def max_hp_change(self, turns, max_hp, percent):
     if percent:
         return 'Change player HP to {:,}% for {:s}'.format(
             max_hp, noun_count('turn', turns))
         return 'Change player HP to {:,} for {:s}'.format(
             max_hp, noun_count('turn', turns))
 def spinners(self, turns, speed, random_num=None):
     if random_num is None:
         return 'Specific orbs change every {:.1f}s for {:s}' \
             .format(speed / 100, noun_count('turn', turns))
         return 'Random {:d} orbs change every {:.1f}s for {:s}' \
             .format(random_num, speed / 100, noun_count('turn', turns))
    def heal_active_convert(self, act):
        hp = getattr(act, 'hp', 0)
        rcv_mult = getattr(act, 'rcv_multiplier_as_hp', 0)
        php = getattr(act, 'percentage_max_hp', 0)
        trcv_mult = getattr(act, 'team_rcv_multiplier_as_hp', 0)
        unbind = getattr(act, 'card_bind', 0)
        awoken_unbind = getattr(act, 'awoken_bind', 0)

        skill_text = ('Recover ' + '{:,}'.format(hp) + ' HP' if hp != 0 else
                      ('Recover ' + fmt_mult(rcv_mult) +
                       'x RCV as HP' if rcv_mult != 0 else
                       ('Recover all HP' if php == 1 else
                        ('Recover ' + fmt_mult(php * 100) +
                         '% of max HP' if php > 0 else
                         ('Recover HP equal to ' + fmt_mult(trcv_mult) +
                          'x team\'s total RCV' if trcv_mult > 0 else '')))))

        if unbind or awoken_unbind:
            if skill_text:
                skill_text += '; '
            skill_text += (
                'Remove all binds and awoken skill binds' if
                (unbind >= 9999 and awoken_unbind) else
                ('Reduce binds and awoken skill binds by {:s}'.format(
                    noun_count('turn', awoken_unbind)) if
                 (unbind and awoken_unbind) else
                 ('Remove all binds' if unbind >= 9999 else
                  ('Reduce binds by {:s}'.format(noun_count('turn', unbind)
                                                 ) if unbind else
                   ('Remove all awoken skill binds' if awoken_unbind >= 9999
                    else ('Reduce awoken skill binds by {:s}'.
                          format(noun_count('turn', awoken_unbind))))))))
        return skill_text
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def debuff_atk_target(self, turns, targets, count, mult):
     if targets == 3:
         target_text = "both leaders"
     elif targets == 4:
         target_text = noun_count('random sub', count)
     elif targets == 7:
         target_text = noun_count('random card', count)
         target_text = '???'
     return f"{target_text} {emoji_dict['atk_debuff']} {100-mult}% for {turns}"
 def debuff_atk_target(self, turns, targets, count, mult):
     if targets == 3:
         target_text = "both leaders"
     elif targets == 4:
         target_text = noun_count('random sub', count)
     elif targets == 7:
         target_text = noun_count('random card', count)
             f"Unknown DebuffATKTarget target {targets}")
         target_text = '???'
     return f"For {noun_count('turn', turns)}, {mult}% ATK for {target_text}"
    def absorb(self, abs_type: Absorb, condition, min_turns, max_turns=None):
        if abs_type == Absorb.attr:
            source = self.attributes_to_str(condition)
            return 'Absorb {:s} damage for {:s}' \
                .format(source, noun_count("turn", min_turns, max_turns))
        elif abs_type == Absorb.combo:
            source = 'combos <= {:d}'.format(condition)
        elif abs_type == Absorb.damage:
            source = 'damage >= {:,d}'.format(condition)
            raise ValueError("unknown absorb type: {}".format(abs_type))

        return 'Absorb damage when {:s} for {:s}' \
            .format(source, noun_count("turn", min_turns, max_turns))
 def bind(self,
          source: Source = None):
     if isinstance(target_types, TargetType):
         target_types = [target_types]
     elif source is not None:
         target_types = SOURCE_FUNCS[source]([target_types]) + ' cards'
     targets = targets_to_str(target_types)
     output = 'Bind {:s} '.format(noun_count(targets, target_count))
     output += 'for ' + noun_count('turn', minmax(min_turns, max_turns))
     return output
 def move_time_buff_convert(self, act):
     if act.static == 0:
         return self.fmt_duration(act.duration) + \
                fmt_mult(act.percentage) + 'x orb move time'
     elif act.percentage == 0:
         return self.fmt_duration(act.duration) + \
                'increase orb move time by {:s}'.format(noun_count('second', fmt_mult(act.static)))
     raise ValueError()
 def damage_reduction(self,
                      source_type: Source,
     source = (SOURCE_FUNCS[source_type])(source)
     if source_type != Source.all_sources:
         source += ' ' +
     if percent is None:
         return 'Immune to damage from {:s} for {:s}' \
             .format(source, noun_count('turn', turns))
         if turns:
             return 'Reduce damage from {:s} by {:d}% for {:s}' \
                 .format(source, percent, noun_count('turn', turns))
             return 'Reduce damage from {:s} by {:d}%' \
                 .format(source, percent)
 def attack(self, mult, min_hit=1, max_hit=1):
     if mult is None:
         return None
     output = 'Deal {:s}% damage'. \
         format(minmax(int(min_hit) * int(mult), int(max_hit) * int(mult)))
     if min_hit and max_hit != 1:
         output += ' ({:s}, {:,}% each)'. \
             format(noun_count("hit", minmax(min_hit, max_hit)), mult)
     return output
 def debuff(self, d_type, amount, unit, turns):
     amount = amount or 0
     if amount % 1 != 0:
             'Amount {} will be truncated. Change debuff'.format(amount))
     unit = UNITS[unit]
     turns = turns or 0
     type_text = capitalize_first(STATUSES[d_type] or '')
     turn_text = noun_count('turn', turns)
     return '{:s} {:.0f}{:s} for {:s}'.format(type_text, amount, unit,
 def skyfall(self,
     lock = 'Locked ' if locked else ''
     orbs = self.attributes_to_str(attributes)
     # TODO: tieout
     if lock and orbs == 'Random':
         orbs = orbs.lower()
     return '{:s}{:s} skyfall +{:d}% for {:s}' \
         .format(lock, orbs, chance, noun_count('turn', min_turns, max_turns))
    def auto_heal_convert(self, act):
        skill_text = ''
        unbind = act.card_bind
        awoken_unbind = act.awoken_bind
        if act.duration:
            skill_text += self.fmt_duration(act.duration) + 'recover ' + \
                          fmt_mult(act.percentage_max_hp * 100) + '% of max HP'
        if unbind or awoken_unbind:
            if skill_text:
                skill_text += '; '
            skill_text += (
                'Remove all binds and awoken skill binds' if
                (unbind >= 9999 and awoken_unbind) else
                ('Reduce binds and awoken skill binds by {:s}'.format(
                    noun_count('turn', awoken_unbind)) if
                 (unbind and awoken_unbind) else
                 ('Remove all binds' if unbind >= 9999 else
                  ('Reduce binds by {:s}'.format(noun_count('turn', unbind)
                                                 ) if unbind else
                   ('Remove all awoken skill binds' if awoken_unbind >= 9999
                    else ('Reduce awoken skill binds by {:s}'.
                          format(noun_count('turn', awoken_unbind))))))))

        return skill_text
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def bind(self,
          source: Source = None):
     if isinstance(target_types, TargetType):
         target_types = [target_types]
     elif source is not None:
         target_types = SOURCE_FUNCS[source]([target_types]) + ' cards'
     targets = targets_to_str(target_types)
     output = '({} {} '.format(emoji_dict['bind'],
                               noun_count(targets, target_count))
     output += 'for ' + minmax(min_turns, max_turns) + ')'
     return output
 def cloud(self, turns, width, height, x, y):
     if width == 6 and height == 1:
         shape = 'row'
     elif width == 1 and height == 5:
         shape = 'column'
         shape = '{:d}×{:d}'.format(width, height)
         shape += ' square' if width == height else ' rectangle'
     pos = []
     if x is not None and shape != 'Row of':
         pos.append('{:s} row'.format(ordinal(x)))
     if y is not None and shape != 'Column of':
         pos.append('{:s} column'.format(ordinal(y)))
     if len(pos) == 0:
         pos.append('a random location')
     return 'A {:s} of clouds appears for {:s} at {:s}' \
         .format(shape, noun_count('turn', turns), ', '.join(pos))
 def ctw_convert(self, act):
     return 'Freely move orbs for {:s}'.format(
         noun_count('second', act.duration))
 def delay_convert(self, act):
     return 'Delay enemies\' next attack by {:s}'.format(
         noun_count('turn', act.turns))
 def ally_active_disable(self, turns: int):
     return 'Disable team active skills for {:s}'.format(
         noun_count('turn', turns))
 def ally_active_delay(self, turns: int):
     return 'Self-delay active skills by {:s}'.format(
         noun_count('turn', turns))
 def match_disable_convert(self, act):
     return 'Reduce unable to match orbs effect by {:s}'.format(
         noun_count('turn', act.duration))
 def spawn_spinner(self, turns: int, speed: float, count: int):
     return 'Create {:s} that {:s} every {:.1f}s for {:s}' \
         .format(noun_count('spinner', count), pluralize("change", count, verb=True),
                 speed, noun_count('turn', turns))
 def no_skyfall(self, turns):
     return 'No skyfall for {:s}'.format(noun_count('turn', turns))
 def fmt_duration(self, duration, max_duration=None):
     if max_duration and duration != max_duration:
         return 'For {}~{:s}, '.format(duration,
                                       noun_count('turn', max_duration))
         return 'For {:s}, '.format(noun_count('turn', duration))
 def haste_convert(self, act):
     return 'Charge all allies\' skills by {:s}'.format(
         noun_count('turn', act.turns, act.max_turns))
 def fmt_repeated(self, text, amount):
     return '{} {:s}'.format(text, noun_count('time', amount))
 def combo_skyfall(self, turns, chance):
     return 'For {:s}, {}% chance for combo orb skyfall.'.format(
         noun_count('turn', turns), chance)
 def force_board_size(self, turns: int, size_param: int):
     size = {1: '7x6', 2: '5x4', 3: '6x5'}.get(size_param, 'unknown')
     return 'Change board size to {} for {:s}'.format(
         size, noun_count('turn', turns))
 def debuff_atk(self, turns, amount):
     return 'ATK -{}% for {:s}'.format(amount, noun_count('turn', turns))
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def disable_assists(self, turns):
     return '{} for {}'.format(emoji_dict['disable_assists'],
                               noun_count('turn', turns))
 def disable_assists(self, turns):
     return 'Disable active skills for {:s}'.format(
         noun_count('turn', turns))