def plotgraphs(kc,ti,x,num,entries,t,tfinal,dt,SP,kcst,tist): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from operator import itemgetter import pareto # calulates the overshoot ratio def overshoot(x,num,SP,entries,t): tpr = np.zeros(num) por = np.zeros(num) for u in range(0,num): if (x[:][u]== None): por[u]= None tpr[u] = None else: por[u] = ((np.max(x[:][u]))- SP)/SP for g in range(0,entries): if x[u][g] ==np.max(x[:][u]): tpr[u] = t[g] if por[u] < 0: por[u] = np.NINF tpr[u] = np.NINF return {'por':por ,'tpr':tpr} por2 = overshoot(x,num,SP,entries,t) por = por2['por'] tpr = por2['tpr'] # calculates the risetime def risetime(x,num,entries,SP,t): tr = np.zeros(num) for j in range(0,num): if (np.isnan(x[j][:])).all()== True: tr[j] = None else: for k in range(0, entries-1): if np.sign(SP - x[j][k])!=np.sign(SP - x[j][k+1]): if np.sign(SP - x[j][k])==0: tr[j] = t[k] else : tr[j] = np.interp(SP,[x[j][k],x[j][k+1]],[t[k],t[k+1]]) break return tr tr= risetime(x,num,entries,SP,t) SSoffset = ~np.isneginf(por) UNSTABLE =~np.isnan(por) # plots the graphs goodpoints = ~(np.isnan(tr)| np.isnan(por)|np.isneginf(por)) idx = np.arange(0,num) tr = tr[goodpoints] por = por[goodpoints] tpr = tpr[goodpoints] idx = idx[goodpoints] x = x[goodpoints] zns = len(por) p = pareto.domset([itemgetter(1), itemgetter(2)], zip(idx, por, tr)) front = idx, xd, yd = map(np.array, zip(*front)) sortidx = np.argsort(xd) xd = xd[sortidx] yd = yd[sortidx] fig = plt.figure() fig.set_facecolor('white') font = {'family' : 'cambria', 'weight' : 'normal', 'size' : 14} plt.matplotlib.rc('font', **font) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1) linea = ax1.plot(kc[~UNSTABLE],ti[~UNSTABLE], 'w.') lineb = ax1.plot(kcst,tist,'k-') linee = ax1.plot(kc[~SSoffset],ti[~SSoffset],'g+') line1, = ax1.plot(kc[goodpoints], ti[goodpoints], 'wo',picker = 5,) linec = ax1.plot(kc[idx], ti[idx],'ro') lined = ax1.plot(kc[num-2],ti[num-2],'ks') # Ziegler Nichos settings lineco = ax1.plot(kc[num-1],ti[num-1],'gs') # Cohen coon settings linetl = ax1.plot(kc[num-3],ti[num-3],'ms') # tyreas n Luyben settings plt.xlabel(r'$K_C$',fontsize = 'large') plt.ylabel(r'$\tau_I$',fontsize = 'large') ax2= fig.add_subplot(2,2,2) line2, =ax2.plot(por, tr, 'wo',picker = 5,) line222=ax2.plot(xd, yd, 'ro-') line22 = ax2.plot(por[zns-2],tr[zns-2],'ks') linecc2 = ax2.plot(por[zns-1],tr[zns-1],'gs') # cohen coon settings plt.setp((linea,lineb,linee,line1),linewidth = 2.0) plt.figlegend((linea,lineb,linec,lined,lineco,linetl,linee,line1),('Unstable','Stabilty limit','Pareto points','Z&N settings','Cohen Coon','Tyreus & Luyben','S/S offset','Stable'),'upper right',borderaxespad=0.) plt.axis([-0.2,1, 0,40]) plt.ylabel('risetime (s)',fontsize = 'large') plt.xlabel('overshoot ratio',fontsize = 'large') ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2) plt.ylabel('x',fontsize = 12) plt.xlabel('time (s)',fontsize = 12) plt.axis([0,tfinal, 0,2]) ax3.text(0.02,0.5,'Click on the overshoot vs risetime plot to obtain the time response',fontsize = 13,color = 'red') # graphical interaction class timeresponse: def __init__(self): self.lastind = 0 self.selected, = ax2.plot([por[0]], [tr[0]], 'o', ms=12, alpha=0.4, color='yellow', visible=False) self.correspond, = ax1.plot([(kc[goodpoints])[0]],[(ti[goodpoints])[0]],'o',ms = 13,alpha = 0.5,color = 'yellow',visible= False) def onpick(self,event): if event.artist!=line2: self.correspond.set_visible(False) self.selected.set_visible(False) return True NW = len(event.ind) if not NW: return True x = event.mouseevent.xdata y = event.mouseevent.ydata radius = np.hypot(x-por[event.ind], y-tr[event.ind]) minind = radius.argmin() pstn = event.ind[minind] self.lastind = pstn self.update() def update(self): if self.lastind is None: return pstn = self.lastind self.selected.set_visible(True) self.selected.set_data(por[pstn], tr[pstn]) self.correspond.set_visible(True) self.correspond.set_data([(kc[goodpoints])[pstn]],[(ti[goodpoints])[pstn]]) t = np.arange(0, tfinal, dt) yt = x[pstn] ax3.cla() plt.ylabel('x',fontsize = 12) plt.xlabel('time (s)',fontsize = 12) plt.axis([0,tfinal, 0,2]) ax3.plot(t,yt,tpr[pstn],((por[pstn] + 1)*SP),'ro') ax3.axhline(y=SP,color ='black',linestyle ='--') rr = np.linspace(0,SP) yy = [tr[pstn]]*len(rr) ax3.plot(yy,rr,'k--') fig.canvas.draw() return True time = timeresponse() fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', time.onpick) class kctiinteract(timeresponse): def __init__(self): self.l2 = 0 self.selectedtc, = ax1.plot([(kc[goodpoints])[0]],[(ti[goodpoints])[0]],'o',ms = 13,alpha = 0.5,color = 'orange',visible= False) self.correspondtc,=ax2.plot([por[0]], [tr[0]], 'o', ms=12, alpha=0.4, color='orange', visible=False) def onpick(self,event): if event.artist!=line1: self.correspondtc.set_visible(False) self.selectedtc.set_visible(False) return True NW2 = len(event.ind) if not NW2: return True x = event.mouseevent.xdata y = event.mouseevent.ydata r2 = np.hypot(x-(kc[goodpoints])[event.ind], y-(ti[goodpoints])[event.ind]) m2 = r2.argmin() p2 = event.ind[m2] self.l2 = p2 self.update() def update(self): if self.l2 is None: return p2 = self.l2 self.selectedtc.set_visible(True) self.selectedtc.set_data([(kc[goodpoints])[p2]],[(ti[goodpoints])[p2]]) self.correspondtc.set_visible(True) self.correspondtc.set_data(por[p2], tr[p2]) t = np.arange(0, tfinal, dt) yt = x[p2] ax3.cla() plt.ylabel('x') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.axis([0,tfinal, 0,2]) ax3.plot(t,yt,tpr[p2],((por[p2] + 1)*SP),'ro',linewidth = 2.0) ax3.axhline(y=SP,color ='black',linestyle ='--') rr = np.linspace(0,SP) yy = [tr[p2]]*len(rr) ax3.plot(yy,rr,'k--') fig.canvas.draw() return True tim = kctiinteract() fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', tim.onpick)
def plotgraphs(kc,ti,x,num,entries,t,tfinal,dt,SP): por,tpr = obj.overshoot(t,x,num,entries,SP) # calculates the risetime tr= obj.risetime(t,x,num,entries,SP) SSoffset = np.isneginf(por) UNSTABLE = np.isnan(por) ISE = obj.ISE(t,x,num,entries,SP) goodpoints = ~(np.isnan(tr)| np.isnan(por)|np.isneginf(por)) idx = np.arange(0,num) tr = tr[goodpoints] por = por[goodpoints] tpr = tpr[goodpoints] ISE = ISE[goodpoints] idx = idx[goodpoints] x = x[goodpoints] zns = len(por) p = pareto.domset([itemgetter(1), itemgetter(2)], zip(idx, por, tr)) front = idx, xd, yd = map(np.array, zip(*front)) sortidx = np.argsort(xd) xd = xd[sortidx] yd = yd[sortidx] fig = plt.figure() fig.set_facecolor('white') font = {'family' : 'cambria', 'weight' : 'normal', 'size' : 14} plt.matplotlib.rc('font', **font) #ax1 ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1) linea = ax1.plot(kc[UNSTABLE],ti[UNSTABLE], 'r+') # adds ustables points linee = ax1.plot(kc[SSoffset],ti[SSoffset],'g+') line1, = ax1.plot(kc[goodpoints], ti[goodpoints], 'wo',picker = 5,) # adds good points linec = ax1.plot(kc[idx], ti[idx],'bo') # from lined = ax1.plot(kc[num-2],ti[num-2],'ks') # Ziegler Nichos settings lineco = ax1.plot(kc[num-1],ti[num-1],'gs') # Cohen coon settings linetl = ax1.plot(kc[num-3],ti[num-3],'ms') # tyreas n Luyben settings plt.xlabel(r'$K_C$',fontsize = 'large') plt.ylabel(r'$\tau_I$',fontsize = 'large') #ax2 ax2= fig.add_subplot(2,2,2) line2, =ax2.plot(por, tr, 'wo',picker = 5,) line222=ax2.plot(xd, yd, 'bo-') line22 = ax2.plot(por[zns-2],tr[zns-2],'ks') linecc2 = ax2.plot(por[zns-1],tr[zns-1],'gs') # cohen coon settings plt.setp((linea,linee,line1),linewidth = 2.0) plt.figlegend((linea,linec,lined,lineco,linetl,linee,line1),('Unstable''Pareto points','Z&N settings','Cohen Coon','Tyreus & Luyben','S/S offset','Stable'),'upper right',borderaxespad=0.) plt.axis([-0.2,1, 0,40]) plt.ylabel('risetime (s)',fontsize = 'large') plt.xlabel('overshoot ratio',fontsize = 'large') #ax3 ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2) plt.ylabel('x',fontsize = 12) plt.xlabel('time (s)',fontsize = 12) plt.axis([0,tfinal, 0,SP*2]) ### ax3.text(0.02,SP,'Click on the overshoot vs risetime plot to obtain the time response',fontsize = 13,color = 'red') # graphical interaction class timeresponse: def __init__(self): self.lastind = 0 self.selected, = ax2.plot(None, None, 'o', ms=12, alpha=0.4, color='yellow', visible=False) self.correspond, = ax1.plot(None,None,'o',ms = 13,alpha = 0.5,color = 'yellow',visible= False) def onpick(self,event): if event.artist!=line2: self.correspond.set_visible(False) self.selected.set_visible(False) return True NW = len(event.ind) if not NW: return True x = event.mouseevent.xdata y = event.mouseevent.ydata radius = np.hypot(x-por[event.ind], y-tr[event.ind]) minind = radius.argmin() pstn = event.ind[minind] self.lastind = pstn self.update() def update(self): if self.lastind is None: return pstn = self.lastind self.selected.set_visible(True) self.selected.set_data(por[pstn], tr[pstn]) print self.correspond.set_visible(False) print self.correspond.set_data([(kc[goodpoints])[pstn]],[(ti[goodpoints])[pstn]]) t = np.arange(0, tfinal, dt) yt = x[pstn] ax3.cla() plt.ylabel('y',fontsize = 12) plt.xlabel('time (s)',fontsize = 12) # plt.axis([0,tfinal, 0,SP*2]) #####Change of response graph y-axis ax3.plot(t,yt,tpr[pstn],((por[pstn] + 1)*SP),'bo') ax3.axhline(y=SP,color ='black',linestyle ='--') rr = np.linspace(0,SP) yy = [tr[pstn]]*len(rr) ax3.plot(yy,rr,'k--') fig.canvas.draw() return True time = timeresponse() fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', time.onpick) class kctiinteract(): def __init__(self): self.l2 = 0 self.selectedtc, = ax1.plot(None,None,'o',ms = 13,alpha = 0.5,color = 'orange',visible= False) self.correspondtc,=ax2.plot(None, None, 'o', ms=12, alpha=0.4, color='orange', visible=False) def onpick(self,event): if event.artist!=line1: self.correspondtc.set_visible(False) self.selectedtc.set_visible(False) return True NW2 = len(event.ind) if not NW2: return True x = event.mouseevent.xdata y = event.mouseevent.ydata r2 = np.hypot(x-(kc[goodpoints])[event.ind], y-(ti[goodpoints])[event.ind]) m2 = r2.argmin() p2 = event.ind[m2] self.l2 = p2 self.update() def update(self): if self.l2 is None: return p2 = self.l2 self.selectedtc.set_visible(True) self.selectedtc.set_data([(kc[goodpoints])[p2]],[(ti[goodpoints])[p2]]) print self.correspondtc.set_visible(True) print self.correspondtc.set_data(por[p2], tr[p2]) t = np.arange(0, tfinal, dt) yt = x[p2] ax3.cla() plt.ylabel('x') plt.xlabel('time (s)') # plt.axis([0,tfinal, 0,SP*2]) ####### ax3.plot(t,yt,tpr[p2],((por[p2] + 1)*SP),'bo',linewidth = 2.0) ax3.axhline(y=SP,color ='black',linestyle ='--') rr = np.linspace(0,SP) ########## yy = [tr[p2]]*len(rr) ax3.plot(yy,rr,'k--') fig.canvas.draw() return True tim = kctiinteract() fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', tim.onpick)
tr = np.zeros(N) aa = np.random.rand(N,2) kc = 10*aa[:, 0] ti = 10*aa[:, 1] for i in range (0, N): x[i,:], tr[i], por[i] = outp(kc[i], ti[i]) goodpoints = ~(np.isnan(tr) | np.isnan(por)) idx = np.arange(0, N) tr = tr[goodpoints] por = por[goodpoints] idx = idx[goodpoints] x = x[goodpoints] p = pareto.domset([itemgetter(1), itemgetter(2)], zip(idx, por, tr)) front = idx, xd, yd = map(np.array, zip(*front)) sortidx = np.argsort(xd) xd = xd[sortidx] yd = yd[sortidx] fig = plt.figure() #plt.hold(True) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1) line = ax1.plot(kc[~goodpoints], ti[~goodpoints], 'y.', kc[idx], ti[idx], 'ro') line1, = ax1.plot(kc[goodpoints], ti[goodpoints], 'b.') kcst = np.linspace(1.3,10) tauist = 4*kp*kcst/((1 + kp*kcst)**2/tau) ax1.plot(kcst,tauist)