshelve as DBASE
    from ostap.utils.timing import timing
    with timing('Save everything to DBASE', logger), DBASE.tmpdb() as db:
        for i, f in enumerate(functions, start=1):
            db['%03d:%s' % (i, f.__class__.__name__)] = f
        db['functions'] = functions
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_db():

    logger = getLogger('test_db')
    logger.info('Saving all objects into DBASE')
    with timing('Save everything to DBASE', logger), DBASE.tmpdb() as db:
        db['m_x'] = m_x
        db['m_y'] = m_y
        for m in models:
            db['model:' + m.name] = m
        db['models'] = models
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_frame1():
    c = 0
    for mt in (False, True, False, True):
        with implicitMT(mt):
            logger.info('MT enabled?  %s/%s' %
            for obj in ((tree, 'Tree'), (frame, 'Frame'), (tree, 'Tree')):
                with timing(obj[1], logger):
                    ##logger.info ('Kurtosis: %s ' % obj[0].kurtosis ( 'b1' , 'b1/(b2+1)' ) )
                    c += obj[0].kurtosis('b1', 'b1/(b2+1)')
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_chebyshev_sum() :
    logger = getLogger("test_chebyshev_sum")
    with timing ( 'Chebyshev-sum[6]' , logger ) :
        params  = [ h.chebyshev_sum ( 8 ) for h in histos ]

    for h , f in zip ( histos , params ) :
        with wait ( 1 ) ,  use_canvas ( 'test_chebyshev_sum: ' + h.GetTitle() )  :
            logger.info ( "%-25s : difference %s" %  ( h.title , diff1 ( f , h ) ) )
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_fourier():
    with timing('Fourier[8]', logger):
        rF1 = h1.fourier(8)
        rF2 = h2.fourier(8)
        rF3 = h3.fourier(8)
        rF4 = h4.fourier(8)
        rF5 = h5.fourier(8)
        rF6 = h6.fourier(8)
        logger.info('Fourier[8] : diff    %s ' % [
            diff2(*p) for p in [(rF1, h1), (rF2, h2), (rF3, h3), (rF4, h4),
                                (rF5, h5), (rF6, h6)]