Ejemplo n.º 1
    def run_static(self, use_gpu=False):
        x = paddle.fluid.data(name='input', shape=[10, 10], dtype='float32')
        x2 = paddle.fluid.data(name='input2', shape=[2], dtype='float32')
        result0 = F.normalize(x)
        result1 = F.normalize(x, p=1.5)
        result2 = F.normalize(x, axis=0)
        result3 = F.normalize(x, name='aaa')
        result4 = F.normalize(x2, axis=0)

        place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if use_gpu else fluid.CPUPlace()
        exe = fluid.Executor(place)
        static_result = exe.run(
                "input": self.input_np,
                "input2": self.input_np2
            fetch_list=[result0, result1, result2, result4])

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(static_result[0], self.expected0))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(static_result[1], self.expected1))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(static_result[2], self.expected2))
        self.assertTrue('aaa' in result3.name)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(static_result[3], self.expected3))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, F.normalize, x2)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def forward(self, x):
        x_shape = paddle.shape(x)
        x = x.flatten(2)
        mu = paddle.tile(self.mu, [x_shape[0], 1, 1])

        with paddle.no_grad():
            for i in range(self.stage_num):
                x_t = paddle.transpose(x, [0, 2, 1])
                z = paddle.bmm(x_t, mu)
                z = F.softmax(z, axis=2)
                z_ = F.normalize(z, axis=1, p=1)
                mu = paddle.bmm(x, z_)
                mu = F.normalize(mu, axis=1, p=2)

        z_t = paddle.transpose(z, [0, 2, 1])
        x = paddle.matmul(mu, z_t)
        x = paddle.reshape(x, [0, self.c, x_shape[2], x_shape[3]])

        if self.training:
            mu = paddle.mean(mu, 0, keepdim=True)
            mu = F.normalize(mu, axis=1, p=2)
            mu = self.mu * (1 - self.momentum) + mu * self.momentum
            if paddle.distributed.get_world_size() > 1:
                mu = paddle.distributed.all_reduce(mu)
                mu /= paddle.distributed.get_world_size()
            self.mu = mu

        return x
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def forward(self, x):
        b, c, h, w = x.shape
        x = paddle.reshape(x, [b, c, h * w])
        mu = paddle.tile(self.mu, [b, 1, 1])

        with paddle.no_grad():
            for i in range(self.stage_num):
                x_t = paddle.transpose(x, [0, 2, 1])
                z = paddle.bmm(x_t, mu)
                z = F.softmax(z, axis=2)
                z_ = F.normalize(z, axis=1, p=1)
                mu = paddle.bmm(x, z_)
                mu = F.normalize(mu, axis=1, p=2)

        z_t = paddle.transpose(z, [0, 2, 1])
        x = paddle.matmul(mu, z_t)
        x = paddle.reshape(x, [b, c, h, w])

        if self.training:
            mu = paddle.mean(mu, 0, keepdim=True)
            if paddle.distributed.get_world_size() > 1:
                    mu / paddle.distributed.get_world_size(), 0)
            mu = F.normalize(mu, axis=1, p=2)
            self.mu = self.mu * (1 - self.momentum) + mu * self.momentum
        return x
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def apply(layer, name, n_power_iterations, dim, eps):
        for k, hook in layer._forward_pre_hooks.items():
            if isinstance(hook, SpectralNorm) and hook.name == name:
                raise RuntimeError("Cannot register two spectral_norm hooks on "
                                   "the same parameter {}".format(name))

        fn = SpectralNorm(name, n_power_iterations, dim, eps)
        weight = layer._parameters[name]

        with paddle.no_grad():
            weight_mat = fn.reshape_weight_to_matrix(weight)
            h, w = weight_mat.shape

            # randomly initialize u and v
            u = layer.create_parameter([h])
            u = normal_(u, 0., 1.)
            v = layer.create_parameter([w])
            v = normal_(v, 0., 1.)
            u = F.normalize(u, axis=0, epsilon=fn.eps)
            v = F.normalize(v, axis=0, epsilon=fn.eps)

        # delete fn.name form parameters, otherwise you can not set attribute
        del layer._parameters[fn.name]
        layer.add_parameter(fn.name + "_orig", weight)
        # still need to assign weight back as fn.name because all sorts of
        # things may assume that it exists, e.g., when initializing weights.
        # However, we can't directly assign as it could be an Parameter and
        # gets added as a parameter. Instead, we register weight * 1.0 as a plain
        # attribute.
        setattr(layer, fn.name, weight * 1.0)
        layer.register_buffer(fn.name + "_u", u)
        layer.register_buffer(fn.name + "_v", v)

        return fn
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def forward(self, x):
        x0 = self.linear0(x[0])
        x1 = self.linear1(x[1])
        bs = x1.shape[0]
        if self.dropout_input > 0:
            x0 = F.dropout(x0, p=self.dropout_input, training=self.training)
            x1 = F.dropout(x1, p=self.dropout_input, training=self.training)
        x0_chunks = paddle.split(x0, self.chunks, -1)
        x1_chunks = paddle.split(x1, self.chunks, -1)
        zs = []
        for x0_c, x1_c, m0, m1 in zip(x0_chunks, x1_chunks, self.merge_linears0,
            m = m0(x0_c) * m1(x1_c)  # bs x split_size*rank
            m = m.reshape([bs, self.rank, -1])
            z = paddle.sum(m, 1)
            if self.pos_norm == 'before_cat':
                z = paddle.sqrt(F.relu(z)) - paddle.sqrt(F.relu(-z))
                z = F.normalize(z)
        z = paddle.concat(zs, 1)
        if self.pos_norm == 'after_cat':
            z = paddle.sqrt(F.relu(z)) - paddle.sqrt(F.relu(-z))
            z = F.normalize(z)

        if self.dropout_pre_lin > 0:
            z = F.dropout(z, p=self.dropout_pre_lin, training=self.training)
        z = self.linear_out(z)
        if self.dropout_output > 0:
            z = F.dropout(z, p=self.dropout_output, training=self.training)
        return z
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def forward(self, input, label):
        # lambda = max(lambda_min,base*(1+gamma*iteration)^(-power))
        self.iter += 1
        self.lamb = max(
            self.base * (1 + self.gamma * self.iter)**(-1 * self.power))

        # --------------------------- cos(theta) & phi(theta) ---------------------------
        self.linear.weight.Tensor = F.normalize(self.linear.weight)
        x = F.normalize(input)
        cos_theta = self.linear(x)
        cos_theta = cos_theta.clip(min=-1, max=1)
        cos_m_theta = self.mlambda[self.m](cos_theta)
        theta = cos_theta.acos()
        k = paddle.floor(self.m * theta / 3.14159265)
        phi_theta = paddle.to_tensor(((-1.0)**k) * cos_m_theta - 2 * k)
        NormOfFeature = paddle.norm(input, p=2, axis=1)

        # --------------------------- convert label to one-hot ---------------------------
        one_hot = F.one_hot(label, num_classes=phi_theta.shape[1])
        one_hot = paddle.reshape(one_hot,
                                 (phi_theta.shape[0], phi_theta.shape[1]))
        # --------------------------- Calculate output ---------------------------
        output = (one_hot * (phi_theta - cos_theta) /
                  (1 + self.lamb)) + cos_theta
        output *= NormOfFeature.reshape((-1, 1))

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def compute_weight(self, module, do_power_iteration):
        weight = getattr(module, self.name + '_orig')
        u = getattr(module, self.name + '_u')
        v = getattr(module, self.name + '_v')
        weight_mat = self.reshape_weight_to_matrix(weight)

        if do_power_iteration:
            with paddle.no_grad():
                for _ in range(self.n_power_iterations):

                            paddle.matmul(weight_mat, v),
                if self.n_power_iterations > 0:
                    u = u.clone()
                    v = v.clone()

        sigma = paddle.dot(u, paddle.mv(weight_mat, v))
        weight = weight / sigma
        return weight
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def forward(self, logits, label):
     logits = F.normalize(logits, p=2, axis=1, epsilon=self.eps)
     wn = F.normalize(self.w, p=2, axis=0, epsilon=self.eps)
     cosine = paddle.matmul(logits, wn)
     y = paddle.zeros((logits.shape[0], self.n_classes))
     for i in range(logits.shape[0]):
         y[i, label[i]] = self.margin
     pred = F.log_softmax((cosine - y) * self.scale, -1)
     return self.nll_loss(pred, label), pred
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def forward(self, audio_sequences,
                face_sequences):  # audio_sequences := (B, dim, T)
        face_embedding = self.face_encoder(face_sequences)
        audio_embedding = self.audio_encoder(audio_sequences)

        audio_embedding = audio_embedding.reshape(
            [audio_embedding.shape[0], -1])
        face_embedding = face_embedding.reshape([face_embedding.shape[0], -1])

        audio_embedding = F.normalize(audio_embedding, p=2, axis=1)
        face_embedding = F.normalize(face_embedding, p=2, axis=1)

        return audio_embedding, face_embedding
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def forward(self, input, label):
     cosine = F.linear(F.normalize(input), F.normalize(self.weight))
     sine = paddle.sqrt(
         paddle.clip(1.0 - paddle.pow(cosine, 2), min=0, max=1))
     phi = cosine * self.cos_m - sine * self.sin_m
     if self.easy_margin:
         phi = paddle.where(cosine > 0, phi, cosine)
         phi = paddle.where(cosine > self.th, phi, cosine - self.mm)
     one_hot = paddle.nn.functional.one_hot(label, self.class_dim)
     output = (one_hot * phi) + ((1.0 - one_hot) * cosine)
     output *= self.s
     return output
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def forward(self,
        reid_feat = self.reid(neck_feat)
        if self.training:
            if self.num_classes == 1:
                loss = self.get_loss(reid_feat, inputs)
                loss = self.get_mc_loss(reid_feat, inputs)
            return loss
            assert bboxes is not None and bbox_inds is not None
            reid_feat = F.normalize(reid_feat)
            embedding = paddle.transpose(reid_feat, [0, 2, 3, 1])
            embedding = paddle.reshape(embedding, [-1, self.ch_emb])
            # embedding shape: [bs * h * w, ch_emb]

            if self.num_classes == 1:
                pred_dets = bboxes
                pred_embs = paddle.gather(embedding, bbox_inds)
                pred_dets, pred_embs = self.process_by_class(
                    bboxes, embedding, bbox_inds, topk_clses)
            return pred_dets, pred_embs
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def forward(self, node_feat, edge_feat):
        # get size
        num_tasks = node_feat.shape[0]
        num_data = node_feat.shape[1]

        # get eye matrix (batch_size x 2 x node_size x node_size)
        diag_mask = 1.0 - paddle.expand(
            [num_tasks, self.edge_dim, num_data, num_data])

        # set diagonal as zero and normalize
        edge_feat = F.normalize(edge_feat * diag_mask, p=1, axis=-1)

        # compute attention and aggregate
        aggr_feat = paddle.bmm(
            paddle.concat(paddle.split(edge_feat, 2, 1),
                          self.edge_dim).squeeze(1), node_feat)

        node_feat = paddle.transpose(
                 paddle.concat(paddle.split(aggr_feat, 2, 1), -1)], -1),
            (0, 2, 1))

        # non-linear transform
        node_feat = paddle.transpose(self.network(node_feat.unsqueeze(-1)),
                                     (0, 2, 1, 3)).squeeze(-1)
        return node_feat
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def forward(self, input, label):
        # --------------------------- cos(theta) & phi(theta) ---------------------------
        self.linear.weight.Tensor = F.normalize(self.linear.weight)
        x = F.normalize(input)
        cosine = self.linear(x)
        phi = cosine - self.m
        # --------------------------- convert label to one-hot ---------------------------
        label = label.astype(dtype='int64').flatten()
        one_hot = F.one_hot(label, num_classes=phi.shape[1])
        # -------------torch.where(out_i = {x_i if condition_i else y_i) -------------
        output = (one_hot * phi) + (
            (1.0 - one_hot) * cosine
        )  # you can use torch.where if your torch.__version__ is 0.4
        output *= self.s

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def accumulate(self):
        logger.info("Computing pairwise similairity...")
        assert len(self.embedding) == len(self.id_labels)
        if len(self.embedding) < 1:
            return None
        embedding = paddle.stack(self.embedding, axis=0)
        emb = F.normalize(embedding, axis=1).numpy()
        pdist = np.matmul(emb, emb.T)

        id_labels = np.array(self.id_labels, dtype='int32').reshape(-1, 1)
        n = len(id_labels)
        id_lbl = np.tile(id_labels, n).T
        gt = id_lbl == id_lbl.T

        up_triangle = np.where(np.triu(pdist) - np.eye(n) * pdist != 0)
        pdist = pdist[up_triangle]
        gt = gt[up_triangle]

        # lazy import metrics here
        from sklearn import metrics
        far, tar, threshold = metrics.roc_curve(gt, pdist)
        interp = interpolate.interp1d(far, tar)
        tar_at_far = [interp(x) for x in self.far_levels]

        for f, fa in enumerate(self.far_levels):
            self.eval_results['TPR@FAR={:.7f}'.format(fa)] = ' {:.4f}'.format(
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def get_emb_and_gt_outs(self, ide_outs, targets):
        emb_and_gts = []
        for i, p_ide in enumerate(ide_outs):
            t_conf = targets['tconf{}'.format(i)]
            t_ide = targets['tide{}'.format(i)]

            p_ide = p_ide.transpose((0, 2, 3, 1))
            p_ide_flatten = paddle.reshape(p_ide, [-1, self.embedding_dim])

            mask = t_conf > 0
            mask = paddle.cast(mask, dtype="int64")
            emb_mask = mask.max(1).flatten()
            emb_mask_inds = paddle.nonzero(emb_mask > 0).flatten()
            if len(emb_mask_inds) > 0:
                t_ide_flatten = paddle.reshape(t_ide.max(1), [-1, 1])
                tids = paddle.gather(t_ide_flatten, emb_mask_inds)

                embedding = paddle.gather(p_ide_flatten, emb_mask_inds)
                embedding = self.emb_scale * F.normalize(embedding)
                emb_and_gt = paddle.concat([embedding, tids], axis=1)

        if len(emb_and_gts) > 0:
            return paddle.concat(emb_and_gts, axis=0)
            return paddle.zeros((1, self.embedding_dim + 1))
Ejemplo n.º 16
Archivo: conv.py Proyecto: WenjinW/PGL
    def forward(self, graph, feature, act=None):
            graph: `pgl.Graph` instance.

            feature: A tensor with shape (num_nodes, input_size)
            act: (default None) Activation for outputs and before normalize.


            A tensor with shape (num_nodes, output_size)

        def _send_func(src_feat, dst_feat, edge_feat):
            return {"msg": src_feat["h"]}

        def _recv_func(message):
            return getattr(message, self.aggr_func)(message["msg"])

        msg = graph.send(_send_func, src_feat={"h": feature})
        neigh_feature = graph.recv(reduce_func=_recv_func, msg=msg)

        self_feature = self.self_linear(feature)
        neigh_feature = self.neigh_linear(neigh_feature)
        output = self_feature + neigh_feature
        if act is not None:
            output = getattr(F, act)(output)

        output = F.normalize(output, axis=1)
        return output
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self,
        super(DCQ, self).__init__()

        self.queue_size = queue_size
        self.momentum = momentum
        self.scale = scale
        self.margin = margin

        # create the encoders
        # num_classes is the output fc dimension
        self.encoder_q = base_encoder(num_classes=dim, name_prefix='q')
        self.encoder_k = base_encoder(num_classes=dim, name_prefix='k')

        for param_q, param_k in zip(
            param_k.stop_gradient = True

        self.register_buffer("weight_queue", paddle.randn([dim, queue_size]))
        self.weight_queue = normalize(self.weight_queue, axis=0)

        self.register_buffer("label_queue", paddle.randn([1, queue_size]))
        self.register_buffer("queue_ptr", paddle.zeros([
        ], dtype='int64'))
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def emb_loss(self, p_ide, t_conf, t_ide, emb_scale, classifier):
        emb_dim = p_ide.shape[1]
        p_ide = p_ide.transpose((0, 2, 3, 1))
        p_ide_flatten = paddle.reshape(p_ide, [-1, emb_dim])
        mask = t_conf > 0
        mask = paddle.cast(mask, dtype="int64")
        mask.stop_gradient = True
        emb_mask = mask.max(1).flatten()
        emb_mask_inds = paddle.nonzero(emb_mask > 0).flatten()
        emb_mask_inds.stop_gradient = True
        # use max(1) to decide the id, TODO: more reseanable strategy
        t_ide_flatten = t_ide.max(1).flatten()
        t_ide_flatten = paddle.cast(t_ide_flatten, dtype="int64")
        valid_inds = paddle.nonzero(t_ide_flatten != -1).flatten()

        if emb_mask_inds.numel() == 0 or valid_inds.numel() == 0:
            # loss_ide = paddle.to_tensor([0]) # will be error in gradient backward
            loss_ide = self.phony * 0  # todo
            embedding = paddle.gather(p_ide_flatten, emb_mask_inds)
            embedding = emb_scale * F.normalize(embedding)
            logits = classifier(embedding)

            ide_target = paddle.gather(t_ide_flatten, emb_mask_inds)

            loss_ide = F.cross_entropy(logits,
        loss_ide.stop_gradient = False

        return loss_ide
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def run_imperative(self):
        x = paddle.to_tensor(self.input_np)
        y = F.normalize(x)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(y.numpy(), self.expected0))

        y = F.normalize(x, p=1.5)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(y.numpy(), self.expected1))

        y = F.normalize(x, axis=0)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(y.numpy(), self.expected2))

        x = paddle.to_tensor(self.input_np2)
        y = F.normalize(x, axis=0)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(y.numpy(), self.expected3))

        self.assertRaises(BaseException, F.normalize, x)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def prepare(self, label, optimizer):
     # label [64, 1]
     total_label = label.detach()
     optimizer._parameter_list[0] = self.sub_weight
     norm_weight = normalize(self.sub_weight)
     return total_label, norm_weight
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def forward(self, embedding, targets):
        if isinstance(embedding, dict):
            embedding = embedding['features']
        # Normalize embedding features
        embedding = F.normalize(embedding, axis=1)
        dist_mat = paddle.matmul(embedding, embedding, transpose_y=True)

        N = dist_mat.shape[0]
        is_pos = targets.reshape([N, 1]).expand([N, N]).equal(
            paddle.t(targets.reshape([N, 1]).expand([N, N]))).astype('float')
        is_neg = targets.reshape([N, 1]).expand([N, N]).not_equal(
            paddle.t(targets.reshape([N, 1]).expand([N, N]))).astype('float')

        # Mask scores related to itself
        is_pos = is_pos - paddle.eye(N, N)

        s_p = dist_mat * is_pos
        s_n = dist_mat * is_neg

        logit_p = -self.gamma * s_p + (-99999999.) * (1 - is_pos)
        logit_n = self.gamma * (s_n + self.margin) + (-99999999.) * (1 -

        loss = F.softplus(
            paddle.logsumexp(logit_p, axis=1) +
            paddle.logsumexp(logit_n, axis=1)).mean()

        return {"PairwiseCosface": loss}
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def get_pooled_embedding(self,
        src_mask = input_ids == self.bos_id
        src_mask = paddle.cast(src_mask, "float32")
        # [bs, 1, 1, max_len]
        src_mask = paddle.unsqueeze(src_mask, axis=[1, 2])
        src_mask.stop_gradient = True

        ones = paddle.ones_like(input_ids, dtype="int64")
        seq_length = paddle.cumsum(ones, axis=1)
        position_ids = seq_length - ones
        position_ids.stop_gradient = True

        embedding_output = self.ptm.embeddings(input_ids=input_ids,

        if self.use_fp16:
            embedding_output = paddle.cast(embedding_output, 'float16')

        sequence_output = self.ptm.encoder(embedding_output, src_mask)

        if self.use_fp16:
            sequence_output = paddle.cast(sequence_output, 'float32')

        cls_embedding = self.ptm.pooler(sequence_output)

        if self.output_emb_size > 0:
            cls_embedding = self.emb_reduce_linear(cls_embedding)
        cls_embedding = self.dropout(cls_embedding)
        cls_embedding = F.normalize(cls_embedding, p=2, axis=-1)

        return cls_embedding
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def forward(self, student, teacher):
        # reshape for feature map distillation
        bs = student.shape[0]
        student = student.reshape([bs, -1])
        teacher = teacher.reshape([bs, -1])

        td = (teacher.unsqueeze(0) - teacher.unsqueeze(1))
        norm_td = F.normalize(td, p=2, axis=2)
        t_angle = paddle.bmm(norm_td, norm_td.transpose([0, 2, 1])).reshape(
            [-1, 1])

        sd = (student.unsqueeze(0) - student.unsqueeze(1))
        norm_sd = F.normalize(sd, p=2, axis=2)
        s_angle = paddle.bmm(norm_sd, norm_sd.transpose([0, 2, 1])).reshape(
            [-1, 1])
        loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(s_angle, t_angle, reduction='mean')
        return loss
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def forward(self, feature, label):
     cos_theta = paddle.mm(F.normalize(feature, axis=1),
                           F.normalize(self.weight, axis=0))
     sin_theta = paddle.sqrt(
         paddle.clip(1.0 - paddle.pow(cos_theta, 2), min=0, max=1))
     cos_theta_m = cos_theta * self.cos_m - sin_theta * self.sin_m
     cos_theta_m = paddle.where(cos_theta > self.threshold, cos_theta_m,
                                cos_theta - self.mm)
     one_hot = paddle.nn.functional.one_hot(label, self.class_dim)
     output = (one_hot * cos_theta_m) + (paddle.abs(
         (1.0 - one_hot)) * cos_theta)
     output *= self.s
     # 简单的分类方法,学习率需要设置为0.1
     # cosine = self.cosine_sim(feature, self.weight)
     # one_hot = paddle.nn.functional.one_hot(label, self.class_dim)
     # output = self.s * (cosine - one_hot * self.m)
     return output
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def forward(self, feat, inputs):
     reid_feat = self.reid(feat)
     if self.training:
         loss = self.get_loss(reid_feat, inputs)
         return loss
         reid_feat = F.normalize(reid_feat)
         return reid_feat
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def forward(self, logits, targets):
        logits = F.normalize(logits, p=2, axis=1, epsilon=1e-8)
        wn = F.normalize(self.w, p=2, axis=0, epsilon=1e-8)
        cosine = logits @ wn

        sine = paddle.sqrt(1.0 - paddle.square(cosine))
        phi = cosine * self.cos_m - sine * self.sin_m  # cos(theta + m)
        if self.easy_margin:
            phi = paddle.where(cosine > 0, phi, cosine)
            phi = paddle.where(cosine > self.th, phi, cosine - self.mm)
        target_one_hot = F.one_hot(targets, self.n_classes)
        outputs = (target_one_hot * phi) + (
            (1.0 - target_one_hot) * cosine) - target_one_hot * self.margin2
        outputs = self.scale * outputs
        pred = F.log_softmax(outputs, axis=-1)

        return self.nll_loss(pred, targets), pred
Ejemplo n.º 27
Archivo: model.py Proyecto: WenjinW/PGL
 def forward(self, graph, u_feat, i_feat):
     h = paddle.concat([u_feat, i_feat])
     embs = [h]
     for i in range(self.n_layers):
         h = self.ngcfs[i](graph, h)
         norm_h = F.normalize(h, p=2, axis=1)
     embs = paddle.concat(embs, axis=1)
     users, items = paddle.split(embs, [u_feat.shape[0], i_feat.shape[0]])
     return users, items
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self, c, k, stage_num=3, momentum=0.1):
        super(EMAU, self).__init__()
        assert stage_num >= 1
        self.stage_num = stage_num
        self.momentum = momentum

        tmp_mu = self.create_parameter(
            shape=[1, c, k],
        self.mu = F.normalize(paddle.to_tensor(tmp_mu), axis=1, p=2)
        self.register_buffer('bases', self.mu)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def forward(self, analogy_a, analogy_b, analogy_c, true_word, all_label):
        emb_a = self.embedding(analogy_a)
        emb_b = self.embedding(analogy_b)
        emb_c = self.embedding(analogy_c)
        emb_all_label = self.embedding(all_label)

        target = emb_b - emb_a + emb_c
        emb_all_label_l2 = F.normalize(emb_all_label, axis=1)
        dist = paddle.matmul(x=target, y=emb_all_label_l2, transpose_y=True)
        values, pred_idx = paddle.topk(x=dist, k=4)
        return values, pred_idx
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def get_mc_loss(self, feat, inputs):
        # feat.shape = [bs, ch_emb, h, w]
        assert 'cls_id_map' in inputs and 'cls_tr_ids' in inputs
        index = inputs['index']
        mask = inputs['index_mask']
        cls_id_map = inputs['cls_id_map']  # [bs, h, w]
        cls_tr_ids = inputs['cls_tr_ids']  # [bs, num_classes, h, w]

        feat = paddle.transpose(feat, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1])
        feat_n, feat_h, feat_w, feat_c = feat.shape
        feat = paddle.reshape(feat, shape=[feat_n, -1, feat_c])

        index = paddle.unsqueeze(index, 2)
        batch_inds = list()
        for i in range(feat_n):
            batch_ind = paddle.full(
                shape=[1, index.shape[1], 1], fill_value=i, dtype='int64')
        batch_inds = paddle.concat(batch_inds, axis=0)
        index = paddle.concat(x=[batch_inds, index], axis=2)
        feat = paddle.gather_nd(feat, index=index)

        mask = paddle.unsqueeze(mask, axis=2)
        mask = paddle.expand_as(mask, feat)
        mask.stop_gradient = True
        feat = paddle.masked_select(feat, mask > 0)
        feat = paddle.reshape(feat, shape=[-1, feat_c])

        reid_losses = 0
        for cls_id, id_num in self.num_identities_dict.items():
            # target
            cur_cls_tr_ids = paddle.reshape(
                cls_tr_ids[:, cls_id, :, :], shape=[feat_n, -1])  # [bs, h*w]
            cls_id_target = paddle.gather_nd(cur_cls_tr_ids, index=index)
            mask = inputs['index_mask']
            cls_id_target = paddle.masked_select(cls_id_target, mask > 0)
            cls_id_target.stop_gradient = True

            # feat
            cls_id_feat = self.emb_scale_dict[str(cls_id)] * F.normalize(feat)
            cls_id_pred = self.classifiers[str(cls_id)](cls_id_feat)

            loss = self.reid_loss(cls_id_pred, cls_id_target)
            valid = (cls_id_target != self.reid_loss.ignore_index)
            valid.stop_gradient = True
            count = paddle.sum((paddle.cast(valid, dtype=np.int32)))
            count.stop_gradient = True
            if count > 0:
                loss = loss / count
            reid_losses += loss

        return reid_losses