Ejemplo n.º 1
def search(request):
    if 'q' in request.GET and request.GET['q']:
        if not 'page' in request.GET:
            resp = try_postcode_first(request)
            if resp: return resp
            resp = try_politician_first(request)
            if resp: return resp
        if getattr(settings, 'PARLIAMENT_SEARCH_CLOSED', False):
            return closed(request, message=settings.PARLIAMENT_SEARCH_CLOSED)
        query = parsetools.removeAccents(request.GET['q'].strip())        
        if 'page' in request.GET:
                pagenum = int(request.GET['page'])
            except ValueError:
                pagenum = 1
            pagenum = 1
        startfrom = (pagenum - 1) * PER_PAGE
        searchparams = {
            'start' : startfrom
        ctx = {
            'query': query,
            'pagenum': pagenum
        for opt in ALLOWABLE_OPTIONS:
            if opt in request.GET and request.GET[opt] in ALLOWABLE_OPTIONS[opt]:
                searchparams[opt] = request.GET[opt] 
                ctx[opt] = request.GET[opt]
        results = autohighlight(solr.search(query, **searchparams))
        ctx['results'] = results
        ctx['page'] = SearchPaginator(results, pagenum, PER_PAGE, request.GET)
        ctx = {
            'query' : '',
            'page' : None,
    c = RequestContext(request, ctx)
    if request.is_ajax():
        t = loader.get_template("search/search_results.inc")
        t = loader.get_template("search/search.html")
    return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def search(request):
    if 'q' in request.GET and request.GET['q']:
        if not 'page' in request.GET:
            resp = try_postcode_first(request)
            if resp: return resp
            resp = try_politician_first(request)
            if resp: return resp

        if getattr(settings, 'PARLIAMENT_SEARCH_CLOSED', False):
            return closed(request, message=settings.PARLIAMENT_SEARCH_CLOSED)

        query = parsetools.removeAccents(request.GET['q'].strip())
        if 'page' in request.GET:
                pagenum = int(request.GET['page'])
            except ValueError:
                pagenum = 1
            pagenum = 1
        startfrom = (pagenum - 1) * PER_PAGE

        searchparams = {'start': startfrom}
        ctx = {'query': query, 'pagenum': pagenum}

        for opt in ALLOWABLE_OPTIONS:
            if opt in request.GET and request.GET[opt] in ALLOWABLE_OPTIONS[
                searchparams[opt] = request.GET[opt]
                ctx[opt] = request.GET[opt]

        results = autohighlight(solr.search(query, **searchparams))
        ctx['results'] = results
        ctx['page'] = SearchPaginator(results, pagenum, PER_PAGE, request.GET)
        ctx = {
            'query': '',
            'page': None,
    c = RequestContext(request, ctx)
    if request.is_ajax():
        t = loader.get_template("search/search_results.inc")
        t = loader.get_template("search/search.html")
    return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def items(self, query):
     return filter(lambda item: item['django_ct'] == 'hansards.statement', 
         autohighlight(solr.search(query, sort='date desc')).docs)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def items(self, query):
     return filter(lambda item: item['django_ct'] == 'hansards.statement',
                   autohighlight(solr.search(query, sort='date desc')).docs)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def search(request):
    if 'q' in request.GET and request.GET['q']:
        if not 'page' in request.GET:
            resp = try_postcode_first(request)
            if resp: return resp
            resp = try_politician_first(request)
            if resp: return resp
        if getattr(settings, 'PARLIAMENT_SEARCH_CLOSED', False):
            return closed(request, message=settings.PARLIAMENT_SEARCH_CLOSED)
        query = request.GET['q'].strip()
        if request.GET.get('prepend'):
            query = request.GET['prepend'] + u' ' + query
        if 'page' in request.GET:
                pagenum = int(request.GET['page'])
            except ValueError:
                pagenum = 1
            pagenum = 1
        startfrom = (pagenum - 1) * PER_PAGE
        searchparams = {
            'start' : startfrom,
            'rows': PER_PAGE,
            'facet': 'true'
        ctx = {
            'query': query,
            'pagenum': pagenum,

        # Extract filters from query
        filters = []
        filter_types = set()
        def extract_filter(match):
            filter_name = ALLOWABLE_FILTERS[match.group(1)]
            filter_value = match.group(2)

            if filter_name == 'date':
                match = re.search(r'^(\d{4})-(\d\d?) to (\d{4})-(\d\d?)', filter_value)
                if not match:
                    return ''
                (fromyear, frommonth, toyear, tomonth) = [int(x) for x in match.groups()]
                tomonth += 1
                if tomonth == 13:
                    tomonth = 1
                    toyear += 1
                filter_value = '[{0:02}-{1:02}-01T00:01:01.000Z TO {2:02}-{3:02}-01T00:01:01.000Z]'.format(fromyear, frommonth, toyear, tomonth)

            elif filter_name == 'type':
                filter_name = 'django_ct'
                if filter_value == 'debate':
                    filter_value = 'hansards.statement'
                elif filter_value == 'committee':
                    filter_value = 'hansards.statement'
                elif filter_value == 'bill':
                    filter_value = 'bills.bill'

            if ' ' in filter_value and filter_name != 'date':
                filter_value = u'"%s"' % filter_value

            if filter_name in ['who_hocid', 'politician_id', 'politician']:
                filter_tag = 'fperson'
                filter_tag = 'f' + filter_name

            filters.append(u'{!tag=%s}%s:%s' % (filter_tag, filter_name, filter_value))
            return ''
        bare_query = re.sub(r'(%s): "([^"]+)"' % '|'.join(ALLOWABLE_FILTERS),
            extract_filter, query)
        bare_query = re.sub(r'\s\s+', ' ', bare_query).strip()
        if filters and not bare_query:
            bare_query = '*:*'

        if filters:
            searchparams['fq'] = filters

        committees_only = 'committee_slug' in filter_types or '-committee_slug:""' in filters
        committees_maybe = 'django_ct' not in filter_types or committees_only
        if committees_maybe and not committees_only:
            ctx['discontinuity'] = 2006

        if committees_only:
            searchparams['facet.range.start'] = '2006-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'
            searchparams['facet.range.start'] = '1994-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'

        for opt in ALLOWABLE_OPTIONS:
            if opt in request.GET and request.GET[opt] in ALLOWABLE_OPTIONS[opt]:
                searchparams[opt] = request.GET[opt] 
                ctx[opt] = request.GET[opt]

        # Our version of pysolr doesn't like Unicode
        if searchparams.get('fq'):
            searchparams['fq'] = map(lambda f: f.encode('utf-8'), searchparams['fq'])
        results = autohighlight(solr.search(bare_query, **searchparams))

        date_counts = []
        if 'facet_ranges' in results.facets:
            datefacets = results.facets['facet_ranges']['date']['counts']
            date_counts = [
                (int(datefacets[i][:4]), datefacets[i+1])
                for i in range(0, len(datefacets), 2)

        if committees_only:
            # If we're searching only committees, we by definition won't have
            # results before 1994, so let's take them off of the graph.
            date_counts = filter(lambda c: c[0] >= 2006, date_counts)
            chart_years = [c[0] for c in date_counts],
            chart_values = [c[1] for c in date_counts],
            facet_fields = results.facets.get('facet_fields'),
            results = results,
            page = SearchPaginator(results, pagenum, PER_PAGE, request.GET)
        ctx = {
            'query' : '',
            'page' : None,
    c = RequestContext(request, ctx)
    if request.is_ajax():
        t = loader.get_template("search/search_results.inc")
        t = loader.get_template("search/search.html")
    return HttpResponse(t.render(c))