Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __downloadFile(self,
        """ Downloads the indicated file from the host into
        packageDir.  Yields one of stepComplete, stepFailed, 
        restartDownload, or stepContinue. """

        if self.host.appRunner and self.host.appRunner.verifyContents == self.host.appRunner.P3DVCNever:
            # We're not allowed to download anything.
            yield self.stepFailed

        self.updated = True

        if not urlbase:
            urlbase = self.descFileDirname + '/' + fileSpec.filename

        # Build up a list of URL's to try downloading from.  Unlike
        # the C++ implementation in P3DPackage.cxx, here we build the
        # URL's in forward order.
        tryUrls = []

        if self.host.appRunner and self.host.appRunner.superMirrorUrl:
            # We start with the "super mirror", if it's defined.
            url = self.host.appRunner.superMirrorUrl + urlbase
            tryUrls.append((url, False))

        if self.host.mirrors:
            # Choose two mirrors at random.
            mirrors = self.host.mirrors[:]
            for i in range(2):
                mirror = random.choice(mirrors)
                url = mirror + urlbase
                tryUrls.append((url, False))
                if not mirrors:

        # After trying two mirrors and failing (or if there are no
        # mirrors), go get it from the original host.
        url = self.host.downloadUrlPrefix + urlbase
        tryUrls.append((url, False))

        # And finally, if the original host also fails, try again with
        # a cache-buster.
        tryUrls.append((url, True))

        for url, cacheBust in tryUrls:
            request = DocumentSpec(url)

            if cacheBust:
                # On the last attempt to download a particular file,
                # we bust through the cache: append a query string to
                # do this.
                url += '?' + str(int(time.time()))
                request = DocumentSpec(url)

            self.notify.info("%s downloading %s" % (self.packageName, url))

            if not filename:
                filename = fileSpec.filename
            targetPathname = Filename(self.getPackageDir(), filename)

            channel = self.http.makeChannel(False)

            # If there's a previous partial download, attempt to resume it.
            bytesStarted = 0
            if allowPartial and not cacheBust and targetPathname.exists():
                bytesStarted = targetPathname.getFileSize()

            if bytesStarted < 1024 * 1024:
                # Not enough bytes downloaded to be worth the risk of
                # a partial download.
                bytesStarted = 0
            elif bytesStarted >= fileSpec.size:
                # Couldn't possibly be our file.
                bytesStarted = 0

            if bytesStarted:
                    "Resuming %s after %s bytes already downloaded" %
                    (url, bytesStarted))
                # Make sure the file is writable.
                os.chmod(targetPathname.toOsSpecific(), 0644)
                channel.beginGetSubdocument(request, bytesStarted, 0)
                # No partial download possible; get the whole file.

            while channel.run():
                if step:
                    step.bytesDone = channel.getBytesDownloaded(
                    ) + channel.getFirstByteDelivered()
                    if step.bytesDone > step.bytesNeeded:
                        # Oops, too much data.  Might as well abort;
                        # it's the wrong file.
                            "Got more data than expected for download %s" %


                if taskMgr.destroyed:
                    # If the task manager has been destroyed, we must
                    # be shutting down.  Get out of here.
                    self.notify.warning("Task Manager destroyed, aborting %s" %
                    yield self.stepFailed

                yield self.stepContinue

            if step:
                step.bytesDone = channel.getBytesDownloaded(
                ) + channel.getFirstByteDelivered()

            if not channel.isValid():
                self.notify.warning("Failed to download %s" % (url))

            elif not fileSpec.fullVerify(self.getPackageDir(),
                    "After downloading, %s incorrect" %

                # This attempt failed.  Maybe the original contents.xml
                # file is stale.  Try re-downloading it now, just to be
                # sure.
                if self.host.redownloadContentsFile(self.http):
                    # Yes!  Go back and start over from the beginning.
                    yield self.restartDownload

                # Success!
                yield self.stepComplete

            # Maybe the mirror is bad.  Go back and try the next
            # mirror.

        # All attempts failed.  Maybe the original contents.xml file
        # is stale.  Try re-downloading it now, just to be sure.
        if self.host.redownloadContentsFile(self.http):
            # Yes!  Go back and start over from the beginning.
            yield self.restartDownload

        # All mirrors failed; the server (or the internet connection)
        # must be just fubar.
        yield self.stepFailed
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def downloadContentsFile(self, http, redownload = False,
                             hashVal = None):
        """ Downloads the contents.xml file for this particular host,
        synchronously, and then reads it.  Returns true on success,
        false on failure.  If hashVal is not None, it should be a
        HashVal object, which will be filled with the hash from the
        new contents.xml file."""

        if self.hasCurrentContentsFile():
            # We've already got one.
            return True

        if self.appRunner and self.appRunner.verifyContents == self.appRunner.P3DVCNever:
            # Not allowed to.
            return False

        rf = None
        if http:
            if not redownload and self.appRunner and self.appRunner.superMirrorUrl:
                # We start with the "super mirror", if it's defined.
                url = self.appRunner.superMirrorUrl + 'contents.xml'
                request = DocumentSpec(url)
                self.notify.info("Downloading contents file %s" % (request))

                rf = Ramfile()
                channel = http.makeChannel(False)
                if not channel.downloadToRam(rf):
                    self.notify.warning("Unable to download %s" % (url))
                    rf = None

            if not rf:
                # Then go to the main host, if our super mirror let us
                # down.

                url = self.hostUrlPrefix + 'contents.xml'
                # Append a uniquifying query string to the URL to force the
                # download to go all the way through any caches.  We use the
                # time in seconds; that's unique enough.
                url += '?' + str(int(time.time()))

                # We might as well explicitly request the cache to be disabled
                # too, since we have an interface for that via HTTPChannel.
                request = DocumentSpec(url)

                self.notify.info("Downloading contents file %s" % (request))
                statusCode = None
                statusString = ''
                for attempt in range(ConfigVariableInt('contents-xml-dl-attempts', 3)):
                    if attempt > 0:
                        self.notify.info("Retrying (%s)..."%(attempt,))
                    rf = Ramfile()
                    channel = http.makeChannel(False)
                    if channel.downloadToRam(rf):
                        self.notify.warning("Successfully downloaded %s" % (url,))
                        rf = None
                        statusCode = channel.getStatusCode()
                        statusString = channel.getStatusString()
                        self.notify.warning("Could not contact download server at %s" % (url,))
                        self.notify.warning("Status code = %s %s" % (statusCode, statusString))
                if not rf:
                    self.notify.warning("Unable to download %s" % (url,))
                        # Something screwed up.
                        if statusCode == HTTPChannel.SCDownloadOpenError or \
                           statusCode == HTTPChannel.SCDownloadWriteError:
                        elif statusCode == 404:
                            # 404 not found
                        elif statusCode < 100:
                            # statusCode < 100 implies the connection attempt itself
                            # failed.  This is usually due to firewall software
                            # interfering.  Apparently some firewall software might
                            # allow the first connection and disallow subsequent
                            # connections; how strange.
                            # There are other kinds of failures, but these will
                            # generally have been caught already by the first test; so
                            # if we get here there may be some bigger problem.  Just
                            # give the generic "big problem" message.
                    except NameError,e:
                        # no launcher
                    except AttributeError, e:
                        self.notify.warning("%s" % (str(e),))
                    return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __downloadFile(self, step, fileSpec, urlbase = None, filename = None,
                       allowPartial = False):
        """ Downloads the indicated file from the host into
        packageDir.  Yields one of stepComplete, stepFailed, 
        restartDownload, or stepContinue. """

        if self.host.appRunner and self.host.appRunner.verifyContents == self.host.appRunner.P3DVCNever:
            # We're not allowed to download anything.
            yield self.stepFailed; return

        self.updated = True

        if not urlbase:
            urlbase = self.descFileDirname + '/' + fileSpec.filename

        # Build up a list of URL's to try downloading from.  Unlike
        # the C++ implementation in P3DPackage.cxx, here we build the
        # URL's in forward order.
        tryUrls = []

        if self.host.appRunner and self.host.appRunner.superMirrorUrl:
            # We start with the "super mirror", if it's defined.
            url = self.host.appRunner.superMirrorUrl + urlbase
            tryUrls.append((url, False))

        if self.host.mirrors:
            # Choose two mirrors at random.
            mirrors = self.host.mirrors[:]
            for i in range(2):
                mirror = random.choice(mirrors)
                url = mirror + urlbase
                tryUrls.append((url, False))
                if not mirrors:

        # After trying two mirrors and failing (or if there are no
        # mirrors), go get it from the original host.
        url = self.host.downloadUrlPrefix + urlbase
        tryUrls.append((url, False))

        # And finally, if the original host also fails, try again with
        # a cache-buster.
        tryUrls.append((url, True))

        for url, cacheBust in tryUrls:
            request = DocumentSpec(url)

            if cacheBust:
                # On the last attempt to download a particular file,
                # we bust through the cache: append a query string to
                # do this.
                url += '?' + str(int(time.time()))
                request = DocumentSpec(url)
            self.notify.info("%s downloading %s" % (self.packageName, url))

            if not filename:
                filename = fileSpec.filename
            targetPathname = Filename(self.getPackageDir(), filename)

            channel = self.http.makeChannel(False)

            # If there's a previous partial download, attempt to resume it.
            bytesStarted = 0
            if allowPartial and not cacheBust and targetPathname.exists():
                bytesStarted = targetPathname.getFileSize()

            if bytesStarted < 1024*1024:
                # Not enough bytes downloaded to be worth the risk of
                # a partial download.
                bytesStarted = 0
            elif bytesStarted >= fileSpec.size:
                # Couldn't possibly be our file.
                bytesStarted = 0

            if bytesStarted:
                self.notify.info("Resuming %s after %s bytes already downloaded" % (url, bytesStarted))
                # Make sure the file is writable.
                os.chmod(targetPathname.toOsSpecific(), 0644)
                channel.beginGetSubdocument(request, bytesStarted, 0)
                # No partial download possible; get the whole file.
            while channel.run():
                if step:
                    step.bytesDone = channel.getBytesDownloaded() + channel.getFirstByteDelivered()
                    if step.bytesDone > step.bytesNeeded:
                        # Oops, too much data.  Might as well abort;
                        # it's the wrong file.
                        self.notify.warning("Got more data than expected for download %s" % (url))

                if taskMgr.destroyed:
                    # If the task manager has been destroyed, we must
                    # be shutting down.  Get out of here.
                    self.notify.warning("Task Manager destroyed, aborting %s" % (url))
                    yield self.stepFailed; return
                yield self.stepContinue
            if step:
                step.bytesDone = channel.getBytesDownloaded() + channel.getFirstByteDelivered()

            if not channel.isValid():
                self.notify.warning("Failed to download %s" % (url))

            elif not fileSpec.fullVerify(self.getPackageDir(), pathname = targetPathname, notify = self.notify):
                self.notify.warning("After downloading, %s incorrect" % (Filename(fileSpec.filename).getBasename()))

                # This attempt failed.  Maybe the original contents.xml
                # file is stale.  Try re-downloading it now, just to be
                # sure.
                if self.host.redownloadContentsFile(self.http):
                    # Yes!  Go back and start over from the beginning.
                    yield self.restartDownload; return

                # Success!
                yield self.stepComplete; return

            # Maybe the mirror is bad.  Go back and try the next
            # mirror.

        # All attempts failed.  Maybe the original contents.xml file
        # is stale.  Try re-downloading it now, just to be sure.
        if self.host.redownloadContentsFile(self.http):
            # Yes!  Go back and start over from the beginning.
            yield self.restartDownload; return

        # All mirrors failed; the server (or the internet connection)
        # must be just fubar.
        yield self.stepFailed; return