Ejemplo n.º 1
        def get(self):

            #1.Sunflower Variety/brand -brand
            #2.Sunflower Height per inches - height
            #3.Sunflower Population per acre -population
            #4.Sunflower Yield Pounds/lbs per acre - lbs
            #5.Crop Harvest Year - year

            sd1 = SunflowerData()
            sd1.brand = ''       # creating attributes here...
            sd1.height =  ''
            sd1.population = ''
            sd1.pounds = ''
            #calling a function
            #sd1.year = 2014

            p = ResultsPage() #I want to make an instance
            lib = Sunflowers()

            if self.request.GET: #has to be in handler
            #stores info we got from the form

                brand = self.request.GET['brand']  #needs variables to work
                height = self.request.GET['height']  #needs variables to work
                population = self.request.GET['population']
                pounds = self.request.GET['pounds']
                year = self.request.GET['year']
                self.response.write(p.body + "<div id='wrapper'>"+ "<h3>" "Sunflower Varieties Profit Calculator" + "</h3>" + ' ' + "<div id='name'>" + "Sunflower Variety/Brand:" + brand + "</div>" + "<div id='height2'>" + "Sunflower Height:" + height + "</div>" + "<div id='population2'>" + "Population per Acre:" + ' ' + population + "</div>" + "<div id='pounds2'>" + "Pounds per Acre:" + pounds + ' ' + "<div id='year2'>" + year + "</div>" "</br>"  +  "</div>" + p.close)
             #this is what I want printed whe repturned...I'm not sure how to do the css for this?
            self.response.write(p.head + p.body + p.close)   #prints the information on the page
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get(self):

        # create our form page
        f = Form()
        # create the results view
        rp = ResultsPage()

        # GET Method to grab variables from user input
        if self.request.GET:
            # storing our info from the user inputs
            # call our BudgetBreak Object
            user = BudgetBreak()
            user.name = self.request.GET["name"]
            user.email = self.request.GET["email"]
            user.mon_exp = int(self.request.GET["monExp"])
            user.mon_income = int(self.request.GET["monIncome"])
            user.have_budget = self.request.GET["budget"]

            # Print out if form has been submitted otherwise print out following else:
            rp.email = user.email  # setting for print out of HTML elements on pages.py
            rp.annual = user.annual()
            rp.discretion = user.discretion()
            rp.name = user.name
            rp.mon_income = user.mon_income
            rp.mon_exp = user.mon_exp
            rp.calc_mortgage = user.calc_mortgage()
            # WOOOHOOOOOOO

            self.response.write(f.print_out())  # this will print out in browser
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: Camski1/DPWP
 def get(self):
     uis = UserInfoStr()#this var holding the user info strings class from the lib file
     rp = ResultsPage()#this is making the result page usable in the main handler
     fp = FormPage()#this is making the form page usable in the main handler
     ui = UserInfo()#this var holding the user info class from the lib file
     if self.request.GET:#this is checking to see if info has been taken from the user
         ui.user_name = self.request.GET['user_name']#all of these vars are the information taken from the user. The information is then sent to the userInfo class
         ui.user_quest = self.request.GET['user_quest']
         ui.user_color = self.request.GET['user_color']
         ui.user_location = self.request.GET['user_location']
         ui.sex = self.request.GET['sex']
         ui.user_test = self.request.GET['user_test']
         uis.add_user(ui)#this is taking the information from the UserInfo and sending it to the UserInfoStr
         rp.body = uis.user_output(uis.human_check())#this is taking the info from UserInfoStr and sending it to the results page
         all = rp.page_head + rp.body + rp.close
         all = all.format(**locals())
         self.response.write(all)#this is posting the info to the screen
         self.response.write(fp.form_page_head + fp.page_form)#this is posting the form to the screen
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: Camski1/DPWP
    def get(self):

        p = ResultsPage()
        fm = FavoriteMovies()
        md1 = MovieData()
        md1.title = "The Princess Bride"
        md1.director = "Rob Reiner"
        md1.year = 1989

        md2 = MovieData()
        md2.title = "Dune"
        md2.director = "David Lynch"
        md2.year = 1986

        p.body = fm.compile_list()
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get(self):

        #create our form page
    	f = Form()
    	#create the results view
    	rp = ResultsPage()       
    	#GET Method to grab variables from user input
        if self.request.GET:
            #storing our info from the user inputs
            #call our BudgetBreak Object
            user = BudgetBreak()
            user.name = self.request.GET['name']
            user.email = self.request.GET['email']
            user.mon_exp = int(self.request.GET['monExp'])  
            user.mon_income = int(self.request.GET['monIncome'])        
            user.have_budget = self.request.GET['budget']

            #Print out if form has been submitted otherwise print out following else:
            self.response.write(rp.print_out() + '<h3>Greetings, ' +  user.name + '!</h3>' +  'From the information provided we have calculated the following information.<br/>' + 'Your email is: ' + user.email + '</p>' + 'The total of your recurring monthly expenses is: ' + str(user.mon_exp) + '<br />' + ' Your total monthly income is: ' + str(user.mon_income) + '<br />' + 'Your total monthly discretionary funds comes to ' + str(user.discretion()) + '<br />' +  'You ' + user.have_budget + ' use a budget to track your expenses and income.' + '<br />' +'Your estimated mortgage allowance should be ' + str(user.calc_mortgage()) + '<br />' + 'Your annual income is: ' + str(user.annual()))
        	self.response.write(f.print_out())# this will print out in browser
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: dellbby/dpwp
    def get(self):
        #to do list
        #enter in name
        #enter in grade 1
        #enter in grade 2
        #enter in grade 3
        #enter in grade 4
        gg = GetGrades()
        g = Grade()
        p = ResultsPage()
        f = FormPage()

        #page_head = p.head
        #page_form = p.form
        #page_close = p.close
        #page_result = p.result

        if self.request.GET:
            #stores info we got from form/information input
            g.name = self.request.GET['name']  #name
            g.age = self.request.GET['age'] #age
            g.g1 = self.request.GET['g1'] #grade1
            g.g2 = self.request.GET['g2'] #grade2
            g.g3 = self.request.GET['g3'] #grade3
            g.g4 = self.request.GET['g4'] #grade4
            avg = gg.calc_gpa(g)
            p.body = """<div class="form"><h1><p>Hello,<b> """ +g.name + """</b> Here is what you entered:
            Grade 1:<b> """ +g.g1 + """</b><BR> Grade 2: <b>""" + g.g2 + """</b> <BR>Grade 3:<b> """ +g.g3 + """</b> <BR> Grade 4: <b>"""  + g.g4 + """ <BR></b>We calculated that your GPA is<b> """+ str(avg) + """</b></b></p></div>"""

            #p.body = gg.calc_gpa() + gg.get_grades()
             #below code is what prints out
            #self.response.write(page_head + page_result + '<h2> Hi ' + g.name + ",</h2><br> <h3>Here are the grades you entered:<BR> " + "<b>Age</b>" + g.age + "<b>Grade 1:</b> " +g.g1 + "<BR> <b>Grade 2:</b>" + g.g2 + "<BR><b> Grade 3:</b>" + g.g3 + "<BR><b>Grade 4:</b> " + g.g4 + page_close)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get(self):

        #create an instance of our TeamData class for use in our main handler
        t = TeamData()

        #the below code happens if the user submits data via our field and prints the results page
        if self.request.GET:
            #Here (and the others below) we are setting our values equal to the input we received from the user via the form inputs
            p1 = PlayerData()
            p1.name = self.request.GET['p1_name']
            #we use int() here (and below) to convert user input into numbers so we can use them in calculations.
            p1.kills = int(self.request.GET['p1_kills'])
            p1.assists = int(self.request.GET['p1_deaths'])
            p1.deaths = int(self.request.GET['p1_assists'])
            p1.heals = int(self.request.GET['p1_heals'])
            p1.abs = int(self.request.GET['p1_abs'])
            )  #here (and the others below we are adding the player information gathered to our array of players in our TeamData class

            p2 = PlayerData()
            p2.name = self.request.GET['p2_name']
            p2.kills = int(self.request.GET['p2_kills'])
            p2.assists = int(self.request.GET['p2_deaths'])
            p2.deaths = int(self.request.GET['p2_assists'])
            p2.heals = int(self.request.GET['p2_heals'])
            p2.abs = int(self.request.GET['p2_abs'])

            p3 = PlayerData()
            p3.name = self.request.GET['p3_name']
            p3.kills = int(self.request.GET['p3_kills'])
            p3.assists = int(self.request.GET['p3_deaths'])
            p3.deaths = int(self.request.GET['p3_assists'])
            p3.heals = int(self.request.GET['p3_heals'])
            p3.abs = int(self.request.GET['p3_abs'])

            p4 = PlayerData()
            p4.name = self.request.GET['p4_name']
            p4.kills = int(self.request.GET['p4_kills'])
            p4.assists = int(self.request.GET['p4_deaths'])
            p4.deaths = int(self.request.GET['p4_assists'])
            p4.heals = int(self.request.GET['p4_heals'])
            p4.abs = int(self.request.GET['p4_abs'])

            p5 = PlayerData()
            p5.name = self.request.GET['p5_name']
            p5.kills = int(self.request.GET['p5_kills'])
            p5.assists = int(self.request.GET['p5_deaths'])
            p5.deaths = int(self.request.GET['p5_assists'])
            p5.heals = int(self.request.GET['p5_heals'])
            p5.abs = int(self.request.GET['p5_abs'])

            #if we gather inputs from the user, then p will equal the html from our ResultsPage class
            p = ResultsPage()
            #to compose our ResultsPage body we add in the results from out calculations with the TeamData class
            p.body = t.player_list() + t.calc_kills() + t.calc_deaths(
            ) + t.calc_abs() + t.calc_heals()
            #once everything is put together, we then write it to the page
            #if we have not received data via form inputs, then our page body will be our form
            p = FormPage()
            #the below writes the form onto the page