Ejemplo n.º 1
class Player(BasePlayer):

    # treatment assigment variable
    TT = models.PositiveIntegerField()  # treatment player variable

    # test Form variables
    growthTest = models.PositiveIntegerField(min=0, max=3)
    profitTest = models.PositiveIntegerField(min=0, max=150)
    profitIndTest = models.FloatField()
    biomassTest = models.FloatField()

    ## players variables
    profit = models.FloatField(initial=0)
    predProfit = models.FloatField(initial=0)

    ## player etimation other harvesting level
    other_choice = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        choices=Constants.other_choice_catch, initial=0)

    ## player harvest choice
    catch_choice = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=Constants.choice_catch,

    ## player proposal harvest choice
    catch_pledge = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=Constants.choice_catch,
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def variation(self):
        var = [[] for _ in range(Constants.nb_catch_choice)]
        s1 = models.FloatField()
        s2 = models.FloatField()
        inc = -1
        if self.subsession.round_number == 1:
            for i in Constants.choice_catch:
                inc = inc + 1
                for j in Constants.other_choice_catch:
                    s1 = self.bmin_round - (i + j)
                            ((s1 - self.bmin_round) / self.bmin_round) * 100))
                    s2 = self.bmax_round - (i + j)
                            ((s2 - self.bmax_round) / self.bmax_round) * 100))
            for i in Constants.choice_catch:
                inc = inc + 1
                for j in Constants.other_choice_catch:
                    s1 = self.schaefer(b=self.bmin_round, c=(i + j))
                            ((s1 - self.bmin_round) / self.bmin_round) * 100))
                    s2 = self.schaefer(b=self.bmax_round, c=(i + j))
                            ((s2 - self.bmax_round) / self.bmax_round) * 100))

        return (var)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def set_biomass(self):
        bplus = models.FloatField()
        ctot = models.FloatField()

        if self.subsession.round_number == 1:
            self.b_round = Constants.init_biomass

        elif self.subsession.round_number == 2:
            ctot = sum([
                p.in_round(self.subsession.round_number - 1).catch_choice
                for p in self.get_players()
            for i in self.in_previous_rounds():
                bplus = i.b_round
            self.b_round = bplus - ctot

            ctot = sum([
                p.in_round(self.subsession.round_number - 1).catch_choice
                for p in self.get_players()

            for i in self.in_previous_rounds():
                bplus = i.b_round

            self.b_round = self.schaefer(b=bplus, c=ctot)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Player(BasePlayer):

    subperiod_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        doc="""The length of the real effort task timer.""")

    period_number = models.PositiveIntegerField(doc='''period number''')

    subperiod_number = models.PositiveIntegerField(doc='''subperiod number''')

    rp = models.FloatField(doc='''customer reserve price''')

    mc = models.FloatField(doc='''firm mill cost''')

    transport_cost = models.FloatField(doc="""transport, or shopping cost""")

    loc = models.FloatField(doc="player's location")

    price = models.FloatField(doc="player's price in previous round/subperiod")

    next_subperiod_price = models.FloatField(
        doc="player's price in current round/subperiod")

    boundary_lo = models.FloatField(doc="player's low end of boundary")

    boundary_hi = models.FloatField(doc="player's high end of boundary")

    prev_round_payoff = models.FloatField(
        doc="player's payoffs this previous round/subperiod")

    prev_round_cumulative_payoff = models.FloatField(
        doc="player's payoffs cumulative the previous round/subperiod.")

    paid_period = models.IntegerField(
        doc='''1 if this is a paid period, 0 otherwise''')
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Player(BasePlayer):

   # treatment assigment variable
   TT = models.CharField() # treatment player variable

   # 1st Form variables
   name       = models.CharField()
   profession = models.CharField()
   age        = models.PositiveIntegerField()
   playAs     =  models.CharField(
       choices=["Pêcheur", "Gestionnaire dans le domaine de l'halieutique", "Scientifique dans le domaine de l'halieutique",
                "Scientifique (autre)","Etudiant dans le domaine de l'halieutique", "Etudiant (autre)","Autre"])

   # test Form variables
   growthTest     = models.PositiveIntegerField(min=0, max= 3)
   profitTest     = models.PositiveIntegerField(min=0, max=150)
   profitIndTest  = models.FloatField()
   biomassTest    = models.FloatField()

   # 2nd Form variables
   dynamicKnowledge = models.CharField(
       choices=["Complètement d'accord", "D'accord", "Ni d'accord,n ni pas d'accord",
                "pas d'accord", "Complètement pas d'accord"])
   groupCooperation = models.CharField(
       choices=["Complètement d'accord", "D'accord", "Ni d'accord,n ni pas d'accord",
                "pas d'accord", "Complètement pas d'accord"])
   leverageCooperation = models.CharField(
       choices=["Analyse du tableau des profits", "Analyse des propositions", "Analyse du niveau de biomasse",
                "Analyse du niveau de capture et de profit des autres participants"])
   suffConditionCooperation = models.CharField(
       choices=["Complètement d'accord", "D'accord", "Ni d'accord,n ni pas d'accord",
                "pas d'accord", "Complètement pas d'accord"])
   biomassUncertainty = models.CharField(
       choices=["Complètement d'accord", "D'accord", "Ni d'accord,n ni pas d'accord",
                "pas d'accord", "Complètement pas d'accord"])

   blimUncertainty = models.CharField(
       choices=["Complètement d'accord", "D'accord", "Ni d'accord,n ni pas d'accord",
                "pas d'accord", "Complètement pas d'accord", "Pas dans mon traitement"])

   ## players variables
   profit     = models.FloatField(initial=0)
   predProfit = models.FloatField(initial=0)

   ## player etimation other harvesting level
   other_choice = models.PositiveIntegerField(

   ## player harvest choice
   catch_choice = models.PositiveIntegerField(

   ## player proposal harvest choice
   catch_pledge = models.PositiveIntegerField(
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Player(BasePlayer):
    user_text = models.CharField(
    	doc="user's transcribed text")
    is_correct = models.BooleanField(
    	doc="did the user get the task correct?")
    final_score = models.IntegerField(
    	doc="player's total score up to this round")

    quiz_01 = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        verbose_name='Your earnings:',
        min = 0,
        max = 999,
        doc='quiz answer')
    quiz_02 = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        verbose_name='Your earnings:',
        min = 0,
        max = 999,
        doc='quiz answer')

    quiz_03 = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        verbose_name='Your earnings:',
        min = 0,
        max = 999,
        doc='quiz answer')
    quiz_04 = models.FloatField(
        verbose_name='Your earnings:',
        min = 0,
        max = 999,
        doc='quiz answer')
    quiz_05 = models.FloatField(
        verbose_name='Your earnings:',
        min = 0,
        max = 999,
        doc='quiz answer')
    quiz_06= models.FloatField(
        verbose_name='Your earnings:',
        min = 0,
        max = 999,
        doc='quiz answer')
    quiz_07 = models.FloatField(
        verbose_name='Your earnings:',
        min = 0,
        max = 999,
        doc='quiz answer')
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Subsession(BaseSubsession):
    all_contributions = models.FloatField()
    average_contribution = models.FloatField()

    def creating_session(self):
        if self.round_number == 1:
            paying_rounds = random.sample(range(1, Constants.num_rounds), 1)
            self.session.vars['paying_rounds'] = paying_rounds

Ejemplo n.º 8
class Player(BasePlayer):
    health = models.FloatField(min=0, max=Constants.max_health_condition)
    resources = models.FloatField(min=0)
    resources_overflow = models.FloatField(min=0)

    use_toilet = models.BooleanField(widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal())
    small_cleaning = models.BooleanField(

    big_clean = models.BooleanField(widget=widgets.RadioSelectHorizontal())
Ejemplo n.º 9
class Player(BasePlayer):
    # <built-in>
    subsession = models.ForeignKey(Subsession)
    group = models.ForeignKey(Group, null=True)
    # </built-in>
    x_place = models.FloatField()
    y_place = models.FloatField()
    price = models.CurrencyField(doc="""The mill price""", )

    def other_player(self):
        """Returns other player in group. Only valid for 2-player groups."""
        return self.get_others_in_group()[0]
Ejemplo n.º 10
class Player(BasePlayer):

    mpcr = models.FloatField(doc='''marginal per capital reutrn ''')

    is_correct = models.BooleanField(doc="did the user get the task correct?")
    final_score = models.IntegerField(
        doc="player's total score up to this round")
    quiz_text = models.CharField(doc="quiz question")
    quiz_sol = models.IntegerField(doc="solution")
    quiz_user_answer = models.FloatField(verbose_name='Your answer:',
                                         doc='quiz answer')
    quiz_sol_text = models.CharField(doc="solution text")
Ejemplo n.º 11
class Player(BasePlayer):
    def score_round(self):
        # update player payoffs
        if (self.solution == self.user_total):
            self.is_correct = True
            self.payoff_score = 1
            self.is_correct = False
            self.payoff_score = c(0)

    task_timer = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        doc="""The length of the real effort task timer.""")

    int1 = models.PositiveIntegerField(doc="this round's first int")

    int2 = models.PositiveIntegerField(doc="this round's second int")

    solution = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        doc="this round's correct summation")

    user_total = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        doc="user's summation",
        widget=widgets.TextInput(attrs={'autocomplete': 'off'}))

    is_correct = models.BooleanField(doc="did the user get the task correct?")

    payoff_score = models.FloatField(doc='''score in this task''')
Ejemplo n.º 12
class Player(BasePlayer):

    ret_timer = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        doc="""The length of the real effort task timer.""")
    user_text = models.CharField(doc="user's transcribed text")
    is_correct = models.BooleanField(doc="did the user get the task correct?")
    ret_final_score = models.IntegerField(
        doc="player's total score up to this round")
    round_payoff = models.FloatField(
        "total number of correct real effort tasks, completed before timer expired"

    def set_final_score(self):
        correct_cnt = 0
        for p in self.in_all_rounds():
            if p.round_payoff != None:
                correct_cnt = correct_cnt + p.round_payoff
                correct_cnt = correct_cnt + 0

        if correct_cnt == None:
            self.ret_final_score = 20
        elif (correct_cnt < 10):
            self.ret_final_score = 2 + (2 * correct_cnt)
            self.ret_final_score = 20
Ejemplo n.º 13
class Player(BasePlayer):

    def score_round(self):
        # update player payoffs
        if (self.correct_text == self.user_text):
            self.is_correct = True
            self.payoff_score = 1
            self.is_correct = False
            self.payoff_score = 0

    task_timer = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        doc="""The length of the real effort task timer."""

    correct_text = models.CharField(
        doc="user's transcribed text")

    user_text = models.CharField(
        doc="user's transcribed text",

    is_correct = models.BooleanField(
        doc="did the user get the task correct?")

    ret_final_score = models.IntegerField(
        doc="player's total score up to this round")

    payoff_score = models.FloatField(
            doc = '''score in this task'''
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def projection(self):
        proj = []
        bint = models.FloatField()

        for i in Constants.sim_years:
            bint = proj[i] - self.total_catch
            proj.append(round(self.schaefer(bint, c=0), 0))
        return (proj)
Ejemplo n.º 15
class Player(BasePlayer):

   # treatment assigment variable
   TT = models.CharField() # treatment player variable

   # Form variables
   name = models.CharField()
   profession = models.CharField()
   age = models.PositiveIntegerField()
   playAs = models.CharField(
       choices=["General audience", "Fisherman", "Manager", "Scientist in the field of fisheries",
                "Scientist (other)", "Student in the field of fisheries", "Student (other)"])

   dynamicKnowledge =  models.CharField(
       choices=["Fully agree", "Agree", "Neither agree nor disagree ",
                "Disagree","Fully disagree"])
   groupCooperation = models.CharField(
       choices=["Fully agree", "Agree", "Neither agree nor disagree ",
                "Disagree","Fully disagree"])
   leverageCooperation = models.CharField(
       choices=["Profit table analysis", "Pledge analysis", "Biomass analysis",
                "Catch & others profit analysis"])
   suffConditionCooperation = models.CharField(
       choices=["Fully agree", "Agree", "Neither agree nor disagree ",
                "Disagree","Fully disagree"])
   biomassUncertainty = models.CharField(
       choices=["Fully agree", "Agree", "Neither agree nor disagree ",
                "Disagree", "Fully disagree"])

   blimUncertainty = models.CharField(
            choices=["Fully agree", "Agree", "Neither agree nor disagree ",
                "Disagree", "Fully disagree","Not in my treatment"])

   ## players variables
   profit = models.FloatField()

   ## player etimation other harvesting level
   other_choice = models.PositiveIntegerField(

   ## player harvest choice
   catch_choice = models.PositiveIntegerField(

   ## player proposal harvest choice
   catch_pledge = models.PositiveIntegerField(
Ejemplo n.º 16
class Player(BasePlayer):

    # treatment assigment variable
    TT = models.CharField()  # treatment player variable

    # 1st Form variables
    name = models.CharField()
    profession = models.CharField()
    age = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    playAs = models.CharField(choices=[
        "General audience", "Fisherman", "Manager",
        "Scientist in the field of fisheries", "Scientist (other)",
        "Student in the field of fisheries", "Student (other)"

    # test Form variables
    growthTest = models.PositiveIntegerField(min=0, max=3)
    profitTest = models.PositiveIntegerField(min=0, max=150)
    profitIndTest = models.FloatField()
    #biomassTest    = models.PositiveIntegerField(min=0, max=70)

    ## players variables
    profit = models.FloatField()

    ## player etimation other harvesting level
    other_choice = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        choices=Constants.other_choice_catch, initial=0)

    ## player harvest choice
    catch_choice = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=Constants.choice_catch,

    ## player proposal harvest choice
    catch_pledge = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=Constants.choice_catch,
Ejemplo n.º 17
class Player(BasePlayer):
    pain_1 = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    pain_2 = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    pain_3 = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    pain_4 = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    pain_5 = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    pain_6 = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    pain_7 = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    pain_8 = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    int_sens = models.FloatField()
    int_pain = models.FloatField()

    def compute_pain_levels(self):
        self.int_sens = 2
        self.int_pain = 7
        with open('pain_file_phase1_out.csv', 'a') as f:
                self.participant.vars['surname'], self.participant.vars['sex'],
                self.participant.vars['school'], self.int_sens, self.int_pain))

    def role(self):
        return {1: 'Experimenter', 2: 'Player'}[self.id_in_group]
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def before_session_starts(self):

        if self.round_number == 1:
            for p in self.get_players():
                if 'treatment' in self.session.config:
                    # demo mode
                    p.participant.vars['TT'] = self.session.config['treatment']
                    p.participant.vars['TT'] = random.choice(
                        ['T1', 'T2', 'T3'])

        # end
        end = models.BooleanField(initial=False)
        pEnd = models.FloatField()

        numpy.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=1)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def projection(self):
     proj = []
     bint = models.FloatField()
     if self.subsession.round_number == 1:
         for i in Constants.sim_years:
             bint = proj[i] - self.total_catch
             if i == 1:
                 proj.append(round(self.schaefer(bint, c=0), 0))
         for i in Constants.sim_years:
             bint = proj[i] - self.total_catch
             proj.append(round(self.schaefer(bint, c=0), 0))
     return (proj)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def variation(self):
        var = [[] for _ in range(Constants.nb_catch_choice)]
        s   = models.FloatField()
        inc = -1

        if self.subsession.round_number == 1:
            for i in Constants.choice_catch:
                inc = inc +1
                for j in Constants.other_choice_catch:
                    s = Constants.init_biomass - (i+j)
                    var[inc].append(round(((s - Constants.init_biomass)/Constants.init_biomass)*100))
            for i in Constants.choice_catch:
                inc = inc + 1
                for j in Constants.other_choice_catch:
                    s = self.schaefer( b=self.b_round, c=(i + j))
                    var[inc].append(round(((s - self.b_round) / self.b_round)*100))
Ejemplo n.º 21
class Group(BaseGroup):

    # attacker
    a_choice = models.CharField(choices=[
        'Attack Defender',
        'Attack User',
        'No Attack'],
        verbose_name='Please select your action', doc = """Attacker choice""",
    # defender
    d_choice = models.CharField(choices=[
        'Standard Security',
        'Enhanced Security'],
        verbose_name='Please select your action', doc = """Defender choice""",

    # user
    u_choice = models.CharField(choices=[
        'Standard Security',
        'Enhanced Security'],
        verbose_name='Please select your action', doc = """User choice""",

    p_success = models.FloatField(default=0)

    atk_success = models.BooleanField(
        doc="""Whether an attack was successful"""

    no_atk = models.BooleanField(
        doc="""Whether there is no attack"""

    message = models.CharField(doc="""message displayed to all""")

    a_cost = models.CurrencyField()
    d_cost = models.CurrencyField()
    u_cost = models.CurrencyField()

    a_pay = models.CurrencyField()
    d_pay = models.CurrencyField()
    u_pay = models.CurrencyField()

    a_cum = models.CurrencyField()
    d_cum = models.CurrencyField()
    u_cum = models.CurrencyField()

    a_skipped = models.BooleanField()
    d_skipped = models.BooleanField()
    u_skipped = models.BooleanField()

    def set_payoffs(self):

        attacker = self.get_player_by_role('attacker')
        defender = self.get_player_by_role('defender')
        user = self.get_player_by_role('user')


        if self.a_choice == 'Attack Defender':
            self.a_cost = Constants.ACostD
        elif self.a_choice == 'Attack User':
            self.a_cost = Constants.ACostU
        elif self.a_choice == 'No Attack':
            self.a_cost = Constants.ACostNo

        if self.d_choice == 'Standard Security':
            self.d_cost = Constants.DCostLS
        elif self.d_choice == 'Enhanced Security':
            self.d_cost = Constants.DCostHS

        if self.u_choice == 'Standard Security':
            self.u_cost = Constants.UCostLS
        elif self.u_choice == 'Enhanced Security':
            self.u_cost = Constants.UCostHS

        if self.a_choice == 'Attack Defender':
            if self.d_choice == 'Standard Security':
                self.p_success = Constants.D_SProb_UHDH
        elif self.a_choice == 'Attack User':
            if self.u_choice == 'Standard Security':
                if self.d_choice == 'Standard Security':
                    self.p_success = Constants.U_SProb_ULDL
                elif self.d_choice == 'Enhanced Security':
                    self.p_success = Constants.U_SProb_ULDH
            elif self.u_choice == 'Enhanced Security':
                if self.d_choice == 'Standard Security':
                    self.p_success = Constants.U_SProb_UHDL
                elif self.d_choice == 'Enhanced Security':
                    self.p_success = Constants.U_SProb_UHDH
        elif self.a_choice == 'No Attack':
            self.no_atk = True
            self.p_success = 0

        if self.a_choice == 'No Attack':
            self.message = Constants.no_atk_msg
            attacker.payoff = Constants.APayoff_No
            defender.payoff = Constants.DPayoff_No
            user.payoff = Constants.UPayoff_No
            if rand < self.p_success:
                self.atk_success = True
                self.message = Constants.success_msg
            elif rand > self.p_success:
                self.atk_success = False
                self.message = Constants.fail_msg

        if self.atk_success is True:
            if self.a_choice == 'Attack Defender':
                attacker.payoff = Constants.APayoff_DefS
                defender.payoff = Constants.DPayoff_DefS
                user.payoff = Constants.UPayoff_DefS
            elif self.a_choice == 'Attack User':
                attacker.payoff = Constants.APayoff_UseS
                defender.payoff = Constants.DPayoff_UseS
                user.payoff = Constants.UPayoff_UseS
        elif self.atk_success is False:
            if self.a_choice == 'Attack Defender':
                attacker.payoff = Constants.APayoff_DefF
                defender.payoff = Constants.DPayoff_DefF
                user.payoff = Constants.UPayoff_DefF
            elif self.a_choice == 'Attack User':
                attacker.payoff = Constants.APayoff_UseF
                defender.payoff = Constants.DPayoff_UseF
                user.payoff = Constants.UPayoff_UseF

        self.a_pay = attacker.payoff
        self.d_pay = defender.payoff
        self.u_pay = user.payoff

        if self.subsession.round_number in self.session.vars['paying_rounds']:
            if self.a_skipped:
                self.a_cum = 0
                self.a_cum = attacker.payoff
            if self.d_skipped:
                self.d_cum = 0
                self.d_cum = defender.payoff
            if self.u_skipped:
                self.u_cum = 0
                self.u_cum = user.payoff
            self.a_cum = 0
            self.d_cum = 0
            self.u_cum = 0
Ejemplo n.º 22
class Group(BaseGroup):

    ## local variables
    total_catch   = models.FloatField()
    total_profit  = models.FloatField()
    #payoff_tab   = [None] * Constants.nb_catch_choice
    b_round       = models.FloatField()
    y             = models.FloatField()

    # Threshold and uncertainty range
    Blim_min      = models.FloatField()
    Blim_max      = models.FloatField()
    b_lim         = models.FloatField()

    # Biomass uncertainty
    bmin_round = models.FloatField()
    bmax_round = models.FloatField()

    # end
    end        = models.BooleanField(initial=False)

    ## projection variables and uncertainty range

    ## standard functions

    ## ending wqhen stock collapse
    def end(self):
        self.end = True
        #self.subsession.round_number = Constants.num_rounds

    ## compute nb of nested list
    def number_of_lists(x):
        f = lambda x: 0 if not isinstance(x, list) else (f(x[0]) + f(x[1:]) if len(x) else 1)
        return f(x) - 1

    ## compute current year
    def year(self):
        y = Constants.init_year + self.subsession.round_number - 1
        return y

    ## compute payoff (10^3 $), profit by player see protocol
    def compute_payoff(self , stock, harvest=0, harvestInd=0):

        if (harvest+harvestInd) == 0:

        if stock <= 0:
            prof = 0
            if self.session.config['treatment']=='T1':
                if self.subsession.round_number == 1:
                    prof = round((Constants.price_fish * harvestInd) -
                             (Constants.beta *(math.log(self.growth(b=Constants.init_biomass)) -
                                               math.log(self.growth(b=Constants.init_biomass) - (harvest+harvestInd)))*(prop)),1)
                    if harvestInd == 0:
                        prof = 0
                    elif stock - (harvest+harvestInd) <= 0:
                            prof = round((-Constants.beta * 2) * (prop),1)
                            prof = round((Constants.price_fish * harvestInd) -
                                 (Constants.beta * (math.log(self.growth(b=stock)) -
                                                    math.log(self.growth(b=stock) - (harvest+harvestInd))) * (prop)), 1)
                if self.subsession.round_number == 1:
                    prof = round((Constants.price_fish * harvestInd) -
                             (Constants.beta * (math.log(self.growth(b=Constants.init_biomass)) -
                                                math.log(self.growth(b=Constants.init_biomass) - (harvest+harvestInd)))*(prop)), 1)
                    if stock <= Constants.Blim:
                        if harvestInd == 0:
                            prof = - Constants.tFixedCost
                        elif stock - (harvest + harvestInd) <= 0:
                            prof = round(((-Constants.beta * 2) * (prop))- Constants.tFixedCost,1)
                            prof = round((Constants.price_fish * harvestInd) - Constants.tFixedCost -
                                         (Constants.beta * (math.log(self.growth(b=stock)) -
                                                            math.log(self.growth(b=stock) - (harvest + harvestInd))) * (
                                          prop)), 1)
                    elif stock > Constants.Blim:
                        if harvestInd == 0:
                            prof = 0
                        elif stock - (harvest + harvestInd) <= 0:
                            prof = round((-Constants.beta * 2) * (prop),1)
                            prof = round((Constants.price_fish * harvestInd) -
                                         (Constants.beta * (math.log(self.growth(b=stock)) -
                                                            math.log(self.growth(b=stock) - (harvest + harvestInd))) * (
                                          prop)), 1)

        return prof

    def compute_payoff_test(self, stock, harvest=0, harvestInd=0):

        if (harvest + harvestInd) == 0:
            prop = 0
            prop = harvestInd / (harvest + harvestInd)

        if stock <= 0:
            prof = 0
            if self.session.config['treatment'] == 'T1':
                if stock - (harvest + harvestInd) <= 0:
                    prof =round((-Constants.beta * 2) * (prop),1)
                    prof = round((Constants.price_fish * harvestInd) -
                            (Constants.beta * (math.log(self.growth(b=stock)) -
                                                    math.log(self.growth(b=stock) - (harvest + harvestInd))) * (prop)),1)
                if stock <= Constants.Blim:
                        if harvestInd == 0:
                            prof =  - Constants.tFixedCost
                        elif stock - (harvest + harvestInd) <= 0:
                            prof = round(((-Constants.beta * 2) * (prop))- Constants.tFixedCost, 1)
                            prof = round((Constants.price_fish * harvestInd) - Constants.tFixedCost -
                                     (Constants.beta * (math.log(self.growth(b=stock)) -
                                                        math.log(self.growth(b=stock) - (harvest + harvestInd))) * (
                                      prop)), 1)
                elif stock > Constants.Blim:
                        if harvestInd == 0:
                            prof = 0
                        elif stock - (harvest + harvestInd) <= 0:
                            prof = round((-Constants.beta * 2) * (prop), 1)
                            prof = round((Constants.price_fish * harvestInd) -
                                     (Constants.beta * (math.log(self.growth(b=stock)) -
                                                        math.log(self.growth(b=stock) - (harvest + harvestInd))) * (
                                      prop)), 1)

        return prof

    ## biomass schaefer dynamic
    def schaefer(self, b, c=0):
        if b <= 0:
            biomass = 0
            biomass = round(b + (Constants.growth_rate * b) * (1 - (b / Constants.carrying_capacity)) - c, 0)

        return biomass  # []

    ## Growth function
    def growth(self, b):
        biomass = round(b + (Constants.growth_rate * b) * (1 - (b / Constants.carrying_capacity)) , 0)

        return biomass  # []

    ## upadating functions

    ## update payoff table
    def set_payoffTable(self):
        payoff_tab = [[] for _ in range(Constants.nb_catch_choice)]
        inc = -1
        for i in Constants.choice_catch:
            inc = inc + 1
            for j in Constants.other_choice_catch:
               # if i == 0 & j == 0:
                    payoff_tab[inc].append(self.compute_payoff(harvest=j, harvestInd=i, stock=self.b_round))
               # else:
                  #  if (self.b_round - (j + i)) <= 0:
                  #      payoff_tab[inc].append(Constants.max_negative_profit)
                   # else:
                   #     payoff_tab[inc].append(self.compute_payoff(harvest=j, harvestInd=i, stock=self.b_round))

        return (payoff_tab)

    def set_payoffTable_test(self,biomasse=Constants.b_test):
        payoff_tab = [[] for _ in range(Constants.nb_catch_choice)]
        inc = -1
        for i in Constants.choice_catch:
            inc = inc + 1
            for j in Constants.other_choice_catch:
                #if i == 0 & j == 0:
                    payoff_tab[inc].append(self.compute_payoff_test(harvest=j, harvestInd=i, stock=biomasse))
                #   if (biomasse - (j + i)) <= 0:
                #        payoff_tab[inc].append(Constants.max_negative_profit)
                #    else:
                #        payoff_tab[inc].append(self.compute_payoff_test(harvest=j, harvestInd=i, stock=biomasse))

        return (payoff_tab)

    ## update payoff for the year by player
    def set_payoffs(self):

        if self.b_round > 0:

            self.total_catch = sum([p.catch_choice for p in self.get_players()])
            if self.subsession.round_number == 1:

                for p in self.get_players():
                    p.profit = round(self.compute_payoff(harvestInd=p.catch_choice,harvest=(self.total_catch-p.catch_choice),
                                                stock=Constants.init_biomass),1) + Constants.baseProfit
                    p.payoff = round( (self.compute_payoff(harvestInd=p.catch_choice,harvest=(self.total_catch-p.catch_choice),
                                                stock=Constants.init_biomass) + Constants.baseProfit )* Constants.convertionCurrency,1)

                for p in self.get_players():
                    p.profit = round(self.compute_payoff(harvestInd=p.catch_choice,harvest=(self.total_catch-p.catch_choice),
                    p.payoff = round(self.compute_payoff(harvestInd=p.catch_choice, harvest=(self.total_catch - p.catch_choice),
                                                   stock=self.b_round) * Constants.convertionCurrency,1)

            self.total_profit = round(sum([p.profit for p in self.get_players()]),1)
            self.b_lim        = Constants.Blim

    ## update payoff and only payoff for player who best predict others harvest
    def set_payoff_prediction(self):
        for p in self.get_players():
            if self.b_round > 0:
                if p.other_choice == self.total_catch - p.catch_choice:
                    p.payoff = p.payoff + Constants.anticipation
                    p.predProfit = p.predProfit + Constants.anticipation

    ## update biomass for the next year
    def set_biomass(self):
            bplus = models.FloatField()
            ctot  = models.FloatField()

            if self.subsession.round_number == 1:
                self.b_round = Constants.init_biomass

            elif self.subsession.round_number == 2:
                ctot = sum([p.in_round(self.subsession.round_number - 1).catch_choice for p in self.get_players()])
                for i in self.in_previous_rounds():
                    bplus = i.b_round
                self.b_round = bplus - ctot

                ctot  = sum([p.in_round(self.subsession.round_number -1).catch_choice for p in self.get_players()])

                for i in self.in_previous_rounds():
                    bplus = i.b_round

                self.b_round = self.schaefer(b=bplus, c=ctot)

    ## scientific advice

    ## function uncertainty around Blim for all rounds
    def set_Un_Blim(self):
        # uncertainty bounds around Blim
        self.Blim_max = Constants.Blim + (Constants.Blim * Constants.Blim_uncertainty)
        self.Blim_min = Constants.Blim - (Constants.Blim * Constants.Blim_uncertainty)

    ## function variation for each catch level
    def variation(self):
        var = [[] for _ in range(Constants.nb_catch_choice)]
        s   = models.FloatField()
        inc = -1

        if self.subsession.round_number == 1:
            for i in Constants.choice_catch:
                inc = inc + 1
                for j in Constants.other_choice_catch:
                    s = Constants.init_biomass - (i + j)
                    var[inc].append(round(((s - Constants.init_biomass) / Constants.init_biomass) * 100))
            for i in Constants.choice_catch:
                inc = inc + 1
                for j in Constants.other_choice_catch:
                    s = self.schaefer( b=self.b_round, c=(i + j))
                    var[inc].append(round(((s - self.b_round) / self.b_round)*100))


    ## function projection for 10 years
    def projection(self):
        proj = []
        bint = models.FloatField()

        if self.subsession.round_number == 1:
            for i in Constants.sim_years:
                bint = proj[i] - self.total_catch
                if i == 1:
                    proj.append(round(self.schaefer(bint, c=0), 0))
            for i in Constants.sim_years:
                bint = proj[i] - self.total_catch
                proj.append(round(self.schaefer(bint, c=0),0))

        return (proj)

    ## function uncertainty around projection for 10 years
    ##!!!!!!!!! attention pb correspondance avec l'incertitude sur le stock!!

    def projUncertainty(self):
        unrange = []
        b_range = []
        b_unrange = []
        un = []
        b_proj = self.projection()

        # uncertainty bounds around real projection
        for meanNorm in arange(Constants.uncertainty, Constants.max_uncertainty,
                               (Constants.max_uncertainty - Constants.uncertainty) / (len(Constants.sim_years))):
            un.append(numpy.random.normal(loc=round(meanNorm,3), scale=round(meanNorm,3) / 10))

        upperUn = numpy.round(numpy.asarray(b_proj[0:Constants.nb_sim_years]) * (1 + numpy.asarray(un)[0:Constants.nb_sim_years]),1)
       # upUN.append([int(x) for x in upperUn])

        lowerUn = numpy.round(numpy.asarray(b_proj[0:Constants.nb_sim_years]) * (1 - numpy.asarray(un)[0:Constants.nb_sim_years]),1)
        #lwUN.append([int(x) for x in lowerUn])
        range = numpy.vstack((upperUn, lowerUn)).T

        return (b_unrange)
Ejemplo n.º 23
class Player(BasePlayer):

    player_role = models.CharField(doc="player role, A or F")

    quiz_01_a = models.FloatField(
        verbose_name="In A1, Role F's Group Exchange Contribution",
        doc='''quiz_01_a answer In A1, Role F's Group Exchange Contribution''')
    quiz_01_b = models.FloatField(
        verbose_name="In A1, Role A's Group Exchange Contribution",
        doc='''quiz_01_b answer In A1, Role A's Group Exchange Contribution''')
    quiz_01_c = models.FloatField(
        verbose_name="In A1, Role A's Score",
        doc='''quiz_01_c answer In A1, Role A's Score''')
    quiz_01_d = models.FloatField(
        verbose_name="In A1, Role F's Score",
        doc='''quiz_01_d answer In A1, Role F's Score''')
    quiz_01_e = models.FloatField(
        verbose_name="In F1, Role A's Score",
        doc='''quiz_01_c answer In F1, Role A's Score''')
    quiz_01_f = models.FloatField(
        verbose_name="In F1, Role F's Score",
        doc='''quiz_01_d answer In F1, Role F's Score''')

    quiz_02_a = models.FloatField(
        verbose_name="In N1, Role A's Score",
        doc='''quiz_02_a answer In N1, Role A's Score''')
    quiz_02_b = models.FloatField(
        verbose_name="In N1, Role F's Score",
        doc='''quiz_02_b answer In N1, Role F's Score''')
    quiz_02_c = models.FloatField(
        verbose_name="In N2, Role A's Score",
        doc='''quiz_02_c answer In N2, Role A's Score''')
    quiz_02_d = models.FloatField(
        verbose_name="In N2, Role F's Score",
        doc='''quiz_02_d answer In N2, Role F's Score''')
    quiz_02_e = models.FloatField(
        verbose_name="The Probability of N1 Occurring",
        doc='''quiz_02_e answer The Probability of N1 Occurring''')

    ret_score = models.IntegerField(
        "player's real effort task score - correct number of RETs mapped to a number."

    vcm_score = models.FloatField(doc="score player received in vcm round.")

    vcm_ge_percent = models.FloatField(
        doc="player's average group exchange contribution in vcm rounds")

    passive_Player_Earnings = models.FloatField(
        doc=''' The score of this round's passive player.  ''')

    def set_round_payoff(self):
        """calc player payoffs"""
        ''' called inside group functions, eg A1A2_update '''

        for p in self.group.get_players():

            # group exchange
            F_GE = (p.GE_Low_F)
            if ((p.terminal_choice == 'F1') | (p.terminal_choice == 'N1')):
                F_GE = (p.GE_Low_F * p.F1_F_mult)
            GE = p.GE_Low_A + F_GE + 40

            A_score = (GE * p.mpcr) + (20 - p.GE_Low_A)
            F_score = (GE * p.mpcr) + (20 - F_GE)

            if ((p.terminal_choice == 'N2') | (p.terminal_choice == 'N1')):
                A_score = (GE * p.mpcr) + (20 - p.GE_Low_A) - p.boycott_cost

            if (p.participant.vars['Role'] == 'A'):
                p.postStage_self_individual_exchange = 20 - p.GE_Low_A
                p.postStage_self_ge = p.GE_Low_A
                p.postStage_op_individual_exchange = str(20 - F_GE)
                p.postStage_op_group_exchange = str(F_GE)
                p.round_payoff = A_score
                p.postStage_round_points = A_score

            elif (p.participant.vars['Role'] == 'F'):
                p.postStage_self_individual_exchange = F_GE
                p.postStage_self_ge = p.GE_Low_F
                p.postStage_op_individual_exchange = str(20 - p.GE_Low_A)
                p.postStage_op_group_exchange = str(p.GE_Low_A)
                p.postStage_round_points = F_score
                p.round_payoff = F_score

    def set_payoff(self, round):
        # in views, determine round to pay
        # similar to VCM

    def passivePlayerEarnings(self):
        for p in self.group.get_players():

            # group exchange
            F_GE = (p.GE_Low_F)
            if ((p.terminal_choice == 'F1') | (p.terminal_choice == 'N1')):
                F_GE = (p.GE_Low_F * p.F1_F_mult)
            GE = p.GE_Low_A + F_GE + 40

            self.passive_Player_Earnings = (GE * p.mpcr)

            return (GE * p.mpcr)

    stage_round_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        doc='The stage round number.')

    paid_round = models.PositiveIntegerField(doc=''' Paid stage round ''')

    paid_active_round_score = models.FloatField(
        doc=''' Score from paid actie player round''')

    round_payoff = models.FloatField(doc="this player's earnings this round")

    GE_Low_A = models.FloatField(
        doc="player A's group exchange contribution at 1X")
    GE_Low_F = models.FloatField(
        doc="player F's group exchange contribution at 1X")

    mpcr = models.FloatField(
        doc="marginal per-capita rate of return to vcm game")

    boycott_cost = models.FloatField(doc="cost of boycoff to player A")
    passive_ge_contrib = models.FloatField(
        doc="passive players' total contribution to group exchange")

    A1_A_mult = models.FloatField(doc="multiplier on GE of A at node A1")
    A1_F_mult = models.FloatField(doc="multiplier on GE of F at node A1")

    F1_A_mult = models.FloatField(doc="multiplier on GE of A at node F1")
    F1_F_mult = models.FloatField(doc="multiplier on GE of F at node F1")

    A3_A_mult = models.FloatField(doc="multiplier on GE of A at node A3")
    A3_F_mult = models.FloatField(doc="multiplier on GE of F at node A3")

    N1_prob = models.FloatField(
        doc="Probability of N1, where prob of N2 is (1 - N1_prob)")

    A_stage1 = models.CharField(
        choices=['A1', 'A2'],
        verbose_name='Make your decision',
        doc='Player A decision between A1 and A2, Stage 1',

    F_stage2 = models.CharField(
        choices=['F1', 'F2'],
        verbose_name='Make your decision',
        doc='Player F decision between F1 and F2, Stage 2',

    A_stage3 = models.CharField(
        choices=['A3', 'A4'],
        verbose_name='Make your decision',
        doc='Player A decision between A3 and A4, Stage 3',

    Nature = models.CharField(
        doc="""'Should nature move, this is nature's move""",

    terminal_choice = models.CharField(
        doc="""'the terminal node reached by A and F""",

    def set_terminal_node(self):
        """explicitly define terminal node reached by A and F in this group"""
        A_tn = None
        F_tn = None
        N_tn = None  #nature
        for p in self.group.get_players():
            p.player_role = p.participant.vars['Role']
            if p.participant.vars['Role'] == 'A':
                if p.A_stage1 == "A1": A_tn = "A1"
                elif p.A_stage3 == "A3": A_tn = "A3"
                elif p.A_stage3 == "A4": A_tn = "A4"
            elif p.participant.vars['Role'] == 'F':
                if p.F_stage2 == 'F1': F_tn = 'F1'
                elif p.F_stage2 == 'F2': F_tn = 'F2'

            if p.Nature == 'N1': N_tn = 'N1'
            elif p.Nature == 'N2': N_tn = 'N2'

        TN = None
        if A_tn == "A1": TN = A_tn
        elif F_tn == 'F1': TN = F_tn
        elif A_tn == "A3": TN = A_tn
        else: TN = N_tn

        for p in self.group.get_players():
            p.terminal_choice = TN

    postStage_self_individual_exchange = models.FloatField(
        doc='''"player's individual exchange contribution after stage game"''')

    postStage_self_ge = models.FloatField(
        doc='''"player's group exchange contribution after stage game"''')

    postStage_op_individual_exchange = models.CharField(
        '''"player's three other countryparty player's individual after stage game"'''

    postStage_op_group_exchange = models.CharField(
        '''"player's three other countryparty player's group exchange after stage game"'''

    postStage_round_points = models.FloatField(
        doc='''"player's final score from stage game"''')

    followup_1 = models.CharField()

    # Survey questions

    q_birthMonth = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        verbose_name="What is the month of your birth?",
        choices=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
        doc=''' birth month ''',
    q_birthYear = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        verbose_name="What is the year of your birth?",
        doc=''' birth year ''',
    q_sex = models.CharField(
        verbose_name="Are you male or female?",
        choices=["male", "female"],
        doc=''' male or female ''',

    q_languages = models.CharField(
        verbose_name="What language do you speak most often at home?",

    q_YearsInUAE = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        verbose_name="How long have you lived in the UAE (in years)?",
        doc=''' How long have you lived in the UAE (in years)? ''',

    q_nationality = models.CharField(
        verbose_name="What is your nationality?",
        doc=''' What is your nationality? ''',

    q_major = models.CharField(
        verbose_name="What is your major?",
        doc=''' What is your major? ''',

    q_part2strat = models.CharField(
        "In Part 2, how did you decide how much to contribute to the group exchange?",
        ''' In Part 2, how did you decide how much to contribute to the group exchange? ''',

    q_part3_A1strat = models.CharField(
        "In Part 3, if you were a Role A player, how did you decide between A1 and A2?",
        ''' In Part 3, if you were a Role A player, how did you decide between A1 and A2? ''',

    q_part3_F1strat = models.CharField(
        "In Part 3, if you were a Role F player, how did you decide between F1 and F2?",
        ''' In Part 3, if you were a Role F player, how did you decide between F1 and F2? ''',

    q_part3_A3strat = models.CharField(
        "In Part 3, if you were a Role A player, how did you decide between A3 and A4?",
        ''' In Part 3, if you were a Role A player, how did you decide between A3 and A4? ''',

    q_part3_dynamic = models.CharField(
        "In Part 3, how did your strategy change over the many rounds you played?",
        doc=''' In Part 3, how did your strategy change over rounds? ''',
Ejemplo n.º 24
class Player(BasePlayer):

    vcm_round = models.PositiveIntegerField(doc='The vcm round number.')

    individual_exchange = models.FloatField(
        verbose_name='Individual exchange:',
        doc="Individual exchange contribution in this round")

    group_exchange = models.FloatField(
        verbose_name='Group exchange:',
        doc="Group exchange contribution in this round")

    group_exchange_percent = models.FloatField(
        blank=True,  #not required
        "in this round, this subject's percent contribution to group exchange relative to total amount availale to user",
            'step': '1',
            'value': '5'

    total_op_individual_exchange = models.FloatField(
        doc='total individual_exchange contributions of opposing players')

    total_op_group_exchange = models.FloatField(
        doc='total group_exchange contributions of opposing players')
    round_points = models.FloatField(
        doc='Points earned this round from the VCM')

    player_role = models.CharField(doc="player type, A or F")

    player_role_list = models.CharField(
        "list of all player roles after assignment. index 0 -> P1, index 1 -> P2"

    paid_round = models.PositiveIntegerField(doc='vmc period that is paid on')

    final_score = models.FloatField(
        doc="this palyer's final score in this round")

    final_ge = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        "this player's final group exchange contribution in the randomly chosen round"

    def set_payoffs(self):
        """calc player payoffs"""
        self.total_op_individual_exchange = sum(
            [p.individual_exchange for p in self.get_others_in_group()])
        self.total_op_group_exchange = sum(
            [p.group_exchange for p in self.get_others_in_group()])

        self.round_points = self.individual_exchange - (
            1 / 2) * self.total_op_individual_exchange + (
                1 / 2) * self.group_exchange + Constants.automatic_earnings

    def set_roles(self, overall_ge_percent_list):
        """set player roles"""

        own_id_index = self.id_in_group - 1

        # rank 1 and 2 are smallest ge%
        # rank 3 and 4 are biggest ge contributers (check out scipy.stats `rankdata` for details)
        if (np.where(
                rankdata(np.array(overall_ge_percent_list), method='ordinal')
                == 4)[0] == own_id_index):
            self.player_role = self.participant.vars['Role'] = "A"
        elif (np.where(
                rankdata(np.array(overall_ge_percent_list), method='ordinal')
                == 3)[0] == own_id_index):
            self.player_role = self.participant.vars['Role'] = "A"
            self.player_role = self.participant.vars['Role'] = "F"

        # set player_role_list, a log of each player's role
        player_role_list = []
        for id_ in range(0, len(overall_ge_percent_list)):
            if (np.where(
                             method='ordinal') == 4)[0] == id_):
            elif (np.where(
                             method='ordinal') == 3)[0] == id_):

        self.player_role_list = self.participant.vars[
            'player_role_list'] = player_role_list  #just for debugging, might delete  self.participant.vars['player_role_list'] later.

        #this is the key var passed to stage game.
            'player_role_list'] = player_role_list  #used to get roles in stage game.
            'overall_ge_percent_list'] = overall_ge_percent_list
        self.participant.vars['overall_ge_percent'] = overall_ge_percent_list[
Ejemplo n.º 25
class Player(BasePlayer):

    # save Constants as an extra column for each observation

    time_per_round = models.PositiveIntegerField(
    )  # Total Time in seconds available for both solving and staying in switch

    tokensper_string = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    tokensper_string_high = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    eurosper_token = models.FloatField()
    secondsper_token = models.PositiveIntegerField()

    increase_per_string = models.PositiveIntegerField()

    # give each player a letter for recognition (Important for Feedback and grouping later on)
    def role(self):
        return string.ascii_uppercase[self.id_in_group - 1]

    # Control Instructions Variables
    solution_1 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    solution_2 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)

    solution_3 = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    solution_4 = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    solution_5 = models.PositiveIntegerField()

    # Control Instructions High
    solution_6 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    solution_7 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)

    solution_8 = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    solution_9 = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    solution_10 = models.PositiveIntegerField()

    # Number of Tasks Solved
    output_trial = models.FloatField(default=0)
    production_strings = models.FloatField(default=0)

    # available income after solving RET
    income_strings_gross = models.FloatField(default=0)
    net_income = models.FloatField(default=0)
    earnings = models.FloatField(default=0)

    # Variable is 1 when entering switch
    switch1 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)

    switch_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)

    time_in_switch = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)

    additional_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)

    income_in_switch = models.FloatField(default=0)

    total_production = models.FloatField(default=0)

    # Time Needed to Solve Task i in Round j with tjxi

    t001 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t002 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t003 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t004 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t005 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)

    # correct to allow a variable number of tasks
    # for now, created with:
    # for i in range(10, 46):
    # print('t1{} = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)'.format(i))

    # def set_time_fields(self):
    #     for i in range(31):
    #         self.participant.vars['t1{}'.format(i)] = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    #     print(self.participant.vars)

    t101 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t102 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t103 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t104 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t105 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t106 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t107 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t108 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t109 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t110 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t111 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t112 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t113 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t114 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t115 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t116 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t117 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t118 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t119 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t120 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t121 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t122 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t123 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t124 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t125 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t126 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t127 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t128 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t129 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t130 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t131 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t132 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t133 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t134 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t135 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t136 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t137 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t138 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t139 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t140 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t141 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t142 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t143 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t144 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t145 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)

    def set_switch1(self):
        # Time at which switch was entered
        self.switch_time = self.switch1 * (
            self.additional_time + self.t101 + self.t102 + self.t103 +
            self.t104 + self.t105 + self.t106 + self.t107 + self.t108 +
            self.t109 + self.t110 + self.t111 + self.t112 + self.t113 +
            self.t114 + self.t115 + self.t116 + self.t117 + self.t118 +
            self.t119 + self.t120 + self.t121 + self.t122 + self.t123 +
            self.t124 + self.t125 + self.t126 + self.t127 + self.t128 +
            self.t129 + self.t130 + self.t131 + self.t132 + self.t133 +
            self.t134 + self.t135 + self.t136 + self.t137 + self.t138 +
            self.t139 + self.t140 + self.t141 + self.t142 + self.t143 +
            self.t144 + self.t145)

        # This variable determines the total time spent in switch
        self.time_in_switch = self.switch1 * (Constants.t - self.switch_time)

        # This variable determines the tokens per string received
        self.income_in_switch = self.time_in_switch / Constants.secondsper_token

        # This is the sum of strings + production in switch
        self.total_production = self.production_strings + self.income_in_switch
Ejemplo n.º 26
class Player(BasePlayer):

    quiz_01 = models.PositiveIntegerField(verbose_name='Your earnings:',
                                          doc='quiz answer')

    quiz_02 = models.PositiveIntegerField(verbose_name='Your earnings:',
                                          doc='quiz answer')

    quiz_03 = models.PositiveIntegerField(verbose_name='Your earnings:',
                                          doc='quiz answer')

    ret_score = models.IntegerField(
        "player's real effort task score - correct number of RETs mapped to a number."

    vcm_score = models.IntegerField(doc="score player received in vcm round.")

    vcm_ge_percent = models.IntegerField(
        doc="player's average group exchange contribution in vcm rounds")

    role = models.CharField(doc="player role, A or F")

    def set_payoff(self, A_GE, A_Endow, F_GE, F_Endow):
        """calc player payoffs"""

        for p in self.group.get_players():
            if p.participant.vars['Role'] == 'F':
                total_op_individual_exchange = A_Endow - A_GE
                total_op_group_exchange = A_GE

                p.round_payoff = (F_Endow - F_GE) - (
                    1 / 2 * total_op_individual_exchange) + (
                        1 / 2 * F_GE) + Constants.automatic_earnings

            elif p.participant.vars['Role'] == 'A':
                total_op_individual_exchange = F_Endow - F_GE
                total_op_group_exchange = F_GE

                p.round_payoff = (A_Endow - A_GE) - (
                    1 / 2 * total_op_individual_exchange) + (
                        1 / 2 * A_GE) + Constants.automatic_earnings

    round_payoff = models.FloatField(doc="this player's earnings this round")

    A_stage1 = models.CharField(
        choices=['A1', 'A2'],
        verbose_name='Make your decision',
        doc='Player A decision between A1 and A2, Stage 1',

    F_stage2 = models.CharField(
        choices=['F1', 'F2'],
        verbose_name='Make your decision',
        doc='Player F decision between F1 and F2, Stage 2',

    A_stage3 = models.CharField(
        choices=['A3', 'A4'],
        verbose_name='Make your decision',
        doc='Player A decision between A3 and A4, Stage 3',

    Nature = models.CharField(
        doc="""'Should nature move, this is nature's move""",

    terminal_choice = models.CharField(
        doc="""'the terminal node reached by A and F""",

    def set_terminal_node(self):
        """explicitly define terminal node reached by A and F in this group"""
        A_tn = None
        F_tn = None
        N_tn = None  #nature
        for p in self.group.get_players():
            if p.participant.vars['Role'] == 'A':
                if p.A_stage1 == "A1": A_tn = "A1"
                elif p.A_stage3 == "A3": A_tn = "A3"
                elif p.A_stage3 == "A4": A_tn = "A4"
            elif p.participant.vars['Role'] == 'F':
                if p.F_stage2 == 'F1': F_tn = 'F1'
                elif p.F_stage2 == 'F2': F_tn = 'F2'

            if p.Nature == 'N1': N_tn = 'N1'
            elif p.Nature == 'N2': N_tn = 'N2'

        TN = None
        if A_tn == "A1": TN = A_tn
        elif F_tn == 'F1': TN = F_tn
        elif A_tn == "A3": TN = A_tn
        else: TN = N_tn

        for p in self.group.get_players():
            p.terminal_choice = TN
Ejemplo n.º 27
class Group(BaseGroup):
    toilet = models.FloatField(min=0,

    def resources_reduction(self, player):

        return Constants.max_resources_reduction * (
            Constants.max_health_condition - player.health
        ) / (Constants.max_health_condition - Constants.min_health_condition)

    def init_group(self):
        if self.round_number == 1:
            self.toilet = Constants.start_value_toilet
            prev_round = self.in_round(self.round_number - 1)
            self.toilet = prev_round.toilet

        for player in self.get_players():
            if self.round_number == 1:
                player.health = Constants.start_value_health
                player.resources = Constants.start_value_resources
                player_prev_round = player.in_round(self.round_number - 1)

                player.resources = (
                    player_prev_round.resources +
                    Constants.resources_incrementation -

                player.health = player_prev_round.health + 1

                if player.health > Constants.max_health_condition:
                    player.health = Constants.max_health_condition

    def current_toilet_usage_health_lose(self):

        return Constants.max_health_effect * (
            Constants.max_toilet_condition - self.toilet
        ) / (Constants.max_toilet_condition - Constants.min_toilet_condition)

    def missing_resources(self, player, contribution):
        if player.resources < contribution:
            missing_resources = contribution - player.resources

            return missing_resources

            return 0

    def overflow_resources(self, player, contribution):
        if player.resources > contribution:
            overflow_resources = player.resources - contribution
            player.resources_overflow = overflow_resources

            return overflow_resources

            return 0

    def contribution_to_big_clean(self, player, contribution,
        if player.resources <= contribution:
            contribution_to_big_clean = player.resources
            player.resources = 0

            return contribution_to_big_clean

            contribution_to_big_clean = contribution
            if total_resources_missing > 0:
                contribution_to_big_clean += total_resources_missing * player.resources_overflow / total_resources_overflow

            if contribution_to_big_clean < Constants.big_clean_min_contribution:
                contribution_to_big_clean = Constants.big_clean_min_contribution

            player.resources -= contribution_to_big_clean

            return contribution_to_big_clean

    def set_payoff(self):
        players = self.get_players()
        toilet_dirt, part_of_big_clean = 0., []
        dont_use_the_toilet = sum(1 for player in players
                                  if not player.use_toilet)
        toilet_usage_health_lose = self.current_toilet_usage_health_lose()

        for player in players:
            if not player.health:
                continue  # if player is dead don't play

            player.health -= dont_use_the_toilet

            if player.use_toilet:
                player.health -= toilet_usage_health_lose
                if player.small_cleaning and player.resources:
                    toilet_dirt += 0.5
                    player.resources -= 1
                    toilet_dirt += 1

            if player.health < 0:
                player.health = 0
            if player.health > Constants.max_health_condition:
                player.health = Constants.max_health_condition

            if player.big_clean:

        # set the new status of toilet
        self.toilet -= toilet_dirt
        if self.toilet < 0:
            self.toilet = 0

        # big clean
        if part_of_big_clean:
            contribution, resources = int(Constants.big_clean_cost /
                                          len(part_of_big_clean)), 0.
            total_resources_missing = 0.
            total_resources_overflow = 0.

            for player in part_of_big_clean:
                total_resources_missing += self.missing_resources(
                    player, contribution)
                total_resources_overflow += self.overflow_resources(
                    player, contribution)
                toilet_dirt -= 0.5

            for player in part_of_big_clean:
                resources += self.contribution_to_big_clean(
                    player, contribution, total_resources_missing,

            if resources >= Constants.big_clean_cost:
                self.toilet = Constants.max_toilet_condition

        # in the last round set the resources as payoff
        if self.round_number == Constants.num_rounds:
            for player in players:
                player.payoff = player.resources
Ejemplo n.º 28
class Player(BasePlayer):

    player_role = models.CharField(doc="player role, A or F")

    quiz_01 = models.PositiveIntegerField(verbose_name='Your earnings:',
                                          doc='quiz answer')

    quiz_02 = models.PositiveIntegerField(verbose_name='Your earnings:',
                                          doc='quiz answer')

    ret_score = models.IntegerField(
        "player's real effort task score - correct number of RETs mapped to a number."

    vcm_score = models.FloatField(doc="score player received in vcm round.")

    vcm_ge_percent = models.FloatField(
        doc="player's average group exchange contribution in vcm rounds")

    op_ret_scores = models.CharField(
        doc='this subjects opposing player ret scores from task 1.')

    op_ge_overallavg = models.CharField(
        'this subjects opposing player overall average group contribution from vcm.'

    round_base_points = models.FloatField(
        ''' player's base score. if no adjustments are made to own or counterpart GE contributions, player will earn this '''

    def set_payoff(self, A_GE, A_Endow, F_GE, F_Endow):
        """calc player payoffs"""
        ''' called inside group functions, eg A1A2_update '''

        op_GE = self.participant.vars['group_exchange_other2p']
        op_IE = self.participant.vars['individual_exchange_other2p']

        for p in self.group.get_players():
            if p.participant.vars['Role'] == 'F':

                total_op_individual_exchange = (A_Endow - A_GE) + sum(op_IE)
                total_op_group_exchange = A_GE + sum(op_GE)

                p.round_payoff = (F_Endow - F_GE) - (
                    1 / 2 * total_op_individual_exchange) + (
                        1 / 2 * F_GE) + Constants.automatic_earnings

                #for debugging and results screen
                p.postStage_self_individual_exchange = F_Endow - F_GE
                p.postStage_self_ge = F_GE
                p.postStage_op_individual_exchange = str([(A_Endow - A_GE)] +
                p.postStage_op_group_exchange = str([A_GE] + op_GE)
                p.postStage_round_points = p.round_payoff

            elif p.participant.vars['Role'] == 'A':
                total_op_individual_exchange = (F_Endow - F_GE) + sum(op_IE)
                total_op_group_exchange = F_GE + sum(op_GE)

                p.round_payoff = (A_Endow - A_GE) - (
                    1 / 2 * total_op_individual_exchange) + (
                        1 / 2 * A_GE) + Constants.automatic_earnings

                #for debugging and results screen
                p.postStage_self_individual_exchange = A_Endow - A_GE
                p.postStage_self_ge = A_GE
                p.postStage_op_individual_exchange = str([(F_Endow - F_GE)] +
                p.postStage_op_group_exchange = str([F_GE] + op_GE)
                p.postStage_round_points = p.round_payoff

    round_payoff = models.FloatField(doc="this player's earnings this round")

    A_stage1 = models.CharField(
        choices=['A1', 'A2'],
        verbose_name='Make your decision',
        doc='Player A decision between A1 and A2, Stage 1',

    F_stage2 = models.CharField(
        choices=['F1', 'F2'],
        verbose_name='Make your decision',
        doc='Player F decision between F1 and F2, Stage 2',

    A_stage3 = models.CharField(
        choices=['A3', 'A4'],
        verbose_name='Make your decision',
        doc='Player A decision between A3 and A4, Stage 3',

    Nature = models.CharField(
        doc="""'Should nature move, this is nature's move""",

    terminal_choice = models.CharField(
        doc="""'the terminal node reached by A and F""",

    def set_terminal_node(self):
        """explicitly define terminal node reached by A and F in this group"""
        A_tn = None
        F_tn = None
        N_tn = None  #nature
        for p in self.group.get_players():
            p.player_role = p.participant.vars['Role']
            if p.participant.vars['Role'] == 'A':
                if p.A_stage1 == "A1": A_tn = "A1"
                elif p.A_stage3 == "A3": A_tn = "A3"
                elif p.A_stage3 == "A4": A_tn = "A4"
            elif p.participant.vars['Role'] == 'F':
                if p.F_stage2 == 'F1': F_tn = 'F1'
                elif p.F_stage2 == 'F2': F_tn = 'F2'

            if p.Nature == 'N1': N_tn = 'N1'
            elif p.Nature == 'N2': N_tn = 'N2'

        TN = None
        if A_tn == "A1": TN = A_tn
        elif F_tn == 'F1': TN = F_tn
        elif A_tn == "A3": TN = A_tn
        else: TN = N_tn

        for p in self.group.get_players():
            p.terminal_choice = TN

    postStage_self_individual_exchange = models.FloatField(
        doc='''"player's individual exchange contribution after stage game"''')

    postStage_self_ge = models.FloatField(
        doc='''"player's group exchange contribution after stage game"''')

    postStage_op_individual_exchange = models.CharField(
        '''"player's three other countryparty player's individual after stage game"'''

    postStage_op_group_exchange = models.CharField(
        '''"player's three other countryparty player's group exchange after stage game"'''

    postStage_round_points = models.FloatField(
        doc='''"player's final score from stage game"''')
Ejemplo n.º 29
class Group(BaseGroup):

    total_investments = models.FloatField(
        initial=0)  # define group variable to calculate probabilities

    # determine total investments

    def set_total_investments(self):
        total_investments = sum(p.investment_amount
                                for p in self.get_players())
        # retrieves a list of all individual incomes
        # and sums them up
        self.total_investments = total_investments

    #  calculate probabilities
    def set_probabilities(self):
        # probabilities do not add to 1 if all investments are equal (because of floats)
        # this means if all investments or offers are equal
        if len(set(p.investment_amount for p in self.get_players())) == 1:
            for p in self.get_players():
                p.prob = 1 / Constants.players_per_group
            for p in self.get_players():
                p.prob = p.investment_amount / self.total_investments
        for p in self.get_players():
            p.prob_percent = p.prob * 100

    # determine winner
    def set_winner(self):
        prob = [
            p.prob for p in self.get_players()  # creates list of probabilities
        prob2 = []  # creates empty list to be normalized in next step
        for i in prob:
                i / sum(prob)
            )  # this normalizes the variable and makes sure that probabilities sum up to 1
        winner = np.random.choice(self.get_players(), p=prob2)
        winner.is_winner = True
        for p in self.get_players():
            p.participant.vars['is_winner'] = p.is_winner

    # determine income:
    def set_incomes(
    ):  # income is defined in Tokens. What a player obtains at the end in currency are payoffs
        if Constants.treatment:  # if taxation and redistribution are implemented. Only work income is taxed.
            for p in self.get_players():
                if self.round_number > 1:
                    if p.in_round(self.round_number - 1).is_winner:
                        p.income_strings_gross = p.production_strings * Constants.tokensper_string_high
                        p.income_strings_after_tax = p.income_strings_gross * (
                            1 - Constants.tax_rate)
                        p.income_strings_gross = p.production_strings * Constants.tokensper_string
                        p.income_strings_after_tax = p.income_strings_gross * (
                            1 - Constants.tax_rate)

                else:  # in the first round all start equally
                    p.income_strings_gross = p.production_strings * Constants.tokensper_string
                    p.income_strings_after_tax = p.income_strings_gross * (
                        1 - Constants.tax_rate)

        else:  # if taxation and redistribution are NOT implemented
            for p in self.get_players():
                if self.round_number > 1:
                    if p.in_round(self.round_number - 1).is_winner:
                        p.income_strings_gross = p.production_strings * Constants.tokensper_string_high
                        p.income_strings_after_tax = p.income_strings_gross
                        p.income_strings_gross = p.production_strings * Constants.tokensper_string
                        p.income_strings_after_tax = p.income_strings_gross
                else:  # in the first round all start equally
                    p.income_strings_gross = p.production_strings * Constants.tokensper_string
                    p.income_strings_after_tax = p.income_strings_gross

    # determine redistribution

    total_fiscal = models.FloatField(initial=0)
    transfer = models.FloatField(
        initial=0)  # the amount per round that each participant receives

    def set_fiscal(self):
        if Constants.treatment:  # if taxation and redistribution are implemented
            # define sum to be redistributed:
            for p in self.get_players():
                p.taxation = p.income_strings_gross * Constants.tax_rate
            total_fiscal = sum(p.taxation for p in self.get_players())

            self.total_fiscal = total_fiscal

            # Redistribute total Budget equally among participants
            for p in self.get_players():
                self.transfer = self.total_fiscal / Constants.players_per_group
                p.available_income = self.transfer + p.income_strings_after_tax
                p.net_income = p.income_strings_after_tax + p.income_in_switch + self.transfer

        else:  # if taxation and redistribution are NOT implemented
            for p in self.get_players():
                p.available_income = p.income_strings_gross
                p.net_income = p.income_strings_gross + p.income_in_switch

    # determine payoffs:
    def set_payoffs(self):
        for p in self.get_players():
            p.earnings = p.net_income - p.investment_amount
            p.payoff = p.earnings * Constants.eurosper_token
Ejemplo n.º 30
class Player(BasePlayer):

    # create a column for each constant
    num_rounds = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    treatment = models.BooleanField()
    tax_rate = models.FloatField()

    # give each player a letter for identification (Important for Feedback)
    def role(self):
        return string.ascii_uppercase[self.id_in_group - 1]

    # Beliefs Variables

    investment_belief_0 = models.FloatField()
    investment_belief_1 = models.FloatField()

    production_belief_0 = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    production_belief_1 = models.PositiveIntegerField()

    # Contest Variables
    is_winner = models.BooleanField(
        """Indicates whether the player is the winner of the Tullock Contest"""

    prob = models.FloatField(
        doc="Probabilities of getting the Prize in the next round. Tullock")

    prob_percent = models.FloatField(
        "Probabilities in percent of getting the prize in next round. Tullock")
    investment_amount = models.FloatField(default=0,
                                          doc="Amount bidden by the player")

    # Real Effort Task variables
    # Number of Tasks Solved
    production_strings = models.FloatField(default=0)
    income_in_switch = models.FloatField(default=0)
    total_production = models.FloatField(
    )  # the sum in tokens of earnings from string solving (gross) and switch

    # available income after solving RET
    income_strings_gross = models.FloatField(default=0)
    income_strings_after_tax = models.FloatField(default=0)
    income_after_redistribution = models.FloatField(default=0)
    net_income = models.FloatField(default=0)
    available_income = models.FloatField(
        default=0)  # what players are allowed to invest
    earnings = models.FloatField(
        default=0)  # what players keep after redistribution *and* investment
    taxation = models.FloatField(
        default=0)  # amount taxed for given participant

    # Variable is 1 when entering switch
    switch1 = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        default=0)  # word "switch" cannot be used as a variable in javascript

    switch_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)

    time_in_switch = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)

    additional_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)

    # correct to allow a variable number of tasks
    # for now, created with:
    # for i in range(10, 46):
    # print('t1{} = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)'.format(i))

    # def set_time_fields(self):
    #     for i in range(31):
    #         self.participant.vars['t1{}'.format(i)] = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    #     print(self.participant.vars)

    # Time Needed to Solve Task i in Round j with tjxi
    t101 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t102 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t103 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t104 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t105 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t106 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t107 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t108 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t109 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t110 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t111 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t112 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t113 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t114 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t115 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t116 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t117 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t118 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t119 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t120 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t121 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t122 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t123 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t124 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t125 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t126 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t127 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t128 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t129 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t130 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t131 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t132 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t133 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t134 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t135 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t136 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t137 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t138 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t139 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t140 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t141 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t142 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t143 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t144 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    t145 = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)

    def set_switch(self):
        # Time at which switch was entered
        self.switch_time = self.switch1 * (
            self.additional_time + self.t101 + self.t102 + self.t103 +
            self.t104 + self.t105 + self.t106 + self.t107 + self.t108 +
            self.t109 + self.t110 + self.t111 + self.t112 + self.t113 +
            self.t114 + self.t115 + self.t116 + self.t117 + self.t118 +
            self.t119 + self.t120 + self.t121 + self.t122 + self.t123 +
            self.t124 + self.t125 + self.t126 + self.t127 + self.t128 +
            self.t129 + self.t130 + self.t131 + self.t132 + self.t133 +
            self.t134 + self.t135 + self.t136 + self.t137 + self.t138 +
            self.t139 + self.t140 + self.t141 + self.t142 + self.t143 +
            self.t144 + self.t145)

        # This variable determines the total time spent in switch
        self.time_in_switch = self.switch1 * (Constants.t - self.switch_time)

        # This variable determines the tokens per string received
        self.income_in_switch = self.time_in_switch / Constants.secondsper_token

        # This is the sum of strings + production in switch
        self.total_production = self.production_strings + self.income_in_switch