Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _configure_arakoon_to_volumedriver():
     print 'Update existing vPools'
     logger.info('Update existing vPools')
     config = ArakoonClusterConfig('voldrv')
     arakoon_nodes = []
     for node in config.nodes:
             'host': node.ip,
             'port': node.client_port,
             'node_id': node.name
     if EtcdConfiguration.dir_exists('/ovs/vpools'):
         for vpool_guid in EtcdConfiguration.list('/ovs/vpools'):
             for storagedriver_id in EtcdConfiguration.list(
                 storagedriver_config = StorageDriverConfiguration(
                     'storagedriver', vpool_guid, storagedriver_id)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_unused_arakoon_metadata_and_claim(cluster_type, locked=True):
        Retrieve arakoon cluster information based on its type
        :param cluster_type: Type of arakoon cluster (See ServiceType.ARAKOON_CLUSTER_TYPES)
        :type cluster_type: str

        :param locked: Execute this in a locked context
        :type locked: bool

        :return: List of ArakoonClusterMetadata objects
        :rtype: ArakoonClusterMetadata
        cluster_type = cluster_type.upper()
        if cluster_type not in ServiceType.ARAKOON_CLUSTER_TYPES:
            raise ValueError('Unsupported arakoon cluster type provided. Please choose from {0}'.format(', '.join(ServiceType.ARAKOON_CLUSTER_TYPES)))
        if not EtcdConfiguration.dir_exists('/ovs/arakoon'):
            return None

        mutex = volatile_mutex('claim_arakoon_metadata', wait=10)
            if locked is True:

            for cluster_name in EtcdConfiguration.list('/ovs/arakoon'):
                metadata = ArakoonClusterMetadata(cluster_id=cluster_name)
                if metadata.cluster_type == cluster_type and metadata.in_use is False and metadata.internal is False:
                    return metadata
            if locked is True:
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_unused_arakoon_metadata_and_claim(cluster_type, locked=True):
        Retrieve arakoon cluster information based on its type
        :param cluster_type: Type of arakoon cluster (See ServiceType.ARAKOON_CLUSTER_TYPES)
        :type cluster_type: str

        :param locked: Execute this in a locked context
        :type locked: bool

        :return: List of ArakoonClusterMetadata objects
        :rtype: ArakoonClusterMetadata
        cluster_type = cluster_type.upper()
        if cluster_type not in ServiceType.ARAKOON_CLUSTER_TYPES:
            raise ValueError('Unsupported arakoon cluster type provided. Please choose from {0}'.format(', '.join(ServiceType.ARAKOON_CLUSTER_TYPES)))
        if not EtcdConfiguration.dir_exists('/ovs/arakoon'):
            return None

        mutex = volatile_mutex('claim_arakoon_metadata', wait=10)
            if locked is True:

            for cluster_name in EtcdConfiguration.list('/ovs/arakoon'):
                metadata = ArakoonClusterMetadata(cluster_id=cluster_name)
                if metadata.cluster_type == cluster_type and metadata.in_use is False and metadata.internal is False:
                    return metadata
            if locked is True:
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _get_free_ports(client):
     node_name = System.get_my_machine_id(client)
     clusters = []
     exclude_ports = []
     if EtcdConfiguration.dir_exists(ArakoonInstaller.ETCD_CONFIG_ROOT):
         for cluster_name in EtcdConfiguration.list(
                 config = ArakoonClusterConfig(cluster_name)
                 for node in config.nodes:
                     if node.name == node_name:
                     '  Could not load port information of cluster {0}'.
     ports = System.get_free_ports(
         exclude_ports, 2, client)
         '  Loaded free ports {0} based on existing clusters {1}'.format(
             ports, clusters))
     return ports
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def list(self, discover=False, ip=None, node_id=None):
        Lists all available ALBA Nodes
        :param discover: If True and IP provided, return list of single ALBA node, If True and no IP provided, return all ALBA nodes else return modeled ALBA nodes
        :param ip: IP of ALBA node to retrieve
        :param node_id: ID of the ALBA node
        if discover is False and (ip is not None or node_id is not None):
            raise RuntimeError('Discover is mutually exclusive with IP and nodeID')
        if (ip is None and node_id is not None) or (ip is not None and node_id is None):
            raise RuntimeError('Both IP and nodeID need to be specified')

        if discover is False:
            return AlbaNodeList.get_albanodes()

        if ip is not None:
            node = AlbaNode(volatile=True)
            node.ip = ip
            node.type = 'ASD'
            node.node_id = node_id
            node.port = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|port'.format(node_id))
            node.username = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|username'.format(node_id))
            node.password = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|password'.format(node_id))
            data = node.client.get_metadata()
            if data['_success'] is False and data['_error'] == 'Invalid credentials':
                raise RuntimeError('Invalid credentials')
            if data['node_id'] != node_id:
                raise RuntimeError('Unexpected node identifier. {0} vs {1}'.format(data['node_id'], node_id))
            node_list = DataList(AlbaNode, {})
            node_list._executed = True
            node_list._guids = [node.guid]
            node_list._objects = {node.guid: node}
            node_list._data = {node.guid: {'guid': node.guid, 'data': node._data}}
            return node_list

        nodes = {}
        model_node_ids = [node.node_id for node in AlbaNodeList.get_albanodes()]
        found_node_ids = []
        asd_node_ids = []
        if EtcdConfiguration.dir_exists('/ovs/alba/asdnodes'):
            asd_node_ids = EtcdConfiguration.list('/ovs/alba/asdnodes')

        for node_id in asd_node_ids:
            node = AlbaNode(volatile=True)
            node.type = 'ASD'
            node.node_id = node_id
            node.ip = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|ip'.format(node_id))
            node.port = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|port'.format(node_id))
            node.username = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|username'.format(node_id))
            node.password = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|password'.format(node_id))
            if node.node_id not in model_node_ids and node.node_id not in found_node_ids:
                nodes[node.guid] = node
        node_list = DataList(AlbaNode, {})
        node_list._executed = True
        node_list._guids = nodes.keys()
        node_list._objects = nodes
        node_list._data = dict([(node.guid, {'guid': node.guid, 'data': node._data}) for node in nodes.values()])
        return node_list
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def validate_alba_backend_removal(alba_backend_info):
        Validate whether the backend has been deleted properly
        alba_backend_info should be a dictionary containing:
            - guid
            - name
            - maintenance_service_names
        :param alba_backend_info: Information about the backend
        :return: None
                                       required_params={'name': (str, None),
                                                        'guid': (str, Toolbox.regex_guid),
                                                        'maintenance_service_names': (list, None)},

        alba_backend_guid = alba_backend_info['guid']
        alba_backend_name = alba_backend_info['name']
        backend = GeneralBackend.get_by_name(alba_backend_name)
        assert backend is None, 'Still found a backend in the model with name {0}'.format(alba_backend_name)

        # Validate services removed from model
        for service in GeneralService.get_services_by_name(ServiceType.SERVICE_TYPES.ALBA_MGR):
            assert service.name != '{0}-abm'.format(alba_backend_name), 'An AlbaManager service has been found with name {0}'.format(alba_backend_name)
        for service in GeneralService.get_services_by_name(ServiceType.SERVICE_TYPES.NS_MGR):
            assert service.name.startswith('{0}-nsm_'.format(alba_backend_name)) is False, 'An NamespaceManager service has been found with name {0}'.format(alba_backend_name)

        # Validate ALBA backend ETCD structure
        alba_backend_key = '/ovs/alba/backends'
        actual_etcd_keys = [key for key in EtcdConfiguration.list(alba_backend_key)]
        assert alba_backend_guid not in actual_etcd_keys, 'Etcd still contains an entry in {0} with guid {1}'.format(alba_backend_key, alba_backend_guid)

        # Validate Arakoon ETCD structure
        arakoon_keys = [key for key in EtcdConfiguration.list('/ovs/arakoon') if key.startswith(alba_backend_name)]
        assert len(arakoon_keys) == 0, 'Etcd still contains configurations for clusters: {0}'.format(', '.join(arakoon_keys))

        # Validate services
        for storagerouter in GeneralStorageRouter.get_storage_routers():
            root_client = SSHClient(endpoint=storagerouter,
            maintenance_services = alba_backend_info['maintenance_service_names']
            abm_arakoon_service_name = 'ovs-arakoon-{0}-abm'.format(alba_backend_name)
            nsm_arakoon_service_name = 'ovs-arakoon-{0}-nsm_0'.format(alba_backend_name)
            for service_name in [abm_arakoon_service_name, nsm_arakoon_service_name] + maintenance_services:
                assert GeneralService.has_service(name=service_name,
                                                  client=root_client) is False, 'Service {0} still deployed on Storage Router {1}'.format(service_name, storagerouter.name)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _configure_arakoon_to_volumedriver(cluster_name):
     print 'Update existing vPools'
     StorageDriverController._logger.info('Update existing vPools')
     config = ArakoonClusterConfig(cluster_name)
     arakoon_nodes = []
     for node in config.nodes:
         arakoon_nodes.append({'host': node.ip,
                               'port': node.client_port,
                               'node_id': node.name})
     if EtcdConfiguration.dir_exists('/ovs/vpools'):
         for vpool_guid in EtcdConfiguration.list('/ovs/vpools'):
             for storagedriver_id in EtcdConfiguration.list('/ovs/vpools/{0}/hosts'.format(vpool_guid)):
                 storagedriver_config = StorageDriverConfiguration('storagedriver', vpool_guid, storagedriver_id)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def get_arakoon_metadata_by_cluster_name(cluster_name):
        Retrieve arakoon cluster information based on its name
        :param cluster_name: Name of the arakoon cluster
        :type cluster_name: str

        :return: Arakoon cluster metadata information
        :rtype: ArakoonClusterMetadata
        if not EtcdConfiguration.exists('/ovs/arakoon', raw=True):
            raise ValueError('Etcd key "/ovs/arakoon" not found')

        for cluster in EtcdConfiguration.list('/ovs/arakoon'):
            if cluster == cluster_name:
                arakoon_metadata = ArakoonClusterMetadata(cluster_id=cluster_name)
                return arakoon_metadata
        raise ValueError('No arakoon cluster found with name "{0}"'.format(cluster_name))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def get_arakoon_metadata_by_cluster_name(cluster_name):
        Retrieve arakoon cluster information based on its name
        :param cluster_name: Name of the arakoon cluster
        :type cluster_name: str

        :return: Arakoon cluster metadata information
        :rtype: ArakoonClusterMetadata
        if not EtcdConfiguration.exists('/ovs/arakoon', raw=True):
            raise ValueError('Etcd key "/ovs/arakoon" not found')

        for cluster in EtcdConfiguration.list('/ovs/arakoon'):
            if cluster == cluster_name:
                arakoon_metadata = ArakoonClusterMetadata(cluster_id=cluster_name)
                return arakoon_metadata
        raise ValueError('No arakoon cluster found with name "{0}"'.format(cluster_name))
 def _get_free_ports(client):
     node_name = System.get_my_machine_id(client)
     clusters = []
     exclude_ports = []
     if EtcdConfiguration.dir_exists(ArakoonInstaller.ETCD_CONFIG_ROOT):
         for cluster_name in EtcdConfiguration.list(ArakoonInstaller.ETCD_CONFIG_ROOT):
                 config = ArakoonClusterConfig(cluster_name)
                 for node in config.nodes:
                     if node.name == node_name:
                 logger.error('  Could not load port information of cluster {0}'.format(cluster_name))
     ports = System.get_free_ports(EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/framework/hosts/{0}/ports|arakoon'.format(node_name)), exclude_ports, 2, client)
     logger.debug('  Loaded free ports {0} based on existing clusters {1}'.format(ports, clusters))
     return ports
    def model_local_albanode(**kwargs):
        Add all ALBA nodes known to etcd to the model
        :param kwargs: Kwargs containing information regarding the node
        :type kwargs: dict

        :return: None
        _ = kwargs
        if EtcdConfiguration.dir_exists('/ovs/alba/asdnodes'):
            for node_id in EtcdConfiguration.list('/ovs/alba/asdnodes'):
                node = AlbaNodeList.get_albanode_by_node_id(node_id)
                if node is None:
                    node = AlbaNode()
                main_config = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main'.format(node_id))
                node.type = 'ASD'
                node.node_id = node_id
                node.ip = main_config['ip']
                node.port = main_config['port']
                node.username = main_config['username']
                node.password = main_config['password']
                node.storagerouter = StorageRouterList.get_by_ip(main_config['ip'])
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def check_vpool_cleanup(vpool_info, storagerouters=None):
        Check if everything related to a vPool has been cleaned up on the storagerouters provided
        vpool_info should be a dictionary containing:
            - type
            - guid
            - files
            - directories
            - name (optional)
            - vpool (optional)
            If vpool is provided:
                - storagerouters need to be provided, because on these Storage Routers, we check whether the vPool has been cleaned up
            If name is provided:
                - If storagerouters is NOT provided, all Storage Routers will be checked for a correct vPool removal
                - If storagerouters is provided, only these Storage Routers will be checked for a correct vPool removal

        :param vpool_info: Information about the vPool
        :param storagerouters: Storage Routers to check if vPool has been cleaned up
        :return: None
        for required_param in ['type', 'guid', 'files', 'directories']:
            if required_param not in vpool_info:
                raise ValueError('Incorrect vpool_info provided')
        if 'vpool' in vpool_info and 'name' in vpool_info:
            raise ValueError('vpool and name are mutually exclusive')
        if 'vpool' not in vpool_info and 'name' not in vpool_info:
            raise ValueError('Either vpool or vpool_name needs to be provided')

        vpool = vpool_info.get('vpool')
        vpool_name = vpool_info.get('name')
        vpool_guid = vpool_info['guid']
        vpool_type = vpool_info['type']
        files = vpool_info['files']
        directories = vpool_info['directories']

        supported_backend_types = GeneralBackend.get_valid_backendtypes()
        if vpool_type not in supported_backend_types:
            raise ValueError('Unsupported Backend Type provided. Please choose from: {0}'.format(', '.join(supported_backend_types)))
        if storagerouters is None:
            storagerouters = GeneralStorageRouter.get_storage_routers()

        if vpool_name is not None:
            assert GeneralVPool.get_vpool_by_name(vpool_name=vpool_name) is None, 'A vPool with name {0} still exists'.format(vpool_name)

        # Prepare some fields to check
        vpool_name = vpool.name if vpool else vpool_name
        vpool_services = ['ovs-dtl_{0}'.format(vpool_name),
        if vpool_type == 'alba':

        # Check etcd
        if vpool is None:
            assert EtcdConfiguration.exists('/ovs/vpools/{0}'.format(vpool_guid), raw=True) is False, 'vPool config still found in etcd'
            remaining_sd_ids = set([storagedriver.storagedriver_id for storagedriver in vpool.storagedrivers])
            current_sd_ids = set([item for item in EtcdConfiguration.list('/ovs/vpools/{0}/hosts'.format(vpool_guid))])
            assert not remaining_sd_ids.difference(current_sd_ids), 'There are more storagedrivers modelled than present in etcd'
            assert not current_sd_ids.difference(remaining_sd_ids), 'There are more storagedrivers in etcd than present in model'

        # Perform checks on all storagerouters where vpool was removed
        for storagerouter in storagerouters:
            # Check management center
            mgmt_center = GeneralManagementCenter.get_mgmt_center(pmachine=storagerouter.pmachine)
            if mgmt_center is not None:
                assert GeneralManagementCenter.is_host_configured(pmachine=storagerouter.pmachine) is False, 'Management Center is still configured on Storage Router {0}'.format(storagerouter.ip)

            # Check MDS services
            mds_services = GeneralService.get_services_by_name(ServiceType.SERVICE_TYPES.MD_SERVER)
            assert len([mds_service for mds_service in mds_services if mds_service.storagerouter_guid == storagerouter.guid]) == 0, 'There are still MDS services present for Storage Router {0}'.format(storagerouter.ip)

            # Check services
            root_client = SSHClient(storagerouter, username='******')
            for service in vpool_services:
                if ServiceManager.has_service(service, client=root_client):
                    raise RuntimeError('Service {0} is still configured on Storage Router {1}'.format(service, storagerouter.ip))

            # Check KVM vpool
            if storagerouter.pmachine.hvtype == 'KVM':
                vpool_overview = root_client.run('virsh pool-list --all').splitlines()
                for vpool_info in vpool_overview:
                    kvm_vpool_name = vpool_info.split()[0].strip()
                    if vpool_name == kvm_vpool_name:
                        raise ValueError('vPool {0} is still defined on Storage Router {1}'.format(vpool_name, storagerouter.ip))

            # Check file and directory existence
            if storagerouter.guid not in directories:
                raise ValueError('Could not find directory information for Storage Router {0}'.format(storagerouter.ip))
            if storagerouter.guid not in files:
                raise ValueError('Could not find file information for Storage Router {0}'.format(storagerouter.ip))

            for directory in directories[storagerouter.guid]:
                assert root_client.dir_exists(directory) is False, 'Directory {0} still exists on Storage Router {1}'.format(directory, storagerouter.ip)
            for file_name in files[storagerouter.guid]:
                assert root_client.file_exists(file_name) is False, 'File {0} still exists on Storage Router {1}'.format(file_name, storagerouter.ip)

            # Look for errors in storagedriver log
            for error_type in ['error', 'fatal']:
                cmd = "cat -vet /var/log/ovs/volumedriver/{0}.log | tail -1000 | grep ' {1} '; echo true > /dev/null".format(vpool_name, error_type)
                errors = []
                for line in root_client.run(cmd).splitlines():
                    if "HierarchicalArakoon" in line:
                if len(errors) > 0:
                    if error_type == 'error':
                        print 'Volumedriver log file contains errors on Storage Router {0}\n - {1}'.format(storagerouter.ip, '\n - '.join(errors))
                        raise RuntimeError('Fatal errors found in volumedriver log file on Storage Router {0}\n - {1}'.format(storagerouter.ip, '\n - '.join(errors)))
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def validate_vpool_sanity(expected_settings):
        Check if all requirements are met for a healthy vPool
        :param expected_settings: Parameters used to create a vPool, which will be verified
        :type expected_settings: dict

        :return: None
        if not isinstance(expected_settings, dict) or len(expected_settings) == 0:
            raise ValueError('Cannot validate vpool when no settings are passed')

        generic_settings = expected_settings.values()[0]
        vpool_name = generic_settings['vpool_name']
        mountpoint = '/mnt/{0}'.format(vpool_name)
        backend_type = generic_settings['type']
        rdma_enabled = generic_settings['config_params']['dtl_transport'] == StorageDriverClient.FRAMEWORK_DTL_TRANSPORT_RSOCKET

        vpool = GeneralVPool.get_vpool_by_name(vpool_name=vpool_name)
        assert vpool is not None, 'Could not find vPool with name {0}'.format(vpool_name)
        vpool_config = GeneralVPool.get_configuration(vpool)

        # Verify some basic vPool attributes
        assert vpool.name == vpool_name, 'Expected name {0} for vPool'.format(vpool_name)
        assert vpool.backend_type.code == backend_type, 'Expected backend type {0}'.format(backend_type)
        assert vpool.status == VPool.STATUSES.RUNNING, 'vPool does not have RUNNING status'
        assert vpool.rdma_enabled == rdma_enabled, 'RDMA enabled setting is incorrect'
        assert set(expected_settings.keys()) == set([sd.storagerouter for sd in vpool.storagedrivers]), "vPool storagerouters don't match the expected Storage Routers"

        # Verify vPool Storage Driver configuration
        expected_vpool_config = copy.deepcopy(generic_settings['config_params'])
        for key, value in vpool_config.iteritems():
            if key == 'dtl_enabled' or key == 'tlog_multiplier':
            if key not in expected_vpool_config:
                raise ValueError('Expected settings does not contain key {0}'.format(key))

            if value != expected_vpool_config[key]:
                raise ValueError('vPool does not have expected configuration {0} for key {1}'.format(expected_vpool_config[key], key))

        if len(expected_vpool_config) > 0:
            raise ValueError('Actual vPool configuration does not contain keys: {0}'.format(', '.join(expected_vpool_config.keys())))

        # Prepare some fields to check
        config = generic_settings['config_params']
        dtl_mode = config['dtl_mode']
        sco_size = config['sco_size']
        dedupe_mode = config['dedupe_mode']
        cluster_size = config['cluster_size']
        write_buffer = config['write_buffer']
        dtl_transport = config['dtl_transport']
        cache_strategy = config['cache_strategy']
        # @TODO: Add more validations for other expected settings (instead of None)
        expected_config = {'backend_connection_manager': {'backend_interface_retries_on_error': 5,
                                                          'backend_interface_retry_interval_secs': 1,
                                                          'backend_interface_retry_backoff_multiplier': 2.0},
                           'content_addressed_cache': {'clustercache_mount_points': None,
                                                       'read_cache_serialization_path': u'/var/rsp/{0}'.format(vpool.name)},
                           'distributed_lock_store': {'dls_arakoon_cluster_id': None,
                                                      'dls_arakoon_cluster_nodes': None,
                                                      'dls_type': u'Arakoon'},
                           'distributed_transaction_log': {'dtl_path': None,
                                                           'dtl_transport': dtl_transport.upper()},
                           'event_publisher': {'events_amqp_routing_key': u'volumerouter',
                                               'events_amqp_uris': None},
                           'file_driver': {'fd_cache_path': None,
                                           'fd_extent_cache_capacity': u'1024',
                                           'fd_namespace': None},
                           'filesystem': {'fs_dtl_config_mode': u'Automatic',
                                          'fs_dtl_mode': u'{0}'.format(StorageDriverClient.VPOOL_DTL_MODE_MAP[dtl_mode]),
                                          'fs_enable_shm_interface': 1,
                                          'fs_file_event_rules': None,
                                          'fs_metadata_backend_arakoon_cluster_nodes': None,
                                          'fs_metadata_backend_mds_nodes': None,
                                          'fs_metadata_backend_type': u'MDS',
                                          'fs_raw_disk_suffix': None,
                                          'fs_virtual_disk_format': None},
                           'metadata_server': {'mds_nodes': None},
                           'scocache': {'backoff_gap': u'2GB',
                                        'scocache_mount_points': None,
                                        'trigger_gap': u'1GB'},
                           'threadpool_component': {'num_threads': 16},
                           'volume_manager': {'clean_interval': 1,
                                              'default_cluster_size': 1024 * cluster_size,
                                              'dtl_throttle_usecs': 4000,
                                              'metadata_path': None,
                                              'non_disposable_scos_factor': float(write_buffer) / StorageDriverClient.TLOG_MULTIPLIER_MAP[sco_size] / sco_size,
                                              'number_of_scos_in_tlog': StorageDriverClient.TLOG_MULTIPLIER_MAP[sco_size],
                                              'read_cache_default_behaviour': StorageDriverClient.VPOOL_CACHE_MAP[cache_strategy],
                                              'read_cache_default_mode': StorageDriverClient.VPOOL_DEDUPE_MAP[dedupe_mode],
                                              'tlog_path': None},
                           'volume_registry': {'vregistry_arakoon_cluster_id': u'voldrv',
                                               'vregistry_arakoon_cluster_nodes': None},
                           'volume_router': {'vrouter_backend_sync_timeout_ms': 5000,
                                             'vrouter_file_read_threshold': 1024,
                                             'vrouter_file_write_threshold': 1024,
                                             'vrouter_id': None,
                                             'vrouter_max_workers': 16,
                                             'vrouter_migrate_timeout_ms': 5000,
                                             'vrouter_min_workers': 4,
                                             'vrouter_redirect_timeout_ms': u'5000',
                                             'vrouter_routing_retries': 10,
                                             'vrouter_sco_multiplier': 1024,
                                             'vrouter_volume_read_threshold': 1024,
                                             'vrouter_volume_write_threshold': 1024},
                           'volume_router_cluster': {'vrouter_cluster_id': None}}
        vpool_services = {'all': ['ovs-watcher-volumedriver',
                          'extra': [],
                          'master': ['ovs-arakoon-voldrv']}
        sd_partitions = {'DB': ['MD', 'MDS', 'TLOG'],
                         'READ': ['None'],
                         'WRITE': ['FD', 'DTL', 'SCO'],
                         'SCRUB': ['None']}

        if backend_type == 'alba':
            backend_metadata = {'name': (str, None),
                                'preset': (str, Toolbox.regex_preset),
                                'backend_guid': (str, Toolbox.regex_guid),
                                'arakoon_config': (dict, None),
                                'connection': (dict, {'host': (str, Toolbox.regex_ip, False),
                                                      'port': (int, {'min': 1, 'max': 65535}),
                                                      'client_id': (str, Toolbox.regex_guid),
                                                      'client_secret': (str, None),
                                                      'local': (bool, None)}),
                                'backend_info': (dict, {'policies': (list, None),
                                                        'sco_size': (float, None),
                                                        'frag_size': (float, None),
                                                        'total_size': (float, None),
                                                        'nsm_partition_guids': (list, Toolbox.regex_guid)})}
            required = {'backend': (dict, backend_metadata),
                        'backend_aa': (dict, backend_metadata, False)}
            expected_config['backend_connection_manager'].update({'alba_connection_host': None,
                                                                  'alba_connection_port': None,
                                                                  'alba_connection_preset': None,
                                                                  'alba_connection_timeout': 15,
                                                                  'backend_type': u'{0}'.format(vpool.backend_type.code.upper())})
        elif backend_type == 'distributed':
            expected_config['backend_connection_manager'].update({'backend_type': u'LOCAL',
                                                                  'local_connection_path': u'{0}'.format(generic_settings['distributed_mountpoint'])})

        assert EtcdConfiguration.exists('/ovs/arakoon/voldrv/config', raw=True), 'Volumedriver arakoon does not exist'

        # Do some verifications for all SDs
        storage_ip = None
        voldrv_config = GeneralArakoon.get_config('voldrv')
        all_files = GeneralVPool.get_related_files(vpool=vpool)
        all_directories = GeneralVPool.get_related_directories(vpool=vpool)

        for storagedriver in vpool.storagedrivers:
            storagerouter = storagedriver.storagerouter
            root_client = SSHClient(storagerouter, username='******')

            assert EtcdConfiguration.exists('/ovs/vpools/{0}/hosts/{1}/config'.format(vpool.guid, storagedriver.storagedriver_id), raw=True), 'vPool config not found in etcd'
            current_config_sections = set([item for item in EtcdConfiguration.list('/ovs/vpools/{0}/hosts/{1}/config'.format(vpool.guid, storagedriver.storagedriver_id))])
            assert not current_config_sections.difference(set(expected_config.keys())), 'New section appeared in the storage driver config in etcd'
            assert not set(expected_config.keys()).difference(current_config_sections), 'Config section expected for storage driver, but not found in etcd'

            for key, values in expected_config.iteritems():
                current_config = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/vpools/{0}/hosts/{1}/config/{2}'.format(vpool.guid, storagedriver.storagedriver_id, key))
                assert set(current_config.keys()).union(set(values.keys())) == set(values.keys()), 'Not all expected keys match for key "{0}" on Storage Driver {1}'.format(key, storagedriver.name)

                for sub_key, value in current_config.iteritems():
                    expected_value = values[sub_key]
                    if expected_value is None:
                    assert value == expected_value, 'Key: {0} - Sub key: {1} - Value: {2} - Expected value: {3}'.format(key, sub_key, value, expected_value)

            # Check services
            if storagerouter.node_type == 'MASTER':
                for service_name in vpool_services['all'] + vpool_services['master']:
                    if service_name == 'ovs-arakoon-voldrv' and GeneralStorageDriver.has_role(storagedriver, 'DB') is False:
                    if ServiceManager.get_service_status(name=service_name,
                                                         client=root_client) is not True:
                        raise ValueError('Service {0} is not running on node {1}'.format(service_name, storagerouter.ip))
                for service_name in vpool_services['all'] + vpool_services['extra']:
                    if ServiceManager.get_service_status(name=service_name,
                                                         client=root_client) is not True:
                        raise ValueError('Service {0} is not running on node {1}'.format(service_name, storagerouter.ip))

            # Check arakoon config
            if not voldrv_config.has_section(storagerouter.machine_id):
                raise ValueError('Voldrv arakoon cluster does not have section {0}'.format(storagerouter.machine_id))

            # Basic SD checks
            assert storagedriver.cluster_ip == storagerouter.ip, 'Incorrect cluster IP. Expected: {0}  -  Actual: {1}'.format(storagerouter.ip, storagedriver.cluster_ip)
            assert storagedriver.mountpoint == '/mnt/{0}'.format(vpool.name), 'Incorrect mountpoint. Expected: {0}  -  Actual: {1}'.format(mountpoint, storagedriver.mountpoint)
            if storage_ip is not None:
                assert storagedriver.storage_ip == storage_ip, 'Incorrect storage IP. Expected: {0}  -  Actual: {1}'.format(storage_ip, storagedriver.storage_ip)
            storage_ip = storagedriver.storage_ip

            # Check required directories and files
            if storagerouter.guid not in all_directories:
                raise ValueError('Could not find directory information for Storage Router {0}'.format(storagerouter.ip))
            if storagerouter.guid not in all_files:
                raise ValueError('Could not find file information for Storage Router {0}'.format(storagerouter.ip))

            for directory in all_directories[storagerouter.guid]:
                if root_client.dir_exists(directory) is False:
                    raise ValueError('Directory {0} does not exist on Storage Router {1}'.format(directory, storagerouter.ip))
            for file_name in all_files[storagerouter.guid]:
                if root_client.file_exists(file_name) is False:
                    raise ValueError('File {0} does not exist on Storage Router {1}'.format(file_name, storagerouter.ip))

            for partition in storagedriver.partitions:
                if partition.role in sd_partitions and partition.sub_role in sd_partitions[partition.role]:
                elif partition.role in sd_partitions and partition.sub_role is None:

            # Verify vPool writeable
            if storagerouter.pmachine.hvtype == 'VMWARE':

            vdisk = GeneralVDisk.create_volume(size=10,

        for role, sub_roles in sd_partitions.iteritems():
            for sub_role in sub_roles:
                raise ValueError('Not a single Storage Driver found with partition role {0} and sub-role {1}'.format(role, sub_role))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def validate_alba_backend_sanity_without_claimed_disks(alba_backend):
        Validate whether the ALBA backend is configured correctly
        :param alba_backend: ALBA backend
        :return: None
        # Attribute validation
        assert alba_backend.available is True, 'ALBA backend {0} is not available'.format(alba_backend.backend.name)
        assert len(alba_backend.presets) >= 1, 'No preset found for ALBA backend {0}'.format(alba_backend.backend.name)
        assert len([default for default in alba_backend.presets if default['is_default'] is True]) == 1, 'Could not find default preset for backend {0}'.format(alba_backend.backend.name)
        assert alba_backend.backend.backend_type.code == 'alba', 'Backend type for ALBA backend is {0}'.format(alba_backend.backend.backend_type.code)
        assert alba_backend.backend.status == 'RUNNING', 'Status for ALBA backend is {0}'.format(alba_backend.backend.status)
        assert isinstance(alba_backend.metadata_information, dict) is True, 'ALBA backend {0} metadata information is not a dictionary'.format(alba_backend.backend.name)
                                       required_params={'nsm_partition_guids': (list, Toolbox.regex_guid)},

        # Validate ABM and NSM services
        storagerouters = GeneralStorageRouter.get_storage_routers()
        storagerouters_with_db_role = [sr for sr in storagerouters if GeneralStorageRouter.has_roles(storagerouter=sr, roles='DB') is True and sr.node_type == 'MASTER']

        assert len(alba_backend.abm_services) == len(storagerouters_with_db_role), 'Not enough ABM services found'
        assert len(alba_backend.nsm_services) == len(storagerouters_with_db_role), 'Not enough NSM services found'

        # Validate ALBA backend ETCD structure
        alba_backend_key = '/ovs/alba/backends'
        assert EtcdConfiguration.exists(key=alba_backend_key, raw=True) is True, 'Etcd does not contain key {0}'.format(alba_backend_key)

        actual_etcd_keys = [key for key in EtcdConfiguration.list(alba_backend_key)]
        expected_etcd_keys = ['verification_schedule', 'global_gui_error_interval', alba_backend.guid,
        optional_etcd_keys = ['verification_factor']

        expected_keys_amount = 0
        for optional_key in optional_etcd_keys:
            if optional_key in actual_etcd_keys:
                expected_keys_amount += 1

        for expected_key in expected_etcd_keys:
            if not re.match(Toolbox.regex_guid, expected_key):
                expected_keys_amount += 1
            assert expected_key in actual_etcd_keys, 'Key {0} was not found in tree {1}'.format(expected_key, alba_backend_key)

        for actual_key in list(actual_etcd_keys):
            if re.match(Toolbox.regex_guid, actual_key):
                actual_etcd_keys.remove(actual_key)  # Remove all alba backend keys
        assert len(actual_etcd_keys) == expected_keys_amount, 'Another key was added to the {0} tree'.format(alba_backend_key)

        this_alba_backend_key = '{0}/{1}'.format(alba_backend_key, alba_backend.guid)
        actual_keys = [key for key in EtcdConfiguration.list(this_alba_backend_key)]
        expected_keys = ['maintenance']
        assert actual_keys == expected_keys, 'Actual keys: {0} - Expected keys: {1}'.format(actual_keys, expected_keys)

        maintenance_key = '{0}/maintenance'.format(this_alba_backend_key)
        actual_keys = [key for key in EtcdConfiguration.list(maintenance_key)]
        expected_keys = ['nr_of_agents', 'config']
        assert set(actual_keys) == set(expected_keys), 'Actual keys: {0} - Expected keys: {1}'.format(actual_keys, expected_keys)
        # @TODO: Add validation for config values

        # Validate ASD node ETCD structure
        alba_nodes = GeneralAlba.get_alba_nodes()
        assert len(alba_nodes) > 0, 'Could not find any ALBA nodes in the model'
        alba_node_key = '/ovs/alba/asdnodes'
        actual_keys = [key for key in EtcdConfiguration.list(alba_node_key)]
        assert len(alba_nodes) == len(actual_keys), 'Amount of ALBA nodes in model does not match amount of ALBA nodes in ETCD. In model: {0} - In Etcd: {1}'.format(len(alba_nodes), len(actual_keys))
        for alba_node in alba_nodes:
            assert alba_node.node_id in actual_keys, 'ALBA node with ID {0} not present in ETCD'.format(alba_node.node_id)

            actual_asdnode_keys = [key for key in EtcdConfiguration.list('{0}/{1}'.format(alba_node_key, alba_node.node_id))]
            expected_asdnode_keys = ['config']
            assert actual_asdnode_keys == expected_asdnode_keys, 'Actual keys: {0} - Expected keys: {1}'.format(actual_asdnode_keys, expected_asdnode_keys)

            actual_config_keys = [key for key in EtcdConfiguration.list('{0}/{1}/config'.format(alba_node_key, alba_node.node_id))]
            expected_config_keys = ['main', 'network']
            assert set(actual_config_keys) == set(expected_config_keys), 'Actual keys: {0} - Expected keys: {1}'.format(actual_config_keys, expected_config_keys)
            # @TODO: Add validation for main and network values

        # Validate Arakoon ETCD structure
        arakoon_abm_key = '/ovs/arakoon/{0}/config'.format(alba_backend.abm_services[0].service.name)
        arakoon_nsm_key = '/ovs/arakoon/{0}/config'.format(alba_backend.nsm_services[0].service.name)
        assert EtcdConfiguration.exists(key=arakoon_abm_key, raw=True) is True, 'Etcd key {0} does not exists'.format(arakoon_abm_key)
        assert EtcdConfiguration.exists(key=arakoon_nsm_key, raw=True) is True, 'Etcd key {0} does not exists'.format(arakoon_nsm_key)
        # @TODO: Add validation for config values

        # Validate maintenance agents
        actual_amount_agents = len([service for node_services in [alba_node.client.list_maintenance_services() for alba_node in alba_nodes] for service in node_services])
        expected_amount_agents = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/backends/{0}/maintenance/nr_of_agents'.format(alba_backend.guid))
        assert actual_amount_agents == expected_amount_agents, 'Amount of maintenance agents is incorrect. Found {0} - Expected {1}'.format(actual_amount_agents, expected_amount_agents)

        # Validate arakoon services
        machine_ids = [sr.machine_id for sr in storagerouters_with_db_role]
        abm_service_name = alba_backend.abm_services[0].service.name
        nsm_service_name = alba_backend.nsm_services[0].service.name
        for storagerouter in storagerouters_with_db_role:
            root_client = SSHClient(endpoint=storagerouter,
            abm_arakoon_service_name = 'ovs-arakoon-{0}'.format(abm_service_name)
            nsm_arakoon_service_name = 'ovs-arakoon-{0}'.format(nsm_service_name)
            for service_name in [abm_arakoon_service_name, nsm_arakoon_service_name]:
                assert GeneralService.has_service(name=service_name,
                                                  client=root_client) is True, 'Service {0} not deployed on Storage Router {1}'.format(service_name, storagerouter.name)
                assert GeneralService.get_service_status(name=service_name,
                                                         client=root_client) is True, 'Service {0} not running on Storage Router {1}'.format(service_name, storagerouter.name)
                out, err, _ = General.execute_command('arakoon --who-master -config {0}'.format(GeneralArakoon.ETCD_CONFIG_PATH.format(abm_service_name)))
                assert out.strip() in machine_ids, 'Arakoon master is {0}, but should be 1 of "{1}"'.format(out.strip(), ', '.join(machine_ids))