Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_parcels():
    small_parcel = Parcel(5, 8)  # 3
    medium_parcel = Parcel(25, 30)  # 8
    large_parcel = Parcel(80, 60)  # 15
    xlarge_parcel = Parcel(110, 90)  # 25
    heavy_parcel = Parcel(20, 20, 80)  # 50 + 30
    return [
        small_parcel, medium_parcel, large_parcel, xlarge_parcel, heavy_parcel
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def grow(self):

        # self.map_log()

        for building_type in self.building_iterator:

            print("\nTrying to place {}".format(building_type.name))

            # Village Element Seeding Process

            interest_map, accessibility_map, sociability_map = interest(
                building_type, self.scenario, self.maps,
                [self.ghost] + self.parcel_list, self.size, self.parcel_size)
            building_position = random_interest(interest_map)

            new_parcel = Parcel(building_position, building_type, self.maps)


            self.maps.obstacle_map.add_parcel_to_obstacle_map(new_parcel, 2)

            # self.map_log(obstacle_map=self.maps.obstacle_map.map)

            # Road Creation Process

            self.map_log(interest_map, accessibility_map, sociability_map,
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def load_parcels(self, file):
        Load parcels from csv file.
        Returns a list with Parcel objects.
        with open(INPUT) as in_file:
            data_frame = csv.reader(in_file, delimiter=',')
            parcels = []
            for parcel in data_frame:
                name = parcel[0]
                parcel = Parcel(parcel[0], float(parcel[1]), float(parcel[2]))

        return parcels
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self,
     # type: (str, map.maps.Maps, Point2D, List[Parcel], int) -> VillageSkeleton
     assert (parcel_size % 2)  # assert parcel_size is odd
     self.scenario = scenario
     self.size = (maps.width, maps.length)
     self.maps = maps
     self.ghost = Parcel(ghost_position, BuildingType.from_name('ghost'))
     self.building_iterator = BuildingPool(
         (maps.width - parcel_size - 1) * (maps.length - parcel_size - 1) -
     self.parcel_list = parcel_list
     self.parcel_size = parcel_size
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def get_data_from_parcel_file(self):
     Loads information and retrieves parcel weights and destinations.
     filename = 'parcels.txt'
     cities = []
     weights = []
     with open(filename, 'r') as parcel_file:
         for line in parcel_file.readlines():
             if line.startswith('#'):
             data = line.split()
     for city, weight in zip(cities, weights):
         self.list_of_parcels.append(Parcel(city, weight))
Ejemplo n.º 6
                                                  scenario, settlement_seeds)

    return sociability_map

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from building_seeding import BuildingType

    # Sociability test

    N = 50

    building_net = np.zeros((N, N))
    set_seeds = []

    house_1 = Parcel(Point2D(15, 31), BuildingType().house)
    building_net[15, 31] = 1

    house_2 = Parcel(Point2D(26, 6), BuildingType().house)
    building_net[26, 6] = 1

    mill_1 = Parcel(Point2D(37, 18), BuildingType().windmill)
    building_net[37, 18] = 2

    building_cmap = colors.ListedColormap(
        ['forestgreen', 'darkorange', "yellow"])
    building_map = Map("building_map", N, building_net, building_cmap, (0, 2),
                       ['Grass', 'House', "Windmill"])
Ejemplo n.º 7
Nds = 20
a_types = np.array([0.1 for i in range(Nds)])
A_types = np.array([(i+1)/Nds for i in range(Nds)])
T_types = np.random.normal(295., 10., size=a_types.shape)
T_types = None

# Step forward in time and plot that toward convergence
h = 0.001
ts = np.arange(0., 100.+h, h)

pops = np.zeros((len(ts), len(a_types)))

pops[0] = np.zeros_like(a_types) + 0.01

# daisy object initialization
daisy = Daisy(1, 0.3, a_types, A_types, 1, T_types)

for i, t in enumerate(ts[:-1]):
    # go one step forward
    pops[i+1] = daisy.rk4Solve(0, h, onestep=True)[:-1]
    print(f'Iteration {i} of {len(ts)} done. {daisy.L}.', end='\r')

# Plot the values as a function of time
figure, ax = plt.subplots()
cmap = plt.get_cmap('rainbow')
colors = [cmap(i/pops.shape[1]) for i in range(pops.shape[1])]
for c, d in zip(colors, range(pops.shape[1])):
    ax.plot(ts, pops[:,d], c=c, label=f'Daisy {d}')
Ejemplo n.º 8
from shipping_price_info import ShippingPriceInfo
from parcel import Parcel

def get_parcels():
    small_parcel = Parcel(5, 8)  # 3
    medium_parcel = Parcel(25, 30)  # 8
    large_parcel = Parcel(80, 60)  # 15
    xlarge_parcel = Parcel(110, 90)  # 25
    heavy_parcel = Parcel(20, 20, 80)  # 50 + 30
    return [
        small_parcel, medium_parcel, large_parcel, xlarge_parcel, heavy_parcel

if __name__ == "__main__":
    shipping_infos = {
        "Small": ShippingPriceInfo(3, 1, 2),
        "Medium": ShippingPriceInfo(8, 3, 2),
        "Large": ShippingPriceInfo(15, 6, 2),
        "XLarge": ShippingPriceInfo(25, 10, 2),
        "Heavy": ShippingPriceInfo(50, 50, 1)

    small_parcel = [Parcel(1, 1)]
    small_order = Shipment(small_parcel, shipping_infos)
    assert small_order.get_shipment_price() == 3

    many_parcels = get_parcels()
    shipments = Shipment(many_parcels, shipping_infos)
    assert shipments.get_shipment_price() == 131
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def roughness_calc(self, parcel, wind_direction):
        # This function calculates a data-driven surface roughness and the corresponding fetch length:
        parcel_data = pd.read_csv('D:/Users/Karen/Documents/GitHub/DPBWE/Datasets/Parcels/ResSub.csv')
        # Find the parcel's centroid - this will be the origin for the z0 calculation:
        originz = parcel.footprint['geometry'].centroid  # Parcel footprint is a Polygon type
        xp,yp = parcel.footprint['geometry'].exterior.xy
        # Create an array of fetch lengths:
        fetch = np.arange(0.0005, 1, 0.0005)  # degrees latitude/longitude
        # Interested in storing the following information per (final) sector:
        sector_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['z0', 'Local Wind Speed', 'Fetch', 'Building List', 'Sector Geometry'])
        for sector in range(0,2):
            # Create an empty DataFrame to hold values of wind speed, roughness length, and fetch length:
            terrain_params = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Roughness Length', 'Fetch Length', 'Local Wind Speed'])
            # Create an empty DataFrame to store any buildings that are within the fetch:
            fetch_bldgs = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Building ID', 'BIM'])
            # Create an empty DataFrame to hold all values needed for roughness length calc:
            z_params = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Building ID', 'Building Height', 'Surface Area'])
            for f in fetch:
                # Determine the sector geometries:
                sector_geom = Site.get_sector(self, originz, wind_direction, f)
                # Create point objects for each building (longitude, latitude) & check if point is within sector:
                for row in range(0, len(parcel_data)):
                    bldg_point = Point(parcel_data['Longitude'][row], parcel_data['Latitude'][row])
                    # Check if the building is within the specified boundary:
                    if bldg_point.within(sector_geom[sector]):
                        # Check that a BIM has not yet been created for the building and that the BIM is not the case study:
                        pid = parcel_data['Parcel ID'][row]
                        if pid in fetch_bldgs["Building ID"].values or pid == parcel.pid:
                        else:  # Populate the remaining fields to create a Parcel Instance:
                            occupancy = parcel_data['Use Code'][row]
                            if 'VAC' in occupancy:
                                vac_flag = 1  # Keep track of VACANT LOTS
                                vac_flag = 0
                                num_stories = parcel_data['Stories'][row]
                                yr_built = parcel_data['Year Built'][row]
                                address = parcel_data['Address'][row]
                                sq_ft = parcel_data['Square Footage'][row]
                                lon = parcel_data['Longitude'][row]
                                lat = parcel_data['Latitude'][row]
                                new_parcel = Parcel(pid, num_stories, occupancy, yr_built, address, sq_ft, lon, lat)
                                fetch_bldgs = fetch_bldgs.append({'Building ID': pid, 'BIM': new_parcel}, ignore_index=True)
                                xparcel,yparcel = new_parcel.footprint["geometry"].exterior.xy
                                plt.plot(xparcel, yparcel)
                # Check to see if we have any buildings:
                print('Number of buildings captured:', len(fetch_bldgs["BIM"]))
                if len(fetch_bldgs["BIM"]) == 0:
                    tol = 1.0  # Provide a default value for tolerance and move on to the next fetch length
                    # Buildings within bounding geometry: interested in their 1) height and 2) surface area
                    # Loop through the buildings:
                    for bldg in fetch_bldgs['BIM']:
                        # Avoid repeating this step for previously identified buildings:
                        if bldg.pid in z_params['Building ID'].values:
                            # Given wind direction, calculate surface area as follows:
                            # Create equivalent rectangle using building footprint coordinates and multiply by building height
                            xbldg,ybldg = bldg.footprint["geometry"].exterior.xy
                            rect = Polygon([(max(xbldg), max(ybldg)), (max(xbldg), min(ybldg)), (min(xbldg), min(ybldg), min(xbldg), max(ybldg))])
                            xrect,yrect = rect.exterior.xy
                            # Convert coordinates into numpy arrays:
                            xrect = np.array(xrect)
                            yrect = np.array(yrect)
                            # Calculate the surface area for each obstruction (building):
                            if wind_direction == 0 or wind_direction == 180:
                                # For these wind directions, we want the side parallel to the latitude:
                                d1 = Site.dist_calc(self, max(xrect), min(yrect), min(xrect), min(yrect))
                                d2 = Site.dist_calc(self, min(xrect), max(yrect), min(xrect), min(yrect))
                                #d = Site.dist_calc(self, max(xrect), min(yrect), min(xrect), min(yrect))
                                h_rmean = 0.5 * (min(d1, d2) / 2) * math.atan(2 / 12)
                                bldg.h_bldg = bldg.h_bldg + h_rmean
                                surf_area = bldg.h_bldg * d1
                            elif wind_direction == 90 or wind_direction == 270:
                                # For these wind directions, we want the side parallel to the longitude:
                                d1 = Site.dist_calc(self, max(xrect), min(yrect), min(xrect), min(yrect))
                                d2 = Site.dist_calc(self, min(xrect), max(yrect), min(xrect), min(yrect))
                                #d = Site.dist_calc(self, min(xrect), max(yrect), min(xrect), min(yrect))
                                # If this building has a pitched roof, find the mean roof height using the smallest dimension:
                                h_rmean = 0.5*(min(d1, d2)/2)*math.atan(2/12)
                                bldg.h_bldg = bldg.h_bldg+h_rmean
                                print("new height:", bldg.h_bldg)
                                surf_area = bldg.h_bldg * d2
                            elif wind_direction == 45 or wind_direction == 135 or wind_direction == 225 or wind_direction == 315:
                                # For these wind directions, we want both sides of the rectangle:
                                d1 = Site.dist_calc(self, max(xrect), min(yrect), min(xrect), min(yrect))
                                d2 = Site.dist_calc(self, min(xrect), max(yrect), min(xrect), min(yrect))
                                h_rmean = 0.5 * (min(d1, d2) / 2) * math.atan(2 / 12)
                                bldg.h_bldg = bldg.h_bldg + h_rmean
                                surf_area = bldg.h_bldg * (d1+d2)
                            # Add new row to empty DataFrame:
                            z_params = z_params.append({'Building ID': bldg.pid, 'Building Height': bldg.h_bldg, 'Surface Area': surf_area}, ignore_index=True)
                    # Calculate the average height of all buildings within the fetch length:
                    h_avg = z_params['Building Height'].mean()
                    # Calculate the average surface area:
                    surf_avg = z_params['Surface Area'].mean()
                    # Calculate the site area:
                    # Calculate the meters distance of the fetch length:
                    fdist = Site.dist_calc(self, originz.x, originz.y, originz.x + f, originz.y)
                    print('Fetch in meters:', fdist, "Fetch size:", f)
                    site_area = (math.pi*fdist**2)/8
                    # Calculate the roughness length:
                    z0 = 0.5*h_avg*surf_avg/(site_area/len(fetch_bldgs))
                    print('Roughness length:', z0)
                    # Calculate the wind speed:
                    vnew = Site.calc_windspeed(self, parcel.h_bldg, z0)
                    # Populate the DataFrame with the values for this fetch length:
                    terrain_params = terrain_params.append({'Roughness Length': z0, 'Fetch Length': fdist, 'Local Wind Speed': vnew}, ignore_index=True)
                    # Create plot to show current buildings within the sector:
                    for bldg in fetch_bldgs['BIM']:
                        xcoords, ycoords = bldg.footprint["geometry"].exterior.xy
                        plt.plot(xcoords, ycoords)
                    # Add the case study structure to the plot and the sector geometry:
                    xsite, ysite = sector_geom[sector].exterior.xy
                    plt.plot(xp, yp, xsite, ysite)
                    # Check the difference in the wind speed:
                    if len(terrain_params['Roughness Length']) == 1:
                        tol = 1.0  # provide a default value for the tolerance for first z0
                        vcurrent = terrain_params.loc[terrain_params.index[-1], "Local Wind Speed"] # get current wind speed
                        vprev = terrain_params.loc[terrain_params.index[-2], "Local Wind Speed"] # get previous step wind speed
                        tol = abs((vcurrent-vprev)/vcurrent)
                    # Threshold checks:
                    # Roughness length: Assume we are in Exposure B (ASCE 7-10) range of z0 unless other criteria are met:
                    zreq = [0.15, 0.7]  # range of z0 values for Suburban/urban [m]
                    # zreq = [0.01, 0.15]  # range of z0 values for Open Terrain [m]
                    # zreq = [0.005, 0.01] # range of z0 for Open Water (lower limit from ASCE 7) [m]

                # Break the loop if the new fetch length provides us with the right tolerance value:
                if abs(tol) < 0.1 and fdist > 457.2 and z0 > 0.1:
                    # Now that we've identified all parcels, plot for confirmation:
                    xsite, ysite = sector_geom[sector].exterior.xy
                    plt.plot(xp, yp, xsite, ysite)
                    print("fetch length:", fdist)
                    print("roughness length:", z0)
                    print("tolerance:", abs(tol))
                    # Store the final values for the sector:
                    sector_df.append({'z0': z0, 'Local Wind Speed': vnew, 'Fetch': fdist, 'Building List': fetch_bldgs, 'Sector Geometry': sector_geom[sector]}, ignore_index=True)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        elif hnew < 4.6:
            kz = 2.01*((15/3.281)/zg)**(2/alpha)

        return vnew

# Identify the parcel:
# Cedar's Crossing:
# lon = -85.620215
# lat = 30.180998
# test = Parcel('14805-133-000', 1, 'SINGLE FAM', 2009, '1806  EVERITT AVE   PANAMA CITY 32405', 2103, lon, lat)

lon = -85.666162
lat = 30.19953
test = Parcel('12989-113-000', 1, 'SINGLE FAM', 1974, '2820  STATE AVE   PANAMA CITY 32405', 3141, lon, lat)
# Create an instance of the site class:
wind_direction = 270

# data is a DataFrame object with column label = ['geometry'] and indexes = [0: end]
# Accessing a specific Polygon object then requires: data['geometry'][index]

site = Site(test, wind_direction)
#test = site.calc_windspeed(21, 0.78, 11.7, 10, 0.08)

# Recreating plot from HAZUS-HM
#heights = np.array([3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100])
#zs = np.linspace(0.001,1,1000)
#for h in heights:
    #lst = []
Ejemplo n.º 11
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from bldg_code import ASCE7
from tpu_pressures import calc_tpu_pressures
from tpu_pressures import find_tpu_use_case, get_TPU_surfaces, map_tap_data
# Initialization script for data-driven workflow:

# Asset Description
# Parcel Models
lon = -85.676188
lat = 30.190142
test = Parcel('12345',
              '1002 23RD ST W PANAMA CITY 32405',
test.hasElement['Roof'][0].hasShape['flat'] = True
test.hasElement['Roof'][0].hasPitch = 0
# Hazard Characterization
# Here is where we provide wind speed, location, etc. for data-driven roughness length
# Will also need to add WDR (rain rate) characterizations
# Will also need to add subroutine for WBD

# Asset Representation
# Generate and determine the building's TPU surfaces:
tpu_wdir = 0
key = 'local'
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def ready(self):
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def setupGrid(self, n, m, maxtheta=80, oceans=False, inputfile=None):
        Sets up the Tube's grid of parcels.

            + n, m (ints): the width and height of the grid. If inputfile is
                provided, the input will be padded to match n and m if one is
                greater than the provided dimensions, and if n and m are less
                than the provided dimensions they will be ignored.
            + maxtheta (float): the maximum latitude (in degrees) to model to.
                Default is 80.
            + oceans (bool): if True, will model oceans (default False). If
                inputfile is provided, will read that in for the oceans (where
                O's are considered oceans, X's landmasses, and spaces are

                For example, if I had the file:
                    x x o
                    o x x
                    o o o
                This would generate a 3x3 grid (provided n, m are equal to or
                less than 3) with one landmass in cells (0,0), (0,1), (1,1),
                and (1,2), with all other cells filled by oceans.

                If m or n was larger than 3, the remaining cells would be
                padded *by ocean objects*.
            + inputfile (str or None): if None (default) will randomly generate
                oceans if oceans is True. If a string, will use that file per
                the description above to generate a world.

                NOTE: If inputfile is provided, it will override the value of
                oceans and will assume oceans are to be generated.
        # Read in the inputfile if provided.
        if inputfile is not None:
            # Make sure inputfile is a string
            assert isinstance(inputfile, str), "Infile must be None or" \
                                               "a string"

            # Read in the file
            with open(inputfile, 'r') as infile:
                m = 0
                lines = []

                # Doing it this way for ease of coding, not expensive anyways
                for line in infile.readlines():
                    m += 1
                    n = 0
                    for char in line.strip().split():
                        if char.lower().strip() == 'x':
                            val = 1
                            val = 0

                        n += 1

            landgrid = np.array(lines)

        elif oceans:
            # Randomly generate ocean map
            landgrid = np.random.randint(2, size=m * n)

            labdgrid = np.ones(m * n)

        # Assign attributes
        self.n = n  # width
        self.m = m  # height
        self.maxtheta = maxtheta  # max latitude to use
        self.deltheta = self.maxtheta / (0.5 * m)  # theta resolution
        self.npix = n * m
        self.thetas = (np.ones([m, n]) *
                       np.linspace(maxtheta, -maxtheta, m)[:, np.newaxis])
        self.Ls = abs(
            np.sin((90 - self.thetas.reshape(self.npix)) * np.pi / 180 +

        grid = []
        for i, val in enumerate(landgrid):
            if landgrid[i] == 1:


        self.grid = np.reshape(grid, (m, n))
Ejemplo n.º 14
# Reads the parcel information from a CSV file and creates a
# new Parcel object with the values from the current row.
with open('parcels.csv') as csvfile:
    readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')

    for row in readCSV:
        parcel_id = int(row[0])
        address = row[1]
        city = row[2]
        state = row[3]
        zip_code = row[4]
        deadline = row[5]
        mass = int(row[6])
        special = row[7]

        parcel = Parcel(parcel_id, address, city, state, zip_code, deadline,
                        mass, special)

# Updating the address for the package that had the wrong address.
package_table.table[9].address = '410 S State St'

# Create the Controller, truck_1 and truck_2
# Loads the trucks
WGUPS_controller = Controller()
truck_1 = Truck(locations[0], locations, 8, 0)
truck_2 = Truck(locations[0], locations, 8, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def getHash():
    packageHash = Hash(40)

        Parcel(1, 5, (10, 30), "SLC", "84115", 21, "undelivered"))
    packageHash.insert(Parcel(2, 9, (17, 0), "SLC", "84106", 44,
    packageHash.insert(Parcel(3, 8, (17, 0), "SLC", "84103", 2, "undelivered"))
    packageHash.insert(Parcel(4, 18, (17, 0), "SLC", "84115", 4,
    packageHash.insert(Parcel(5, 19, (17, 0), "SLC", "84111", 5,
        Parcel(6, 13, (10, 30), "W Valley", "84119", 88, "undelivered"))
    packageHash.insert(Parcel(7, 2, (17, 0), "SLC", "84106", 8, "undelivered"))
    packageHash.insert(Parcel(8, 12, (17, 0), "SLC", "84103", 9,
    packageHash.insert(Parcel(9, 19, (17, 0), "SLC", "84103", 2,
                              "undelivered"))  # Wrong address
        Parcel(10, 25, (17, 0), "SLC", "84105", 1, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(11, 10, (17, 0), "SLC", "84118", 1, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(12, 16, (17, 0), "W Valley", "84119", 1, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(13, 6, (10, 30), "SLC", "84104", 2, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(14, 20, (10, 30), "MillCreek", "84117", 88, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(15, 21, (9, 0), "Holladay", "84117", 4, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(16, 21, (10, 30), "Holladay", "84117", 88, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(17, 14, (17, 0), "SLC", "84119", 2, "undelivered"))
    packageHash.insert(Parcel(18, 3, (17, 0), "SLC", "84123", 6,
        Parcel(19, 4, (17, 0), "SLC", "84115", 37, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(20, 17, (10, 30), "SLC", "84115", 37, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(21, 17, (17, 0), "SLC", "84115", 3, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(22, 26, (17, 0), "Murray", "84121", 2, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(23, 23, (17, 0), "SLC", "84118", 5, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(24, 22, (17, 0), "Murray", "84107", 7, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(25, 24, (10, 30), "SLC", "84117", 7, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(26, 24, (17, 0), "SLC", "84117", 25, "undelivered"))
    packageHash.insert(Parcel(27, 1, (17, 0), "SLC", "84104", 5,
        Parcel(28, 11, (17, 0), "SLC", "84115", 7, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(29, 2, (10, 30), "SLC", "84106", 2, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(30, 12, (10, 30), "SLC", "84103", 1, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(31, 15, (10, 30), "SLC", "84119", 1, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(32, 15, (17, 0), "SLC", "84119", 1, "undelivered"))
    packageHash.insert(Parcel(33, 9, (17, 0), "SLC", "84106", 1,
        Parcel(34, 21, (10, 30), "Holladay", "84117", 2, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(35, 1, (17, 0), "SLC", "84104", 88, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(36, 7, (17, 0), "W Valley", "84119", 88, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(37, 19, (10, 30), "SLC", "84111", 2, "undelivered"))
        Parcel(38, 19, (17, 0), "SLC", "84111", 9, "undelivered"))
    packageHash.insert(Parcel(39, 6, (17, 0), "SLC", "84104", 9,
        Parcel(40, 18, (10, 30), "SLC", "84115", 45, "undelivered"))

    return packageHash