Ejemplo n.º 1
def make_histogram_vars(simlib, all_KN):

    #Creates list of all pointings with [LIBID, RA, DECL, MJD IDEXPT FLT GAIN NOISE SKYSIG (pixels)  RATIO  ZPTAVG ZPTERR  MAG]
    libid_details, pointings = parse_simlib(simlib)
    print 'Number of LSST pointings: ', len(pointings)

    if all_KN == 'no':

        DIR = '/data/des41.b/data/SNDATA_ROOT/SIM/GW170817_AT2017gfo_LSST_WFD/'
        #get KN locations of simulated events in snana
        file_count = len(
            [f for f in os.walk(DIR).next()[2] if f[-4:] == ".DAT"])
        KN_locations = np.zeros([file_count, 3])

        # run through all .dat files in the specified directory and get time and location of KN
        file_num = 0
        for file in os.listdir(DIR):
            if file.endswith(".DAT"):
                obs, headerdict = parse_observations(DIR + file)
                KN_locations[file_num, :] = [
                    headerdict['PEAKMJD'], headerdict['RA'], headerdict['DECL']
                file_num += 1
        print 'Number of KN observed by snana: ', len(KN_locations)

    elif all_KN == 'yes':

        KN_locations = findall_KN()

        print 'Invalid choice entry for all_KN'

    #get time taken until observed for all KN
    time_taken = np.zeros(len(KN_locations))
    time_taken[:] = np.nan
    for i, KN in enumerate(KN_locations):
        if i % 50 == 0:
            print i

        #get pointings in the next week
        pointings_later = pointings[KN[0] < pointings[:, 3], :]
        pointings_nextweek = pointings_later[pointings_later[:,
                                                             3] < (KN[0] + 7)]
        if len(pointings_nextweek) == 0:  #if no pointings in the next 24hrs

        #get angles between all of pointings and KN
        kilonova_loc = SkyCoord(ra=KN[1] * u.degree, dec=KN[2] * u.degree)
        pointings_locs = SkyCoord(ra=pointings_nextweek[:, 1] * u.degree,
                                  dec=pointings_nextweek[:, 2] * u.degree)
        angsep = kilonova_loc.separation(pointings_locs).deg
        observations_arg = np.argwhere(angsep < np.sqrt(9.6 / np.pi))
        if len(observations_arg) == 0:
        mjd_observed = pointings_nextweek[observations_arg[0], :][0][3]

        time_taken[i] = mjd_observed - KN[0]

    return time_taken, KN_locations
Ejemplo n.º 2
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import random
#import os

from python_utilities.des_io import parse_observations
from parse_simlib import parse_simlib

libid_details, pointings = parse_simlib('../LSST_WFD_COADD.SIMLIB')
#libid_details islist with each row giving ['LIBID:', 'RA:', 'DECL:', 'NOBS:', 'MWEBV:', 'PIXSIZE:', 'first observation index', 'last observation index']

def find_ang_sep(RA1, DECL1, RA2, DECL2): #all inputs and output are in degrees and are floats
    event1 = SkyCoord(ra=float(RA1) * u.degree, dec=float(DECL1) * u.degree)
    event2 = SkyCoord(ra=float(RA2) * u.degree, dec=float(DECL2) * u.degree)
    angsep = event1.separation(event2)
    return angsep.deg

def get_timelocation(datfile):
    obs, headerdict = parse_observations(datfile)
    SIM_PEAKMJD = float(headerdict['SIM_PEAKMJD'])
    RA = float(headerdict['RA'])
    DECL = float(headerdict['DECL'])
    return SIM_PEAKMJD, RA, DECL

def day_min_separation(SIM_PEAKMJD, RA, DECL, band): #RA and DECL both in degrees
#returns the minimum angular separation and the details of the closest observation in the given band in the next 24 hours after the peakMJD
Ejemplo n.º 3
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from parse_simlib import parse_simlib

libid_details, pointings = parse_simlib('../minion_1016_WFD.simlib')

bands = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'Y']

#map bands onto numbers to we can put list of pointings into a np array and convert all strings into floats
for row in range(len(pointings)):
    for num, band in enumerate(bands):
        if pointings[row][5] == band:
            pointings[row][5] = num
    pointings[row] = [float(i) for i in pointings[row]
                      ]  #turn all entries in list into floats
    pointings[row][0], pointings[row][4], pointings[row][5] = int(
        pointings[row][0]), int(pointings[row][4]), int(
            pointings[row][5])  #some values take integers only e.g. libid

pointings_arr = np.array(pointings)
pointings_arr = pointings_arr[pointings_arr[:,
                                            3].argsort()]  #sort in time order

print pointings_arr[0:10]

#check mjd is rising
# x = np.arange(0,len(pointings_arr))
# fig3 = plt.figure()
# plt.plot(x,pointings_arr[:,3], alpha=0.5)
# plt.show()