Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_create_generic_coordinates_nx(net_plotting):
    net = copy.deepcopy(net_plotting)
    net.junction_geodata.drop(net.junction_geodata.index, inplace=True)
    create_generic_coordinates(net, library="networkx")
    assert len(net.junction_geodata) == len(net.junction)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_simple_collections(net, respect_valves=False, pipe_width=5.0, junction_size=1.0,
                              ext_grid_size=1.0, plot_sinks=False, plot_sources=False,
                              sink_size=1.0, source_size=1.0, valve_size=1.0, pump_size=1.0,
                              heat_exchanger_size=1.0, scale_size=True, junction_color="r",
                              pipe_color='silver', ext_grid_color='orange', valve_color='silver',
                              pump_color='silver', heat_exchanger_color='silver',
                              library="igraph", as_dict=True, **kwargs):
    Plots a pandapipes network as simple as possible. If no geodata is available, artificial
    geodata is generated. For advanced plotting see the tutorial

    :param net: The pandapipes format network.
    :type net: pandapipesNet
    :param respect_valves: Respect valves if artificial geodata is created. \
            .. note:: This Flag is ignored if plot_line_switches is True
    :type respect_valves: bool default False
    :param pipe_width: width of pipes
    :type pipe_width: float, default 5.0
    :param junction_size: Relative size of junctions to plot. The value junction_size is multiplied\
            with mean_distance_between_buses, which equals the distance between the max geoocord\
            and the min divided by 200: \
            mean_distance_between_buses = sum((net['bus_geodata'].max() \
                                               - net['bus_geodata'].min()) / 200)
    :type junction_size: float, default 1.0
    :param ext_grid_size: Relative size of ext_grids to plot. See bus sizes for details. Note: \
            ext_grids are plottet as rectangles
    :type ext_grid_size: float, default 1.0
    :param plot_sinks: Flag to decide whether sink symbols should be drawn.
    :type plot_sinks: bool, default False
    :param plot_sources: Flag to decide whether source symbols should be drawn.
    :type plot_sources: bool, default False
    :param sink_size: Relative size of sinks to plot.
    :type sink_size: float, default 1.0
    :param source_size: Relative size of sources to plot.
    :type source_size: float, default 1.0
    :param valve_size: Relative size of valves to plot.
    :type valve_size: float, default 1.0
    :param heat_exchanger_size:
    :type heat_exchanger_size:
    :param scale_size: Flag if junction_size, ext_grid_size, valve_size- and distance will be \
            scaled with respect to grid mean distances
    :type scale_size: bool, default True
    :param junction_color: Junction Color. See also matplotlib or seaborn documentation on how to\
            choose colors.
    :type junction_color: str, tuple, default "r"
    :param pipe_color: Pipe Color.
    :type pipe_color: str, tuple, default "silver"
    :param ext_grid_color: External Grid Color.
    :type ext_grid_color: str, tuple, default "orange"
    :param library: library name to create generic coordinates (case of missing geodata). Choose\
            "igraph" to use igraph package or "networkx" to use networkx package. **NOTE**: \
            Currently the networkx implementation is not working!
    :type library: str, default "igraph"
    :param as_dict: flag whether to return dictionary for network components or just a list
    :type as_dict: bool, default True
    :return: collections - list of simple collections for the given network
    # don't hide lines if switches are plotted

    # create geocoord if none are available
    if len(net.junction_geodata) == 0 and len(net.pipe_geodata) == 0:
        logger.warning("No or insufficient geodata available --> Creating artificial coordinates." +
                       " This may take some time")
        create_generic_coordinates(net, library=library)

    if scale_size:
        # if scale_size -> calc size from distance between min and max geocoord
        sizes = get_collection_sizes(net, junction_size, ext_grid_size, sink_size, source_size,
                                     valve_size, pump_size, heat_exchanger_size)
        junction_size = sizes["junction"]
        ext_grid_size = sizes["ext_grid"]
        source_size = sizes["source"]
        sink_size = sizes["sink"]
        valve_size = sizes["valve"]
        pump_size = sizes["pump"]
        heat_exchanger_size = sizes["heat_exchanger"]

    # create junction collections to plot
    junction_coll = create_junction_collection(net, net.junction.index, size=junction_size,
                                               color=junction_color, zorder=10)

    # if bus geodata is available, but no line geodata
    use_junction_geodata = len(net.pipe_geodata) == 0

    plot_lines = net.pipe[net.pipe.in_service].index

    # create line collections
    pipe_coll = create_pipe_collection(net, plot_lines, color=pipe_color, linewidths=pipe_width,
    collections = {"junction": junction_coll, "pipe": pipe_coll}

    # create ext_grid collections
    eg_junctions_with_geo_coordinates = set(net.ext_grid.junction.values) \
                                        & set(net.junction_geodata.index)
    if len(eg_junctions_with_geo_coordinates) > 0:
        eg_coll = create_junction_collection(
            net, eg_junctions_with_geo_coordinates, patch_type="rect", size=ext_grid_size,
            color=ext_grid_color, zorder=11)
        collections["ext_grid"] = eg_coll

    if 'source' in net and plot_sources and len(net.source) > 0:
        source_colls = create_source_collection(net, size=source_size)
        collections["source"] = source_colls

    if 'sink' in net and plot_sinks and len(net.sink) > 0:
        sink_colls = create_sink_collection(net, size=sink_size)
        collections["sink"] = sink_colls

    if 'valve' in net:
        valve_colls = create_valve_collection(net, size=valve_size, linewidths=pipe_width,
                                              color=valve_color, respect_valves=respect_valves)
        collections["valve"] = valve_colls

    if 'pump' in net:
        pump_colls = create_pump_collection(net, size=pump_size, linewidths=pipe_width,
        collections["pump"] = pump_colls

    if 'circ_pump_mass' in net:
        circ_pump_colls = create_pump_collection(net, table_name='circ_pump_mass',
                                            size=pump_size, linewidths=pipe_width, color=pump_color)
        collections["circ_pump_mass"] = circ_pump_colls

    if 'circ_pump_pressure' in net:
        circ_pump_colls = create_pump_collection(net, table_name='circ_pump_pressure',
                                            size=pump_size, linewidths=pipe_width, color=pump_color)
        collections["circ_pump_pressure"] = circ_pump_colls

    if 'heat_exchanger' in net:
        hxc = create_heat_exchanger_collection(net, size=heat_exchanger_size, linewidths=pipe_width,
        collections["heat_exchanger"] = hxc

    if 'additional_collections' in kwargs:
        collections["additional"] = list()
        for collection in kwargs.pop('additional_collections'):

    if as_dict:
        return collections
    return list(chain.from_iterable([list(c) if hasattr(c, "__iter__") else [c]
                                     for c in collections.values()]))