Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_nanstd_roundoff(self):
     # Regression test for GH 10242 (test data taken from GH 10489). Ensure
     # that variance is stable.
     data = Series(766897346 * np.ones(10))
     for ddof in range(3):
         result = data.std(ddof=ddof)
         assert result == 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def aggregate_features(text):
    f = collections.OrderedDict()
    f['questions'] = text.count('?')
    f['exclamation'] = text.count('!')
    f['commas'] = text.count(',')

    tb = TextBlob(text)

    sentences = tb.sentences
    f['number of sentences'] = len(sentences)
    f['number of words'] = len(tb.words)
    lengths = Series([len(s) for s in sentences])
    f['length_std'] = lengths.std() if f['number of sentences'] > 1 else 0

    share_stopwords = Series([(w in cachedStopWords) for w in tb.words]).mean()
    f['share stopwords'] = share_stopwords

    certain_words = ['sure', 'certain', 'undoubt', 'clear', 'absolute']
    certain_number = Series([len(re.findall(cw, text)) for cw in certain_words]).sum()
    f['certain_share'] = certain_number / f['number of words']

    sentiment = TextBlob(text).sentiment._asdict()

    return f
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_nanstd_roundoff(self):
     # Regression test for GH 10242 (test data taken from GH 10489). Ensure
     # that variance is stable.
     data = Series(766897346 * np.ones(10))
     for ddof in range(3):
         result = data.std(ddof=ddof)
         self.assertEqual(result, 0.0)
def _check_Xy(X: pd.DataFrame,
              y: pd.Series, *,
              norm_y=False) -> Tuple[pd.Series, pd.Series]:
    if np.ndim(X) == 1:
        X = pd.Series(X).to_frame()
    elif np.ndim(X) == 2:
        X = pd.DataFrame(X)

    assert X.ndim == 2
    assert np.ndim(y) == 1
    assert len(X) == len(y)

    valid = ~X.isnull().any(1).values
    X = pd.Series(list(zip(*X.values[valid].T)),
    y = pd.Series(y).reset_index(drop=True)[valid]

    if is_object_dtype(y):
        y = pd.Categorical(y)

    if norm_y:
        assert is_numeric_dtype(y)
        y = (y - y.mean()) / y.std()

    return X, y
Ejemplo n.º 5
def plot_norm(data: pd.Series, bins=10, ax=None, is_show_plot=None):
    :param data:
    :param bins: bar 数量
    :param ax: 如果为None,则新建一个画布
    :param is_show_plot: 是否展示
    :return: n, bins_v, mean, std
    if ax is None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        if is_show_plot is None:
            is_show_plot = True

    if is_show_plot is None:
        is_show_plot = False

    n, bins_v = np.histogram(data, bins=bins)

    mu = data.mean()  # mean of distribution
    sigma = data.std()  # standard deviation of distribution
    # def norm_func(x, mu, sigma):
    #     pdf = np.exp(-((x - mu)**2)/(2*sigma**2)) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2*np.pi))
    #     return pdf
    # y = norm_func(bins, mu, sigma)  # 与 mlab.normpdf(bins, mu, sigma) 相同
    # y = mlab.normpdf(bins, mu, sigma)
    y = stats.norm.pdf(bins_v, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
    ax.plot(bins_v, y, '--')
    if is_show_plot:

    return n, bins_v, mu, sigma
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _predict_core(self, s: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
        mean = s.mean()
        std = s.std()

        if std == 0:
            std = 1

        return (s - mean) / std
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, col: Series):
        col: ndarray = col.to_numpy()

        self._min: number = col.min(initial=None)
        self._max: number = col.max(initial=None)
        self._range: number = self._max - self._min
        self._mean: number = col.mean()
        self._std: number = col.std()
Ejemplo n.º 8
def kurtosis(returns: pd.Series):
    Computes the skewness of a asset series
    relative_ret = returns - returns.mean()
    sigma = returns.std(ddof=0)
    exp = (relative_ret**4).mean()
    return exp / sigma**4
 def fill_outliers(col: pd.Series):
     """ Remove outliers of each col
     mean, std = col.mean(), col.std()
     upper, lower = mean + 3 * std, mean - 3 * std
     col[col > upper] = np.floor(upper)
     col[col < lower] = np.floor(lower)
     return col.values
def calculate_annualized_volatility(return_series: pd.Series) -> float:
    Calculates annualized volatility for a date-indexed return series. 
    Works for any interval of date-indexed prices and returns.
    years_past = get_years_past(return_series)
    entries_per_year = return_series.shape[0] / years_past
    return return_series.std() * np.sqrt(entries_per_year)
Ejemplo n.º 11
        def _mask_outliers(vec: pd.Series, stdv_times):
            vec_mean = vec.mean()
            vec_stdv = vec.std()
            upper = vec_mean + vec_stdv * stdv_times
            lower = vec_mean - vec_stdv * stdv_times
            vec[((lower > vec) | (vec > upper))] = np.nan

            return vec
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def before_after_3sigma(data: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
     miu = data.mean()
     sigma = data.std()
     threshold_down = miu - 3 * sigma
     threshold_up = miu + 3 * sigma
     data[data.ge(threshold_up)] = threshold_up
     data[data.le(threshold_down)] = threshold_down
     return data
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def from_series(feature_name: str, series: Series):
     assert types.is_numeric_dtype(series), series.dtypes
     return NumericColumn(feature_name=feature_name,
Ejemplo n.º 14
def sharpe_ratio(corrs: pd.Series) -> np.float32:
    Calculate the Sharpe ratio for Numerai by using grouped per-era data

    :param corrs: A Pandas Series containing the Spearman correlations for each era
    :return: A float denoting the Sharpe ratio of your predictions.
    return corrs.mean() / corrs.std()
Ejemplo n.º 15
def fit_transform_normalize_y(y_train):
    y_train_bx, _ = boxcox(y_train)
    y_train_bx = Series(y_train_bx, y_train.index)
    outliers = tukey_outlier_test(y_train_bx)
    y_train_outliers_removed = y_train.drop(outliers)
    y_train_bx, bx_lambda = boxcox(y_train_outliers_removed)
    y_train_bx = Series(y_train_bx, y_train_outliers_removed.index)
    y_train_bx_whitened = (y_train_bx - y_train_bx.mean()) / y_train_bx.std()
    return y_train_bx_whitened, bx_lambda
Ejemplo n.º 16
def roys_safety_first_criterion(portfolio_returns: pd.Series, minimum_threshold=0.02, period=252):

    :param portfolio_returns: Pandas series or dataframe representing percentage changes of the security (or portfolio) returns over time. It should be same time range and frequency as risk free rates
    :param minimum_threshold: minimum acceptable return, below which the returns are less desirable.
    :param period: period to compute statistics of returns for. For instance, to compute yearly, then input 252, and to compute monthly, then input 21.
    return (portfolio_returns.mean() * period - minimum_threshold) / (portfolio_returns.std() * math.sqrt(period))
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def fit(self, x: pd.Series):
     if self.method == "Gaussian":
         self.mean, self.std = x.mean(), x.std()
     elif self.method == "RankGaussian":
         # TODO: store state
     elif self.method == "MinMax":
         self.min, self.max = x.min(), x.max()
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 18
def stdev(items):
    """Calculate stdev from the items.

    :param items: Stdev is calculated from these items.
    :type items: list
    :returns: Stdev.
    :rtype: float
    return Series.std(Series(items))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def filter_outliers(data: pd.Series, std: int=3) -> pd.Series:
    Remove outliers from ``Series``.

    :param data: data to be filtered
    :param std: number of standard deviations to be filtered. Default is 3
    :return: ``Series`` filtered out of outliers
    return data[(data - data.mean()).abs() <= (std * data.std())]
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def z_score(data: pd.Series):
     :param data:
     miu = data.mean()
     sigma = data.std()
     stand = (data - miu) / sigma
     return stand
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_describe_ints(self):
     ser = Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], name="int_data")
     result = ser.describe()
     expected = Series(
         [5, 2, ser.std(), 0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
         index=["count", "mean", "std", "min", "25%", "50%", "75%", "max"],
     tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def winsorize(x: pd.Series, limit: float = 2.5, w: int = 0) -> pd.Series:
    Limit extreme values in series

    :param x: time series of prices
    :param limit: max z-score of values
    :param w: window: number of observations to use (defaults to length of series)
    :return: timeseries of winsorized values


    Cap and floor values in the series which have a z-score greater or less than provided value. This function will
    restrict the distribution of values. Calculates the sample standard deviation and adjusts values which
    fall outside the specified range to be equal to the upper or lower limits

    Lower and upper limits are defined as:

    :math:`upper = \mu + \sigma \\times limit`

    :math:`lower = \mu - \sigma \\times limit`

    Where :math:`\mu` and :math:`\sigma` are sample mean and standard deviation. The series is restricted by:

    :math:`R_t = max( min( X_t, upper), lower )`

    See `winsorising <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winsorizing>`_ for additional information


    Generate price series and winsorize z-score of returns over :math:`22` observations

    >>> prices = generate_series(100)
    >>> winsorize(zscore(returns(prices), 22))

    **See also**

    :func:`zscore` :func:`mean` :func:`std`

    w = w or x.size

    if x.size < 1:
        return x

    assert w, "window is not 0"

    mu = x.mean()
    sigma = x.std()

    high = mu + sigma * limit
    low = mu - sigma * limit

    ret = ceil(x, high)
    ret = floor(ret, low)

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 23
def CZI(x: pd.Series):
    """ Pearson Type III distribution """
    zsi = (x - x.mean()) / x.std()
    cs  = np.power(zsi, 3) / len(x)
    czi = (
        6.0 / cs * np.power(
            (cs / 2.0 * zsi + 1.0), 1.0 / 3.0
        ) - 6.0 / cs + cs / 6.0
    return czi
Ejemplo n.º 24
def calc_value_at_risk(returns: pd.Series, alpha=0.95, hist=True) -> float:
    Value at risk in %
    if hist:
        return returns.quantile(q=1 - alpha)
        mu = returns.mean()
        sigma = returns.std()
        return norm.ppf(1 - alpha, mu, sigma)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def _bigger_than_cutoff(scores: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
     """Identifies all the values that have a similarity scores bigger than the
     first standard deviation from the mean. If they are all identical we return
     if scores.mean() == 1.0:
         return scores
     dev = scores.std()
     most_similar = scores[scores > dev]
     return most_similar
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def std(grouped_data: pd.Series) -> float:
        Extract standard deviation of a given pandas Series
        :param grouped_data: grouped data
        :type grouped_data: pd.Series
        :return: standard deviation value
        :rtype: float

        return grouped_data.std()
Ejemplo n.º 27
def annualized_vol(r: pd.Series, periods_per_year):
    Inputs: r:pd.Series or pd.DataFrame
            periods_per_year = frequency of return in a year
                If data has daily return value then periods_per_year = 365 or 252
                If data has monthly return value then periods_per_year = 12            
    Output: Returns annualized Volatility

    return r.std() * (periods_per_year**0.5)
def removeOutliers(S: pd.Series, inplace=False, printOutput=False):
    result = S = S[~((S - S.mean()).abs() > 3 * S.std())]

    if printOutput:
        print('S Length: ', getRowsNum(S))
        print('results Length: ', getRowsNum(result))
    if inplace:
        S = result
        return None
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 29
def normalizer(series: pd.Series):
    std = series.std()
    mean = series.mean()

    def rescale(v):
        return v * std + mean

    def scale(v):
        return (v - mean) / std

    return (scale, rescale)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def fuzzy_smf(series: pd.Series):
    avg_avf = series.mean()
    sd_avf = series.std()
    max_avf = series.max()

    # calculate a
    a = calc_a(avg_avf, sd_avf, max_avf)

    # calculate c
    c = calc_c(avg_avf, sd_avf, max_avf)

    return smf(series, a, c)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def whole_number_digits(series: pd.Series) -> int:
    """Determine the relevant number of whole number digits for the given series.  The standard
    deviation, as a measure of the variation of the data, is used.

        series: A Pandas Series (of floats)
        The number of whole number digits associated with this series
    stddev = series.std(ddof=0)
    digits = int(math.log10(stddev)) + 1
    return digits
def z_transform(x: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
    Z-transforms scores.

        x: values to Z-transform

        Z-transformed scores

    return (x - x.mean()) / x.std()
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def sharpeRatio(self, returns: pd.Series):
     Sets the Sharpe Ratio for the Asset
     :param returns: Series that contains the returns of the Asset
     if not isinstance(returns, pd.Series):
         raise TypeError(classmethod.__name__ +
                         ': returns must be a Pandas Series.' +
                         '. Current type of the returns: ' +
     self._sharpeRatio = (returns.mean() / returns.std()) * (len(returns)**
Ejemplo n.º 34
  def get_summary_indicators_from_hist(sf, hist, int_index=False):
    seriesHist = Series(hist)
    maxs = {
      'freq': dict()
    means = {'freq': seriesHist.mean()}
    medians = {'freq': seriesHist.median()}
    stds = {'freq': seriesHist.std()}
    maxs['freq']['freq'] = seriesHist.max()
    maxs['freq']['index'] = seriesHist.idxmax()
    index_total = 'NA'

    if int_index:
      index = seriesHist.index
      index = index.astype(int)
      index_list = index.tolist()
      index_total = sum([seriesHist[i] * index_list[i] for i in range(len(index_list))])
      index_series = Series(index_list)

      means['index'] = index_series.mean()
      medians['index'] = index_series.median()
      stds['index'] = index_series.std()
      maxs['freq']['index'] = int(maxs['freq']['index'])

      maxs['index'] = dict()
      maxs['index']['index'] = max(index_list)
      maxs['index']['freq'] = hist[str(maxs['index']['index'])]

    return {
      'means': means,
      'medians': medians,
      'stds': stds,
      'max': maxs,
      'index_total': index_total
Ejemplo n.º 35
k_list = list()
size = len(new_list)
k_sum = 0
for i in range(size):
	if i == 0:
		#k_sum = float(new_list[0][1])
	k_sum = k_sum + (float(new_list[i-1][1])/float(new_list[i][0]))
k_avg = k_sum/size
#consu_ser = Series(data=k_list,index=range(len(k_list)))
consu_ser = Series(data=k_list,index=range(len(k_list)))
#print consu_ser.describe()
mean = consu_ser.mean()
std_dev = consu_ser.std()
modified_list = list()
for i in range(len(k_list)):
	if (k_list[i] < mean + std_dev) and (k_list[i] > mean - std_dev):

consu_ser_mod = Series(data=modified_list,index=range(len(modified_list)))
k_avg = consu_ser_mod.sum()/len(modified_list)

thresh_sum = 0
for i in range(size):
	if i == 0:
	thresh_sum = thresh_sum + float(new_list[i-1][1]) - float(new_list[i][0])*k_avg
Ejemplo n.º 36

#%% 定长队列
from collections import deque
q = deque(maxlen=10)
for i in range(10):

from pandas import Series
s = Series(range(10))

#%% 交易结果导出到excel
import os
from comhelper import setDjangoEnvironment
from database.models import *
from django_pandas.io import read_frame
from pandas.io.excel import ExcelWriter
df = read_frame(ModelPosition.objects.filter(state='close'))
writer = ExcelWriter('/tmp/output.xls')
Ejemplo n.º 37
        def adfTest(spread):
            ADF_p_value = ts.adfuller(spread, 1)[1]
            return ADF_p_value

        ADF_p_value = adfTest(spread)

        if ADF_p_value <= 0.05:
            print    "The spread is likely mean-reverting."
            print    "The spread is not mean-reverting."

        spread = Series(spread)
        signalMean = spread.mean()
        signalDev = spread.std()

        openMult = 1.0
        closeMult = 0.5
        stopLossMult = 4.0

        openSignal = signalDev * openMult;
        closeSignal = signalDev * closeMult;
        stopLossSignal = signalDev * stopLossMult;

        residSpread = spread - signalMean

        openSignalUp = openSignal * (residSpread * 0 + 1)
        openSignalDown = -openSignal * (residSpread * 0 + 1)
Ejemplo n.º 38

# summary statistics
# d1990.sum()

# how much did total population change between 1990 and 2010? 
for i in [1990,2010]:
	total = sum(data['pop'][data['yr']==i]) # +42,099,904

# TODO: how many people did the average congressperson represent in 1990?

# we could also represent a single variable as a series with hierarchical indexing
p = Series(data['pop'].values, index=[data['st'], data['yr']])
p['North Carolina']


# TODO: calculate standard deviation by year

p.swaplevel('st', 'yr')

# correlation

# estimate a linear model
model = pd.ols(y=data['ev'], x=data['popm'])
print model 