def pingstatus(username, localhosts, remotehosts, pingport=22): # ping检测 if pingcontinue == 'y' or pingcontinue == 'Y': print "开始外网是否连通...请稍候" pinghost = ["", ""] # ping状态获取 remote_ping_cmd = [] pingresult = [] pingstatus = {} aggstatus = [] at = [] num = 0 for i in pinghost: # 拼接完整的命令 midping = 'ping -c4 ' + str(i) remote_ping_cmd.append(midping) allhosts = localhosts.copy() allhosts.update(remotehosts) for host, pd in allhosts.items(): # 登陆每台服务器执行操作 remote_ping_run = ServerLogin(host, pd) a = threading.Thread(target=remote_ping_run.sshlogin, args=(username, remote_ping_cmd, pingport)) a.start() # a.join() at.append(a) # 将子线程放入列表,等子线程执行结束再执行主线程 for t in at: t.join() while not parameters.get_value('qping').empty(): # 处理上面操作完成后队列中的数据 pingresult.append(parameters.get_value('qping').get()) # print pingresult for item in pingresult: packetloss = 'null' minrtt = 'null' avgrtt = 'null' maxrtt = 'null' for i in item[0]: if 'packet' in i: packetloss = i.split()[5] # 截取测试结果 if 'rtt' in i: minrtt = i.split('/')[3].split('=')[1] avgrtt = i.split('/')[4] maxrtt = i.split('/')[5] everystatus = [packetloss, minrtt, avgrtt, maxrtt] if num % 2 == 0: # 只需要ping两个地址 aggstatus = [] aggstatus.append(everystatus) pingstatus[item[1]] = aggstatus num += 1 return pingstatus # "pingstatus": "{'':[['100%', 'null', 'null', 'null'], ['0%', '7.8 ms', '88.5 ms', '9.0 ms']], # '':[['100%', 'null', 'null', 'null'], ['0%', '7.8 ms', '88.5 ms', '9.0 ms']]}" else: return
def telnetstatus(telnetlocalhosts, telnetip, telnetports): # 端口检测 if telnetcontinue == 'y' or telnetcontinue == 'Y': print "开始检测端口是否对外开放...请稍候" remote_telnet_cmd = [] telnetkeyfile = "/home/anyuan/.ssh/id_rsa" portresult = [] portconnect = {} jt = [] kt = [] i = 0 for v in telnetlocalhosts.split(): # 获取远程登陆服务器的参数 if i == 0: telnethost = v i += 1 elif i == 1: telnetport = v i += 1 elif i == 2: telnetuser = v i += 1 elif i == 3: telnetpd = v for p in telnetports.split(): # 拼接完成的命令 midp = '(echo quit;sleep 1) | telnet ' + telnetip + ' ' + str(p) remote_telnet_cmd.append(midp) for port in telnetports.split(): # 开启端口 openports = OpenPort('') b = threading.Thread(target=openports.socketserver, args=(port, )) b.start() time.sleep(10) remote_telnet_run = ServerLogin(telnethost, telnetpd) # 登陆相应服务器执行命令 remote_telnet_run.keylogin(telnetuser, telnetkeyfile, remote_telnet_cmd, telnetport) while not parameters.get_value('qport').empty(): # 处理上述执行结果队列中的数据 portresult.append(parameters.get_value('qport').get()) for item in portresult: portconnect[item[0]] = item[1].decode('utf-8') return portconnect # "portconnect": "{'8000': u'\u4e0d\u53ef\u8fbe','7001': u'\u53ef\u8fbe'}" else: return
def keylogin(self, username, keyfile, cmds, port=22): # 使用key文件登录 try: pkeyfile = os.path.expanduser(keyfile) key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(pkeyfile) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() # 创建ssh实例 ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(hostname=self.ip, port=port, username=username, pkey=key, timeout=5) for cmd in cmds: out = [] error = [] stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd) # 执行cmd命令 stdin.write("yes") # 执行命令过程中可能需要输入yes for everyout in stdout.readlines(): # 执行命令后的输出 out.append(everyout) for everyerror in stderr.readlines(): # 错误输出 error.append(everyerror) # print "out: " + str(out) + " in " + self.ip # print "error: " + str(error) + " in " + self.ip if len(out) > 2: # 当输出内容长度大于2时,即有效输出 if out[1].startswith('Client'): # 根据输出判断操作是带宽检测,将内容存入q队列 parameters.get_value('q').put((out, self.ip)) elif out[1].startswith( 'Connected to'): # 根据输出判断操作是端口检测,将内容存入qport队列 parameters.get_value('qport').put( (cmd.split()[-1], '可达', self.ip)) elif out[0].startswith( 'PING'): # 根据输出判断操作是ping检测,将内容存入qping队列 parameters.get_value('qping').put((out, self.ip)) else: if len(error) > 0: # 错误输出不为空时,输出错误内容 print error, print " something is wrong with " + cmd + " in " + self.ip else: if len(out) == 1 or len(out) == 2: # 当输出内容小于2时,此时一般命令执行有问题 if error[0].startswith( 'telnet: Unable to'): # 同时存在标准输出和错误输出 parameters.get_value('qport').put( (cmd.split()[-1], '不可达', self.ip)) else: # 当输出内容为0时 if len(error) > 0: # 存在错误输出 print error, print " something is wrong with " + cmd + " in " + self.ip ssh.close() except Exception, err: print "%s\tError:\n" % self.ip print err
def getband(username, localhosts, remotehosts, bandport=22): # 带宽检测 if bandcontinue == 'y' or bandcontinue == 'Y': print "开始检测服务器之间的带宽...请稍候" threads = [] result = [] otherhost = [] bandwidth = [] k = 0 m = 0 tserver = [] tclient = [] for host, pd in remotehosts.items(): # 登陆相应服务器执行,先执行iperf服务端,再执行客户端操作 remote_cmd = [ # band状态获取 'if [ `dpkg -l|grep iperf|wc -l` = 0 ];then echo aykj83752661 |sudo -S apt-get install iperf -y --force-yes;fi', 'iperf -s -D 1>&2' ] # 根据返回信息判断,当存在返回信息时,会一直判断处于运行状态,不退出 remote_run = ServerLogin(host, pd) c = threading.Thread(target=remote_run.sshlogin, args=(username, remote_cmd, bandport)) c.start() tserver.append(c) for t in tserver: t.join() for host in remotehosts.keys(): # 执行iperf客户端命令 for localhost, localpd in localhosts.items(): local_cmd = [ 'if [ `dpkg -l|grep iperf|wc -l` = 0 ];then echo aykj83752661 |sudo -S apt-get install iperf -y --force-yes;fi', 'iperf -c ' + host + ' -t 10 -i 10' ] # 10秒的间隔.小于10的话需要调整下面写入时间间隔的方式 local_run = ServerLogin(localhost, localpd) d = threading.Thread(target=local_run.sshlogin, args=(username, local_cmd, bandport)) d.start() tclient.append(d) for t in tclient: t.join() for host, pd in remotehosts.items(): # 登陆相应服务器执行,先执行iperf服务端,再执行客户端操作 remote_cmd = [ "ps -ef|grep iperf | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9" ] # 杀掉服务端进程 remote_run = ServerLogin(host, pd) e = threading.Thread(target=remote_run.sshlogin, args=(username, remote_cmd, bandport)) e.start() tserver.append(e) for e in tserver: e.join() while not parameters.get_value('q').empty(): # 处理上述操作后队列的数据 result.append(parameters.get_value('q').get()) for item in result: if item[1] in localhosts: stritem = ' ' i = 6 j = 0 interval = locals() otherhost.append(item[0][1].split()[3].rstrip(',')) # 远程主机列表 while i < len(item[0]): # 遍历(从第7个值开始计算) if 'a' + str( j) not in interval: # 在没有定义本地变量a0,a1...的情况下初始化变量 interval['a' + str(j)] = [] interval['a' + str(j)].append( stritem.join(item[0][i].split() [2:4])) # 写入时间间隔,例如0.0-10.0 sec i += 1 j += 1 i = 6 j = 0 while i < len(item[0]): # 遍历(从第7个值开始计算) interval['a' + str(j)].append( stritem.join(item[0][i].split()[-2:])) # 写入带宽值 i += 1 j += 1 m = j while k < m: bandwidth.append(locals()['a' + str(k)]) # 拼接结果值 k += 1 return bandwidth, otherhost # "bandwidth": "[['0.0-5.0 sec', '94.2 Mbits/sec', '90.6 Mbits/sec'], # ['5.0-10.0 sec', '92.2 Mbits/sec', '93.0 Mbits/sec'], # ['0.0-10.0 sec', '93.2 Mbits/sec', '94.3 Mbits/sec']]" # "otherhost": "['', '']", else: return