Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_redis_version(webserver):
    """ Redis pip module version 3.4.0 has an issue in the Astronomer platform
        redis_module = webserver.pip_package.get_packages()['redis']
    except KeyError:
        raise Exception("redis pip module is not installed")
    version = redis_module['version']
    assert semantic_version(version) != semantic_version('3.4.0'), \
        "redis module must not be 3.4.0"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_werkzeug_version(webserver):
    """ Werkzeug pip module version >= 1.0.0 has an issue
        werkzeug_module = webserver.pip_package.get_packages()['Werkzeug']
    except KeyError:
        raise Exception("Werkzeug pip module is not installed")
    version = werkzeug_module['version']
    assert semantic_version(version) < semantic_version('1.0.0'), \
        "Werkzeug pip module version must be less than 1.0.0"
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_elasticsearch_version(webserver):
    """ Astronomer runs a version of ElasticSearch that requires
    our users to run the client code of version 5.5.3 or greater
        elasticsearch_module = webserver.pip_package.get_packages()['elasticsearch']
    except KeyError:
        raise Exception("elasticsearch pip module is not installed")
    version = elasticsearch_module['version']
    assert semantic_version(version) >= semantic_version('5.5.3'), \
        "elasticsearch module must be version 5.5.3 or greater"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_astronomer_airflow_check_version(webserver):
    """ astronomer-airflow-version-check 1.0.0 has an issue in the Astronomer platform
        version_check_module = webserver.pip_package.get_packages()['astronomer-airflow-version-check']
    except KeyError:
        print("astronomer-airflow-version-check pip module is not installed")
    version = version_check_module['version']
    assert semantic_version(version) >= semantic_version('1.0.1'), \
        "astronomer-airflow-version-check module must be greater than 1.0.0"
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_airflow_configs(scheduler, docker_client):
    """Verify certain Airflow configurations"""
    distro = get_label(docker_client, "io.astronomer.docker.distro")
    relative_config_path = "site-packages/airflow/config_templates/default_airflow.cfg"
    python_install_dir = str(
            'python -c "import os; print(os.path.dirname(os.__file__))"')
    config_file_path = f"{python_install_dir}/{relative_config_path}"

    assert scheduler.file(
        config_file_path).exists, f"{relative_config_path} does not exist !"

    if distro == "debian":
        expected_run_as_user = "******"
    elif distro == "alpine":
        expected_run_as_user = "******"
    elif distro == "rhel":
        expected_run_as_user = "******"
        expected_run_as_user = ""

    if airflow_2:
        assert scheduler.check_output(
            f"cat {config_file_path} | "
            "grep '^lazy_load_plugins' | awk '{print $3}'"
        ) == "False", "[core] lazy_load_plugins needs to be False for astronomer-version-check plugin to work"

        assert scheduler.check_output(
            f"cat {config_file_path} | "
            "grep '^auth_backend' | awk '{print $3}'"
        ) == "astronomer.flask_appbuilder.current_user_backend", \
            "[api] auth_backend(s) needs to be set to 'astronomer.flask_appbuilder.current_user_backend' for Platform"

        assert scheduler.check_output(
            f"cat {config_file_path} | "
            "grep '^operation_timeout' | awk '{print $3}'"
        ) == "10.0", "[celery] operation_timeout needs to be set for AC >= 2.0.0"
        # Confirm that run_as_user is the UID for astro user (and not root) for AC images
        assert scheduler.check_output(f"cat {config_file_path} | "
                                      "grep '^run_as_user' | awk '{print $3}'"
                                      ).strip() == expected_run_as_user

    if semantic_version(airflow_version) >= semantic_version('1.10.7'):
        assert scheduler.check_output(
            f"cat {config_file_path} | "
            "grep '^update_fab_perms' | awk '{print $3}'"
        ) == "False", "[webserver] update_fab_perms needs to be False for AC >= 1.10.10"
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_airflow_configs(scheduler, docker_client):
    """Verify certain Airflow configurations"""
    distro = get_label(docker_client, "io.astronomer.docker.distro")

    if distro == "debian":
        config_file_path = "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/airflow/config_templates/default_airflow.cfg"
        expected_run_as_user = "******"
    elif distro == "alpine":
        config_file_path = "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/airflow/config_templates/default_airflow.cfg"
        expected_run_as_user = "******"
    elif distro == "rhel":
        config_file_path = "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/airflow/config_templates/default_airflow.cfg"
        expected_run_as_user = "******"
        config_file_path = "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/airflow/config_templates/default_airflow.cfg"
        expected_run_as_user = ""

    if airflow_2:
        assert scheduler.check_output(
            f"cat {config_file_path} | "
            "grep '^lazy_load_plugins' | awk '{print $3}'"
        ) == "False", "[core] lazy_load_plugins needs to be False for astronomer-version-check plugin to work"

        assert scheduler.check_output(
            f"cat {config_file_path} | "
            "grep '^auth_backend' | awk '{print $3}'"
        ) == "astronomer.flask_appbuilder.current_user_backend", \
            "[api] auth_backend needs to be set to 'astronomer.flask_appbuilder.current_user_backend' for Platform"
        # Confirm that run_as_user is the UID for astro user (and not root) for AC images
        assert scheduler.check_output(f"cat {config_file_path} | "
                                      "grep '^run_as_user' | awk '{print $3}'"
                                      ).strip() == expected_run_as_user

    if semantic_version(airflow_version) >= semantic_version('1.10.7'):
        assert scheduler.check_output(
            f"cat {config_file_path} | "
            "grep '^update_fab_perms' | awk '{print $3}'"
        ) == "False", "[webserver] update_fab_perms needs to be False for AC >= 1.10.10"
Ejemplo n.º 7
instance of postgres, which is also running in Docker.

Testinfra is used to configuration test the image. In effect,
testinfra simplifies and provides syntactic sugar for doing
execs into a running container.

import os

import docker
import pytest
import testinfra
from kubernetes import client, config
from packaging.version import parse as semantic_version

airflow_version = semantic_version(os.environ.get("AIRFLOW_VERSION"))
airflow_2 = airflow_version >= semantic_version("2.0.0")

def create_kube_client(in_cluster=False):
    Load and store authentication and cluster information from kube-config
    file; if running inside a pod, use Kubernetes service account. Use that to
    instantiate Kubernetes client.
    if in_cluster:
        print("Using in cluster kubernetes configuration")
        print("Using kubectl kubernetes configuration")