Ejemplo n.º 1
def _parse_file_name(self, cr, uid, file_name):
    ''' Check if file is syntactically correct with this format:
                                    TypeYear Customer  N.doc.Company
        direction_in = True >>  file=  BF 2012 501.000001 0701.MMI
        direction_in = False >> file=  BC 2012 501.000001 0701.MMI
        Return 3 extra information:
        year, partner_id, doc_number '''
    import parse_function
    direction_in = file_name[:2].upper()=='BF'
    parsed = file_name[3:-4].split(" ")
    if len(parsed) == 3:
       parsed[1] = parse_function.get_partner_supplier(self, cr, uid, parsed[1], direction_in)
       return parsed 
    return False,False,False # error
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def import_or_test_loaded_files(self, cr, uid, ids, test, context=None):
        ''' This function has 2 mode:
            1) If test=True, the function try to read the files in wizard line
               verify some errors (no line, no lot, no hygro for coal, no partner
               and so on, if OK no error are returned
            2) If test=False, the function do the importation in the database
               return error and log informations
            Return value: (log_error, log_activity, record created (if 2)

            The return is befor natural end of function if is a locked error
        separator = ";"
        log_activity = "%s Start operation" % (datetime.now()) # TODO setup for errors
        log_error = ""
        pick_ids = [] # for final redirect
        date_now = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

            if_error = _('Error loading object')

            # create all used proxy reference:
            wizard_proxy = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)[0]
            wizard_line_pool = self.pool.get('picking.import.wizard.file') # in test, for update line
            importer_order_pool = self.pool.get('importation.purchase.order')
            partner_proxy = self.pool.get('res.partner')
            location_proxy = self.pool.get('importation.default.location')
            lot_proxy = self.pool.get('stock.production.lot')
            product_proxy = self.pool.get('product.product')
            move_proxy = self.pool.get('stock.move')
            picking_proxy = self.pool.get('stock.picking')
            picking_proxy_out = self.pool.get('stock.picking.out')
            picking_proxy_in = self.pool.get('stock.picking.in')

            # 3 default value for stock location (IN, OUT, INTERNAL)
            stock_in, stock_out, stock_internal = self.import_default_stock_location(
                cr, uid, context=context)
            if not (stock_in and stock_out and stock_internal): # locked error
               return (
                   "Need to setup default location for In, Internal, Production, Out before import! (Coal / Configuration / Stock location default)",
                   pick_ids, )

            # TODO IMPORTANTE VALUTARE I LOTTI IN INGRESSO PER CONTROLLARE SE IL PRODOTTO SIA COERENTE!!!!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
            # TODO Ricordarsi anche la storicizzazione del numero lotto in base a OF
            direction_in = wizard_proxy.direction_in # IN o OUT
            if test: # Operations in test mode (verify if yet present): 
                if direction_in:  # if BF test double insert
                    # Test if there's some document present (partner-number-year)
                    for item_line in wizard_proxy.line_ids: # read all lines of wizard
                        full_name = item_line.full_name.split(" ")
                        year = full_name[-3]
                        partner_ref = full_name[-2]
                        ref = full_name[-1].split(".")[0]

                        partner_id = parse_function.get_partner_supplier(
                            self, cr, uid, partner_ref, direction_in)
                        if not partner_id:
                            continue # no partner, no document present
                        domain = [
                            ('partner_id', '=', partner_id),
                            ('date', '>=', '%s-01-01 00:00:00' % (year)), 
                            ('date', '<=', '%s-12-31 23:59:59' % (year)),
                            ('type', '=', 'in'),
                            ('origin', 'ilike', '%s [%s' % (ref, '%')),
                        BF_ids = picking_proxy.search(cr, uid, domain, context=context)
                        if BF_ids:
                            wizard_line_pool.write(cr, uid, item_line.id, {
                                'to_import': False,
                                'exist': True,
                                'log_error': 'Documento già presente in OpenERP!',
                                }, context=context)
                else:  # if BC test double insert
                    history_line_ids = {}
                    for item_line in wizard_proxy.line_ids: # read all lines of wizard
                        # Test for duplicated exportation (ID and date are test)
                        not_import_lines = []
                        BC_id = item_line.import_document.split("/")[0]
                        if BC_id in history_line_ids: # yet present?
                            if item_line.date > history_line_ids[BC_id]['date']:
                                # save this parameter and not import previous
                                wizard_line_pool.write(cr,uid,history_line_ids[BC_id]['id'], {
                                    'to_import': False,
                                    'log_error': 'Documento duplicata (controllare la data per vedere quale tenere)!'}, context=context)
                                history_line_ids[BC_id]['id'] = item_line.id
                                history_line_ids[BC_id]['date'] = item_line.date
                            else:  # not import this
                                wizard_line_pool.write(cr,uid,item_line.id, {
                                    'to_import': False,
                                    'log_error': 'Documento duplicata (controllare la data per vedere quale tenere)!'}, context=context)

                        else: # Create element
                            history_line_ids[BC_id] = {}
                            history_line_ids[BC_id]['id'] = item_line.id
                            history_line_ids[BC_id]['date'] = item_line.date

            for file_item in wizard_proxy.line_ids: # all wizard line
                if not file_item.to_import: 
                   if file_item.exist: # delete file yet imported:
                       log_activity += "\n- Documento rimosso %s!" % (
                           file_item.name )
                       log_activity += "\n- Documento saltato %s!" % (
                           file_item.name, )
                   continue # next file

                # Import document:
                if_error = _('Nessun %s CSV file, prego esportare il documenti prima e salvarlo in: %s' % (
                    file_item.path, ))
                lines = open(file_item.full_name, 'rb', )
                first = True

                if not lines:
                   update_line = wizard_line_pool.write(cr, uid, [file_item.id], {
                       'log_error': "Nessuna linea presente nel file:\n%s" % (
                       'to_import': False,}, context=context)
                   continue # next line

                if_error = _('Errore leggendo / interpretando il file:\n%s' % (

                # Import file creatin stock.picking and stock.move (wit stock lot)
                line_ids_to_assigned = []
                for line_all in lines: # lines of file opened
                    line = line_all.replace('\x00', '').split(separator)

                    # CSV imported element (HEADER element):
                    ref = parse_function.prepare(line[0])                 # Pick ref.
                    date = parse_function.prepare_date(line[1])           # Date
                    partner_ref = parse_function.prepare(line[2])         # Partner code
                    partner = parse_function.prepare(line[3])             # Partner name
                    purchase_order = parse_function.prepare(line[8])      # Purchase order

                    # CSV imported element (LINE element):
                    product_ref = parse_function.prepare(line[4])         # Product code
                    um = parse_function.prepare(line[5])                  # UOM
                    #product_um = parse_function.prepare(line[5])         # Product UM
                    product_q = parse_function.prepare_float(line[6])     # Quantity
                    product_price = parse_function.prepare_float(line[7]) # Price
                    product_lot = parse_function.prepare(line[9])         # Lot (sometimes non present but get from openerp history)
                    hygro = parse_function.prepare_float(line[10])        # Hygro for coal

                    # calculed fields:

                    partner_id = parse_function.get_partner_supplier(self, cr, uid, partner_ref, direction_in)
                    if not partner_id: # update log for the line
                       update_line=wizard_line_pool.write(cr, uid, [file_item.id], {
                           'log_error': "Partner non trovato: %s - %s!" % (partner_ref, partner),
                           'to_import': False, }, context = context)
                       continue # next line

                    uom_id = parse_function.get_product_um(self, cr, uid, um)
                    if not uom_id: # update log for the line
                       update_line = wizard_line_pool.write(cr, uid, [file_item.id], {
                           'log_error': "U.M. non trovata: %s!" % (um),
                           'to_import': False, }, context = context)
                       continue # next line

                    product_id = parse_function.get_product(self, cr, uid, product_ref)  # Product ID from product_ref
                    if not product_id:
                        update_line = wizard_line_pool.write(cr, uid, [file_item.id], {
                            'log_error': "File: %s Errore non riesco ad abbinare prodotto al codice: %s!" % (
                                file_item.import_document, product_ref),
                            'to_import': False, }, context = context)
                        continue # next line

                    # test mandatory values (usually for coal product):
                    is_coal = is_product_coal(self, cr, uid, product_id, context=None)
                    if is_coal:
                        if not hygro and direction_in:  # hygro mandatory for coal (only in pickin in document)
                           update_line = wizard_line_pool.write(cr, uid, [file_item.id], {
                               'log_error': "Umidita' non presente ma obbligatoria per carboni: %s!" % (product_ref),
                               'to_import': False, }, context = context)
                           continue # next line

                        if not direction_in and not product_lot:  # on BC, mandatory lot
                           update_line = wizard_line_pool.write(cr, uid, [file_item.id], {
                               'log_error': "Obbligo del lotto per carbone in BC! Prodotto: %s!" % (product_ref),
                               'to_import': False, }, context = context)
                           continue # next line

                    try: # manage error during single file operation:
                        # stock.production.lot ********************************
                        if not direction_in: # BC *****************************
                            lot_id = False # TODO change for the future!

                            if product_lot:
                                lot_id = lot_proxy.search(cr, uid, [
                                    ('name', '=', product_lot)]) # TODO verify also the product
                                if lot_id: # not present: create?
                                    lot_control_proxy = lot_proxy.browse(cr, uid, lot_id[0]) # TODO verify also the product
                                    if lot_control_proxy.product_id and lot_control_proxy.product_id.id == product_id:
                                        lot_id = lot_id[0]  # use the first!
                                        update_line = wizard_line_pool.write(cr, uid, [file_item.id], {
                                            'log_error': "Lotto %s e' per il prodotto %s, attualmente nel doc. e': %s" % (
                                            'to_import': False,}, context=context)
                                        continue # next line

                            if not lot_id and is_coal:
                                update_line = wizard_line_pool.write(cr, uid, [file_item.id], {
                                    'log_error': "Il lotto dovrebbe già essere presente ma non è stato trovato (BC con carbone), Lotto: '%s'! Prodotto: %s!" % (
                                        product_lot, product_ref),
                                    'to_import': False, }, context=context)
                                continue # next line
                            else: # lot not present:
                                pass # For now not mandatory lot for BC (only for coal)

                        else: # BF ********************************************
                            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                            # -----------------
                            # Test product lot:
                            # -----------------
                            if product_lot: # lot number from import
                                lot_id = lot_proxy.search(cr, uid, [
                                    ('name', '=', product_lot)
                                ], context=context)

                                if lot_id: # Lot not found in system: create
                                    lot_id = lot_id[0] # take the first
                                else: # No creation, test for product
                                    # Create lot in OpenERP
                                    lot_id = lot_proxy.create(cr, uid, {
                                        'product_id': product_id,
                                        'name': product_lot,
                                        'stock_available': product_q,
                                        'date': date_now, #'2012-06-05 15:13:14',
                                    # Create update lot importation history 
                                        cr, uid, product_id, partner_id, 
                                        purchase_order, lot_id, 
                                        context = context)

                            else: # Lot number not from import (test in OpenERP history)
                                lot_id = importer_order_pool.check_lot(
                                    cr, uid, product_id, partner_id, 
                                    purchase_order, context=context)
                                if not lot_id:
                                    update_line = wizard_line_pool.write(cr, uid, [file_item.id], {
                                        'log_error': "Lotto vuoto e nessun precedente OF per questo prodotto: %s!" % (
                                        'to_import': False,
                                    }, context=context)
                                    continue # next line

                            # Check if log get match with product_id on OpenERP (note: obviuosly correct for creation):
                            lot_control_proxy = lot_proxy.browse(
                                cr, uid, lot_id, context=context)
                            if not (lot_control_proxy.product_id and lot_control_proxy.product_id.id == product_id): # lot for another product
                                update_line = wizard_line_pool.write(
                                    cr, uid, [file_item.id], {
                                        'log_error': "Lotto %s e' per il prodotto %s, attualmente nel doc. e': %s" % (
                                            lot_control_proxy.product_id.name if lot_control_proxy.product_id else "",
                                        'to_import': False,
                                        }, context=context)
                                continue # next line
                        update_line = wizard_line_pool.write(cr, uid, [file_item.id], {
                            'log_error': "Errore generico cercando analizzare il documento",
                            'to_import': False,}, context=context)
                        continue # next line  (doesn't create picking)

                    if first: # Aggiorno il wizard principale: **** PICKING HEADER *****
                       if_error = _('Error creating picking document:\n%s' % (file_item.import_document))

                       # Calculated fields  (this only for header)
                       #address_id = partner_proxy.address_get(cr, uid, partner_id).values()[0] # TODO verificare se sono più di uno
                       if not partner_id: # update log for the line
                          update_line=wizard_line_pool.write(cr, uid, [file_item.id], {
                              'log_error': "Indirizzo partner non trovato: %s - %s!" % (partner_ref, partner),
                              'to_import': False,}, context=context)
                          continue # next line

                       # stock.picking *****************************************
                       if not test: # create pick_id
                          picking_data = {
                              'origin': "%s [%s:%s]" % (
                                  "OF" if direction_in else "OC", 
                              #'name': sequence_pool.get(cr, uid, "stock.picking.in" if direction_in else "stock.picking.out") # or use picking_proxy different for out and in
                              #'name': 'IN/00001','stock_journal_id':,'invoice_state': ,
                              'date': date,
                              #'address_id': address_id,
                              'partner_id': partner_id,   # aggiunto dalla 7
                              'move_type': 'direct',
                              'type': 'in' if direction_in else 'out',
                              'note': 'Loaded from external program',
                              'state': 'done', # TODO test
                              'min_date': date,
                              'max_date': date,
                              'import_document': file_item.import_document,
                              #'import_date': export_date, # for registration

                              'wizard_id': wizard_proxy.id, # TODO togliere non serve, trovare il modo per il redirect finale

                          if not direction_in and is_coal: # assign XAB number
                              picking_data['xab_number'] = self.pool.get('ir.sequence').get(cr, uid, 'stock.picking.out.xab')
                              _logger.info("XAB for BC created %s" % picking_data['xab_number'])

                          pick_id = picking_proxy.create(cr, uid, picking_data)
                          # NOTE: Below the part that generate "No XAB Number" in commercial report
                          #if direction_in:
                          #    pick_id = picking_proxy_in.create(cr, uid, picking_data)
                          #    pick_id = picking_proxy_out.create(cr, uid, picking_data) # Create XAB

                          if not pick_id:
                             wizard_line_pool.write(cr, uid, [file_item.id], {
                                 'log_error':"Errore creando documento di prelievo: %s (%s)!"%(ref, purchase_order),
                                 'to_import': False,}, context=context)
                             continue # next line
                       else: # test mode:
                           pick_id = 0
                    else: # not the first

                    if_error = _('Errore creando i movimenti per il documento di carico / scarico: %s'%(file_item.name))

                    if not test: # create move, analysis, rename file
                        # stock.move ***********************************************
                        product_browse=product_proxy.browse(cr, uid, product_id)
                            'product_uos_qty': product_q,
                            #'create_date': '2012-06-04 18:58:05', #'price_unit': 0.0,
                            'product_qty': product_q, #300.0,
                            'product_uos': product_browse.uos_id.id if product_browse.uos_id else False,
                            'product_uom': uom_id, #product_browse.uom_id.id if product_browse.uom_id else False, #[2, 'kg'],   <<< TODO devo caricarla come fa l'on_change!!
                            #'partner_id': [429, 'Luxalloys S.A.'],
                            'priority': '1',
                            #'sale_line_id': False,  'auto_validate': False, 'price_currency_id': False,
                            'location_id': stock_in if direction_in else stock_internal,           # depends on direction BF > comes from IN, BC > comes from INTERNAL
                            'location_dest_id': stock_internal if direction_in else stock_out,     # depends on direction BF > goes to INTERNAL, BC > goes to OUT
                            #'company_id': [1, 'Minerals & Metals spa'], 'note': False, 'state': 'done', 'product_packaging': False, 'purchase_line_id': False, 'move_history_ids': [],
                            'date_expected': export_date,
                            #'backorder_id': False,
                            #'move_dest_id': False,
                            'date': export_date,
                            #'production_id': False, 'is_coal': , 'scrapped': False, 'tracking_id': False, 'move_history_ids2': [],
                            'product_id': product_id,
                            'name': '[%s] %s'%(product_browse.code, product_browse.name),
                            'picking_id': pick_id,
                            'state': 'done',
                            'prodlot_id': lot_id,
                            'via_hygro': hygro, # TODO verify for VIA also in production (not override!!)
                        if direction_in and is_coal: # assign VIA number
                           data_move['via_number'] = self.pool.get('ir.sequence').get(cr, uid, 'product.coal')

                        # forse era stato tolto nella 6:
                        if not direction_in and is_coal: # assign XAB number
                           pass #data_move['xab_number']=self.pool.get('ir.sequence').get(cr, uid, 'stock.picking.out.xab')    # TODO debug

                            pick_line_id=move_proxy.create(cr, uid, data_move, context=context)
                           return ("Errore creando movimento: %s" % (data_move), log_activity, pick_ids)

                        if direction_in: # Create analysis for all new lot (starting from stock.picking:
                           picking_proxy.create_all_analysis(cr, uid, [pick_id], context=context) # TODO: better to put at the end of creation stock.picking (not for performance)
                           # TODO need to be logged better if did not create analysis!!

                        # move parsed files in history folder
                        os.rename(file_item.full_name, "%s%s.%s"%(file_item.path_history, pick_id, file_item.name[-3:]))
                        # TODO delete wizar line!
           # TODO if error in stock move, pick created without movements!!!!!!!!
           # TODO non viene comunicato: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'), _("Generic error during importation"))  # TODO test if works!
           return (if_error, log_activity, pick_ids) #wizard_raise_error(self, cr, uid, ids, if_error, log_activity, context=context)

        return (False, False, pick_ids) #Normal exit return no error stock.picking created