Ejemplo n.º 1
def upload_file():
	if request.method == 'POST':
		# check if the post request has the file part
		if 'file' not in request.files:
			return "Incomplete Request"
		file = request.files['file']
		file.filename = request.form['name'].replace(".", "") + '.py'
		# if user does not select file, browser also
		# submit an empty part without filename
		if file.filename == '':
			return 'No selected file'
		scores = 1
		if file and allowed_file(file.filename):
			filename = secure_filename(file.filename)
			file.save(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER[:2], filename))
				nen = {i:globals()[i] for i in globals()}
				exec('from ' + filename[:-3] + ' import *', globals())
				print("executing...", "[", request.form['name'], "]")
				nan = {i:globals()[i] for i in globals()}
				non = set(nan) - set(nen)
				for i in non:
					print(["importing..."], i, globals()[i])
				score = {}
				tests = os.listdir(UPLOAD_FOLDER)
				for i in tests:
					if allowed_file(i):
						score[i] = str(otter.Notebook(UPLOAD_FOLDER[2:]).check(i.split('.')[0]))
				files = []
				for i in score:
					if 'All tests passed!' in score[i]:
				scores = 0
				for i in files:
					with open(UPLOAD_FOLDER + '/' + i) as f:
						a = f.read()
						if '"points":' in a:
							b = a.split('\n')[2]
							c = b.split(":")[1]
							d = c.replace(",", "")
							scores += int(d)

				exec('import ' + filename[:-3] + ' as ma', globals())
				for name, data in inspect.getmembers(ma):
					if name.startswith('_'):
					if name in globals():
						print(["2"], name, ['deleting...'])
						del globals()[name]
				if ma in globals(): del globals()[ma]
				for i in globals():
					if str(i) in non and str(i) not in nen:
						print(["2"], i, ["deleting..."])
						del globals()[i]
				with open(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER[:2], filename), "r") as f:
					s = f.read()
					if "import" in s:
						return jsonify({"name":request.form['name'], "score":-15})
				os.remove(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER[:2], filename))
				if scores == 0: scores = 1
				return jsonify({"name":request.form['name'], "score":scores})
			except Exception as e:
				exec('import ' + filename[:-3] + ' as ma', globals())
				for name, data in inspect.getmembers(ma):
					if name.startswith('_'):
					if name in globals():
						print(name, ['deleting...'])
						del globals()[name]
				if ma in globals(): del globals()[ma]
				for i in globals():
					if str(i) in non and str(i) not in nen:
						print(["2"], i, ["deleting..."])
						del globals()[i]
				with open(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER[:2], filename), "r") as f:
					s = f.read()
					if "import" in s:
						return jsonify({"name":request.form['name'], "score":-15})
				os.remove(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER[:2], filename))
				scores = 1
				return jsonify({"name":request.form['name'], "score":scores})
				return "Oops! an error occured."
	return '''
Ejemplo n.º 2
 On the Cluster data, perform a 50/50 train test split with `random state` equal to 99. Predict `y` with all variables using regression analysis. 
3a.  Calculate the r2 for train and assign to `cluster1_r2_train`. 

3b. calculate the r2 for test and assign to `cluster1_r2_test`. 

### KMeans Cluster Analysis

Next perform a cluster analysis using ONLY variables that start with `cad0`-`cad9` and specify 6 clusters.  Set random_state to `99` for KMEANS algorithm. Add the variable `df_cluster['cluster']` to the origional dataframe to indicate the cluster membership. 

### 4. Clusters Continued

Then select only rows from df_clusterwhich you have assigned to cluster 1.  For only cluster 1 predict `y` with all variables using regression analysis. 

4a. Calculate the r2 for train and assign to `cluster2_r2_train`.

4b. calculate the r2 for test and assign to `cluster2_r2_test`. Like before set random_state to `99`.

#This runs all tests. 
import otter
grader = otter.Notebook()
Ejemplo n.º 3
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# In[1]:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline')
import otter
grader = otter.Notebook("../tests")

# **Question 1:** Write a function `square` that squares its argument.

# In[2]:

def square(x):
    return x**3

# In[3]:


# **Question 2:** Write a function `negate` that negates its argument.

# In[4]: