Ejemplo n.º 1
class EnvironmentProbe(RPObject):
    """ Simple class, representing an environment probe """

    def __init__(self):
        """ Inits a new environment probe """
        self.index = -1
        self.last_update = -1
        self._transform = TransformState.make_identity()
        self._bounds = BoundingSphere(Vec3(0), 1.0)
        self._modified = True
        self._parallax_correction = True
        self._border_smoothness = 0.1

    def modified(self):
        """ Returns whether the probe was modified since the last write """
        return self._modified

    def bounds(self):
        """ Returns the probes worldspace bounds """
        return self._bounds

    def parallax_correction(self):
        """ Returns whether parallax correction is enabled for this probe """
        return self._parallax_correction

    def parallax_correction(self, value):
        """ Sets whether parallax correction is enabled for this probe """
        self._parallax_correction = value
        self._modified = True

    def border_smoothness(self):
        """ Returns the border smoothness factor """
        return self._border_smoothness

    def border_smoothness(self, value):
        """ Sets the border smoothness factor """
        self._border_smoothness = value
        self._modified = True

    def set_pos(self, *args):
        """ Sets the probe position """
        self._transform = self._transform.set_pos(Vec3(*args))

    def set_hpr(self, *args):
        """ Sets the probe rotation """
        self._transform = self._transform.set_hpr(Vec3(*args))

    def set_scale(self, *args):
        """ Sets the probe scale """
        self._transform = self._transform.set_scale(Vec3(*args))

    def set_mat(self, matrix):
        """ Sets the probes matrix, overrides all other transforms """
        self._transform = TransformState.make_mat(matrix)

    def update_bounds(self):
        """ Updates the spheres bounds """
        mat = self._transform.get_mat()
        mid_point = mat.xform_point(Vec3(0, 0, 0))
        max_point = mat.xform_point(Vec3(1, 1, 1))
        radius = (mid_point - max_point).length()
        self._bounds = BoundingSphere(mid_point, radius)
        self._modified = True

    def matrix(self):
        """ Returns the matrix of the probe """
        return self._transform.get_mat()

    def write_to_buffer(self, buffer_ptr):
        """ Writes the probe to a given byte buffer """
        data, mat = [], Mat4(self._transform.get_mat())
        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(3):
                data.append(mat.get_cell(i, j))
        data += (float(self.index),
                 1.0 if self._parallax_correction else 0.0,
                 self._border_smoothness, 0)
        byte_data = struct.pack("f" * 20, *data)

        # 4 = sizeof float, 20 = floats per cubemap
        bytes_per_probe = 4 * 20
        buffer_ptr.set_subdata(self.index * bytes_per_probe, bytes_per_probe, byte_data)

        self._modified = False
class EnvironmentProbe(RPObject):
    """ Simple class, representing an environment probe """
    def __init__(self):
        """ Inits a new environment probe """
        self.index = -1
        self.last_update = -1
        self._transform = TransformState.make_identity()
        self._bounds = BoundingSphere(Vec3(0), 1.0)
        self._modified = True
        self._parallax_correction = True
        self._border_smoothness = 0.1

    def modified(self):
        """ Returns whether the probe was modified since the last write """
        return self._modified

    def bounds(self):
        """ Returns the probes worldspace bounds """
        return self._bounds

    def parallax_correction(self):
        """ Returns whether parallax correction is enabled for this probe """
        return self._parallax_correction

    def parallax_correction(self, value):
        """ Sets whether parallax correction is enabled for this probe """
        self._parallax_correction = value
        self._modified = True

    def border_smoothness(self):
        """ Returns the border smoothness factor """
        return self._border_smoothness

    def border_smoothness(self, value):
        """ Sets the border smoothness factor """
        self._border_smoothness = value
        self._modified = True

    def set_pos(self, *args):
        """ Sets the probe position """
        self._transform = self._transform.set_pos(Vec3(*args))

    def set_hpr(self, *args):
        """ Sets the probe rotation """
        self._transform = self._transform.set_hpr(Vec3(*args))

    def set_scale(self, *args):
        """ Sets the probe scale """
        self._transform = self._transform.set_scale(Vec3(*args))

    def set_mat(self, matrix):
        """ Sets the probes matrix, overrides all other transforms """
        self._transform = TransformState.make_mat(matrix)

    def update_bounds(self):
        """ Updates the spheres bounds """
        mat = self._transform.get_mat()
        mid_point = mat.xform_point(Vec3(0, 0, 0))
        max_point = mat.xform_point(Vec3(1, 1, 1))
        radius = (mid_point - max_point).length()
        self._bounds = BoundingSphere(mid_point, radius)
        self._modified = True

    def matrix(self):
        """ Returns the matrix of the probe """
        return self._transform.get_mat()

    def write_to_buffer(self, buffer_ptr):
        """ Writes the probe to a given byte buffer """
        data, mat = [], Mat4(self._transform.get_mat())
        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(3):
                data.append(mat.get_cell(i, j))
        data += (float(self.index), 1.0 if self._parallax_correction else 0.0,
                 self._border_smoothness, 0)
        byte_data = struct.pack("f" * 20, *data)

        # 4 = sizeof float, 20 = floats per cubemap
        bytes_per_probe = 4 * 20
        buffer_ptr.set_subdata(self.index * bytes_per_probe, bytes_per_probe,

        self._modified = False