Ejemplo n.º 1
    def slice_indexer(self, start=None, end=None, step=None, kind=None):
        Return indexer for specified label slice.
        Index.slice_indexer, customized to handle time slicing.

        In addition to functionality provided by Index.slice_indexer, does the

        - if both `start` and `end` are instances of `datetime.time`, it
          invokes `indexer_between_time`
        - if `start` and `end` are both either string or None perform
          value-based selection in non-monotonic cases.

        # For historical reasons DatetimeIndex supports slices between two
        # instances of datetime.time as if it were applying a slice mask to
        # an array of (self.hour, self.minute, self.seconds, self.microsecond).
        if isinstance(start, time) and isinstance(end, time):
            if step is not None and step != 1:
                raise ValueError("Must have step size of 1 with time slices")
            return self.indexer_between_time(start, end)

        if isinstance(start, time) or isinstance(end, time):
            raise KeyError("Cannot mix time and non-time slice keys")

        # Pandas supports slicing with dates, treated as datetimes at midnight.
        # https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/31501
        if isinstance(start, date) and not isinstance(start, datetime):
            start = datetime.combine(start, time(0, 0))
        if isinstance(end, date) and not isinstance(end, datetime):
            end = datetime.combine(end, time(0, 0))

            return Index.slice_indexer(self, start, end, step, kind=kind)
        except KeyError:
            # For historical reasons DatetimeIndex by default supports
            # value-based partial (aka string) slices on non-monotonic arrays,
            # let's try that.
            if (start is None or isinstance(
                    start, str)) and (end is None or isinstance(end, str)):
                mask = True
                if start is not None:
                    start_casted = self._maybe_cast_slice_bound(
                        start, "left", kind)
                    mask = start_casted <= self

                if end is not None:
                    end_casted = self._maybe_cast_slice_bound(
                        end, "right", kind)
                    mask = (self <= end_casted) & mask

                indexer = mask.nonzero()[0][::step]
                if len(indexer) == len(self):
                    return slice(None)
                    return indexer
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def slice_indexer(self, start=None, end=None, step=None, kind=None):
        Return indexer for specified label slice.
        Index.slice_indexer, customized to handle time slicing.

        In addition to functionality provided by Index.slice_indexer, does the

        - if both `start` and `end` are instances of `datetime.time`, it
          invokes `indexer_between_time`
        - if `start` and `end` are both either string or None perform
          value-based selection in non-monotonic cases.

        # For historical reasons DatetimeIndex supports slices between two
        # instances of datetime.time as if it were applying a slice mask to
        # an array of (self.hour, self.minute, self.seconds, self.microsecond).
        if isinstance(start, time) and isinstance(end, time):
            if step is not None and step != 1:
                raise ValueError("Must have step size of 1 with time slices")
            return self.indexer_between_time(start, end)

        if isinstance(start, time) or isinstance(end, time):
            raise KeyError("Cannot mix time and non-time slice keys")

        # Pandas supports slicing with dates, treated as datetimes at midnight.
        # https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/31501
        if isinstance(start, date) and not isinstance(start, datetime):
            start = datetime.combine(start, time(0, 0))
        if isinstance(end, date) and not isinstance(end, datetime):
            end = datetime.combine(end, time(0, 0))

        def check_str_or_none(point):
            return point is not None and not isinstance(point, str)

        # GH#33146 if start and end are combinations of str and None and Index is not
        # monotonic, we can not use Index.slice_indexer because it does not honor the
        # actual elements, is only searching for start and end
        if (check_str_or_none(start) or check_str_or_none(end)
                or self.is_monotonic_increasing):
            return Index.slice_indexer(self, start, end, step, kind=kind)

        mask = np.array(True)
        deprecation_mask = np.array(True)
        if start is not None:
            start_casted = self._maybe_cast_slice_bound(start, "left")
            mask = start_casted <= self
            deprecation_mask = start_casted == self

        if end is not None:
            end_casted = self._maybe_cast_slice_bound(end, "right")
            mask = (self <= end_casted) & mask
            deprecation_mask = (end_casted == self) | deprecation_mask

        if not deprecation_mask.any():
                "Value based partial slicing on non-monotonic DatetimeIndexes "
                "with non-existing keys is deprecated and will raise a "
                "KeyError in a future Version.",
        indexer = mask.nonzero()[0][::step]
        if len(indexer) == len(self):
            return slice(None)
            return indexer