Ejemplo n.º 1
    def list(self, discover=False, ip=None, node_id=None):
        Lists all available ALBA Nodes
        :param discover: If True and IP provided, return list of single ALBA node, If True and no IP provided, return all ALBA nodes else return modeled ALBA nodes
        :param ip: IP of ALBA node to retrieve
        :param node_id: ID of the ALBA node
        if discover is False and (ip is not None or node_id is not None):
            raise RuntimeError('Discover is mutually exclusive with IP and nodeID')
        if (ip is None and node_id is not None) or (ip is not None and node_id is None):
            raise RuntimeError('Both IP and nodeID need to be specified')

        if discover is False:
            return AlbaNodeList.get_albanodes()

        if ip is not None:
            node = AlbaNode(volatile=True)
            node.ip = ip
            node.type = 'ASD'
            node.node_id = node_id
            node.port = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|port'.format(node_id))
            node.username = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|username'.format(node_id))
            node.password = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|password'.format(node_id))
            data = node.client.get_metadata()
            if data['_success'] is False and data['_error'] == 'Invalid credentials':
                raise RuntimeError('Invalid credentials')
            if data['node_id'] != node_id:
                raise RuntimeError('Unexpected node identifier. {0} vs {1}'.format(data['node_id'], node_id))
            node_list = DataList(AlbaNode, {})
            node_list._executed = True
            node_list._guids = [node.guid]
            node_list._objects = {node.guid: node}
            node_list._data = {node.guid: {'guid': node.guid, 'data': node._data}}
            return node_list

        nodes = {}
        model_node_ids = [node.node_id for node in AlbaNodeList.get_albanodes()]
        found_node_ids = []
        asd_node_ids = []
        if EtcdConfiguration.dir_exists('/ovs/alba/asdnodes'):
            asd_node_ids = EtcdConfiguration.list('/ovs/alba/asdnodes')

        for node_id in asd_node_ids:
            node = AlbaNode(volatile=True)
            node.type = 'ASD'
            node.node_id = node_id
            node.ip = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|ip'.format(node_id))
            node.port = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|port'.format(node_id))
            node.username = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|username'.format(node_id))
            node.password = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|password'.format(node_id))
            if node.node_id not in model_node_ids and node.node_id not in found_node_ids:
                nodes[node.guid] = node
        node_list = DataList(AlbaNode, {})
        node_list._executed = True
        node_list._guids = nodes.keys()
        node_list._objects = nodes
        node_list._data = dict([(node.guid, {'guid': node.guid, 'data': node._data}) for node in nodes.values()])
        return node_list
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def register(node_id):
     Adds a Node with a given node_id to the model
     :param node_id: ID of the ALBA node
     :type node_id: str
     :return: None
     node = AlbaNodeList.get_albanode_by_node_id(node_id)
     if node is None:
         main_config = Configuration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main'.format(node_id))
         node = AlbaNode()
         node.ip = main_config['ip']
         node.port = main_config['port']
         node.username = main_config['username']
         node.password = main_config['password']
         node.storagerouter = StorageRouterList.get_by_ip(main_config['ip'])
     data = node.client.get_metadata()
     if data['_success'] is False and data['_error'] == 'Invalid credentials':
         raise RuntimeError('Invalid credentials')
     if data['node_id'] != node_id:
         AlbaNodeController._logger.error('Unexpected node_id: {0} vs {1}'.format(data['node_id'], node_id))
         raise RuntimeError('Unexpected node identifier')
     node.node_id = node_id
     node.type = 'ASD'
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def model_alba_node(node_id, node_type, ip=None):
     # type: (str, str, Optional[str]) -> AlbaNode
     Models a non-existing AlbaNode
     :param node_id: ID of the node
     :type node_id: str
     :param node_type: Type of the node
     :type node_type: str
     :param ip: IP of the node
     :type ip: str
     :return: The modeled node
     :rtype: AlbaNode
     node = AlbaNode()
     node.type = node_type
     node.node_id = node_id
     config_path = AlbaNode.CONFIG_LOCATIONS[node_type].format(
         node_id)  # type str
     node.ip = ip or Configuration.get(os.path.join(config_path, 'main|ip'))
     node.port = Configuration.get(os.path.join(config_path, 'main|port'))
     node.username = Configuration.get(
         os.path.join(config_path, 'main|username'))
     node.password = Configuration.get(
         os.path.join(config_path, 'main|password'))
     node.storagerouter = StorageRouterList.get_by_ip(node.ip)
     return node
    def register(node_id):
        Adds a Node with a given node_id to the model
        :param node_id: ID of the ALBA node
        :type node_id: str

        :return: None
        node = AlbaNodeList.get_albanode_by_node_id(node_id)
        if node is None:
            main_config = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main'.format(node_id))
            node = AlbaNode()
            node.ip = main_config['ip']
            node.port = main_config['port']
            node.username = main_config['username']
            node.password = main_config['password']
            node.storagerouter = StorageRouterList.get_by_ip(main_config['ip'])
        data = node.client.get_metadata()
        if data['_success'] is False and data['_error'] == 'Invalid credentials':
            raise RuntimeError('Invalid credentials')
        if data['node_id'] != node_id:
            AlbaNodeController._logger.error('Unexpected node_id: {0} vs {1}'.format(data['node_id'], node_id))
            raise RuntimeError('Unexpected node identifier')
        node.node_id = node_id
        node.type = 'ASD'

        # increase maintenance agents count for all nodes by 1
        for backend in AlbaBackendList.get_albabackends():
            nr_of_agents_key = AlbaNodeController.NR_OF_AGENTS_ETCD_TEMPLATE.format(backend.guid)
            if EtcdConfiguration.exists(nr_of_agents_key):
                EtcdConfiguration.set(nr_of_agents_key, int(EtcdConfiguration.get(nr_of_agents_key) + 1))
                EtcdConfiguration.set(nr_of_agents_key, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def model_albanodes(**kwargs):
     Add all ALBA nodes known to the config platform to the model
     :param kwargs: Kwargs containing information regarding the node
     :type kwargs: dict
     :return: None
     :rtype: NoneType
     _ = kwargs
     if Configuration.dir_exists('/ovs/alba/asdnodes'):
         for node_id in Configuration.list('/ovs/alba/asdnodes'):
             node = AlbaNodeList.get_albanode_by_node_id(node_id)
             if node is None:
                 node = AlbaNode()
             main_config = Configuration.get(
             node.type = 'ASD'
             node.node_id = node_id
             node.ip = main_config['ip']
             node.port = main_config['port']
             node.username = main_config['username']
             node.password = main_config['password']
             node.storagerouter = StorageRouterList.get_by_ip(
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def model_albanodes(**kwargs):
     Add all ALBA nodes known to the config platform to the model
     :param kwargs: Kwargs containing information regarding the node
     :type kwargs: dict
     :return: None
     _ = kwargs
     if Configuration.dir_exists('/ovs/alba/asdnodes'):
         for node_id in Configuration.list('/ovs/alba/asdnodes'):
             node = AlbaNodeList.get_albanode_by_node_id(node_id)
             if node is None:
                 node = AlbaNode()
             main_config = Configuration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main'.format(node_id))
             node.type = 'ASD'
             node.node_id = node_id
             node.ip = main_config['ip']
             node.port = main_config['port']
             node.username = main_config['username']
             node.password = main_config['password']
             node.storagerouter = StorageRouterList.get_by_ip(main_config['ip'])
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def ovs_3769_validation_test():
        Create an albanode with an asd statistics part set to empty dictionary
        Assert code does not raise
        an = AlbaNode()
        an.password = '******'
        an.node_id = 'ovs3769an'
        an.port = 1234
        an.ip = ''
        an.username = '******'

        bet = GeneralBackend.get_backendtype_by_code('alba')

        be = Backend()
        be.backend_type = bet
        be.name = 'ovs3769be'

        abe = AlbaBackend()
        abe.backend = be

        ad = AlbaDisk()
        ad.name = 'ovs3769ad'
        ad.alba_node = an

        asd = AlbaASD()
        asd.alba_backend = abe
        asd.asd_id = 'ovs3769asd'
        asd.alba_disk = ad

        except KeyError, ex:
            logger.error('Regression OVS-3769 - asd statistics raises a KeyError: {0}'.format(str(ex)))
    def build_service_structure(structure, previous_structure=None):
        Builds a service structure
            structure = Helper.build_service_structure({
                'alba_backends': [1],
                'alba_nodes': [1]
        if previous_structure is None:
            previous_structure = {}
        backend_types = previous_structure.get('backend_types', {})
        service_types = previous_structure.get('service_types', {})
        alba_backends = previous_structure.get('alba_backends', {})
        alba_nodes = previous_structure.get('alba_nodes', {})
        alba_disks = previous_structure.get('alba_disks', {})
        alba_osds = previous_structure.get('alba_osds', {})

        if 1 not in backend_types:
            backend_type = BackendType()
            backend_type.code = 'alba'
            backend_type.name = 'ALBA'
            backend_types[1] = backend_type
        if 1 not in service_types:
            service_type = ServiceType()
            service_type.name = 'AlbaManager'
            service_types[1] = service_type
        for ab_id in structure.get('alba_backends', ()):
            if ab_id not in alba_backends:
                backend = Backend()
                backend.name = 'backend_{0}'.format(ab_id)
                backend.backend_type = backend_types[1]
                alba_backend = AlbaBackend()
                alba_backend.backend = backend
                alba_backend.scaling = AlbaBackend.SCALINGS.LOCAL
                alba_backends[ab_id] = alba_backend
                service = Service()
                service.name = 'backend_{0}_abm'.format(ab_id)
                service.type = service_types[1]
                service.ports = []
                abm_service = ABMService()
                abm_service.service = service
                abm_service.alba_backend = alba_backend
        for an_id in structure.get('alba_nodes', []):
            if an_id not in alba_nodes:
                alba_node = AlbaNode()
                alba_node.ip = '10.1.0.{0}'.format(an_id)
                alba_node.port = 8500
                alba_node.username = str(an_id)
                alba_node.password = str(an_id)
                alba_node.node_id = 'node_{0}'.format(an_id)
                alba_nodes[an_id] = alba_node
        for ad_id, an_id in structure.get('alba_disks', ()):
            if ad_id not in alba_disks:
                alba_disk = AlbaDisk()
                alba_disk.aliases = ['/dev/alba_disk_{0}'.format(ad_id)]
                alba_disk.alba_node = alba_nodes[an_id]
                alba_disks[ad_id] = alba_disk
        for ao_id, ad_id, ab_id in structure.get('alba_osds', ()):
            if ao_id not in alba_osds:
                osd = AlbaOSD()
                osd.osd_id = 'alba_osd_{0}'.format(ao_id)
                osd.osd_type = AlbaOSD.OSD_TYPES.ASD
                osd.alba_backend = alba_backends[ab_id]
                osd.alba_disk = alba_disks[ad_id]
                alba_osds[ao_id] = osd
        return {'backend_types': backend_types,
                'service_types': service_types,
                'alba_backends': alba_backends,
                'alba_nodes': alba_nodes,
                'alba_disks': alba_disks,
                'alba_osds': alba_osds}
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_asd_statistics(self):
        Validates whether the ASD statistics work as expected.
        * Add keys that were not passed in
        * Collapse certain keys
        * Calculate correct per-second, average, total, min and max values
        expected_0 = {'statistics': {'max': 0, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 0, 'avg': 0, 'n': 0},
                      'range': {'max': 0, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 0, 'avg': 0, 'n': 0},
                      'range_entries': {'max': 0, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 0, 'avg': 0, 'n': 0},
                      'multi_get': {'max': 10, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 1, 'avg': 13, 'n': 5},
                      'apply': {'max': 5, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 5, 'avg': 5, 'n': 1},
                      'timestamp': None}
        expected_1 = {'statistics': {'max': 0, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 0, 'avg': 0, 'n': 0},
                      'range': {'max': 0, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 0, 'avg': 0, 'n': 0},
                      'range_entries': {'max': 0, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 0, 'avg': 0, 'n': 0},
                      'multi_get': {'max': 10, 'n_ps': 1, 'min': 1, 'avg': 12.5, 'n': 10},
                      'apply': {'max': 5, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 5, 'avg': 5, 'n': 1},
                      'timestamp': None}
        base_time = time.time()
        backend_type = BackendType()
        backend_type.code = 'alba'
        backend_type.name = 'ALBA'
        backend = Backend()
        backend.name = 'foobar'
        backend.backend_type = backend_type
        alba_backend = AlbaBackend()
        alba_backend.backend = backend
        alba_node = AlbaNode()
        alba_node.ip = ''
        alba_node.port = 8500
        alba_node.username = '******'
        alba_node.password = '******'
        alba_node.node_id = 'foobar'
        alba_disk = AlbaDisk()
        alba_disk.name = 'foo'
        alba_disk.alba_node = alba_node
        asd = AlbaASD()
        asd.asd_id = 'foo'
        asd.alba_backend = alba_backend
        asd.alba_disk = alba_disk
        service_type = ServiceType()
        service_type.name = 'AlbaManager'
        service = Service()
        service.name = 'foobar'
        service.type = service_type
        service.ports = []
        abm_service = ABMService()
        abm_service.service = service
        abm_service.alba_backend = alba_backend

        asdmanager_client = ASDManagerClient('')
        asdmanager_client._results['get_disks'] = []
        AlbaCLI._run_results['asd-multistatistics'] = {'foo': {'success': True,
                                                               'result': {'Apply': {'n': 1, 'avg': 5, 'min': 5, 'max': 5},
                                                                          'MultiGet': {'n': 2, 'avg': 10, 'min': 5, 'max': 10},
                                                                          'MultiGet2': {'n': 3, 'avg': 15, 'min': 1, 'max': 5}}}}
        statistics = asd._statistics(AlbaASD._dynamics[0])
        expected_0['timestamp'] = base_time
        self.assertDictEqual(statistics, expected_0, 'The first statistics should be as expected: {0} vs {1}'.format(statistics, expected_0))
        asdmanager_client._results['get_disks'] = []
        AlbaCLI._run_results['asd-multistatistics'] = {'foo': {'success': True,
                                                               'result': {'Apply': {'n': 1, 'avg': 5, 'min': 5, 'max': 5},
                                                                          'MultiGet': {'n': 5, 'avg': 10, 'min': 5, 'max': 10},
                                                                          'MultiGet2': {'n': 5, 'avg': 15, 'min': 1, 'max': 5}}}}
        statistics = asd._statistics(AlbaASD._dynamics[0])
        expected_1['timestamp'] = base_time + 5
        self.assertDictEqual(statistics, expected_1, 'The second statistics should be as expected: {0} vs {1}'.format(statistics, expected_1))
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_asd_statistics(self):
     Validates whether the ASD statistics work as expected.
     * Add keys that were not passed in
     * Collapse certain keys
     * Calculate correct per-second, average, total, min and max values
     from ovs.extensions.plugins.albacli import AlbaCLI
     from ovs.extensions.plugins.asdmanager import ASDManagerClient
     from ovs.dal.hybrids.albaasd import AlbaASD
     from ovs.dal.hybrids.albanode import AlbaNode
     from ovs.dal.hybrids.albabackend import AlbaBackend
     from ovs.dal.hybrids.backend import Backend
     from ovs.dal.hybrids.backendtype import BackendType
     expected_0 = {'statistics': {'max': 0, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 0, 'avg': 0, 'n': 0},
                   'range': {'max': 0, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 0, 'avg': 0, 'n': 0},
                   'range_entries': {'max': 0, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 0, 'avg': 0, 'n': 0},
                   'multi_get': {'max': 10, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 1, 'avg': 13, 'n': 5},
                   'apply': {'max': 5, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 5, 'avg': 5, 'n': 1},
                   'timestamp': None}
     expected_1 = {'statistics': {'max': 0, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 0, 'avg': 0, 'n': 0},
                   'range': {'max': 0, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 0, 'avg': 0, 'n': 0},
                   'range_entries': {'max': 0, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 0, 'avg': 0, 'n': 0},
                   'multi_get': {'max': 10, 'n_ps': 1, 'min': 1, 'avg': 12.5, 'n': 10},
                   'apply': {'max': 5, 'n_ps': 0, 'min': 5, 'avg': 5, 'n': 1},
                   'timestamp': None}
     base_time = time.time()
     backend_type = BackendType()
     backend_type.code = 'alba'
     backend_type.name = 'ALBA'
     backend = Backend()
     backend.name = 'foobar'
     backend.backend_type = backend_type
     alba_backend = AlbaBackend()
     alba_backend.backend = backend
     alba_node = AlbaNode()
     alba_node.ip = ''
     alba_node.port = 8500
     alba_node.username = '******'
     alba_node.password = '******'
     alba_node.node_id = 'foobar'
     asd = AlbaASD()
     asd.asd_id = 'foo'
     asd.alba_backend = alba_backend
     asd.alba_node = alba_node
     ASDManagerClient.results['get_disks'] = []
     AlbaCLI.run_results['asd-multistatistics'] = {'foo': {'success': True,
                                                           'result': {'Apply': {'n': 1, 'avg': 5, 'min': 5, 'max': 5},
                                                                      'MultiGet': {'n': 2, 'avg': 10, 'min': 5, 'max': 10},
                                                                      'MultiGet2': {'n': 3, 'avg': 15, 'min': 1, 'max': 5}}}}
     statistics = asd._statistics(AlbaASD._dynamics[4])
     expected_0['timestamp'] = base_time
     self.assertDictEqual(statistics, expected_0, 'The first statistics should be as expected: {0} vs {1}'.format(statistics, expected_0))
     ASDManagerClient.results['get_disks'] = []
     AlbaCLI.run_results['asd-multistatistics'] = {'foo': {'success': True,
                                                           'result': {'Apply': {'n': 1, 'avg': 5, 'min': 5, 'max': 5},
                                                                      'MultiGet': {'n': 5, 'avg': 10, 'min': 5, 'max': 10},
                                                                      'MultiGet2': {'n': 5, 'avg': 15, 'min': 1, 'max': 5}}}}
     statistics = asd._statistics(AlbaASD._dynamics[4])
     expected_1['timestamp'] = base_time + 5
     self.assertDictEqual(statistics, expected_1, 'The second statistics should be as expected: {0} vs {1}'.format(statistics, expected_1))
    def build_dal_structure(structure, previous_structure=None):
        Builds a service structure
            structure = AlbaDalHelper.build_service_structure({
                'alba_backends': [1],
                'alba_nodes': [1]
        if previous_structure is None:
            previous_structure = {}
        alba_osds = previous_structure.get('alba_osds', {})
        alba_nodes = previous_structure.get('alba_nodes', {})
        backend_types = previous_structure.get('backend_types', {})
        service_types = previous_structure.get('service_types', {})
        alba_backends = previous_structure.get('alba_backends', {})
        alba_abm_clusters = previous_structure.get('alba_abm_clusters', {})
        alba_nsm_clusters = previous_structure.get('alba_nsm_clusters', {})

        if 1 not in backend_types:
            backend_type = BackendType()
            backend_type.code = 'alba'
            backend_type.name = 'ALBA'
            backend_types[1] = backend_type

        if 'AlbaManager' not in service_types:
            service_type = ServiceTypeList.get_by_name('AlbaManager')
            if service_type is None:
                service_type = ServiceType()
                service_type.name = 'AlbaManager'
            service_types['AlbaManager'] = service_type
        if 'NamespaceManager' not in service_types:
            service_type = ServiceTypeList.get_by_name('NamespaceManager')
            if service_type is None:
                service_type = ServiceType()
                service_type.name = 'NamespaceManager'
            service_types['NamespaceManager'] = service_type
        for ab_id, scaling in structure.get('alba_backends', ()):
            if ab_id not in alba_backends:
                backend = Backend()
                backend.name = 'backend_{0}'.format(ab_id)
                backend.backend_type = backend_types[1]
                alba_backend = AlbaBackend()
                alba_backend.backend = backend
                alba_backend.scaling = getattr(AlbaBackend.SCALINGS, scaling)
                alba_backend.alba_id = str(ab_id)
                alba_backends[ab_id] = alba_backend
        for ab_id in structure.get('alba_abm_clusters', ()):
            if ab_id not in alba_abm_clusters:
                if ab_id not in alba_backends:
                    raise ValueError('Non-existing ALBA Backend ID provided')
                alba_backend = alba_backends[ab_id]
                abm_cluster = ABMCluster()
                abm_cluster.name = '{0}-abm'.format(alba_backend.name)
                abm_cluster.alba_backend = alba_backend
                abm_cluster.config_location = '/ovs/arakoon/{0}-abm/config'.format(
                abm_service = Service()
                abm_service.name = 'arakoon-{0}-abm'.format(alba_backend.name)
                abm_service.type = service_types['AlbaManager']
                abm_service.ports = []
                abm_service.storagerouter = None
                abm_junction_service = ABMService()
                abm_junction_service.service = abm_service
                abm_junction_service.abm_cluster = abm_cluster
                alba_abm_clusters[ab_id] = abm_cluster
        for ab_id, amount in structure.get('alba_nsm_clusters', ()):
            if ab_id not in alba_nsm_clusters or amount != len(
                if ab_id not in alba_backends:
                    raise ValueError('Non-existing ALBA Backend ID provided')
                alba_backend = alba_backends[ab_id]
                alba_nsm_clusters[ab_id] = []
                nsm_clusters = dict(
                    (nsm_cluster.number, nsm_cluster)
                    for nsm_cluster in alba_backend.nsm_clusters)
                for number in range(amount):
                    if number in nsm_clusters:
                    nsm_cluster = NSMCluster()
                    nsm_cluster.name = '{0}-nsm_{1}'.format(
                        alba_backend.name, number)
                    nsm_cluster.number = number
                    nsm_cluster.alba_backend = alba_backend
                    nsm_cluster.config_location = '/ovs/arakoon/{0}-nsm_{1}/config'.format(
                        alba_backend.name, number)
                    nsm_service = Service()
                    nsm_service.name = 'arakoon-{0}-nsm_{1}'.format(
                        alba_backend.name, number)
                    nsm_service.type = service_types['NamespaceManager']
                    nsm_service.ports = []
                    nsm_service.storagerouter = None
                    nsm_junction_service = NSMService()
                    nsm_junction_service.service = nsm_service
                    nsm_junction_service.nsm_cluster = nsm_cluster
        for an_id in structure.get('alba_nodes', []):
            if an_id not in alba_nodes:
                alba_node = AlbaNode()
                alba_node.ip = '10.1.0.{0}'.format(an_id)
                alba_node.port = 8500
                alba_node.username = str(an_id)
                alba_node.password = str(an_id)
                alba_node.node_id = 'node_{0}'.format(an_id)
                alba_nodes[an_id] = alba_node
                if alba_node in ManagerClientMockup.test_results:
                        {'get_metadata': {
                            '_version': 3
                    ManagerClientMockup.test_results[alba_node] = {
                        'get_metadata': {
                            '_version': 3
        for ao_id, ab_id, an_id, slot_id in structure.get('alba_osds', ()):
            if ao_id not in alba_osds:
                osd = AlbaOSD()
                osd.osd_id = 'alba_osd_{0}'.format(ao_id)
                osd.osd_type = AlbaOSD.OSD_TYPES.ASD
                osd.alba_backend = alba_backends[ab_id]
                osd.alba_node = alba_nodes[an_id]
                osd.slot_id = 'alba_slot_{0}'.format(slot_id)
                osd.ips = ['127.0.0.{0}'.format(ao_id)]
                osd.port = 35000 + ao_id
                alba_osds[ao_id] = osd
        return {
            'alba_osds': alba_osds,
            'alba_nodes': alba_nodes,
            'backend_types': backend_types,
            'service_types': service_types,
            'alba_backends': alba_backends,
            'alba_abm_clusters': alba_abm_clusters,
            'alba_nsm_clusters': alba_nsm_clusters