Ejemplo n.º 1
def _varDump__print(exc):
    global sReentry
    global notify
    if sReentry > 0:
    sReentry += 1
    if not exc._savedExcString:
        s = ''
        foundRun = False
        for frame in reversed(exc._savedStackFrames):
            filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
            codename = frame.f_code.co_name
            if not foundRun and codename != 'run':
                # don't print stack frames before run(),
                # they contain builtins and are huge
            foundRun = True
            s += '\nlocals for %s:%s\n' % (filename, codename)
            locals = frame.f_locals
            for var in locals:
                obj = locals[var]
                rep = fastRepr(obj)
                s += '::%s = %s\n' % (var, rep)
        exc._savedExcString = s
        exc._savedStackFrames = None
    sReentry -= 1
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _varDump__print(exc):
    global sReentry
    global notify
    if sReentry > 0:
    sReentry += 1
    if not exc._savedExcString:
        s = ''
        foundRun = False
        for frame in reversed(exc._savedStackFrames):
            filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
            codename = frame.f_code.co_name
            if not foundRun and codename != 'run':
                # don't print stack frames before run(),
                # they contain builtins and are huge
            foundRun = True
            s += '\nlocals for %s:%s\n' % (filename, codename)
            locals = frame.f_locals
            for var in locals:
                obj = locals[var]
                rep = fastRepr(obj)
                s += '::%s = %s\n' % (var, rep)
        exc._savedExcString = s
        exc._savedStackFrames = None
    sReentry -= 1
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _excepthookDumpVars(eType, eValue, tb):
    excStrs = traceback.format_exception(eType, eValue, tb)
    s = 'printing traceback in case variable repr crashes the process...\n'
    for excStr in excStrs:
        s += excStr
    origTb = tb
    #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
    #foundRun = False
    foundRun = True
    while tb is not None:
        frame = tb.tb_frame
        code = frame.f_code
        # this is a list of every string identifier used in this stack frame's code
        codeNames = set(code.co_names)
        # skip everything before the 'run' method, those frames have lots of
        # not-useful information
        if not foundRun:
            if code.co_name == 'run':
                foundRun = True
                tb = tb.tb_next
        s += '\n  File "%s", line %s, in %s' % (
            code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, code.co_name)
        stateStack = Stack()
        # prime the stack with the variables we should visit from the frame's data structures
        # grab all of the local, builtin and global variables that appear in the code's name list
        name2obj = {}
        for name, obj in frame.f_builtins.items():
            if name in codeNames:
                name2obj[name] = obj
        for name, obj in frame.f_globals.items():
            if name in codeNames:
                name2obj[name] = obj
        for name, obj in frame.f_locals.items():
            if name in codeNames:
                name2obj[name] = obj
        # show them in alphabetical order
        names = name2obj.keys()
        # push them in reverse order so they'll be popped in the correct order

        traversedIds = set()

        for name in names:
            stateStack.push([name, name2obj[name], traversedIds])

        while len(stateStack) > 0:
            name, obj, traversedIds = stateStack.pop()
            #notify.info('%s, %s, %s' % (name, fastRepr(obj), traversedIds))
            r = fastRepr(obj, maxLen=10)
            if type(r) is types.StringType:
                r = r.replace('\n', '\\n')
            s += '\n    %s = %s' % (name, r)
            # if we've already traversed through this object, don't traverse through it again
            if id(obj) not in traversedIds:
                attrName2obj = {}
                for attrName in codeNames:
                    attr = getattr(obj, attrName, _AttrNotFound)
                    if (attr is not _AttrNotFound):
                        # prevent infinite recursion on method wrappers (__init__.__init__.__init__...)
                            className = attr.__class__.__name__
                            if className == 'method-wrapper':
                        attrName2obj[attrName] = attr
                if len(attrName2obj):
                    # show them in alphabetical order
                    attrNames = attrName2obj.keys()
                    # push them in reverse order so they'll be popped in the correct order
                    ids = set(traversedIds)
                    for attrName in attrNames:
                        obj = attrName2obj[attrName]
                        stateStack.push(['%s.%s' % (name, attrName), obj, ids])
        tb = tb.tb_next

    if foundRun:
        s += '\n'
    oldExcepthook(eType, eValue, origTb)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def run(self):
        # do the garbage collection
        oldFlags = gc.get_debug()

        if self._args.delOnly:
            # do a collect without SAVEALL, to identify the instances that are involved in
            # cycles with instances that define __del__
            # cycles that do not involve any instances that define __del__ are cleaned up
            # automatically by Python, but they also appear in gc.garbage when SAVEALL is set
            if self._args.collect:
            garbageInstances = gc.garbage[:]
            del gc.garbage[:]
            # only yield if there's more time-consuming work to do,
            # if there's no garbage, give instant feedback
            if len(garbageInstances) > 0:
                yield None
            # don't repr the garbage list if we don't have to
            if self.notify.getDebug():
                self.notify.debug('garbageInstances == %s' % fastRepr(garbageInstances))

            self.numGarbageInstances = len(garbageInstances)
            # grab the ids of the garbage instances (objects with __del__)
            self.garbageInstanceIds = set()
            for i in xrange(len(garbageInstances)):
                if not (i % 20):
                    yield None
            # then release the list of instances so that it doesn't interfere with the gc.collect() below
            del garbageInstances
            self.garbageInstanceIds = set()

        # do a SAVEALL pass so that we have all of the objects involved in legitimate garbage cycles
        # without SAVEALL, gc.garbage only contains objects with __del__ methods
        if self._args.collect:
        self.garbage = gc.garbage[:]
        del gc.garbage[:]
        # only yield if there's more time-consuming work to do,
        # if there's no garbage, give instant feedback
        if len(self.garbage) > 0:
            yield None
        # don't repr the garbage list if we don't have to
        if self.notify.getDebug():
            self.notify.debug('self.garbage == %s' % fastRepr(self.garbage))

        self.numGarbage = len(self.garbage)
        # only yield if there's more time-consuming work to do,
        # if there's no garbage, give instant feedback
        if self.numGarbage > 0:
            yield None

        if self._args.verbose:
            self.notify.info('found %s garbage items' % self.numGarbage)

        """ spammy
        # print the types of the garbage first, in case the repr of an object
        # causes a crash
        if self.numGarbage > 0:
            self.notify.info('TYPES ONLY (this is only needed if a crash occurs before GarbageReport finishes):')
            for result in printNumberedTypesGen(self.garbage):
                yield None

        # Py obj id -> garbage list index
        self._id2index = {}

        self.referrersByReference = {}
        self.referrersByNumber = {}

        self.referentsByReference = {}
        self.referentsByNumber = {}

        self.cycles = []
        self.cyclesBySyntax = []
        self.uniqueCycleSets = set()
        self.cycleIds = set()

        # make the id->index table to speed up the next steps
        for i in xrange(self.numGarbage):
            self._id2index[id(self.garbage[i])] = i
            if not (i % 20):
                yield None

        # grab the referrers (pointing to garbage)
        if self._args.fullReport and (self.numGarbage != 0):
            if self._args.verbose:
                self.notify.info('getting referrers...')
            for i in xrange(self.numGarbage):
                yield None
                for result in self._getReferrers(self.garbage[i]):
                    yield None
                byNum, byRef = result
                self.referrersByNumber[i] = byNum
                self.referrersByReference[i] = byRef

        # grab the referents (pointed to by garbage)
        if self.numGarbage > 0:
            if self._args.verbose:
                self.notify.info('getting referents...')
            for i in xrange(self.numGarbage):
                yield None
                for result in self._getReferents(self.garbage[i]):
                    yield None
                byNum, byRef = result                    
                self.referentsByNumber[i] = byNum
                self.referentsByReference[i] = byRef

        # find the cycles
        if self._args.findCycles and self.numGarbage > 0:
            if self._args.verbose:
                self.notify.info('calculating cycles...')
            for i in xrange(self.numGarbage):
                yield None
                for newCycles in self._getCycles(i, self.uniqueCycleSets):
                    yield None
                # create a representation of the cycle in human-readable form
                newCyclesBySyntax = []
                for cycle in newCycles:
                    cycleBySyntax = ''
                    objs = []
                    # leave off the last index, it's a repeat of the first index
                    for index in cycle[:-1]:
                        yield None
                    # make the list repeat so we can safely iterate off the end
                    numObjs = len(objs) - 1

                    # state variables for our loop below
                    numToSkip = 0
                    objAlreadyRepresented = False

                    # if cycle starts off with an instance dict, start with the instance instead
                    startIndex = 0
                    # + 1 to include a reference back to the first object
                    endIndex = numObjs + 1
                    if type(objs[-1]) is types.InstanceType and type(objs[0]) is types.DictType:
                        startIndex -= 1
                        endIndex -= 1

                    for index in xrange(startIndex, endIndex):
                        if numToSkip:
                            numToSkip -= 1
                        obj = objs[index]
                        if type(obj) is types.InstanceType:
                            if not objAlreadyRepresented:
                                cycleBySyntax += '%s' % obj.__class__.__name__
                            cycleBySyntax += '.'
                            # skip past the instance dict and get the member obj
                            numToSkip += 1
                            member = objs[index+2]
                            for key, value in obj.__dict__.iteritems():
                                if value is member:
                                yield None
                                key = '<unknown member name>'
                            cycleBySyntax += '%s' % key
                            objAlreadyRepresented = True
                        elif type(obj) is types.DictType:
                            cycleBySyntax += '{'
                            # get object referred to by dict
                            val = objs[index+1]
                            for key, value in obj.iteritems():
                                if value is val:
                                yield None
                                key = '<unknown key>'
                            cycleBySyntax += '%s}' % fastRepr(key)
                            objAlreadyRepresented = True
                        elif type(obj) in (types.TupleType, types.ListType):
                            brackets = {
                                types.TupleType: '()',
                                types.ListType: '[]',
                            # get object being referenced by container
                            nextObj = objs[index+1]
                            cycleBySyntax += brackets[0]
                            for index in xrange(len(obj)):
                                if obj[index] is nextObj:
                                    index = str(index)
                                yield None
                                index = '<unknown index>'
                            cycleBySyntax += '%s%s' % (index, brackets[1])
                            objAlreadyRepresented = True
                            cycleBySyntax += '%s --> ' % itype(obj)
                            objAlreadyRepresented = False
                    yield None
                # if we're not doing a full report, add this cycle's IDs to the master set
                if not self._args.fullReport:
                    for cycle in newCycles:
                        yield None

        self.numCycles = len(self.cycles)

        if self._args.findCycles:
            s = ['===== GarbageReport: \'%s\' (%s %s) =====' % (
                self._args.name, self.numCycles,
                choice(self.numCycles == 1, 'cycle', 'cycles'))]
            s = ['===== GarbageReport: \'%s\' =====' % (
        if self.numGarbage > 0:
            # make a list of the ids we will actually be printing
            if self._args.fullReport:
                garbageIndices = range(self.numGarbage)
                garbageIndices = list(self.cycleIds)
            numGarbage = len(garbageIndices)

            # log each individual item with a number in front of it
            if not self._args.fullReport:
                abbrev = '(abbreviated) '
                abbrev = ''
            s.append('===== Garbage Items %s=====' % abbrev)
            digits = 0
            n = numGarbage
            while n > 0:
                yield None
                digits += 1
                n /= 10
            digits = digits
            format = '%0' + '%s' % digits + 'i:%s \t%s'

            for i in xrange(numGarbage):
                yield None
                idx = garbageIndices[i]
                if self._args.safeMode:
                    # in safe mode, don't try to repr any of the objects
                    objStr = repr(itype(self.garbage[idx]))
                    objStr = fastRepr(self.garbage[idx])
                maxLen = 5000
                if len(objStr) > maxLen:
                    snip = '<SNIP>'
                    objStr = '%s%s' % (objStr[:(maxLen-len(snip))], snip)
                s.append(format % (idx, itype(self.garbage[idx]), objStr))

            # also log the types of the objects
            s.append('===== Garbage Item Types %s=====' % abbrev)
            for i in xrange(numGarbage):
                yield None
                idx = garbageIndices[i]
                objStr = str(deeptype(self.garbage[idx]))
                maxLen = 5000
                if len(objStr) > maxLen:
                    snip = '<SNIP>'
                    objStr = '%s%s' % (objStr[:(maxLen-len(snip))], snip)
                s.append(format % (idx, itype(self.garbage[idx]), objStr))

            if self._args.findCycles:
                s.append('===== Garbage Cycles (Garbage Item Numbers) =====')
                ac = AlphabetCounter()
                for i in xrange(self.numCycles):
                    yield None
                    s.append('%s:%s' % (ac.next(), self.cycles[i]))

            if self._args.findCycles:
                s.append('===== Garbage Cycles (Python Syntax) =====')
                ac = AlphabetCounter()
                for i in xrange(len(self.cyclesBySyntax)):
                    yield None
                    s.append('%s:%s' % (ac.next(), self.cyclesBySyntax[i]))

            if self._args.fullReport:
                format = '%0' + '%s' % digits + 'i:%s'
                s.append('===== Referrers By Number (what is referring to garbage item?) =====')
                for i in xrange(numGarbage):
                    yield None
                    s.append(format % (i, self.referrersByNumber[i]))
                s.append('===== Referents By Number (what is garbage item referring to?) =====')
                for i in xrange(numGarbage):
                    yield None
                    s.append(format % (i, self.referentsByNumber[i]))
                s.append('===== Referrers (what is referring to garbage item?) =====')
                for i in xrange(numGarbage):
                    yield None
                    s.append(format % (i, self.referrersByReference[i]))
                s.append('===== Referents (what is garbage item referring to?) =====')
                for i in xrange(numGarbage):
                    yield None
                    s.append(format % (i, self.referentsByReference[i]))

        self._report = s

        if self._args.log:
            for i in xrange(len(self._report)):
                if self.numGarbage > 0:
                    yield None

        yield Job.Done
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def run(self):
        # do the garbage collection
        oldFlags = gc.get_debug()

        if self._args.delOnly:
            # do a collect without SAVEALL, to identify the instances that are involved in
            # cycles with instances that define __del__
            # cycles that do not involve any instances that define __del__ are cleaned up
            # automatically by Python, but they also appear in gc.garbage when SAVEALL is set
            if self._args.collect:
            garbageInstances = gc.garbage[:]
            del gc.garbage[:]
            # only yield if there's more time-consuming work to do,
            # if there's no garbage, give instant feedback
            if len(garbageInstances) > 0:
                yield None
            # don't repr the garbage list if we don't have to
            if self.notify.getDebug():
                self.notify.debug('garbageInstances == %s' %

            self.numGarbageInstances = len(garbageInstances)
            # grab the ids of the garbage instances (objects with __del__)
            self.garbageInstanceIds = set()
            for i in xrange(len(garbageInstances)):
                if not (i % 20):
                    yield None
            # then release the list of instances so that it doesn't interfere with the gc.collect() below
            del garbageInstances
            self.garbageInstanceIds = set()

        # do a SAVEALL pass so that we have all of the objects involved in legitimate garbage cycles
        # without SAVEALL, gc.garbage only contains objects with __del__ methods
        if self._args.collect:
        self.garbage = gc.garbage[:]
        del gc.garbage[:]
        # only yield if there's more time-consuming work to do,
        # if there's no garbage, give instant feedback
        if len(self.garbage) > 0:
            yield None
        # don't repr the garbage list if we don't have to
        if self.notify.getDebug():
            self.notify.debug('self.garbage == %s' % fastRepr(self.garbage))

        self.numGarbage = len(self.garbage)
        # only yield if there's more time-consuming work to do,
        # if there's no garbage, give instant feedback
        if self.numGarbage > 0:
            yield None

        if self._args.verbose:
            self.notify.info('found %s garbage items' % self.numGarbage)
        """ spammy
        # print the types of the garbage first, in case the repr of an object
        # causes a crash
        if self.numGarbage > 0:
            self.notify.info('TYPES ONLY (this is only needed if a crash occurs before GarbageReport finishes):')
            for result in printNumberedTypesGen(self.garbage):
                yield None

        # Py obj id -> garbage list index
        self._id2index = {}

        self.referrersByReference = {}
        self.referrersByNumber = {}

        self.referentsByReference = {}
        self.referentsByNumber = {}

        self.cycles = []
        self.cyclesBySyntax = []
        self.uniqueCycleSets = set()
        self.cycleIds = set()

        # make the id->index table to speed up the next steps
        for i in xrange(self.numGarbage):
            self._id2index[id(self.garbage[i])] = i
            if not (i % 20):
                yield None

        # grab the referrers (pointing to garbage)
        if self._args.fullReport and (self.numGarbage != 0):
            if self._args.verbose:
                self.notify.info('getting referrers...')
            for i in xrange(self.numGarbage):
                yield None
                for result in self._getReferrers(self.garbage[i]):
                    yield None
                byNum, byRef = result
                self.referrersByNumber[i] = byNum
                self.referrersByReference[i] = byRef

        # grab the referents (pointed to by garbage)
        if self.numGarbage > 0:
            if self._args.verbose:
                self.notify.info('getting referents...')
            for i in xrange(self.numGarbage):
                yield None
                for result in self._getReferents(self.garbage[i]):
                    yield None
                byNum, byRef = result
                self.referentsByNumber[i] = byNum
                self.referentsByReference[i] = byRef

        # find the cycles
        if self._args.findCycles and self.numGarbage > 0:
            if self._args.verbose:
                self.notify.info('calculating cycles...')
            for i in xrange(self.numGarbage):
                yield None
                for newCycles in self._getCycles(i, self.uniqueCycleSets):
                    yield None
                # create a representation of the cycle in human-readable form
                newCyclesBySyntax = []
                for cycle in newCycles:
                    cycleBySyntax = ''
                    objs = []
                    # leave off the last index, it's a repeat of the first index
                    for index in cycle[:-1]:
                        yield None
                    # make the list repeat so we can safely iterate off the end
                    numObjs = len(objs) - 1

                    # state variables for our loop below
                    numToSkip = 0
                    objAlreadyRepresented = False

                    # if cycle starts off with an instance dict, start with the instance instead
                    startIndex = 0
                    # + 1 to include a reference back to the first object
                    endIndex = numObjs + 1
                    if type(objs[-1]) is types.InstanceType and type(
                            objs[0]) is types.DictType:
                        startIndex -= 1
                        endIndex -= 1

                    for index in xrange(startIndex, endIndex):
                        if numToSkip:
                            numToSkip -= 1
                        obj = objs[index]
                        if type(obj) is types.InstanceType:
                            if not objAlreadyRepresented:
                                cycleBySyntax += '%s' % obj.__class__.__name__
                            cycleBySyntax += '.'
                            # skip past the instance dict and get the member obj
                            numToSkip += 1
                            member = objs[index + 2]
                            for key, value in obj.__dict__.iteritems():
                                if value is member:
                                yield None
                                key = '<unknown member name>'
                            cycleBySyntax += '%s' % key
                            objAlreadyRepresented = True
                        elif type(obj) is types.DictType:
                            cycleBySyntax += '{'
                            # get object referred to by dict
                            val = objs[index + 1]
                            for key, value in obj.iteritems():
                                if value is val:
                                yield None
                                key = '<unknown key>'
                            cycleBySyntax += '%s}' % fastRepr(key)
                            objAlreadyRepresented = True
                        elif type(obj) in (types.TupleType, types.ListType):
                            brackets = {
                                types.TupleType: '()',
                                types.ListType: '[]',
                            # get object being referenced by container
                            nextObj = objs[index + 1]
                            cycleBySyntax += brackets[0]
                            for index in xrange(len(obj)):
                                if obj[index] is nextObj:
                                    index = str(index)
                                yield None
                                index = '<unknown index>'
                            cycleBySyntax += '%s%s' % (index, brackets[1])
                            objAlreadyRepresented = True
                            cycleBySyntax += '%s --> ' % itype(obj)
                            objAlreadyRepresented = False
                    yield None
                # if we're not doing a full report, add this cycle's IDs to the master set
                if not self._args.fullReport:
                    for cycle in newCycles:
                        yield None

        self.numCycles = len(self.cycles)

        if self._args.findCycles:
            s = [
                '===== GarbageReport: \'%s\' (%s %s) =====' %
                (self._args.name, self.numCycles,
                 choice(self.numCycles == 1, 'cycle', 'cycles'))
            s = ['===== GarbageReport: \'%s\' =====' % (self._args.name)]
        if self.numGarbage > 0:
            # make a list of the ids we will actually be printing
            if self._args.fullReport:
                garbageIndices = range(self.numGarbage)
                garbageIndices = list(self.cycleIds)
            numGarbage = len(garbageIndices)

            # log each individual item with a number in front of it
            if not self._args.fullReport:
                abbrev = '(abbreviated) '
                abbrev = ''
            s.append('===== Garbage Items %s=====' % abbrev)
            digits = 0
            n = numGarbage
            while n > 0:
                yield None
                digits += 1
                n /= 10
            digits = digits
            format = '%0' + '%s' % digits + 'i:%s \t%s'

            for i in xrange(numGarbage):
                yield None
                idx = garbageIndices[i]
                if self._args.safeMode:
                    # in safe mode, don't try to repr any of the objects
                    objStr = repr(itype(self.garbage[idx]))
                    objStr = fastRepr(self.garbage[idx])
                maxLen = 5000
                if len(objStr) > maxLen:
                    snip = '<SNIP>'
                    objStr = '%s%s' % (objStr[:(maxLen - len(snip))], snip)
                s.append(format % (idx, itype(self.garbage[idx]), objStr))

            # also log the types of the objects
            s.append('===== Garbage Item Types %s=====' % abbrev)
            for i in xrange(numGarbage):
                yield None
                idx = garbageIndices[i]
                objStr = str(deeptype(self.garbage[idx]))
                maxLen = 5000
                if len(objStr) > maxLen:
                    snip = '<SNIP>'
                    objStr = '%s%s' % (objStr[:(maxLen - len(snip))], snip)
                s.append(format % (idx, itype(self.garbage[idx]), objStr))

            if self._args.findCycles:
                s.append('===== Garbage Cycles (Garbage Item Numbers) =====')
                ac = AlphabetCounter()
                for i in xrange(self.numCycles):
                    yield None
                    s.append('%s:%s' % (ac.next(), self.cycles[i]))

            if self._args.findCycles:
                s.append('===== Garbage Cycles (Python Syntax) =====')
                ac = AlphabetCounter()
                for i in xrange(len(self.cyclesBySyntax)):
                    yield None
                    s.append('%s:%s' % (ac.next(), self.cyclesBySyntax[i]))

            if self._args.fullReport:
                format = '%0' + '%s' % digits + 'i:%s'
                    '===== Referrers By Number (what is referring to garbage item?) ====='
                for i in xrange(numGarbage):
                    yield None
                    s.append(format % (i, self.referrersByNumber[i]))
                    '===== Referents By Number (what is garbage item referring to?) ====='
                for i in xrange(numGarbage):
                    yield None
                    s.append(format % (i, self.referentsByNumber[i]))
                    '===== Referrers (what is referring to garbage item?) ====='
                for i in xrange(numGarbage):
                    yield None
                    s.append(format % (i, self.referrersByReference[i]))
                    '===== Referents (what is garbage item referring to?) ====='
                for i in xrange(numGarbage):
                    yield None
                    s.append(format % (i, self.referentsByReference[i]))

        self._report = s

        if self._args.log:
            for i in xrange(len(self._report)):
                if self.numGarbage > 0:
                    yield None

        yield Job.Done
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _excepthookDumpVars(eType, eValue, tb):
    excStrs = traceback.format_exception(eType, eValue, tb)
    s = 'printing traceback in case variable repr crashes the process...\n'
    for excStr in excStrs:
        s += excStr
    origTb = tb
    #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
    #foundRun = False
    foundRun = True
    while tb is not None:
        frame = tb.tb_frame
        code = frame.f_code
        # this is a list of every string identifier used in this stack frame's code
        codeNames = set(code.co_names)
        # skip everything before the 'run' method, those frames have lots of
        # not-useful information
        if not foundRun:
            if code.co_name == 'run':
                foundRun = True
                tb = tb.tb_next
        s += '\n  File "%s", line %s, in %s' % (code.co_filename,
                                                frame.f_lineno, code.co_name)
        stateStack = Stack()
        # prime the stack with the variables we should visit from the frame's data structures
        # grab all of the local, builtin and global variables that appear in the code's name list
        name2obj = {}
        for name, obj in frame.f_builtins.items():
            if name in codeNames:
                name2obj[name] = obj
        for name, obj in frame.f_globals.items():
            if name in codeNames:
                name2obj[name] = obj
        for name, obj in frame.f_locals.items():
            if name in codeNames:
                name2obj[name] = obj
        # show them in alphabetical order
        names = name2obj.keys()
        # push them in reverse order so they'll be popped in the correct order

        traversedIds = set()

        for name in names:
            stateStack.push([name, name2obj[name], traversedIds])

        while len(stateStack) > 0:
            name, obj, traversedIds = stateStack.pop()
            #notify.info('%s, %s, %s' % (name, fastRepr(obj), traversedIds))
            r = fastRepr(obj, maxLen=10)
            if type(r) is types.StringType:
                r = r.replace('\n', '\\n')
            s += '\n    %s = %s' % (name, r)
            # if we've already traversed through this object, don't traverse through it again
            if id(obj) not in traversedIds:
                attrName2obj = {}
                for attrName in codeNames:
                    attr = getattr(obj, attrName, _AttrNotFound)
                    if (attr is not _AttrNotFound):
                        # prevent infinite recursion on method wrappers (__init__.__init__.__init__...)
                            className = attr.__class__.__name__
                            if className == 'method-wrapper':
                        attrName2obj[attrName] = attr
                if len(attrName2obj):
                    # show them in alphabetical order
                    attrNames = attrName2obj.keys()
                    # push them in reverse order so they'll be popped in the correct order
                    ids = set(traversedIds)
                    for attrName in attrNames:
                        obj = attrName2obj[attrName]
                        stateStack.push(['%s.%s' % (name, attrName), obj, ids])

        tb = tb.tb_next

    if foundRun:
        s += '\n'
    oldExcepthook(eType, eValue, origTb)