Ejemplo n.º 1
def parse_attrimage(value):
    """Parses an attributed image."""

    if len(value[0]['c']) == 2:  # Old pandoc < 1.16
        attrs, (caption, target) = None, value[0]['c']
        s = stringify(value[1:]).strip()  # The attribute string
        # Extract label from attributes (label, classes, kvs)
        label = PandocAttributes(s, 'markdown').to_pandoc()[0]
        if label == 'fig:':  # Make up a unique description
            label = label + '__' + str(hash(target[0])) + '__'
        return attrs, caption, target, label

    else:  # New pandoc >= 1.16
        assert len(value[0]['c']) == 3
        attrs, caption, target = value[0]['c']
        s = stringify(value[1:]).strip()  # The attribute string
        # Extract label from attributes
        label = attrs[0]
        if label == 'fig:':  # Make up a unique description
            label = label + '__' + str(hash(target[0])) + '__'
        return attrs, caption, target, label
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def blocks_to_components(self, blocks):
        """Convert blocks into Dash components"""
        for block in blocks:
            if block["type"] == self.markdown:
                content = self.preprocess_markdown(block["content"])
                yield self.make_markdown_component(content)
                # attrs.id       --> the ID
                # attrs.classes  --> list of classed
                # attrs.kvs      --> OrderedDict of key, val pairs
                attrs = PandocAttributes(block["attributes"], "markdown")

                if "precode" in attrs.classes:
                    self.precode = f"{self.precode}\n\n{attrs.classes['precode']}"
                if "app-precode" in attrs.classes:
                    self.app_precode = f"{self.app_precode}\n\n{attrs.classes['app-precode']}"

                if "dash" not in attrs.classes:
                    # Currently ignore code blocks without a `dash` class

                if "app" in attrs.kvs:
                    # assume this is a file path.
                    # TODO: also support python imports with optional attribute:
                    # eg app.foo:layout
                    path = self.app_path / attrs["app"]
                    # TODO: support copying inline apps into new dir
                component_id = attrs.id if attrs.id != "" else None
                classes = [
                    c for c in attrs.classes if c not in ("dash", "app")
                yield self.make_dash_component(path,
    def process_code_block(self, block):
        """Parse block attributes"""
        if block['type'] != self.code:
            return block

        attr = PandocAttributes(block['attributes'], 'markdown')

        if self.match == 'all':

        elif self.match == 'fenced' and block.get('indent'):
            return self.new_text_block(content=('\n' + block['icontent'] +

        elif self.match == 'strict' and 'input' not in attr.classes:
            return self.new_text_block(content=block['raw'])

        elif self.match not in list(attr.classes) + ['fenced', 'strict']:
            return self.new_text_block(content=block['raw'])

        # set input / output status of cell
        if 'output' in attr.classes and 'json' in attr.classes:
            block['IO'] = 'output'
        elif 'input' in attr.classes:
            block['IO'] = 'input'
            block['IO'] = 'input'

        if self.caption_comments:
            # override attributes id and caption with those set in
            # comments, if they exist
            id, caption = get_caption_comments(block['content'])
            if id:
                attr.id = id
            if caption:
                attr['caption'] = caption

            # determine the language as the first class that
            # is in the block attributes and also in the list
            # of languages
            language = set(attr.classes).intersection(languages).pop()
        except KeyError:
            language = None

        block['language'] = language
        block['attributes'] = attr

        # ensure one identifier for python code
        if language in ('r', ):
            block['language'] = u'r'
        # add alternate language execution magic
            print('language', language)
            block['cell_type'] = u'markdown'
            block['type'] = u'markdown'
            block = OurReader.create_markdown_cell(block)
            block['type'] = u'markdown'
            block['content'] = ('```\n' + block['source'] + '\n```\n')
            return block
        return self.new_code_block(**block)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _process_table(value, fmt):
    """Processes the table.  Returns a dict containing table properties."""

    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global Nreferences            # Global references counter
    global has_unnumbered_tables  # Flags unnumbered tables were found
    global cursec                 # Current section

    # Parse the table
    attrs, caption = value[:2]

    # Initialize the return value
    table = {'is_unnumbered': False,
             'is_unreferenceable': False,
             'is_tagged': False,
             'attrs': attrs}

    # Bail out if the label does not conform
    if not LABEL_PATTERN.match(attrs[0]):
        has_unnumbered_tables = True
        table['is_unnumbered'] = True
        table['is_unreferenceable'] = True
        return table

    # Process unreferenceable tables
    if attrs[0] == 'tbl:': # Make up a unique description
        attrs[0] = 'tbl:' + str(uuid.uuid4())
        table['is_unreferenceable'] = True

    # For html, hard-code in the section numbers as tags
    kvs = PandocAttributes(attrs, 'pandoc').kvs
    if numbersections and fmt in ['html', 'html5'] and not 'tag' in kvs:
        if kvs['secno'] != cursec:
            cursec = kvs['secno']
            Nreferences = 1
        kvs['tag'] = cursec + '.' + str(Nreferences)
        Nreferences += 1

    # Save to the global references tracker
    table['is_tagged'] = 'tag' in kvs
    if table['is_tagged']:
        # Remove any surrounding quotes
        if kvs['tag'][0] == '"' and kvs['tag'][-1] == '"':
            kvs['tag'] = kvs['tag'].strip('"')
        elif kvs['tag'][0] == "'" and kvs['tag'][-1] == "'":
            kvs['tag'] = kvs['tag'].strip("'")
        references[attrs[0]] = kvs['tag']
        Nreferences += 1
        references[attrs[0]] = Nreferences

    # Adjust caption depending on the output format
    if fmt == 'latex':
        if not table['is_unreferenceable']:
            value[1] += [RawInline('tex', r'\label{%s}'%attrs[0])]
    else:  # Hard-code in the caption name and number/tag
        if type(references[attrs[0]]) is int:
            value[1] = [Str(captionname), Space(),
                        Str('%d:'%references[attrs[0]]), Space()] + \
        else:  # Tagged reference
            assert type(references[attrs[0]]) in STRTYPES
            text = references[attrs[0]]
            if text.startswith('$') and text.endswith('$'):
                math = text.replace(' ', r'\ ')[1:-1]
                els = [Math({"t":"InlineMath", "c":[]}, math), Str(':')]
                els = [Str(text + ':')]
            value[1] = [Str(captionname), Space()] + els + [Space()] + \

    return table
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _process_equation(value, fmt):
    """Processes the equation.  Returns a dict containing eq properties."""

    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global Nreferences  # Global references counter
    global cursec  # Current section

    # Parse the equation
    attrs = value[0]

    # Initialize the return value
    eq = {
        'is_unnumbered': False,
        'is_unreferenceable': False,
        'is_tagged': False,
        'attrs': attrs

    # Bail out if the label does not conform
    if not LABEL_PATTERN.match(attrs[0]):
        eq['is_unnumbered'] = True
        eq['is_unreferenceable'] = True
        return eq

    # Process unreferenceable equations
    if attrs[0] == 'eq:':  # Make up a unique description
        attrs[0] = attrs[0] + str(uuid.uuid4())
        eq['is_unreferenceable'] = True

    # For html, hard-code in the section numbers as tags
    kvs = PandocAttributes(attrs, 'pandoc').kvs
    if numbersections and fmt in ['html', 'html5'] and not 'tag' in kvs:
        if kvs['secno'] != cursec:
            cursec = kvs['secno']
            Nreferences = 1
        kvs['tag'] = cursec + '.' + str(Nreferences)
        Nreferences += 1

    # Save to the global references tracker
    eq['is_tagged'] = 'tag' in kvs
    if eq['is_tagged']:
        # Remove any surrounding quotes
        if kvs['tag'][0] == '"' and kvs['tag'][-1] == '"':
            kvs['tag'] = kvs['tag'].strip('"')
        elif kvs['tag'][0] == "'" and kvs['tag'][-1] == "'":
            kvs['tag'] = kvs['tag'].strip("'")
        references[attrs[0]] = kvs['tag']
        Nreferences += 1
        references[attrs[0]] = Nreferences

    # Adjust equation depending on the output format
    if fmt == 'latex':
        if not eq['is_unreferenceable']:  # Code in the tags
            value[-1] += r'\tag{%s}\label{%s}' % \
              (references[attrs[0]].replace(' ', r'\ '), attrs[0]) \
              if eq['is_tagged'] else r'\label{%s}'%attrs[0]
    elif fmt in ('html', 'html5'):
        pass  # Insert html in process_equations() instead
    else:  # Hard-code in the number/tag
        if type(references[attrs[0]]) is int:  # Numbered reference
            value[-1] += r'\qquad (%d)' % references[attrs[0]]
        else:  # Tagged reference
            assert type(references[attrs[0]]) in STRTYPES
            text = references[attrs[0]].replace(' ', r'\ ')
            if text.startswith('$') and text.endswith('$'):  # Math
                tag = text[1:-1]
            else:  # Text
                tag = r'\text{%s}' % text
            value[-1] += r'\qquad (%s)' % tag

    return eq
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_empty():
    attr = PandocAttributes()
    assert attr.is_empty
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_markdown_single():
    attr = PandocAttributes('python', 'markdown')

    assert (attr.id == '')
    assert (attr.classes == ['python'])
    assert (attr.kvs == OrderedDict())
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_surround():
    attr = PandocAttributes(attr_markdown, 'markdown')
    print attr.to_markdown(surround=False)
    print attr_markdown.replace('\n', ' ').strip('{}')
    assert (attr.to_markdown(surround=False) == attr_markdown.replace(
        '\n', ' ').strip('{}'))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_properties():
    attr = PandocAttributes(attr_markdown, 'markdown')
    assert (attr.html == attr.to_html())
    assert (attr.markdown == attr.to_markdown())
    assert (attr.dict == attr.to_dict())
    assert (attr.list == attr.to_pandoc())
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_empty():
    attr = PandocAttributes()
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_markdown_single():
    attr = PandocAttributes('python', 'markdown')

    nt.assert_equal(attr.id, '')
    nt.assert_equal(attr.classes, ['python'])
    nt.assert_equal(attr.kvs, OrderedDict())
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_surround():
    attr = PandocAttributes(attr_markdown, 'markdown')
    print(attr_markdown.replace('\n', ' ').strip('{}'))
                    attr_markdown.replace('\n', ' ').strip('{}'))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_properties():
    attr = PandocAttributes(attr_markdown, 'markdown')
    nt.assert_equal(attr.html, attr.to_html())
    nt.assert_equal(attr.markdown, attr.to_markdown())
    nt.assert_equal(attr.dict, attr.to_dict())
    nt.assert_equal(attr.list, attr.to_pandoc())
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _process_figure(value, fmt):
    """Processes the figure.  Returns a dict containing figure properties."""

    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global Nreferences
    global has_unnumbered_figures

    # Parse the image
    attrs, caption = value[0]['c'][:2]

    # Initialize the return value
    fig = {'is_unnumbered': False,
           'is_unreferenceable': False,
           'is_tagged': False,
           'attrs': attrs}

    # Bail out if the label does not conform
    if not LABEL_PATTERN.match(attrs[0]):
        has_unnumbered_figures = True
        fig['is_unnumbered'] = True
        fig['is_unreferenceable'] = True
        return fig

    # Process unreferenceable figures
    if attrs[0] == 'fig:': # Make up a unique description
        attrs[0] = attrs[0] + str(uuid.uuid4())
        fig['is_unreferenceable'] = True

    # Save to the global references tracker
    kvs = PandocAttributes(attrs, 'pandoc').kvs
    fig['is_tagged'] = 'tag' in kvs
    if fig['is_tagged']:
        # Remove any surrounding quotes
        if kvs['tag'][0] == '"' and kvs['tag'][-1] == '"':
            kvs['tag'] = kvs['tag'].strip('"')
        elif kvs['tag'][0] == "'" and kvs['tag'][-1] == "'":
            kvs['tag'] = kvs['tag'].strip("'")
        references[attrs[0]] = kvs['tag']
        Nreferences += 1
        references[attrs[0]] = Nreferences

    # Adjust caption depending on the output format
    if fmt == 'latex':  # Append a \label if this is referenceable
        if not fig['is_unreferenceable']:
            value[0]['c'][1] += [RawInline('tex', r'\label{%s}'%attrs[0])]
    else:  # Hard-code in the caption name and number/tag
        if type(references[attrs[0]]) is int:  # Numbered reference
            value[0]['c'][1] = [Str(captionname), Space(),
                                Str('%d:'%references[attrs[0]]), Space()] + \
        else:  # Tagged reference
            assert type(references[attrs[0]]) in STRTYPES
            text = references[attrs[0]]
            if text.startswith('$') and text.endswith('$'):  # Math
                math = text.replace(' ', r'\ ')[1:-1]
                els = [Math({"t":"InlineMath", "c":[]}, math), Str(':')]
            else:  # Text
                els = [Str(text+':')]
            value[0]['c'][1] = [Str('Table'), Space()]+ els + [Space()] + \

    return fig