Ejemplo n.º 1
 class _BigDumbParams(param.Parameterized):
     action = param.Action(default_action, allow_None=True)
     array = param.Array(np.array([1.0, 2.0]))
     boolean = param.Boolean(True, allow_None=True)
     callable = param.Callable(default_action, allow_None=True)
     class_selector = param.ClassSelector(int, is_instance=False, allow_None=True)
     color = param.Color("#FFFFFF", allow_None=True)
     composite = param.Composite(["action", "array"], allow_None=True)
         data_frame = param.DataFrame(
             pd.DataFrame({"A": 1.0, "B": np.arange(5)}), allow_None=True
     except TypeError:
         data_frame = param.DataFrame(pd.DataFrame({"A": 1.0, "B": np.arange(5)}))
     date = param.Date(datetime.now(), allow_None=True)
     date_range = param.DateRange((datetime.min, datetime.max), allow_None=True)
     dict_ = param.Dict({"foo": "bar"}, allow_None=True, doc="dict means dictionary")
     dynamic = param.Dynamic(default=default_action, allow_None=True)
     file_selector = param.FileSelector(
         os.path.join(FILE_DIR_DIR, "LICENSE"),
         path=os.path.join(FILE_DIR_DIR, "*"),
     filename = param.Filename(
         os.path.join(FILE_DIR_DIR, "LICENSE"), allow_None=True
     foldername = param.Foldername(os.path.join(FILE_DIR_DIR), allow_None=True)
     hook_list = param.HookList(
         [CallableObject(), CallableObject()], class_=CallableObject, allow_None=True
     integer = param.Integer(10, allow_None=True)
     list_ = param.List([1, 2, 3], allow_None=True, class_=int)
     list_selector = param.ListSelector([2, 2], objects=[1, 2, 3], allow_None=True)
     magnitude = param.Magnitude(0.5, allow_None=True)
     multi_file_selector = param.MultiFileSelector(
         path=os.path.join(FILE_DIR_DIR, "*"),
     number = param.Number(-10.0, allow_None=True, doc="here is a number")
     numeric_tuple = param.NumericTuple((5.0, 10.0), allow_None=True)
     object_selector = param.ObjectSelector(
         False, objects={"False": False, "True": 1}, allow_None=True
     path = param.Path(os.path.join(FILE_DIR_DIR, "LICENSE"), allow_None=True)
     range_ = param.Range((-1.0, 2.0), allow_None=True)
     series = param.Series(pd.Series(range(5)), allow_None=True)
     string = param.String("foo", allow_None=True, doc="this is a string")
     tuple_ = param.Tuple((3, 4, "fi"), allow_None=True)
     x_y_coordinates = param.XYCoordinates((1.0, 2.0), allow_None=True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class CreateModel(param.Parameterized):
    """Abstract base class for creating models."""
    __abstract = True
    project_base_directory = param.Foldername(default=os.getcwd(), doc="""
       Base directory to which name will be appended to write project files to.""", precedence=0)
    project_name = param.String(default='vicksburg_south', doc="""
       Name of project. Required for new model.""")    

    def _map_kw(self,p):
        kw = {}
        kw['project_directory'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(p.project_base_directory, p.project_name))
        # Currently allows overwriting existing files
        kw['project_name'] = p.project_name
        return kw
    def __call__(self,**params):
        raise NotImplementedError
Ejemplo n.º 3
    class MyParameterized(param.Parameterized):
        enable = param.Boolean(True,
                               doc="A sample Boolean parameter",
        what_proportion = param.Magnitude(default=0.9)
        age = param.Number(49,
                           bounds=(0, 100),
                           doc="Any Number between 0 to 100")
        how_many = param.Integer()
        favorite_quote = param.String(default="Hello, world!")

        choose_file_or_folder = param.Path(search_paths='./')
        choose_folder = param.Foldername(search_paths="./")
        choose_file = param.Filename(search_paths="./")
        select_a_file = param.FileSelector(path='./*')
        select_multiple_files = param.MultiFileSelector(path='./*')

        favorite_color = param.ObjectSelector(
            default="green", objects=["red", "yellow", "green"])
        favorite_fruit = param.Selector(default="Apple",
                                        objects=["Orange", "Apple", "Mango"])
        select_multiple = param.ListSelector(default=[3, 5],
                                             objects=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

        birthday = param.CalendarDate(dt.date(2017, 1, 1),
                                      bounds=(dt.date(2017, 1,
                                                      1), dt.date(2017, 2, 1)))
        appointment = param.Date(dt.datetime(2017, 1, 1),
                                 bounds=(dt.datetime(2017, 1, 1),
                                         dt.datetime(2017, 2, 1)))
        least_favorite_color = param.Color(default='#FF0000')
        dataset = param.DataFrame(pd.util.testing.makeDataFrame().iloc[:3])

        this_strange_thing = param.Tuple(default=(False, ), allow_None=True)
        some_numbers = param.NumericTuple(default=(1, 2, 3.0, 4.0))
        home_city = param.XYCoordinates(default=(-111.65, 40.23))
        bounds = param.Range(default=(-10, 10))
Ejemplo n.º 4
class AudioFolder(AudioFile):
    Returns a rolling spectrogram, i.e. the spectral density over time 
    of a rolling window of the input audio signal, for all files in the 
    specified folder.

    filename = param.Filename(precedence=(-1))

    folderpath = param.Foldername(
        doc="""Folder path (can be relative to Param's base path) to a
        folder containing audio files. The audio can be in any format accepted 
        by audiolab, i.e. WAV, AIFF, or FLAC.""")

    gap_between_sounds = param.Number(
        bounds=(0.0, None),
        doc="""The gap in seconds to insert between consecutive soundfiles.""")

    def __init__(self, **params):
        super(AudioFolder, self).__init__(**params)

    def _load_audio_folder(self):
        folder_contents = os.listdir(self.folderpath)
        self.sound_files = []

        for file in folder_contents:
            if file[-4:] == ".wav" or file[-3:] == ".wv" or file[
                    -5:] == ".aiff" or file[-4:] == ".aif" or file[
                        -5:] == ".flac":
                self.sound_files.append(self.folderpath + "/" + file)

        self.filename = self.sound_files[0]
        self.next_file = 1

    def extract_specific_interval(self, interval_start, interval_end):
        Overload if special behaviour is required when a series ends.

        interval_start = int(interval_start)
        interval_end = int(interval_end)

        if interval_start >= interval_end:
            raise ValueError(
                "Requested interval's start point is past the requested end point."

        elif interval_start > self.time_series.size:
            if self.repeat:
                interval_end = interval_end - interval_start
                interval_start = 0
                raise ValueError(
                    "Requested interval's start point is past the end of the time series."

        if interval_end < self.time_series.size:
            interval = self.time_series[interval_start:interval_end]

            requested_interval_size = interval_end - interval_start
            remaining_signal = self.time_series[interval_start:self.

            if self.next_file == len(self.sound_files) and self.repeat:
                self.next_file = 0

            if self.next_file < len(self.sound_files):
                next_source = audiolab.Sndfile(
                    self.sound_files[self.next_file], 'r')
                self.next_file += 1

                if next_source.samplerate != self.sample_rate:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "All sound files must be of the same sample rate")

                if self.gap_between_sounds > 0:
                    remaining_signal = hstack(
                         zeros(int(self.gap_between_sounds * self.sample_rate),

                self.time_series = hstack(

                interval = self.time_series[0:requested_interval_size]
                self._next_interval_start = requested_interval_size

                self.warning("Returning last interval of the time series.")
                self._next_interval_start = self.time_series.size + 1

                samples_per_interval = self.interval_length * self.sample_rate
                interval = hstack(
                     zeros(samples_per_interval - remaining_signal.size)))

        return interval
Ejemplo n.º 5
class AdhModel(Model):
     Class object to hold all data related to an adh simulation.

     The adhModel object primarily stores, modifies, and outputs data. It contains pass through methods for
     reading, and writing the mesh, hotstart, boundary condition, and result files. Included are methods to
     read individual AdH files or read a suite of model files. There is also a validate method to ensure that
     the data within the model is valid and consistent across internal objects.

     An AdhModel object contains a suite of model parameters and one AdhMesh object. The AdhMesh object
     contains the mesh itself and an AdhSimulation object. The AdHSimulation object stores the boundary
     condition information, the hotstart, and the results - all the data for an individual model run.

    model_name = param.String(
        doc="File name prefix for ADH input files.",
    model_path = param.Foldername(
        doc="Path on disk where ADH files are located.",
    version = param.Number(default=5.0,
                           bounds=(4.5, None),
                           softbounds=(4.5, 5.0),
                           doc="Version of AdH executable")
    project_name = param.String(default='default', doc='Global project name')

    units = param.ObjectSelector(default='meters', objects=['meters', 'feet'])

    path_type = param.ClassSelector(default=GeoPath,
             The element type to draw into.""")

    mesh = param.ClassSelector(class_=AdhMesh)

    def __init__(self, **params):
        super(AdhModel, self).__init__(**params)
        proj = Projection()
        if 'crs' in params:
        self.mesh = AdhMesh(projection=proj)

    def projection(self):
        return self.mesh.projection

    def simulation(self):
        return self.mesh.current_sim

    def read(self, path, project_name='*', crs=None, fmt='nc'):
        """Read in AdH model files as an xarray.Dataset object

            path(str, required):
                path to the AdH project files
            project_name(str, optional, default='*'):
                the root name of the AdH project. If not specified then it will be derived
                from the first mesh file found in `path`.
            crs(cartopy.CRS, optional, default=None):
                The projection of the mesh file.
            fmt(stt, optional, default='nc'):
                The format of the file being passed in. Valid options are ['nc', '2dm', '3dm']

            xarray.Dataset variables for the nodes, mesh elements, output datasets and hot-start file datasets
        #TODO look at filename for default format?
        fmts = {
            'nc': self.from_netcdf,
            'ascii': self.from_ascii,
            '2dm': self.from_ascii,
            '3dm': self.from_ascii
        return fmts[fmt](path=path, project_name=project_name, crs=crs)

    def write(self, path, fmt='nc'):
        if fmt != 'nc':
            raise IOError('The only option currently available is nc (netcdf)')
            # write mesh
            self.write_mesh(file_name=path, fmt=fmt)
            # write hotstart
            # write boundary conditions
            self.write_bc(file_name=path, validate=True, fmt='bc')
            # write results
            self.write_results(file_name=path, fmt='nc')

    def from_netcdf(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read suite of model files from netcdf file and store data in this model object
        NOTE: Boundary conditions are not stored in netcdf, so they must be read from *.bc file

            *args: variable length argument list.
            **kwargs: arbitrary keyword arguments.

        nc_file = os.path.join(f'{kwargs["path"]}',
        # read mesh
        self.read_mesh(*args, **kwargs)
        # read hotstart
        self.read_hotstart(path=nc_file, fmt='nc')
        # read boundary conditions (must be read as ascii) # todo add warning?
        bc_file = os.path.join(f'{kwargs["path"]}',
        self.read_bc(bc_file, fmt='bc')
        # read results
        self.read_results(path=nc_file, fmt='nc')

    def from_ascii(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read suite of model files from ASCII file and store data in this model object

            *args: variable length argument list.
            **kwargs: arbitrary keyword arguments.

        # set the mesh file name
        mesh_file = os.path.join(f'{kwargs["path"]}',
        # read mesh
        # set hotstart file name
        hot_file = os.path.join(f'{kwargs["path"]}',
        # read hotstart
        self.read_hotstart(path=hot_file, fmt='ascii')
        # read boundary conditions
        bc_file = os.path.join(f'{kwargs["path"]}',
        self.read_bc(bc_file, fmt='bc')
        # read results

    def read_mesh(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.mesh.read(*args, **kwargs)

    def write_mesh(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.mesh.write(*args, **kwargs)

    def read_bc(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.simulation.read_bc(*args, **kwargs)

    def write_bc(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.simulation.write_bc(*args, **kwargs)

    def read_hotstart(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.simulation.read_hotstart(*args, **kwargs)

    def write_hotstart(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.simulation.write_hotstart(*args, **kwargs)

    def read_results(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.simulation.read_results(*args, **kwargs)

    def write_results(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.simulation.write_results(*args, **kwargs)

    def read_result(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.simulation.read_result(*args, **kwargs)

    def write_result(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.simulation.write_result(*args, **kwargs)

    def validate(self):
        # ensure mesh units and model units match
        if self.units != self.mesh.units:
            log.warning('Model units do not match mesh units')