Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_read_permissions_list(protects_dict_list, requested_perm=READ):
    """The results are used to test for repo read permissions
    and as such are filtered to serve the algorithm.
    Return a list of depotFile from protects_dict_list depotFile which grant the requested_perm.
    Return exclusion lines which which do not start with '=' except
    those which start with '=requested_perm'.
    Additionally exclude list inclusions.

    # Build a list of matching lines.
    lines = []
    for pd in protects_dict_list:
        # skip all =perm unless it matches the requested perm
        if (pd['perm'].startswith('=') and pd['perm'] !=
                "=" + requested_perm):  # eg: "=read user x * -//path/"
        if 'unmap' in pd:  # Unmapping ANY permission unmaps ALL permissions
            lines.append('-' + pd['depotFile'])
        if permission_includes(pd['perm'], requested_perm):
            if pd['perm'] != 'list':  # skip list inclusions

    quoted = [enquote(x) for x in lines]
    return quoted
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_read_permissions_map(protects_dict_list, requested_perm=READ):
    """The results are used to test for repo read permissions
    and as such are filtered to serve the algorithm.
    Return a new MapApi instance that maps in all of
    protects_dict_list depotFile lines that grant the requested_perm
    Also map in exclusion lines which which do not start with '=' except
    those which start with '=requested_perm'.
    Additionally exclude list inclusions.

    # Build a list of matching lines.
    lines = []
    for pd in protects_dict_list:
        # skip all =perm unless it matches the requested perm
        if (pd['perm'].startswith('=') and
                pd['perm'] != "=" + requested_perm):   # eg: "=read user x * -//path/"
        if 'unmap' in pd: # Unmapping ANY permission unmaps ALL permissions
            lines.append('-' + pd['depotFile'])
        if permission_includes(pd['perm'], requested_perm):
            if pd['perm'] != 'list':  # skip list inclusions

    # P4.Map() requires space-riddled paths to be quoted paths
    # to avoid accidentally splitting a # single path into lhs/rhs.
    quoted = [enquote(x) for x in lines]
    mapapi = P4.Map(quoted)
    return mapapi
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _create_map_for_perm(protects_dict_list, requested_perm):
    """Return a new MapApi instance that maps in all of
    protects_dict_list depotFile lines that grant the requested_perm
    and excludes all lines that exclude it.
    # Build a list of matching lines.
    lines = []
    for pd in protects_dict_list:
        if 'unmap' in pd:  # Unmapping ANY permission unmaps ALL permissions
            lines.append('-' + pd['depotFile'])
        if permission_includes(pd['perm'], requested_perm):

    # P4.Map() requires space-riddled paths to be quoted paths
    # to avoid accidentally splitting a # single path into lhs/rhs.
    quoted = [enquote(x) for x in lines]
    mapapi = P4.Map(quoted)
    return mapapi
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _create_map_for_perm(protects_dict_list, requested_perm):
    """Return a new MapApi instance that maps in all of
    protects_dict_list depotFile lines that grant the requested_perm
    and excludes all lines that exclude it.

    # Build a list of matching lines.
    lines = []
    for pd in protects_dict_list:
        if 'unmap' in pd: # Unmapping ANY permission unmaps ALL permissions
            lines.append('-' + pd['depotFile'])
        if permission_includes(pd['perm'], requested_perm):

    # P4.Map() requires space-riddled paths to be quoted paths
    # to avoid accidentally splitting a # single path into lhs/rhs.
    quoted = [enquote(x) for x in lines]
    mapapi = P4.Map(quoted)
    return mapapi
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _enquote_list(l):
    """Return a new list with every space-infected item wrapped in quotes."""
    return [p4gf_path.enquote(e) for e in l]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def stream_import_exclude(stream_paths):
    """Convert import paths to exclude for conversion to submodules.

    If the stream lacks a "share ..." path entry, the input will be
    returned unmodified, meaning no submodules (can or) will be created.
    Without the top-level directory, we cannot add a .gitmodules file as
    it would be outside of the client view.

    Any import path entry that lacks a depot_path will not be considered
    a candidate for conversion to a submodule, since it is considered to
    be a part of the view. Likewise any path not ending with /... cannot
    be converted to a submodule (potentially overlaps the submodule with
    files from the stream).

    Nested paths are currently not supported; only the deepest path will
    be converted to a submodule.

    # share  ...                      -->  share   ...
    # import x/...   //depot/x/...@5  -->  exclude x/...
    # import y/...   //depot/y/...    -->  import  y/... //depot/y/...
    # import y/z/... //depot/y/z/...  -->  exclude y/z/...
    if 'share ...' not in stream_paths:
        # Without a top-level directory, adding .gitmodules would fall
        # outside of the client view and thus fail when pushed to Perforce.
        return stream_paths
    numbered = list(
        (n, ) + _split_path(entry) for n, entry in enumerate(stream_paths))
    # sort by the view path to make nested paths easier to find
    numbered.sort(key=lambda e: e[2])
    # find path entries that could be imported as submodules
    submod_candidates = set()
    previous_view = None
    previous_pos = 0
    for pos, path_type, view_path, depot_path in numbered:
        if depot_path is None:
        # this operation does not concern itself with changelist specifiers
        if '@' in depot_path:
            depot_path = depot_path.split('@')[0]
        if previous_view and view_path.startswith(previous_view[:-4]):
        if not depot_path.endswith("/...") or not view_path.endswith("/..."):
        previous_pos = pos
        previous_view = view_path
    # restore the original order of the view paths
    numbered.sort(key=lambda e: e[0])
    # replace 'import' with 'exclude' in submodule candidates
    for pos in submod_candidates:
        entry = numbered[pos]
        numbered[pos] = (entry[0], 'exclude', entry[2], None)
    # drop the first column, convert back to possibly quoted strings
    results = []
    for pos, path_type, view_path, depot_path in numbered:
        qv = p4gf_path.enquote(view_path)
        qd = p4gf_path.enquote(depot_path) if depot_path else ''
        results.append("{} {} {}".format(path_type, qv, qd).strip())
    return results