Ejemplo n.º 1
def generate_numba_apply_func(
    args: Tuple,
    kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
    func: Callable[..., Scalar],
    engine_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, bool]],
    Generate a numba jitted apply function specified by values from engine_kwargs.

    1. jit the user's function
    2. Return a rolling apply function with the jitted function inline

    Configurations specified in engine_kwargs apply to both the user's
    function _AND_ the rolling apply function.

    args : tuple
        *args to be passed into the function
    kwargs : dict
        **kwargs to be passed into the function
    func : function
        function to be applied to each window and will be JITed
    engine_kwargs : dict
        dictionary of arguments to be passed into numba.jit

    Numba function
    nopython, nogil, parallel = get_jit_arguments(engine_kwargs)

    check_kwargs_and_nopython(kwargs, nopython)

    numba_func = jit_user_function(func, nopython, nogil, parallel)

    numba = import_optional_dependency("numba")

    if parallel:
        loop_range = numba.prange
        loop_range = range

    @numba.jit(nopython=nopython, nogil=nogil, parallel=parallel)
    def roll_apply(
        values: np.ndarray, begin: np.ndarray, end: np.ndarray, minimum_periods: int,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        result = np.empty(len(begin))
        for i in loop_range(len(result)):
            start = begin[i]
            stop = end[i]
            window = values[start:stop]
            count_nan = np.sum(np.isnan(window))
            if len(window) - count_nan >= minimum_periods:
                result[i] = numba_func(window, *args)
                result[i] = np.nan
        return result

    return roll_apply
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _aggregate_series_pure_python(
        obj: Series,
        func: F,
        engine: str = "cython",

        if engine == "numba":
            nopython, nogil, parallel = get_jit_arguments(engine_kwargs)
            check_kwargs_and_nopython(kwargs, nopython)
            cache_key = (func, "groupby_agg")
            numba_func = NUMBA_FUNC_CACHE.get(
                cache_key, jit_user_function(func, nopython, nogil, parallel)

        group_index, _, ngroups = self.group_info

        counts = np.zeros(ngroups, dtype=int)
        result = None

        splitter = get_splitter(obj, group_index, ngroups, axis=0)

        for label, group in splitter:
            if engine == "numba":
                values, index = split_for_numba(group)
                res = numba_func(values, index, *args)
                if cache_key not in NUMBA_FUNC_CACHE:
                    NUMBA_FUNC_CACHE[cache_key] = numba_func
                res = func(group, *args, **kwargs)

            if result is None:
                if isinstance(res, (Series, Index, np.ndarray)):
                    if len(res) == 1:
                        # e.g. test_agg_lambda_with_timezone lambda e: e.head(1)
                        # FIXME: are we potentially losing important res.index info?
                        res = res.item()
                        raise ValueError("Function does not reduce")
                result = np.empty(ngroups, dtype="O")

            counts[label] = group.shape[0]
            result[label] = res

        assert result is not None
        result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(result, try_float=0)
        # TODO: maybe_cast_to_extension_array?

        return result, counts
Ejemplo n.º 3
def generate_numba_func(
    func: Callable,
    engine_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, bool]],
    kwargs: dict,
    cache_key_str: str,
) -> Tuple[Callable, Tuple[Callable, str]]:
    Return a JITed function and cache key for the NUMBA_FUNC_CACHE

    This _may_ be specific to groupby (as it's only used there currently).

    func : function
        user defined function
    engine_kwargs : dict or None
        numba.jit arguments
    kwargs : dict
        kwargs for func
    cache_key_str : str
        string representing the second part of the cache key tuple

    (JITed function, cache key)

    nopython, nogil, parallel = get_jit_arguments(engine_kwargs)
    check_kwargs_and_nopython(kwargs, nopython)
    cache_key = (func, cache_key_str)
    numba_func = NUMBA_FUNC_CACHE.get(
        cache_key, jit_user_function(func, nopython, nogil, parallel)
    return numba_func, cache_key
Ejemplo n.º 4
def generate_numba_transform_func(
    args: Tuple,
    kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
    func: Callable[..., Scalar],
    engine_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, bool]],
) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int, int], np.ndarray]:
    Generate a numba jitted transform function specified by values from engine_kwargs.

    1. jit the user's function
    2. Return a groupby agg function with the jitted function inline

    Configurations specified in engine_kwargs apply to both the user's
    function _AND_ the rolling apply function.

    args : tuple
        *args to be passed into the function
    kwargs : dict
        **kwargs to be passed into the function
    func : function
        function to be applied to each window and will be JITed
    engine_kwargs : dict
        dictionary of arguments to be passed into numba.jit

    Numba function
    nopython, nogil, parallel = get_jit_arguments(engine_kwargs)

    check_kwargs_and_nopython(kwargs, nopython)


    numba_func = jit_user_function(func, nopython, nogil, parallel)

    numba = import_optional_dependency("numba")

    if parallel:
        loop_range = numba.prange
        loop_range = range

    @numba.jit(nopython=nopython, nogil=nogil, parallel=parallel)
    def group_transform(
        values: np.ndarray,
        index: np.ndarray,
        begin: np.ndarray,
        end: np.ndarray,
        num_groups: int,
        num_columns: int,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        result = np.empty((len(values), num_columns))
        for i in loop_range(num_groups):
            group_index = index[begin[i] : end[i]]
            for j in loop_range(num_columns):
                group = values[begin[i] : end[i], j]
                result[begin[i] : end[i], j] = numba_func(group, group_index, *args)
        return result

    return group_transform