Ejemplo n.º 1
def curseDatastore(addonpage):
        # First, look for the URL of the project file page
        page = requests.get(addonpage)
        page.raise_for_status()  # Raise an exception for HTTP errors
        contentString = str(page.content)
        endOfProjectPageURL = contentString.find('">Visit Project Page')
        indexOfProjectPageURL = (
            contentString.rfind('<a href="', 0, endOfProjectPageURL) + 9)
        projectPage = (
            contentString[indexOfProjectPageURL:endOfProjectPageURL] +

        # Then get the project page and get the URL of the first (most recent) file
        page = requests.get(projectPage)
        page.raise_for_status()  # Raise an exception for HTTP errors
        projectPage = (
        )  # We might get redirected, need to know where we ended up.
        contentString = str(page.content)
        startOfTable = contentString.find("project-file-name-container")
        indexOfZiploc = (contentString.find(
            '<a class="button tip fa-icon-download icon-only" href="/',
            startOfTable) + 55)
        endOfZiploc = contentString.find('"', indexOfZiploc)

        # Add on the first part of the project page URL to get a complete URL
        endOfProjectPageDomain = projectPage.find("/", 8)
        projectPageDomain = projectPage[0:endOfProjectPageDomain]
        return projectPageDomain + contentString[indexOfZiploc:endOfZiploc]
    except Exception:
        print("Failed to find downloadable zip file for addon. Skipping...\n")
        return ""
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_commitWithMultipleReferencesButOnlyOneVerb(self):
        cards = []
        names = ["To Be Closed", "To Be Referenced", "Another To Be Referenced"]
        for name in names:
            cardInfo = {'name': name, 'idList': PUBLIC_LIST, 'token': TOKEN, 'key': API_KEY}
            cards.append(requests.post(BASE_URL+"/cards", data=cardInfo).json)

        cardIds = (cards[0]['idShort'], cards[1]['idShort'], cards[2]['idShort'])
        message = "Fixed tr#%s, tr#%s, tr#%s " % cardIds
        commit = {'message': message}

        params = {'actions': 'commentCard', 'members': 'true', 'fields': 'closed'}

        # First card should be closed
        idShort = cards[0]['idShort']
        card = requests.get(CARD_URL % (self.broker.board, idShort), params=params).json
        self.assertEqual(card['actions'][0]["data"]["text"], message)
        self.assertTrue(self.author in card['members'])

        # Second card should not be closed
        idShort = cards[1]['idShort']
        card = requests.get(CARD_URL % (self.broker.board, idShort), params=params).json
        self.assertEqual(card['actions'][0]["data"]["text"], message)
        self.assertTrue(self.author in card['members'])

        # Third card should be closed also
        idShort = cards[2]['idShort']
        card = requests.get(CARD_URL % (self.broker.board, idShort), params=params).json
        self.assertEqual(card['actions'][0]["data"]["text"], message)
        self.assertTrue(self.author in card['members'])
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_commitWithMultipleReferencesButOnlyOneVerb(self):
        cards = []
        names = [
            "To Be Closed", "To Be Referenced", "Another To Be Referenced"
        for name in names:
            cardInfo = {
                'name': name,
                'idList': PUBLIC_LIST,
                'token': TOKEN,
                'key': API_KEY
                requests.post(BASE_URL + "/cards", data=cardInfo).json)

        cardIds = (cards[0]['idShort'], cards[1]['idShort'],
        message = "Fixed tr#%s, tr#%s, tr#%s " % cardIds

        commit = {'message': message}

        params = {
            'actions': 'commentCard',
            'members': 'true',
            'fields': 'closed'

        # First card should be closed
        idShort = cards[0]['idShort']
        card = requests.get(CARD_URL % (self.broker.board, idShort),
        self.assertEqual(card['actions'][0]["data"]["text"], message)
        self.assertTrue(self.author in card['members'])

        # Second card should not be closed
        idShort = cards[1]['idShort']
        card = requests.get(CARD_URL % (self.broker.board, idShort),
        self.assertEqual(card['actions'][0]["data"]["text"], message)
        self.assertTrue(self.author in card['members'])

        # Third card should be closed also
        idShort = cards[2]['idShort']
        card = requests.get(CARD_URL % (self.broker.board, idShort),
        self.assertEqual(card['actions'][0]["data"]["text"], message)
        self.assertTrue(self.author in card['members'])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def list_params(username, password, application_name):
    List Parameters

    :param username: Admin Username
     :type username: str
    :param password: Admin Password
     :type password: str
    :param application_name: Application Name to which the Parameter is Associated
     :type application_name: str
    :return: List of all parameters
     :rtype: list
    params = requests.get(os.getenv("key_server_site") +
                          "/rest/param/list?app=" + application_name,
                          auth=(username, password))

        assert params.status_code == 200

        return params.json()
    except AssertionError:
            "Problem listing Params (Check Server Logs for Details) - HTTP Status: %i"
            % params.status_code)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def list_apps(username, password):
    List Applications

    :param username: Admin Username
     :type username: str
    :param password: Admin Password
     :type password: str
    :return: List of all Applications
     :rtype: list
    apps = requests.get(os.getenv("key_server_site") + "/rest/app/list",
                        auth=(username, password))

        assert apps.status_code == 200

        return_lists = list()
        for app in apps.json():

        return return_lists
    except AssertionError:
            "Problem Listing Apps (Check Server Logs for Details) - HTTP Status: %i"
            % apps.status_code)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def getCurseProjectVersion(addonpage):
        page = requests.get(addonpage + '/files')
        if page.status_code == 404:
            # Maybe the project page got moved to WowAce?
            page = requests.get(addonpage)
            page.raise_for_status() # Raise an exception for HTTP errors
            page = requests.get(page.url + '/files') # page.url refers to the place where the last one redirected to
            page.raise_for_status()   # Raise an exception for HTTP errors
        contentString = str(page.content)
        startOfTable = contentString.find('project-file-list-item')
        indexOfVer = contentString.find('data-name="', startOfTable) + 11  # first char of the version string
        endTag = contentString.find('">', indexOfVer)  # ending tag after the version string
        return contentString[indexOfVer:endTag].strip()
    except Exception:
        print('Failed to find version number for: ' + addonpage)
        return ''
Ejemplo n.º 7
def installSingleLevelZip(addonUrl, installPath):
        r = requests.get(addonUrl, stream=True)
        z = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(r.content))
    except Exception as err:
        print('Failed to install ' + addonUrl)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def getCurseVersion(addonpage):
        page = requests.get(addonpage + '/files')
        html_parser = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
        version = html_parser.find_all(class_="table__content file__name full")[0].text
        return version
    except Exception:
        print('Failed to find version number for: ' + addonpage)
        return ''
Ejemplo n.º 9
def getCard(self, cardId, fields=""):
    """Get the card data based on its short ID.

    Keyword arguments:
    cardId -- the short id of the card to query.
    fields -- a list of fields to return, default to none.

    params = {"token": self.token, "key": API_KEY, "fields": fields}
    return requests.get(BOARD_CARD_URL % (self.board, cardId), params=params).json
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_tukui_version(addonpage):
        page = requests.get(addonpage)
        content_string = str(page.content)
        date_added_pos = content_string.find('and was updated on') + 38
        date_added = content_string[date_added_pos:date_added_pos + 10]
        return date_added.replace("-", ".")
    except Exception:
        print('Failed to find version number for: ' + addonpage)
        return ''
Ejemplo n.º 11
def curse(addonpage):
        page = requests.get(addonpage + '/download')
        contentString = str(page.content)
        indexOfZiploc = contentString.find('download__link') + 22  # Will be the index of the first char of the url
        endQuote = contentString.find('"', indexOfZiploc)  # Will be the index of the ending quote after the url
        return 'https://www.curseforge.com' + contentString[indexOfZiploc:endQuote]
    except Exception:
        print('Failed to find downloadable zip file for addon. Skipping...\n')
        return ''
 def getAddon(self, ziploc):
     if ziploc == '':
         r = requests.get(ziploc, stream=True)
         z = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(r.content))
     except Exception:
         print('Failed to download or extract zip file for addon. Skipping...\n')
Ejemplo n.º 13
def getCurseVersion(addonpage):
        page = requests.get(addonpage + '/files')
        contentString = str(page.content)
        indexOfVer = contentString.find('file__name full') + 17  # first char of the version string
        endTag = contentString.find('</span>', indexOfVer)  # ending tag after the version string
        return contentString[indexOfVer:endTag].strip()
    except Exception:
        print('Failed to find version number for: ' + addonpage)
        return ''
Ejemplo n.º 14
def convertOldCurseURL(addonpage):
        # Curse has renamed some addons, removing the numbers from the URL. Rather than guess at what the new
        # name and URL is, just try to load the old URL and see where Curse redirects us to. We can guess at
        # the new URL, but they should know their own renaming scheme better than we do.
        page = requests.get(addonpage)
        return page.url
    except Exception:
        print('Failed to find the current page for old URL "' + addonpage + '". Skipping...\n')
        return ''
Ejemplo n.º 15
def getWowinterfaceVersion(addonpage):
        page = requests.get(addonpage)
        contentString = str(page.content)
        indexOfVer = contentString.find('id="version"') + 22  # first char of the version string
        endTag = contentString.find('</div>', indexOfVer)  # ending tag after the version string
        return contentString[indexOfVer:endTag].strip()
    except Exception:
        print('Failed to find version number for: ' + addonpage)
        return ''
    def _get_dict(self, url, query_string):
        Helper method to streamline the process of making calls to the rest endpoint and outputting a dictionary.
        :param query_string: Everything following the ? in the url.
        :return: Dictionary created from the JSON response.
        # create url for rest call
        url = "{0}?{1}".format(url, query_string)

        # make the rest endpoint call, load into a dictionary and return the json result
        return requests.get(url).json()
Ejemplo n.º 17
def wowinterface(addonpage):
    downloadpage = addonpage.replace('info', 'download')
        page = requests.get(downloadpage + '/download')
        contentString = str(page.content)
        indexOfZiploc = contentString.find('Problems with the download? <a href="') + 37  # first char of the url
        endQuote = contentString.find('"', indexOfZiploc)  # ending quote after the url
        return contentString[indexOfZiploc:endQuote]
    except Exception:
        print('Failed to find downloadable zip file for addon. Skipping...\n')
        return ''
Ejemplo n.º 18
def get_curse_project_version(addonpage):
        page = requests.get(addonpage + '/files')
        content_string = str(page.content)
        date_added_pos = content_string.find(
            '<abbr class="tip standard-date standard-datetime" title="') + 57
        date_added = content_string[date_added_pos:date_added_pos + 19]
        return date_added
    except Exception:
        print('Failed to find version number for: ' + addonpage)
        return ''
    def _get_dict(self, url, query_string):
        Helper method to streamline the process of making calls to the rest endpoint and outputting a dictionary.
        :param query_string: Everything following the ? in the url.
        :return: Dictionary created from the JSON response.
        # create url for rest call
        url = "{0}?{1}".format(url, query_string)

        # make the rest endpoint call, load into a dictionary and return the json result
        return requests.get(url).json()
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def getAddon(self, ziploc, subfolder):
     if ziploc == '':
         return False
         r = requests.get(ziploc, stream=True)
         z = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(r.content))
         self.extract(z, ziploc, subfolder)
         return True
     except Exception:
         print('Failed to download or extract zip file for addon. Skipping...\n')
         return False
Ejemplo n.º 21
def getCard(self, cardId, fields = ''):
    """Get the card data based on its short ID.

    Keyword arguments:
    cardId -- the short id of the card to query.
    fields -- a list of fields to return, default to none.

    params = {'token': self.token, 'key': API_KEY, 'fields': fields}
    return requests.get(BOARD_CARD_URL % (self.board, cardId), 
Ejemplo n.º 22
def search_for_bridge(timeout=3):
    """Searches for a bridge on the local network and returns the IP if it
    finds one."""
    from packages import requests

    r = requests.get('http://www.meethue.com/api/nupnp', timeout=timeout)
    bridges = r.json()

    if len(bridges) > 0:
        return bridges[0]['internalipaddress']
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def getAddon(self, ziploc, subfolder):
     if ziploc == '':
         return False
         r = requests.get(ziploc, stream=True)
         r.raise_for_status()   # Raise an exception for HTTP errors
         z = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(r.content))
         self.extract(z, ziploc, subfolder)
         return True
     except Exception as e:
         print('Failed to download or extract zip file for addon (' + str(e) + '). Skipping...\n')
         return False
Ejemplo n.º 24
def getWowAceProjectVersion(addonpage):
        page = requests.get(addonpage + '/files')
        page.raise_for_status()   # Raise an exception for HTTP errors
        contentString = str(page.content)
        startOfTable = contentString.find('project-file-list-item')
        indexOfVer = contentString.find('data-name="', startOfTable) + 11  # first char of the version string
        endTag = contentString.find('">', indexOfVer)  # ending tag after the version string
        return contentString[indexOfVer:endTag].strip()
    except Exception:
        print('Failed to find version number for: ' + addonpage)
        return ''
Ejemplo n.º 25
def curseProject(addonpage):
        # Apparently the Curse project pages are sometimes sending people to WowAce now.
        # Check if the URL forwards to WowAce and use that URL instead.
        page = requests.get(addonpage)
        page.raise_for_status()  # Raise an exception for HTTP errors
        if page.url.startswith("https://www.wowace.com/projects/"):
            return wowAceProject(page.url)
        return addonpage + "/files/latest"
    except Exception:
        print("Failed to find downloadable zip file for addon. Skipping...\n")
        return ""
Ejemplo n.º 26
def getTukuiVersion(addonpage):
        response = requests.get(addonpage)
        content = str(response.content)
        match = re.search('<a\sclass="commit-sha\s[^>]*>(?P<hash>[^<]*)<\/a>', content)
        result = ''
        if match:
            result = match.group('hash')
        return result
    except Exception as err:
        print('Failed to find version number for: ' + addonpage)
        return ''
Ejemplo n.º 27
def curse(addonpage):
    if '/datastore' in addonpage:
        return curseDatastore(addonpage)
        page = requests.get(addonpage + '/download')
        page.raise_for_status()   # Raise an exception for HTTP errors
        contentString = str(page.content)
        indexOfZiploc = contentString.find('PublicProjectDownload.countdown') + 33  # Will be the index of the first char of the url
        endQuote = contentString.find('"', indexOfZiploc)  # Will be the index of the ending quote after the url
        return 'https://www.curseforge.com' + contentString[indexOfZiploc:endQuote]
    except Exception:
        print('Failed to find downloadable zip file for addon. Skipping...\n')
        return ''
Ejemplo n.º 28
def getGithubVersion(addonpage):
        page = requests.get(addonpage)
        page.raise_for_status()   # Raise an exception for HTTP errors
        contentString = str(page.content)
        contentString = contentString.replace('\\n', '').replace('\\r', '')
        indexOfCommit = contentString.find('commit-tease-sha') # index of wrapping <a> for latest commit id
        indexOfVer = contentString.find('>', indexOfCommit) + 1  # find end of tag
        endTag = contentString.find('</a>', indexOfVer)  # ending tag
        return contentString[indexOfVer:endTag].strip()
    except Exception:
        print('Failed to find version number for: ' + addonpage)
        return ''
Ejemplo n.º 29
def getWowinterfaceVersion(addonpage):
        page = requests.get(addonpage)
        page.raise_for_status()  # Raise an exception for HTTP errors
        contentString = str(page.content)
        indexOfVer = (contentString.find('id="version"') + 22
                      )  # first char of the version string
        endTag = contentString.find(
            "</div>", indexOfVer)  # ending tag after the version string
        return contentString[indexOfVer:endTag].strip()
    except Exception:
        print("Failed to find version number for: " + addonpage)
        return ""
Ejemplo n.º 30
def tukui(addonpage):
        page = requests.get(addonpage)
        addon_name = addonpage.replace(
            'https://www.tukui.org/download.php?ui=', '')
        content_string = str(page.content)
        index_of_cur_ver = content_string.find('The current version')
        index_of_ver = content_string.find('">', index_of_cur_ver) + 2
        end_tag = content_string.find('</b>', index_of_cur_ver)
        version = content_string[index_of_ver:end_tag]
        return 'https://www.tukui.org/downloads/' + addon_name + '-' + version + '.zip'
    except Exception:
        print('Failed to find downloadable zip file for addon. Skipping...\n')
        return ''
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def setUp(self):
     if not hasattr(self, 'broker'):
         self.broker = TrelloBroker()
         self.broker.token = TOKEN
         self.broker.board = PUBLIC_BOARD
     if not hasattr(self, 'author'):
         self.author = requests.get(MEMBER_URL).json
     # Create a test card and store its full and short IDs
     cardInfo = {'name': 'Test Me', 'idList': PUBLIC_LIST, 'token': TOKEN, 'key': API_KEY}
     card = requests.post(BASE_URL+"/cards", data=cardInfo).json
     self.cardIdFull = card['id']
     self.cardIdShort = card['idShort']
Ejemplo n.º 32
def main():
        downloadedChangelog = requests.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kuhnerdm/wow-addon-updater/master/changelog.txt').text.split('\n')
        with open('changelog.txt') as cl:
            presentChangelog = cl.readlines()
            for i in range(len(presentChangelog)):
                presentChangelog[i] = presentChangelog[i].strip('\n')

    if(downloadedChangelog != presentChangelog):
        print('A new update to WoWAddonUpdater is available! Check it out at https://github.com/kuhnerdm/wow-addon-updater !')
    addonupdater = AddonUpdater()
Ejemplo n.º 33
def curse_project(addonpage):
        page = requests.get(addonpage + '/files/latest')
        content_string = str(page.content)
        index_of_ziploc = content_string.find(
        ) + 22  # Will be the index of the first char of the url
        end_quote = content_string.find(
            '"', index_of_ziploc
        )  # Will be the index of the ending quote after the url
        return page
    except Exception:
        print('Failed to find downloadable zip file for addon. Skipping...\n')
        return ''
Ejemplo n.º 34
def check_login(username, password):
    Check User Credentials

    :param username: Admin Username
     :type username: str
    :param password: Admin Password
     :type password: str
    :return: If credentials are valid
     :rtype: bool

    r = requests.get(os.getenv("key_server_site") + "/rest/user/verify", auth=(username, password))
    return r.status_code == 200
Ejemplo n.º 35
def list_keys(username, password):
    List all API Keys

    :param username: Admin Username
     :type username: str
    :param password: Admin Password
     :type password: str
    :return: List of all API Keys
     :rtype: list
    keys = requests.get(os.getenv("key_server_site") + "/rest/key/list", auth=(username, password))

        assert keys.status_code / 100 == 2
        return keys.json()

    except AssertionError:
        exit("Problem Listing Keys (Check Server Logs for Details) - HTTP Status: %i" % keys.status_code)
Ejemplo n.º 36
def list_users(username, password):
    List Users

    :param username: Admin Username
     :type username: str
    :param password: Admin Password
     :type password: str
    :return: List of all Users
     :rtype: list
    users = requests.get(os.getenv("key_server_site") + "/rest/user/list", auth=(username, password))

        assert users.status_code == 200

        return users.json()
    except AssertionError:
        exit("Problem listing Users (Check Server Logs for Details) - HTTP Status: %i" % users.status_code)
Ejemplo n.º 37
def load_full_state(timeout=3):
    """Downloads full state and caches it locally."""
    # Requests is an expensive import so we only do it when necessary.
    from packages import requests

    r = requests.get(

    data = r.json()

    # Create icon for light
    for lid, light_data in data['lights'].iteritems():
        create_light_icon(lid, light_data)

    workflow.store_data('full_state', data)
Ejemplo n.º 38
def list_params(username, password, application_name):
    List Parameters

    :param username: Admin Username
     :type username: str
    :param password: Admin Password
     :type password: str
    :param application_name: Application Name to which the Parameter is Associated
     :type application_name: str
    :return: List of all parameters
     :rtype: list
    params = requests.get(os.getenv("key_server_site") + "/rest/param/list?app=" + application_name,
                          auth=(username, password))

        assert params.status_code == 200

        return params.json()
    except AssertionError:
        exit("Problem listing Params (Check Server Logs for Details) - HTTP Status: %i" % params.status_code)
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def get_timeline(self, url, url_params):
        ents = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
        tweet_id = 0

        credentials = oauth.connection()
        twitter_request = requests.get(url, auth=credentials, params=url_params)

        if twitter_request.json() and twitter_request.status_code == 200:
            ref = self.page
            self.page += 1
            self.since_id = self.timeline[ref][0]['id_str']

            for i in range(len(self.timeline[ref])-1, -1, -1):

                tweet_id += 1

                    text = ents.unescape(self.timeline[ref][i]['retweeted_status']['text'])
                    print '%d %d %s from %s' % (
                        self.page, tweet_id,
                        colored.green('@' + self.timeline[ref][i]['user']['screen_name']),
                        colored.red('@' + self.timeline[ref][i]['retweeted_status']['user']['screen_name'])
                    print colored.yellow(text)
                    print ''
                except KeyError:
                    text = ents.unescape(self.timeline[ref][i]['text'])
                    print '%d %d %s' % (
                        self.page, tweet_id,
                        colored.green('@' + self.timeline[ref][i]['user']['screen_name'])
                    print colored.yellow(text)
                    print ''
            print colored.red('Theres no new tweets at the moment !!!')
Ejemplo n.º 40
def getCard(self, params):
    r = requests.get(CARD_URL % (self.broker.board, self.cardIdShort), params=params)
    return r.json