def dec(): n_USER=e2.get() # GET THE USER INPUT n VALUE if n_USER == "Enter n": return if n_USER == " Decryption cancelled " : v.set("Enter n") return n_USR=int(n_USER) if n_USR == 0: e2.delete(0,END) v.set("Enter n") return # RETURNS THE PATH OF THE INTERMEDIATE # TO READ THE ENCRYPTED DATA path_im=askopenfilename(title="Path of the Encrypted File",filetypes=[("Encrypted file","*.smt"),("pythonfiles","*.py")]) #this function is imported from tkFileDialog #you can specify the filetypes of your choice #there is an other function called LoadFileDialog which also # CHECKS IF DECRYPTION IS CANCELLED if path_im == () : v.set(" Decryption cancelled ") return fim=open(path_im,'r') # check the file if decryption possible # genuine intermediary file # encrypted using the same program binLen = 16 sf_cd = 1010101010101010 bin=int( if bin != sf_cd : print "\nnot safe\n" return else : print "\nsafe\n" # RETREIVE INDEX TO FIND e # ( PUBLIC KEY ) bin=int( index = packages.b2a(bin) print "index is retrieved....."#,index # RETREIVE PHI VALUE bin=int( PHI = packages.b2a(bin) print "PHI is retrieved......"#,PHI # RETREIVE e ( PUBLIC KEY )*index) bin=int( e = packages.b2a(bin) print "e is retrieved........"#,e # CALCULATE d ( PRIVATE KEY ) d=packages.get_d(e,PHI) print "d is evaluated........"#,d*24) # REACH THE n VALUE bin=int( n = packages.b2a(bin) # RECEIVE THE USER INPUT n VALUE # CHECKS AUTHORISATION if n_USR == n : # RETURNS THE PATH OF THE OUTPUT FILE # TO GET THE DECRYPTED ACTUAL OUTPUT path_op=asksaveasfilename(title="Path of the decrypted File",filetypes=[("Text","*"),("Images","*.jpg"),("BitMapImage","*.bmp"),("pythonfiles","*.py")]) #this function is imported from tkFileDialog #you can specify the filetypes of your choice #there is an other function called LoadFileDialog which also fop=open(path_op,'a') eoff = 1111111111111111 bin=int( while bin != eoff : C = packages.b2a(bin) M = packages.de_en(C,d,n) txt=chr(M) fop.write(txt) bin = int( fim.close() fop.close() e2.delete(0,END) v.set("0") else : print "Wrong n entered" e2.delete(0,END) v.set("0") binLen = 16 sf_cd = 1010101010101010 # check the file if decryption possible # genuine intermediary file # encrypted using the same program bin = int( if bin != sf_cd: print "\nnot safe\n" else: print "\nsafe\n" bin = int( index = packages.b2a(bin) print "index is retrieved....." # ,index bin = int( PHI = packages.b2a(bin) print "PHI is retrieved......" # ,PHI * index) bin = int( e = packages.b2a(bin) print "e is retrieved........" # ,e d = packages.get_d(e, PHI)