def __init__(self, gan_mode, target_real_label=1.0, target_fake_label=0.0): """ Initialize the GANLoss class. Parameters: gan_mode (str) - - the type of GAN objective. It currently supports vanilla, lsgan, and wgangp. target_real_label (bool) - - label for a real image target_fake_label (bool) - - label of a fake image Note: Do not use sigmoid as the last layer of Discriminator. LSGAN needs no sigmoid. vanilla GANs will handle it with BCEWithLogitsLoss. """ super(GANLoss, self).__init__() # self.register_buffer('real_label', torch.tensor(target_real_label)) # self.register_buffer('fake_label', torch.tensor(target_fake_label)) self.real_label = paddle.fluid.dygraph.to_variable( np.array(target_real_label)) self.fake_label = paddle.fluid.dygraph.to_variable( np.array(target_fake_label)) # self.real_label.stop_gradients = True # self.fake_label.stop_gradients = True self.gan_mode = gan_mode if gan_mode == 'lsgan': self.loss = nn.MSELoss() elif gan_mode == 'vanilla': self.loss = nn.BCELoss() #nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() elif gan_mode in ['wgangp']: self.loss = None else: raise NotImplementedError('gan mode %s not implemented' % gan_mode)
# 优化器 optimizerG = paddle.optimizer.Adam( learning_rate=LR, parameters=generator.parameters(), beta1=0.5, beta2=0.999) optimizerD = paddle.optimizer.Adam( learning_rate=LR, parameters=discriminator.parameters(), beta1=0.5, beta2=0.999) # 损失函数 bce_loss = nn.BCELoss() l1_loss = nn.L1Loss() # dataloader data_loader_train = DataLoader( paired_dataset_train, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, drop_last=True ) data_loader_test = DataLoader( paired_dataset_test, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE ) results_save_path = 'work/results'
beta1,beta2=opt.beta1,opt.beta2 losses =[[],[]] real_label = paddle.full( (opt.batch_size,1,1,1), 1., dtype='float32') fake_label = paddle.full( (opt.batch_size,1,1,1), 0., dtype='float32') X = 20 #窗口大小 #一行子窗口数量 num=math.sqrt(batch_size) x=round(num) if math.fabs( math.floor(num)**2-batch_size )<1e-6 else math.floor(num)+1 print("start training: ") print("---------------------------------") print("num = ",num) with paddle.fluid.dygraph.guard(place): #损失函数 loss = nn.BCELoss() netD = Discriminator(channels_img=3, features_d=10) netG = Generator(z_dim=z_dim, channels_img=3, features_g=10) optimizerD = optim.Adam(parameters=netD.parameters(), learning_rate=lr, beta1=beta1, beta2=beta2) optimizerG = optim.Adam(parameters=netG.parameters(), learning_rate=lr, beta1=beta1, beta2=beta2) if not os.path.exists( opt.checkpoints_path ): os.mkdir( opt.checkpoints_path ) if not os.path.exists( opt.output_path ): os.mkdir( opt.output_path) last = opt.img_size order_name = 9 model_path = opt.checkpoints_path+ f"model_{last}_{order_name}/"
def main(args): """ Call the configuration function of the model, build the model and load data, then start training. model_config: a json file with the hyperparameters,such as dropout rate ,learning rate,num tasks and so on; num_tasks: it means the number of task that each dataset contains, it's related to the dataset; DownstreamModel: It means the PretrainGNNModel for different strategies and it is an supervised GNN model which predicts the tasks. """ compound_encoder_config = load_json_config(args.compound_encoder_config) model_config = load_json_config(args.model_config) if not args.dropout_rate is None: compound_encoder_config['dropout_rate'] = args.dropout_rate model_config['dropout_rate'] = args.dropout_rate task_names = get_downstream_task_names(args.dataset_name, args.data_path) model_config['num_tasks'] = len(task_names) ### build model compound_encoder = PretrainGNNModel(compound_encoder_config) model = DownstreamModel(model_config, compound_encoder) criterion = nn.BCELoss(reduction='none') encoder_params = compound_encoder.parameters() head_params = exempt_parameters(model.parameters(), encoder_params) encoder_opt = paddle.optimizer.Adam(args.encoder_lr, parameters=encoder_params) head_opt = paddle.optimizer.Adam(args.head_lr, parameters=head_params) print('Total param num: %s' % (len(model.parameters()))) print('Encoder param num: %s' % (len(encoder_params))) print('Head param num: %s' % (len(head_params))) if not args.init_model is None and not args.init_model == "": compound_encoder.set_state_dict(paddle.load(args.init_model)) print('Load state_dict from %s' % args.init_model) ### load data # featurizer: # Gen features according to the raw data and return the graph data. # Collate features about the graph data and return the feed dictionary. # splitter: # split type of the dataset:random,scaffold,random with scaffold. Here is randomsplit. # `ScaffoldSplitter` will firstly order the compounds according to Bemis-Murcko scaffold, # then take the first `frac_train` proportion as the train set, the next `frac_valid` proportion as the valid set # and the rest as the test set. `ScaffoldSplitter` can better evaluate the generalization ability of the model on # out-of-distribution samples. Note that other splitters like `RandomSplitter`, `RandomScaffoldSplitter` # and `IndexSplitter` is also available." dataset = get_dataset(args.dataset_name, args.data_path, task_names) dataset.transform(DownstreamTransformFn(), num_workers=args.num_workers) splitter = create_splitter(args.split_type) train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset = splitter.split(dataset, frac_train=0.8, frac_valid=0.1, frac_test=0.1) print("Train/Valid/Test num: %s/%s/%s" % (len(train_dataset), len(valid_dataset), len(test_dataset))) ### start train # Load the train function and calculate the train loss in each epoch. # Here we set the epoch is in range of max epoch,you can change it if you want. # Then we will calculate the train loss ,valid auc,test auc and print them. # Finally we save it to the model according to the dataset. list_val_auc, list_test_auc = [], [] collate_fn = DownstreamCollateFn( atom_names=compound_encoder_config['atom_names'], bond_names=compound_encoder_config['bond_names']) for epoch_id in range(args.max_epoch): train_loss = train(args, model, train_dataset, collate_fn, criterion, encoder_opt, head_opt) val_auc = evaluate(args, model, valid_dataset, collate_fn) test_auc = evaluate(args, model, test_dataset, collate_fn) list_val_auc.append(val_auc) list_test_auc.append(test_auc) test_auc_by_eval = list_test_auc[np.argmax(list_val_auc)] print("epoch:%s train/loss:%s" % (epoch_id, train_loss)) print("epoch:%s val/auc:%s" % (epoch_id, val_auc)) print("epoch:%s test/auc:%s" % (epoch_id, test_auc)) print("epoch:%s test/auc_by_eval:%s" % (epoch_id, test_auc_by_eval)) compound_encoder.state_dict(), '%s/epoch%d/compound_encoder.pdparams' % (args.model_dir, epoch_id)), '%s/epoch%d/model.pdparams' % (args.model_dir, epoch_id)) outs = { 'model_config': basename(args.model_config).replace('.json', ''), 'metric': '', 'dataset': args.dataset_name, 'split_type': args.split_type, 'batch_size': args.batch_size, 'dropout_rate': args.dropout_rate, 'encoder_lr': args.encoder_lr, 'head_lr': args.head_lr, 'exp_id': args.exp_id, } best_epoch_id = np.argmax(list_val_auc) for metric, value in [('test_auc', list_test_auc[best_epoch_id]), ('max_valid_auc', np.max(list_val_auc)), ('max_test_auc', np.max(list_test_auc))]: outs['metric'] = metric print('\t'.join(['FINAL'] + ["%s:%s" % (k, outs[k]) for k in outs] + [str(value)]))