Ejemplo n.º 1
def getTimewindowStockPrice(ticker):
    timewindowStockPrice = {}#key: year; value: weekly price
    stockDF = DataReader(ticker,  "google", "2009-01-01", datetime.today().date())
#     print stockDF
    for idx, row in stockDF.iterrows():
#         print row[0], row['Close']
#         print datetime.fromtimestamp(idx)
#         print str(idx)
        dt = dateutil.parser.parse(str(idx)).date()
        year = dt.isocalendar()[0]
        week = dt.isocalendar()[1]
        price = row['Close']
        print year, week, price
        if year not in timewindowStockPrice:
            timewindowStockPrice[year] = {}
        if week not in timewindowStockPrice[year]:
            timewindowStockPrice[year][week] = []
#         print row['Close']
    #normalized weekly price
    for year in timewindowStockPrice.keys():
        for week in timewindowStockPrice[year].keys():
            timewindowStockPrice[year][week] = scipy.mean(timewindowStockPrice[year][week])
#     for year in timewindowStockPrice.keys():
#         print timewindowStockPrice[year]
    return timewindowStockPrice
Ejemplo n.º 2
def refreshYahooDatabase(db):
    rs = yahoo.yahooRecordset(db)
    ts = timeseries.timeseriesRecordset(db)
    # step 1: get the yahoo index end date
    idx = rs.select('*')
    for i in idx:
            r = ts.getLastDate(i['id'])
            start = r[0]['max_date']
            data = pd.DataFrame()
            if start != None:
                start = start + dt.timedelta(days=1)
                data = DataReader(  str(i['key']), 'yahoo', start)
                data = DataReader(  str(i['key']), 'yahoo')
            # insert new data
            add = []
            for index, row in data.iterrows():
                add.append((i['id'], index, row[i['field']]))
        except Exception as e:
            print('error processing index ' + str(i['key'] \
                + '/' + str(i['field']) + '\n'))
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Indicator1():
    def __init__(self, indicator, stock_name, start_date, end_date, buy_value, sell_value):
        if not isinstance(stock_name, str):
            raise TypeError("Sorry. 'Stock Name' must be string")
        self.stock = DataReader(stock_name, "yahoo", start_date, end_date)
        self.stock['returnValue'] = 'NaN'
        self.stock['returnValue'] = 'NaN'

        high_array = []
        for index, row in self.stock.iterrows():
        high_nparray = numpy.asarray(high_array)

        low_array = []
        for index, row in self.stock.iterrows():
        low_nparray = numpy.asarray(low_array)

        close_array = []
        for index, row in self.stock.iterrows():
        close_nparray = numpy.asarray(close_array)
        real = getattr(talib, indicator)(high_nparray, low_nparray, close_nparray, timeperiod=14)

        self.stock['indicator'] = real
        self.stock['indicator_trigger'] = "NaN"
        count = 0
        flag = False
        for index, row in self.stock.iterrows():
            if count < len(self.stock.index):
                if float(row['indicator']) < buy_value and (not flag):
                    self.stock['indicator_trigger'][count] = "Buy"
                    flag = True
                elif float(row['indicator']) > sell_value and flag:
                    self.stock['indicator_trigger'][count] = "Sell"
                    flag = False
            count += 1