Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, label=None):

        :param label: an identifier for the partitioned_graph
        :type label: str
        :raise pacman.exceptions.PacmanInvalidParameterException:
                    * If one of the subedges is not valid
                    * If one of the subvertices is not valid
        self._label = label
        self._subvertices = OrderedSet()
        self._subedges = OrderedSet()

        self._outgoing_subedges = dict()
        self._incoming_subedges = dict()

        self._id_to_object_mapping = dict()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _generate_radial_chips(self, machine, resource_tracker=None,
                               start_chip_x=0, start_chip_y=0):
        first_chip = machine.get_chip_at(start_chip_x, start_chip_y)
        done_chips = set()
        found_chips = OrderedSet()
        search = deque([first_chip])
        while len(search) > 0:
            chip = search.pop()
            if (resource_tracker is None or
                    resource_tracker.is_chip_available(chip.x, chip.y)):
                found_chips.add((chip.x, chip.y))

            # Examine the links of the chip to find the next chips
            for link in chip.router.links:
                next_chip = machine.get_chip_at(link.destination_x,

                # Don't search found chips again
                if next_chip not in done_chips:
        return found_chips
Ejemplo n.º 3
class PartitionedGraph(object):
    """ Represents a partitioning of a partitionable_graph

    def __init__(self, label=None):

        :param label: an identifier for the partitioned_graph
        :type label: str
        :raise pacman.exceptions.PacmanInvalidParameterException:
                    * If one of the subedges is not valid
                    * If one of the subvertices is not valid
        self._label = label
        self._subvertices = OrderedSet()
        self._subedges = OrderedSet()

        self._outgoing_subedges = dict()
        self._incoming_subedges = dict()

        self._id_to_object_mapping = dict()

    def add_subvertex(self, subvertex):
        """ Add a subvertex to this partitioned_graph

        :param subvertex: a subvertex to be added to the partitioned graph
        :type subvertex:\
        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        :raise pacman.exceptions.PacmanInvalidParameterException: If the\
                    subvertex is not valid
        if subvertex not in self._subvertices:
            raise PacmanAlreadyExistsException("PartitionedVertex",
        self._outgoing_subedges[subvertex] = dict()
        self._incoming_subedges[subvertex] = list()
        # update id mapping
        self._id_to_object_mapping[str(id(subvertex))] = subvertex

    def add_subvertices(self, subvertices):
        """ Add some subvertices to this partitioned_graph

        :param subvertices: an iterable of subvertices to add to this\
        :type subvertices: iterable of\
        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        :raise pacman.exceptions.PacmanInvalidParameterException: If the\
                    subvertex is not valid
        if subvertices is not None:
            for next_subvertex in subvertices:

    def add_subedge(self, subedge, partition_id=None):
        """ Add a subedge to this partitioned_graph

        :param subedge: a subedge to be added to the partitioned_graph
        :type subedge:\
        :param partition_id: the id for the outgoing partition that this edge\
                    is associated with
        :type partition_id: str
        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        :raise pacman.exceptions.PacmanInvalidParameterException: If the\
                    subedge is not valid
        if subedge in self._subedges:
            raise PacmanAlreadyExistsException(
                "FixedRoutePartitionableEdge", str(subedge))


        # if the partition id is none, make a unique one for storage
        if partition_id is None:
            partition_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        if subedge.pre_subvertex in self._outgoing_subedges:
            # if this partition id not been seen before, add a new partition
            if (partition_id not in
                self._outgoing_subedges[subedge.pre_subvertex][partition_id] =\
            raise PacmanInvalidParameterException(
                "FixedRoutePartitionableEdge pre_subvertex",
                " Must exist in the partitioned_graph")

        if subedge.post_subvertex in self._incoming_subedges:
            raise PacmanInvalidParameterException(
                "FixedRoutePartitionableEdge post_subvertex",
                " Must exist in the partitioned_graph")

    def add_subedges(self, subedges, partition_id=None):
        """ Add some subedges to this partitioned_graph

        :param subedges: an iterable of subedges to add to this\
        :type subedges: iterable of\
        :param partition_id: the id for the outgoing partition that this edge\
                    is associated with
        :type partition_id: str
        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        :raise pacman.exceptions.PacmanInvalidParameterException: If the\
                    subedge is not valid
        if subedges is not None:
            for next_subedge in subedges:
                self.add_subedge(next_subedge, partition_id)

    def outgoing_subedges_from_subvertex(
            self, subvertex, partition_identifier=None):
        """ Locate the subedges for which subvertex is the pre_subvertex.\
            Can return an empty collection

        :param subvertex: the subvertex for which to find the outgoing subedges
        :type subvertex:\
        :param partition_identifier: the identifier for the partition that
        the edges being returned should associate with. If set to None, returns
        all edges from all partitions
        :type partition_identifier: string or None
        :return: an iterable of subedges which have subvertex as their\
        :rtype: iterable of\
        :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions
        if partition_identifier is None:
            edges = list()
            for partition_identifier in self._outgoing_subedges[subvertex]:
            return edges
        elif partition_identifier not in self._outgoing_subedges[subvertex]:
            return ()
            return self._outgoing_subedges[subvertex][

    def outgoing_edges_partitions_from_vertex(self, sub_vertex):
        """ Locates all the outgoing edge partitions for a given vertex

        :param sub_vertex: the vertex for which the outgoing edge partitions \
                    are to be located for.
         :type sub_vertex: \
        :return: iterable of\
                     or a empty list if none are avilable
        :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions
        if sub_vertex in self._outgoing_subedges:
            return self._outgoing_subedges[sub_vertex]
            return ()

    def incoming_subedges_from_subvertex(self, subvertex):
        """ Locate the subedges for which subvertex is the post_subvertex.\
            Can return an empty collection.

        :param subvertex: the subvertex for which to find the incoming subedges
        :type subvertex:\
        :return: an iterable of subedges which have subvertex as their\
        :rtype: iterable of\
        :raise None: does not raise any known exceptions
        if subvertex in self._incoming_subedges:
            return self._incoming_subedges[subvertex]
        return None

    def get_subvertex_with_repr(self, label):
        """ Locates the subvertex which has the same label of the input

        :param label: the input label to search for.
        :return: the partitionedVertex or None if there's no vertex with this\
        if label in self._id_to_object_mapping:
            return self._id_to_object_mapping[label]
            return None

    def get_subedge_with_label(self, label, destination_sub_vertex=None):
        """ locates the subedge which has the same label of the input

        :param label: the input label to search for.
        :param destination_sub_vertex: the subvertex to which this edge goes to
        :return: the partitionedEdge or None if there's no vertex with this \
        for subvertex in self._subvertices:
            for edge_partition_id in self._outgoing_subedges[subvertex]:
                vertex_and_partition_id = \
                    "{}:{}".format(id(subvertex), edge_partition_id)
                if vertex_and_partition_id == label:
                    edge_partition = \
                    edges = edge_partition.edges
                    if destination_sub_vertex is None:
                        return edges[0]
                        for edge in edges:
                            if edge.post_subvertex == destination_sub_vertex:
                                return edge
        return None

    def subvertices(self):
        """ The subvertices of the partitioned_graph

        :return: an iterable of subvertices
        :rtype: iterable of\
        return self._subvertices

    def subedges(self):
        """ The subedges of the partitioned_graph

        :return: an iterable of subedges
        :rtype: iterable of\
        return self._subedges

    def label(self):
        """ The label of the partitioned_graph

        :return: The label or None if there is no label
        :rtype: str
        :raise None: Raises no known exceptions
        return self._label
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, machine, chips=None):

        :param machine: The machine to track the usage of
        :type machine: :py:class:`spinn_machine.machine.Machine`
        :param chips: If specified, this list of chips will be used\
                    instead of the list from the machine.  Note that the order\
                    will be maintained, so this can be used either to reduce\
                    the set of chips used, or to re-order the chips.  Note\
                    also that on de-allocation, the order is no longer\
        :type chips: iterable of (x, y) tuples of coordinates of chips

        # The amount of SDRAM used by each chip,
        # indexed by the (x, y) tuple of coordinates of the chip
        # Note that entries are only added when the SDRAM is first used
        self._sdram_tracker = dict()

        # The set of processor ids available on each chip,
        # indexed by the (x, y) tuple of coordinates of the chip
        # Note that entries are only added when a core is first used
        self._core_tracker = dict()

        # The machine object
        self._machine = machine

        # Set of tags available indexed by board address
        # Note that entries are only added when a board is first used
        self._tags_by_board = dict()

        # Set of boards with available ip tags
        self._boards_with_ip_tags = OrderedSet()

        # Set of (board_address, tag) assigned to an ip tag indexed by
        # (ip address, port, strip_sdp) - Note not reverse ip tags
        self._ip_tags_address_and_port = dict()

        # The (ip address, port) assigned to an ip tag indexed by
        # (board address, tag)
        self._address_and_port_ip_tag = dict()

        # The (board address, port) combinations already assigned to a
        # reverse ip tag - Note not ip tags
        self._reverse_ip_tag_listen_port = set()

        # The port assigned to a reverse ip tag, indexed by
        # (board address, tag) - Note not ip tags
        self._listen_port_reverse_ip_tag = dict()

        # A count of how many allocations are sharing the same ip tag -
        # Note not reverse ip tags
        self._n_ip_tag_allocations = dict()

        # Board address indexed by (x, y) tuple of coordinates of the chip
        self._ethernet_area_codes = dict()

        # (x, y) tuple of coordinates of Ethernet connected chip indexed by
        # board address
        self._ethernet_chips = dict()

        # Set of (x, y) tuples of coordinates of chips which have available
        # processors
        self._chips_available = OrderedSet(chips)
        if chips is None:
            for chip in machine.chips:
                key = (chip.x, chip.y)

        # Initialise the Ethernet area codes
        for (chip_x, chip_y) in self._chips_available:
            chip = self._machine.get_chip_at(chip_x, chip_y)
            key = (chip_x, chip_y)

            # add area codes for Ethernets
            if (chip.nearest_ethernet_x is not None and
                    chip.nearest_ethernet_y is not None):
                ethernet_connected_chip = machine.get_chip_at(
                    chip.nearest_ethernet_x, chip.nearest_ethernet_y)
                ethernet_area_code = ethernet_connected_chip.ip_address
                if ethernet_area_code not in self._ethernet_area_codes:
                        ethernet_area_code] = OrderedSet()
                    self._ethernet_chips[ethernet_area_code] = (
                        chip.nearest_ethernet_x, chip.nearest_ethernet_y)
Ejemplo n.º 5
class ResourceTracker(object):
    """ Tracks the usage of resources of a machine

    def __init__(self, machine, chips=None):

        :param machine: The machine to track the usage of
        :type machine: :py:class:`spinn_machine.machine.Machine`
        :param chips: If specified, this list of chips will be used\
                    instead of the list from the machine.  Note that the order\
                    will be maintained, so this can be used either to reduce\
                    the set of chips used, or to re-order the chips.  Note\
                    also that on de-allocation, the order is no longer\
        :type chips: iterable of (x, y) tuples of coordinates of chips

        # The amount of SDRAM used by each chip,
        # indexed by the (x, y) tuple of coordinates of the chip
        # Note that entries are only added when the SDRAM is first used
        self._sdram_tracker = dict()

        # The set of processor ids available on each chip,
        # indexed by the (x, y) tuple of coordinates of the chip
        # Note that entries are only added when a core is first used
        self._core_tracker = dict()

        # The machine object
        self._machine = machine

        # Set of tags available indexed by board address
        # Note that entries are only added when a board is first used
        self._tags_by_board = dict()

        # Set of boards with available ip tags
        self._boards_with_ip_tags = OrderedSet()

        # Set of (board_address, tag) assigned to an ip tag indexed by
        # (ip address, port, strip_sdp) - Note not reverse ip tags
        self._ip_tags_address_and_port = dict()

        # The (ip address, port) assigned to an ip tag indexed by
        # (board address, tag)
        self._address_and_port_ip_tag = dict()

        # The (board address, port) combinations already assigned to a
        # reverse ip tag - Note not ip tags
        self._reverse_ip_tag_listen_port = set()

        # The port assigned to a reverse ip tag, indexed by
        # (board address, tag) - Note not ip tags
        self._listen_port_reverse_ip_tag = dict()

        # A count of how many allocations are sharing the same ip tag -
        # Note not reverse ip tags
        self._n_ip_tag_allocations = dict()

        # Board address indexed by (x, y) tuple of coordinates of the chip
        self._ethernet_area_codes = dict()

        # (x, y) tuple of coordinates of Ethernet connected chip indexed by
        # board address
        self._ethernet_chips = dict()

        # Set of (x, y) tuples of coordinates of chips which have available
        # processors
        self._chips_available = OrderedSet(chips)
        if chips is None:
            for chip in machine.chips:
                key = (chip.x, chip.y)

        # Initialise the Ethernet area codes
        for (chip_x, chip_y) in self._chips_available:
            chip = self._machine.get_chip_at(chip_x, chip_y)
            key = (chip_x, chip_y)

            # add area codes for Ethernets
            if (chip.nearest_ethernet_x is not None and
                    chip.nearest_ethernet_y is not None):
                ethernet_connected_chip = machine.get_chip_at(
                    chip.nearest_ethernet_x, chip.nearest_ethernet_y)
                ethernet_area_code = ethernet_connected_chip.ip_address
                if ethernet_area_code not in self._ethernet_area_codes:
                        ethernet_area_code] = OrderedSet()
                    self._ethernet_chips[ethernet_area_code] = (
                        chip.nearest_ethernet_x, chip.nearest_ethernet_y)

    def _get_usable_ip_tag_chips(self):
        """ Get the coordinates of any chips that have available ip tags

        :return: Generator of tuples of (x, y) coordinates of chips
        :rtype: generator of (int, int)
        for board_address in self._boards_with_ip_tags:
            for key in self._ethernet_area_codes[board_address]:
                if (key not in self._core_tracker or
                        len(self._core_tracker[key]) > 0):
                    yield key

    def _get_usable_chips(self, chips, board_address,
                          ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags):
        """ Get all chips that are available on a board given the constraints

        :param chips: iterable of tuples of (x, y) coordinates of chips to \
                    look though for usable chips, or None to use all available\
        :type chips: iterable of (int, int)
        :param board_address: the board address to check for usable chips on
        :type board_address: str or None
        :param ip_tags: list of ip tag constraints
        :type ip_tags: list of\
        :param reverse_ip_tags: list of reverse ip tag constraints
        :type reverse_ip_tags: list of\
        :return: iterable of tuples of (x, y) coordinates of usable chips
        :rtype: iterable of tuple of (x, y)
        :raise PacmanInvalidParameterException:
                    * If the board address is unknown
                    * When either or both chip coordinates of any chip are none
                    * When a non-existent chip is specified
                    * When all the chips in the specified board have been used
        if chips is not None:
            chips_to_use = list()
            area_code = None
            if board_address is not None:
                if board_address not in self._ethernet_area_codes:
                    raise exceptions.PacmanInvalidParameterException(
                        "board_address", str(board_address),
                        "Unrecognised board address")
                area_code = self._ethernet_area_codes[board_address]
            for (chip_x, chip_y) in chips:
                if ((chip_x is None and chip_y is not None) or
                        (chip_x is not None and chip_y is None)):
                    raise exceptions.PacmanInvalidParameterException(
                        "chip_x and chip_y", "{} and {}".format(
                            chip_x, chip_y),
                        "Either both or neither must be None")
                elif self._machine.get_chip_at(chip_x, chip_y) is None:
                    raise exceptions.PacmanInvalidParameterException(
                        "chip_x and chip_y", "{} and {}".format(
                            chip_x, chip_y),
                        "No such chip was found in the machine")
                elif ((chip_x, chip_y) in self._chips_available and
                        (area_code is None or (chip_x, chip_y) in area_code)):
                    chips_to_use.append((chip_x, chip_y))
            if len(chips_to_use) == 0:
                raise exceptions.PacmanInvalidParameterException(
                    "chips and board_address",
                    "{} and {}".format(chips, board_address),
                    "No valid chips found on the specified board")
            return chips_to_use
        elif board_address is not None:
            return self._ethernet_area_codes[board_address]
        elif ((ip_tags is not None and len(ip_tags) > 0) or
                (reverse_ip_tags is not None and len(reverse_ip_tags) > 0)):
            return self._get_usable_ip_tag_chips()
        return self._chips_available

    def _is_sdram_available(self, chip, key, resources):
        """ Check if the SDRAM available on a given chip is enough for the\
            given resources.

        :param chip: The chip to check the resources of
        :type chip: :py:class:`spinn_machine.chip.Chip`
        :param key: The (x, y) coordinates of the chip
        :type key: tuple of (int, int)
        :param resources: the resources containing the SDRAM required
        :type resources:\
        :return: True if there is enough SDRAM available, or False otherwise
        :rtype: bool
        if key in self._sdram_tracker:
            return ((chip.sdram.size - self._sdram_tracker[key]) >
            return chip.sdram > resources.sdram.get_value()

    def _sdram_available(self, chip, key):
        """ Return the amount of SDRAM available on a chip

        :param chip: The chip to check the resources of
        :type chip: :py:class:`spinn_machine.chip.Chip`
        :param key: The (x, y) coordinates of the chip
        :type key: tuple of (int, int)
        :return: the SDRAM available
        :rtype: int
        if key not in self._sdram_tracker:
            return chip.sdram.size
        return chip.sdram.size - self._sdram_tracker[key]

    def _best_core_available(self, chip, key, processor_id):
        """ Locate the best core available on a chip

        :param chip: The chip to check the resources of
        :type chip: :py:class:`spinn_machine.chip.Chip`
        :param key: The (x, y) coordinates of the chip
        :type key: tuple of (int, int)
        :param processor_id: A fixed processor id
        :type processor_id: int
        :return: The processor id selected as the best on this chip
        if processor_id is not None:
            return processor_id

        # TODO: Check for the best core; currently assumes all are the same
        if key not in self._core_tracker:
            for processor in chip.processors:
                if not processor.is_monitor:
                    return processor.processor_id
        return iter(self._core_tracker[key]).next()

    def _is_core_available(self, chip, key, processor_id, resources):
        """ Check if there is a core available on a given chip given the\

        :param chip: The chip to check the resources of
        :type chip: :py:class:`spinn_machine.chip.Chip`
        :param key: The (x, y) coordinates of the chip
        :type key: tuple of (int, int)
        :param processor_id: A constraining fixed processor id
        :type processor_id: int or None
        :param resources: The resources to be allocated
        :type resources:\
        :return: True if there is a core available given the constraints, or\
                    False otherwise
        :rtype: bool
        # TODO: Check the resources can be met with the processor
        # Currently assumes all processors are equal and that resources
        # haven't been over allocated
        if processor_id is not None:
            if (key in self._core_tracker and
                    processor_id not in self._core_tracker[key]):
                return False
            elif key not in self._core_tracker:
                processor = chip.get_processor_with_id(processor_id)
                return processor is not None and not processor.is_monitor
        elif key in self._core_tracker:
            return len(self._core_tracker[key]) != 0

        return True

    def _get_matching_ip_tag(self, board_address, tag, key):
        """ Locate a tag for a tag id on a board address for a given chip

        :param board_address: the board address to locate the chip on
        :type board_address: str or None
        :param tag: the tag id to locate
        :type tag: int or None
        :param key: The (x, y) coordinates of the chip
        :type key: tuple of (int int)
        :return: A board address and tag id, or None, None if none
        :rtype: tuple of (str, int) or (None, None)
        if key not in self._ip_tags_address_and_port:
            return None, None
        existing_tags = self._ip_tags_address_and_port[key]
        if board_address is None and tag is not None:
            for (b_address, a_tag) in existing_tags:
                if a_tag == tag:
                    return b_address, a_tag
        elif board_address is not None and tag is None:
            for (b_address, a_tag) in existing_tags:
                if b_address == board_address:
                    return b_address, a_tag
        elif board_address is None and tag is None:
            return iter(existing_tags).next()
        elif (board_address, tag) in existing_tags:
            return board_address, tag
        return None, None

    def _is_tag_available(self, board_address, tag):
        """ Check if a tag is available given the constraints

        :param board_address: the board address to locate the chip on
        :type board_address: str or None
        :param tag: the tag id to locate
        :type tag: int or None
        :return: True if the tag is available, False otherwise
        :rtype: bool
        if board_address is None and tag is not None:
            for board_address in self._boards_with_ip_tags:
                if (board_address not in self._tags_by_board or
                        tag in self._tags_by_board[board_address]):
                    return True
            return False
        elif board_address is not None and tag is None:
            return board_address in self._boards_with_ip_tags
        elif board_address is None and tag is None:
            return len(self._boards_with_ip_tags) > 0
        return (board_address not in self._tags_by_board or
                tag in self._tags_by_board[board_address])

    def _is_ip_tag_available(self, board_address, tag, ip_address, port,
        """ Check if an iptag is available given the constraints
        :param board_address: the board address to locate the chip on
        :type board_address: str or None
        :param tag: the tag id to locate
        :type tag: int or None
        :param ip_address: the ip address of the tag to be assigned
        :type ip_address: str
        :param port: the port number of the tag to be assigned
        :type port: int
        :param strip_sdp: if the iptag has to be able to strip the SDP header
        :type strip_sdp: bool
        :return: True if a matching iptag is available, False otherwise
        :rtype: bool
        # If something is already sending to the same ip address and port but
        # is performing the opposite operation for strip SDP, then no tag can
        # be allocated
        reverse_strip_key = (ip_address, port, not strip_sdp)
        if reverse_strip_key in self._ip_tags_address_and_port:
            return False

        # If the same key is being used for another ip tag, re-use it
        key = (ip_address, port, strip_sdp)
        (b_address, _) = self._get_matching_ip_tag(board_address, tag, key)
        if b_address is not None:
            return True

        # Otherwise determine if another tag is available
        return self._is_tag_available(board_address, tag)

    def _are_ip_tags_available(self, chip, board_address, ip_tags):
        """ Check if the set of tags are available using the given chip,\
            given the constraints

        :param chip: the (x, y) coordinates of the chip to check
        :type chip: (int, int)
        :param board_address: the board to allocate ip tags on
        :type board_address: str or None
        :param ip_tags: The ip tag constraints
        :type ip_tags: iterable of\
        :return: True if the tags can be allocated, False otherwise
        :rtype: bool
        # If there are no tags to assign, declare that they are available
        if ip_tags is None or len(ip_tags) == 0:
            return True

        # If there is a fixed board address and the chip is not on the board
        # the tags are not available
        if (board_address is not None and (chip.x, chip.y)
                not in self._ethernet_area_codes[board_address]):
            return False

        # Check if each of the tags is available
        for ip_tag in ip_tags:
            if not self._is_ip_tag_available(board_address, ip_tag.tag,
                                             ip_tag.ip_address, ip_tag.port,
                return False
        return True

    def _is_reverse_ip_tag_available(self, board_address, tag, port):
        """ Check if the reverse ip tag is available given the constraints

        :param board_address: The board address to use
        :type board_address: str or None
        :param tag: The tag to be used
        :type tag: int or None
        :param port: The port that the tag will listen on on the board
        :type port: int
        :return: True if the tag is available, false otherwise
        :rtype: int
        if board_address is not None:

            # If the board address is not None, and the port is already
            # assigned, the tag is not available
            if (board_address, port) in self._reverse_ip_tag_listen_port:
                return False

            # If the port is available, return true if the tag is available
            return self._is_tag_available(board_address, tag)

        # If the board address is not None but the port is already used
        # everywhere that the tag is available, the tag is not available
        port_available = False
        for b_address in self._boards_with_ip_tags:
            if ((b_address, port) not in self._reverse_ip_tag_listen_port and
                    self._is_tag_available(b_address, tag)):
                port_available = True
        return port_available

    def _are_reverse_ip_tags_available(self, chip, board_address,
        """ Check if this chip can be used given the reverse ip tag constraints

        :param chip: The coordinates of the chip to check
        :type chip: (int, int)
        :param board_address: the board to allocate ip tags on
        :type board_address: str or None
        :param reverse_ip_tags: The reverse ip tag constraints to be met
        :type reverse_ip_tags: iterable of \
        :return: True if the chip can be used, False otherwise
        :rtype: bool
        # If there are no tags, declare they are available
        if reverse_ip_tags is None or len(reverse_ip_tags) == 0:
            return True

        # If there is a fixed board address and the chip is not on the board
        # the tags are not available
        if (board_address is not None and not (chip.x, chip.y)
                in self._ethernet_area_codes[board_address]):
            return False

        for ip_tag in reverse_ip_tags:
            if not self._is_reverse_ip_tag_available(board_address,
                                                     ip_tag.tag, ip_tag.port):
                return False
        return True

    def _allocate_sdram(self, chip, key, resources):
        """ Allocates the SDRAM on the given chip

        :param chip: The chip to allocate the resources of
        :type chip: :py:class:`spinn_machine.chip.Chip`
        :param key: The (x, y) coordinates of the chip
        :type key: tuple of (int, int)
        :param resources: the resources containing the SDRAM required
        :type resources:\
        if key not in self._sdram_tracker:
            self._sdram_tracker[key] = resources.sdram.get_value()
            self._sdram_tracker[key] += resources.sdram.get_value()

    def _allocate_core(self, chip, key, processor_id, resources):
        """ Allocates a core on the given chip

        :param chip: The chip to allocate the resources of
        :type chip: :py:class:`spinn_machine.chip.Chip`
        :param key: The (x, y) coordinates of the chip
        :type key: tuple of (int, int)
        :param processor_id: The id of the processor to allocate
        :type processor_id: int
        :param resources: the resources containing the SDRAM required
        :type resources:\
        if key not in self._core_tracker:
            self._core_tracker[key] = set()
            for processor in chip.processors:
                if not processor.is_monitor:
        if processor_id is not None:

            # TODO: Find a core that meets the resource requirements
            processor_id = self._core_tracker[key].pop()

        if len(self._core_tracker[key]) == 0:
        return processor_id

    def _allocate_tag(self, board_address, tag):
        """ Allocate a tag given the constraints

        :param board_address: the board address to allocate to
        :type board_address: str or None
        :param tag: the tag id to allocate on this board address
        :type tag: int or None
        :return: a tuple of (board_address and tag)
        :rtype: (str, int)
        if board_address is None and tag is not None:
            for b_address in self._boards_with_ip_tags:
                if (b_address not in self._tags_by_board or
                        tag in self._tags_by_board[b_address]):
                    board_address = b_address
        elif board_address is None and tag is None:
            board_address = iter(self._boards_with_ip_tags).next()

        if board_address not in self._tags_by_board:
            (e_chip_x, e_chip_y) = self._ethernet_chips[board_address]
            e_chip = self._machine.get_chip_at(e_chip_x, e_chip_y)
            self._tags_by_board[board_address] = set(e_chip.tag_ids)

        if tag is None:
            tag = self._tags_by_board[board_address].pop()

        if len(self._tags_by_board[board_address]) == 0:
        return board_address, tag

    def _allocate_ip_tags(self, board_address, ip_tags):
        """ Allocate the given set of ip tag constraints

        :param board_address: The board address to allocate on
        :type board_address: str or None
        :param ip_tags: The ip tag constraints to allocate
        :type ip_tags: iterable of\
        :return: iterable of tuples of (board address, tag) assigned
        :rtype: iterable of (str, int)
        if ip_tags is None or len(ip_tags) == 0:
            return None
        allocations = list()
        for ip_tag in ip_tags:
            key = (ip_tag.ip_address, ip_tag.port, ip_tag.strip_sdp)
            (b_address, a_tag) = self._get_matching_ip_tag(board_address,
                                                           ip_tag.tag, key)

            if b_address is not None:

                # If there is already an allocation that matches the current
                # tag, return this as the allocated tag
                allocations.append((b_address, a_tag))

                # Allocate an ip tag
                tag_key = self._allocate_tag(board_address, ip_tag.tag)

                # Remember that this tag is used for this ip address and port
                if key not in self._ip_tags_address_and_port:
                    self._ip_tags_address_and_port[key] = set()
                self._address_and_port_ip_tag[tag_key] = key

                # Remember how many allocations are sharing this tag
                # in case an deallocation is requested
                if tag_key not in self._n_ip_tag_allocations:
                    self._n_ip_tag_allocations[tag_key] = 1
                    self._n_ip_tag_allocations[tag_key] += 1
        if len(allocations) == 0:
            return None
        return allocations

    def _allocate_reverse_ip_tags(self, board_address, reverse_ip_tags):
        """ Allocate reverse ip tags with the given constraints
        :param board_address: the board address to allocate on
        :type board_address: str or None
        :param reverse_ip_tags: The reverse ip tag constraints
        :type reverse_ip_tags: iterable of\
        :return: iterable of tuples of (board address, tag) assigned
        :rtype: iterable of (str, int)
        if reverse_ip_tags is None or len(reverse_ip_tags) == 0:
            return None
        allocations = list()
        for reverse_ip_tag in reverse_ip_tags:

            if board_address is not None:

                # If there is a board address, allocate the tag on the board
                (_, tag) = self._allocate_tag(board_address,
                allocations.append((board_address, tag))
                    (board_address, reverse_ip_tag.port))
                    (board_address, reverse_ip_tag.tag)] = reverse_ip_tag.port


                # Otherwise, find the board with the port and tag available
                for b_address in self._boards_with_ip_tags:
                    if (((b_address, reverse_ip_tag.port)
                        not in self._reverse_ip_tag_listen_port) and
                        (_, a_tag) = self._allocate_tag(board_address,
                        allocations.append((b_address, a_tag))
                            (b_address, reverse_ip_tag.port))
                            = reverse_ip_tag.port
        if len(allocations) == 0:
            return None
        return allocations

    def allocate_constrained_resources(self, resources, constraints,
        """ Attempts to use the given resources of the machine, constrained\
            by the given placement constraints.

        :param resources: The resources to be allocated
        :type resources:\
        :param constraints: An iterable of constraints containing the\
                    note that other types are ignored and no exception will be\
        :type constraints: iterable of \
        :param chips: The optional list of (x, y) tuples of chip coordinates\
                    of chips that can be used.  Note that any chips passed in\
                    previously will be ignored
        :type chips: iterable of (int, int)
        :return: The x and y coordinates of the used chip, the processor_id,\
                 and the ip tag and reverse ip tag allocation tuples
        :rtype: (int, int, int, list((int, int)), list((int, int)))
        :raise PacmanValueError: If the constraints cannot be met given the\
                    current allocation of resources
        (x, y, p) = utility_calls.get_chip_and_core(constraints, chips)
        (board_address, ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags) = \
        chips = None
        if x is not None and y is not None:
            chips = [(x, y)]

        return self.allocate_resources(resources, chips, p, board_address,
                                       ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags)

    def allocate_resources(self, resources, chips=None,
                           processor_id=None, board_address=None,
                           ip_tags=None, reverse_ip_tags=None):
        """ Attempts to use the given resources of the machine.  Can be given\
            specific place to use the resources, or else it will allocate them\
            on the first place that the resources fit.

        :param resources: The resources to be allocated
        :type resources:\
        :param chips: An iterable of (x, y) tuples of chips that are to be used
        :type chips: iterable of (int, int)
        :param processor_id: The specific processor to use on any chip.
        :type processor_id: int
        :param board_address: the board address to allocate resources of a chip
        :type board_address: str
        :param ip_tags: iterable of ip tag constraints
        :type ip_tags: iterable of\
        :param reverse_ip_tags: iterable of reverse ip tag constraints
        :type reverse_ip_tags: iterable of\
        :return: The x and y coordinates of the used chip, the processor_id,\
                 and the ip tag and reverse ip tag allocation tuples
        :rtype: (int, int, int, list((int, int)), list((int, int)))
        usable_chips = self._get_usable_chips(chips, board_address,
                                              ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags)

        # Find the first usable chip which fits the resources
        for (chip_x, chip_y) in usable_chips:
            chip = self._machine.get_chip_at(chip_x, chip_y)
            key = (chip_x, chip_y)

            if (self._is_core_available(chip, key, processor_id, resources) and
                    self._is_sdram_available(chip, key, resources) and
                    self._are_ip_tags_available(chip, board_address,
                                                ip_tags) and
                    self._are_reverse_ip_tags_available(chip, board_address,
                processor_id = self._allocate_core(
                    chip, key, processor_id, resources)
                self._allocate_sdram(chip, key, resources)
                ip_tags_allocated = self._allocate_ip_tags(
                    board_address, ip_tags)
                reverse_ip_tags_allocated = self._allocate_reverse_ip_tags(
                    board_address, reverse_ip_tags)
                return (chip.x, chip.y, processor_id, ip_tags_allocated,

        # If no chip is available, raise an exception
        n_cores, n_chips, max_sdram = self._available_resources(usable_chips)
        raise exceptions.PacmanValueError(
            "No resources available to allocate the given resources"
            " within the given constraints:\n"
            "    Request for CPU: {}, DTCM: {}, SDRAM: {}\n"
            "    Resources available which meet constraints:"
            " {} Cores on {} chips, largest SDRAM space: {}".format(
                resources.cpu.get_value(), resources.dtcm.get_value(),
                resources.sdram.get_value(), n_cores, n_chips, max_sdram))

    def _available_resources(self, usable_chips):
        n_cores = 0
        max_sdram = 0
        n_chips = 0
        for x, y in usable_chips:
            chip = self._machine.get_chip_at(x, y)
            if (x, y) in self._core_tracker:
                n_cores += len(self._core_tracker[x, y])
                n_cores += len(chip.processors)
            sdram_available = self._sdram_available(chip, (x, y))
            if sdram_available > max_sdram:
                max_sdram = sdram_available
            n_chips += 1
        return n_cores, n_chips, max_sdram

    def get_maximum_constrained_resources_available(self, constraints,
        """ Get the maximum resources available given the constraints

        :param constraints: the constraints to match
        :type: iterable of\
        :param chips: the chips to locate the max available resources of
        :type chips: iterable of spinnmachine.chip.Chip
        (x, y, p) = utility_calls.get_chip_and_core(constraints, chips)
        (board_address, ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags) = \
        chips = None
        if x is not None and y is not None:
            chips = [(x, y)]
        return self.get_maximum_resources_available(chips, p, board_address,
                                                    ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags)

    def get_maximum_resources_available(self, chips=None, processor_id=None,
                                        board_address=None, ip_tags=None,
        """ Get the maximum resources available

        :param chips: An iterable of (x, y) tuples of chips that are to be used
        :type chips: iterable of (int, int)
        :param processor_id: the processor id
        :type processor_id: int
        :param board_address: the board address for locating max resources from
        :type board_address: str
        :param ip_tags: iterable of ip tag constraints
        :type ip_tags: iterable of\
        :param reverse_ip_tags: iterable of reverse ip tag constraints
        :type reverse_ip_tags: iterable of\
        :return: a resource which shows max resources available
        :rtype: ResourceContainer
        usable_chips = self._get_usable_chips(chips, board_address,
                                              ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags)

        # If the chip is not fixed, find the maximum SDRAM
        # TODO: Also check for the best core
        max_sdram_available = 0
        max_dtcm_available = 0
        max_cpu_available = 0
        for (chip_x, chip_y) in usable_chips:
            key = (chip_x, chip_y)
            chip = self._machine.get_chip_at(chip_x, chip_y)
            sdram_available = self._sdram_available(chip, key)
            ip_tags_available = self._are_ip_tags_available(
                chip, board_address, ip_tags)
            reverse_ip_tags_available = self._are_reverse_ip_tags_available(
                chip, board_address, reverse_ip_tags)

            if (sdram_available > max_sdram_available and
                    ip_tags_available and reverse_ip_tags_available):
                max_sdram_available = sdram_available
                best_processor_id = self._best_core_available(chip, key,
                processor = chip.get_processor_with_id(best_processor_id)
                max_dtcm_available = processor.dtcm_available
                max_cpu_available = processor.cpu_cycles_available

            # If all the SDRAM on the chip is available,
            # this chip is unallocated, so the max must be the max
            # TODO: This assumes that the chips are all the same
            if sdram_available == chip.sdram.size:

        # Send the maximums
        return ResourceContainer(

    def unallocate_resources(self, chip_x, chip_y, processor_id, resources,
                             ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags):
        """ Undo the allocation of resources

        :param chip_x: the x coord of the chip allocated
        :param chip_y: the y coord of the chip allocated
        :type chip_x: int
        :type chip_y: int
        :param processor_id: the processor id
        :type processor_id: int
        :param resources: The resources to be unallocated
        :type resources:\
        :param ip_tags: the details of the ip tags allocated
        :type ip_tags: iterable of (str, int) or None
        :param reverse_ip_tags: the details of the reverse ip tags allocated
        :type reverse_ip_tags: iterable of (str, int) or None
        :return: None

        self._chips_available.add((chip_x, chip_y))
        self._sdram_tracker -= resources.sdram.get_value()
        self._core_tracker[(chip_x, chip_y)].add(processor_id)

        # Deallocate the ip tags
        if ip_tags is not None:
            for (board_address, tag) in ip_tags:
                self._n_ip_tag_allocations[board_address] -= 1
                if self._n_ip_tag_allocations[board_address] == 0:
                    tag_key = (board_address, tag)
                    key = self._address_and_port_ip_tag[tag_key]
                    del self._address_and_port_ip_tag[tag_key]

        # Deallocate the reverse ip tags
        if reverse_ip_tags is not None:
            for (board_address, tag) in reverse_ip_tags:
                port = self._listen_port_reverse_ip_tag[(board_address, tag)]
                del self._listen_port_reverse_ip_tag[(board_address, tag)]
                self._reverse_ip_tag_listen_port.remove((board_address, port))

    def is_chip_available(self, chip_x, chip_y):
        """ Check if a given chip is available

        :param chip_x: the x coord of the chip
        :type chip_x: int
        :param chip_y:the y coord of the chip
        :type chip_y: int
        :return: True if the chip is available, False otherwise
        :rtype: bool
        return (chip_x, chip_y) in self._chips_available

    def keys(self):
        """ The chip coordinates assigned
        return self._sdram_tracker.keys()