Ejemplo n.º 1
def readDOXYGEN(ilines,icount,lname,list,move):

   # ~~ Parsers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   olines = [] 
   doxy_char = '!>  @'; doxy_cont_char = '!>'
   temp_char = '!'    ; cont_char = '!+'
   htmldico = ['<table>','</table>','<tr>','</tr>','<th>','</th>','<td>','</td>','</center>']

   for name,doxy,docs,body,vars in parseDoxyWrap(ilines,icount):
      history = []
      who = list[lname][name]

      #reformats development history
      if doxy['hist'] != []:
         for i in range(len(doxy['hist'])) :
            for format in htmldico :
               doxy['hist'][i] = doxy['hist'][i].replace(format,'')
         i = 0
         while i < len(doxy['hist']) :
            if '<center>' in doxy['hist'][i] :
               release = doxy['hist'][i].strip(doxy_cont_char).strip().strip('<center>').strip()
               if len(release.split('.')) > 1 :
                  release = ' V' + release.split('.')[0] + 'P' + release.split('.')[1]
               date = doxy['hist'][i+1].strip(doxy_cont_char)
               name = doxy['hist'][i+2].strip(doxy_cont_char)
               for j in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] :   #deletes the telephone number
                  name = name.replace(str(j),'')
               for j in ['....','...','----','---'] :
                  name = name.replace(j,'')
               note = doxy['hist'][i+3].strip(doxy_cont_char)
               i = i+4
            else :
               i = i+1

      #writes out docs (with some formatting)                          e.g.
      olines.extend(['!'+20*' '+len(docs[0].strip())*'*'+'\n'])       #!                    *****************
      olines.extend([' '+20*' '+docs[0].strip()+'\n'])                #                     SUBROUTINE CORFON
      olines.extend(['!'+20*' '+len(docs[0].strip())*'*'+'\n'])       #!                    *****************
      olines.extend(['!'])                                            #!
      for i in range(1,len(docs),1) :
      olines.extend(['!'])                                            #!
      olines.extend(['!'+71*'*'+'\n'])                                #!***********************************************************************
      line = '! '+lname.upper()
      if history != [] : line = line+'  '+history[0][2]+ \
                                 30*' '+history[0][1]+'\n'
      olines.append(line)                                             #! ARTEMIS   V6P0                                   21/08/2010
      olines.extend(['!'+71*'*'+'\n'+'!\n'])                          #!***********************************************************************

      #adds tags

      # ~~ Function and User Defined Information
      #file = []; hist = []; fcts = []; bugs = []; warn = []; note = []; refs = []; code = []; para = []; resu = []
      for info in ['file','fcts','note','warn','bugs','refs','code'] :
         if doxy[info] != [] :
            tmp = []
            doxy[info][0] = doxy[info][0].replace('<br>','\n'+cont_char)
            doxy[info][0] = doxy[info][0].replace(doxy_char, temp_char)
            tmp.extend(doxy[info][0].split(' ',1))    #formats the tags such that descriptions is 10char. from margin
            line = tmp[0]
            if len(tmp) > 1 :
               if info <> 'refs' :
                  line = line+(10-len(tmp[0]))*' '+tmp[1].strip()
               else :
                  line = line+2*' '+tmp[1].strip()
            for i in range(1,len(doxy[info]),1) :
               doxy[info][i] = doxy[info][i].replace('<br>','\n'+cont_char)
               doxy[info][i] = doxy[info][i].replace(doxy_char, temp_char)
               doxy[info][i] = doxy[info][i].replace(doxy_cont_char, cont_char)
               if doxy[info][i] <> '!endcode' : olines.append(doxy[info][i])
      # ~~ Development History
      if history != []:
         #writes them back in reverse order and keeps empty lines when no information is supplied
         #earlier version had if "history[i][1].strip() <> '' :"  which only displayed relevant information
         #it got a bit tricky to doxygenise (recognise a date from a comment)
         #this will hopefully be covered by new script with pop-up window requiring the user to fill-in
         #metadata at the SVN commission stage
         for i in range(len(history)-1,-1,-1) :    #writes them back
            olines.extend(['!history'+2*' '+history[i][0].strip()])
            olines.extend([cont_char+8*' '+history[i][1].strip()])   #if history[i][1].strip() <> '' : 
            olines.extend([cont_char+8*' '+history[i][2].strip()])   #if history[i][2].strip() <> '' : 
            #if history[i][3].strip() <> '' :
            #lines limited to 69char
            history[i][3] = history[i][3].replace('<br>',' '+cont_char+' ') #+cont_char+' ')
            note = history[i][3].strip().split()
            while 1 :
               l = 0; j = 0
               while j <= len(note)-1 and l <= 65 and note[j] != cont_char :
                  l = l + len(note[j]) + 1
                  j = j+1
               if j != len(note) and note[j] != cont_char:   #l>65 broke the while loop
                  j = j-1
               line = cont_char + 3*' '
               for k in range(j) :
                  line = line + note[0] + ' '
               if note != [] and note[0] == cont_char :      #note[j]=cont_char broke the while loop
               if note == [] or (len(note) == 1 and note[0] == '') : break

      #concatenates vars (with some formatting) and body to re-write fortran code
      #!!! if the variables in the in/out table are not in argument, move description
      #!!! to declarations_[code].f if in "use" (dico move), delete otherwise (local)

      # ~~ Arguments
      for k in vars.keys() :         #eg 'T1,2'
         found = True
         k_list = k.split(',')       #eg ['T1','2']
         for item in k_list :        #eg 'T1'
            if item not in who['args'] :
               found = False
               # ~~ Uses
               if who['vars']['use'] != {}:
                  for u in who['vars']['use']:
                     if item in who['vars']['use'][u]:
                        mfile = list[mdl[u][0]][u]['path']+sep+u.lower()
                        if mfile not in move.keys():
                        move[mfile].append([item,temp_char+' '+' '.join(vars[k][1])])
         if not found : del vars[k]

      for v in sorted(vars.keys()):
         name = v + 14*' '
         ino = ['-','-','-']
         if '<' in vars[v][0]: ino[0] = '<'
         if '>' in vars[v][0]: ino[2] = '>'
         line = '!| ' + name[0:15] + '|' + ''.join(ino) + '| ' + '\n!|                |   | '.join(vars[v][1])

      # ~~ Main Body of Source Code
      count = 0
      while count < len(body) :
         proc = re.match(f77continu2,body[count])
         if proc: body[count] = '     &'+body[count][6:]   #sets all continuation characters to &
         proc = re.match(f77comment,body[count])
         if proc: body[count] = '!'+body[count][1:]        #sets all comment characters to !
         proc = re.match(brief,body[count])
         if proc: body[count] = '!brief'+proc.group('after') #replaces !> @brief with !brief in modules
         count = count+1
   return olines,move
Ejemplo n.º 2
def createDOXYGEN(ifile,ilines,lname,list):

   # ~~ Parsers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   olines = []

   for name,subname,doxy,body in parseDoxyWrap(ilines):
      print '    +>  ',path.basename(ifile), subname, name
      who = list[lname][subname]

      # ~~ General
      olines.append(ifile + '\n!')
      #line = '!> @code\n'
      #if who['type'] == 'S': line = line + '!>             SUBROUTINE\n'
      #if who['type'] == 'M': line = line + '!>             MODULE\n'
      #if who['type'] == 'P': line = line + '!>             PROGRAM\n'
      #if who['type'] == 'F': line = line + '!>             FUNCTION\n'
      #line = line + '!>      NAME : ' + who['name'] + '\n' \
      #              '!>    MODULE : ' + who['libname'] + '\n'
      #line = line + '!> @endcode\n'

      # ~~ Module
      olines.append('!> @par Module: '+who['libname']+'\n!')

      for d in doxy:
         # ~~ Brief
         if d[0] == 'brief':
            line = '!> @brief\n!> ' + '\n!> '.join(d[1])
            line.replace('\n!> \n','\n!> <br><br>\n')

         # ~~ User Defined Information
         if d[0] == 'note' or d[0] == 'warn' or d[0] == 'refs' or d[0] == 'code':
            if d[0] == 'note':
               line = '!> @note\n!> ' + '\n!> '.join(d[1])
               line.replace('\n!> \n','\n!> <br><br>\n')
            if d[0] == 'bug':
               line = '!> @bug\n!> ' + '\n!> '.join(d[1])
               line.replace('\n!> \n','\n!> <br><br>\n')
            if d[0] == 'warn':
               line = '!> @warning\n!> ' + '\n!> '.join(d[1])
               line.replace('\n!> \n','\n!> <br><br>\n')
            if d[0] == 'refs':
               line = '!> @reference\n!> ' + '\n!> '.join(d[1])
               line.replace('\n!> \n','\n!> <br><br>\n')
            if d[0] == 'code':
               line = '!> @code\n!> ' + '\n!> '.join(d[1])
               line.replace('\n!> \n','\n!> <br><br>\n')
               olines.append(line + '\n!> @endcode\n!')

      # ~~ Final Uses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      if who['uses'] != {}:
         line = '!> @par Use(s)\n!><br>' + ', '.join(sorted(who['uses'].keys()))

      # ~~ Final Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      if who['args'] != [] or who['vars']['use'] != {} or who['vars']['cmn'] != [] or who['vars']['dec'] != [] or who['vars']['als'] != []:
         line = '!> @par Variable(s)\n!>  <br><table>'

         # ~~ Arguments
         if who['args'] != []:
            line = '!>     <tr><th> Argument(s)\n!>    </th><td> ' + ', '.join(sorted(who['args'])) + '\n!>   </td></tr>'
         # ~~ Uses
         if who['vars']['use'] != {}:
            line = '!>     <tr><th> Use(s)\n!>    </th><td>'
            for u in who['vars']['use']:
               uv = []
               for v in who['vars']['use'][u]:
                  uv.append('\n!> @link ' + u + '::' + v + ' ' + v + '@endlink')
               line = line + '<hr>\n!> ' + u + ' :<br>' + ', '.join(sorted(uv))
            line = line.replace('<td><hr>\n','<td>\n') + '\n!>   </td></tr>'

         # ~~ Commons
         if who['vars']['cmn'] != []:
            line = '!>     <tr><th> Common(s)\n!>    </th><td>'
            for u in who['vars']['cmn']:
               line = line + '<hr>\n!> ' + u[0] + ' : ' + ', '.join(u[1])
            line = line.replace('<td><hr>\n','<td>\n') + '\n!>   </td></tr>'

         # ~~ Declars
         if who['vars']['dec'] != []:
            line = '!>     <tr><th> Internal(s)\n!>    </th><td> ' + ', '.join(sorted(who['vars']['dec'])) + '\n!>   </td></tr>'

         # ~~ Externals
         #if who['vars']['xtn'] != []:
         #   line = '!>     <tr><th> External(s)\n!>    </th><td> ' + ', '.join(sorted(who['vars']['xtn'])) + '\n!>   </td></tr>'
         #   olines.append(line)

         # ~~ Aliases
         if who['vars']['als'] != []:
            line = '!>     <tr><th> Alias(es)\n!>    </th><td> ' + ', '.join(sorted(who['vars']['als'])) + '\n!>   </td></tr>'

         line = '!>     </table>\n!'

      # ~~ Final Calls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      if who['calls'] != {} or who['functions'] != []:
         line = '!> @par Call(s)\n!>  <br><table>'
         if who['calls'] != {}:
            line = '!>     <tr><th> Known(s)\n!>    </th><td> ' + '(), '.join(sorted(who['calls'].keys())) + '()\n!>   </td></tr>'
         if who['functions'] != []:
            line = '!>     <tr><th> Unknown(s)\n!>    </th><td> ' + ', '.join(sorted(who['functions'])) + '\n!>   </td></tr>'
         line = '!>     </table>\n!'

      # ~~ Final Called ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      if who['called'] != []:
         line = '!> @par Called by\n!><br>' + '(), '.join(sorted(who['called'])) + '()\n!'

      # ~~ Final History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      for d in doxy:
         # ~~ Other pars
         if d[0] == 'para':
            line = '!> @par ' + '\n!> '.join(d[1])
            line.replace('\n!> \n','\n!> <br><br>\n')
         # ~~ Result
         if d[0] == 'result':
            line = '!> @par Result ' + '\n!> '.join(d[1])

      # ~~ Final History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      hist = False
      for d in doxy:
         if d[0] == 'history': hist = True
      if hist:
         olines.append('!> @par Development history')
         olines.append('!>   <br><table>')
         olines.append('!> <tr><th> Release </th><th> Date </th><th> Author </th><th> Notes </th></tr>')
         for d in doxy:
            if d[0] == 'history':
               olines.append('!>  <tr><td><center> ' + d[1][2] +' </center>')
               olines.append('!>    </td><td> ' + d[1][1])
               olines.append('!>    </td><td> ' + d[1][0])
               if len(d[1]) > 3:
                  olines.append('!>    </td><td> ' + d[1][3])
                  olines.append('!>    </td><td> ')
                  print '\nHistory comment missing in: ' + subname + '\n'
               olines.append('!>   </td></tr>')
         olines.append('!>   </table>\n!')

      # ~~ Extended Description
      #if vars.keys() != '' or who['args'] != '':
      #   for a in who['args']:
      #      found = False
      #      for v in vars.keys():
      #         if a in parseVars(v): found = True
      #      if not found: vars.update({a:['',['']]})
      #   olines.extend(['!>  @par Details of primary variable(s)\n!>  <br><table>'])
      #   #olines.extend(['!>  <p><div id="dynsection-1" onclick="return toggleVisibility(this)" class="dynheader closed" style="cursor:pointer;"> \
      #   #   \n!>  <img id="dynsection-1-trigger" src="closed.png"> Here are details of primary variables:</div> \
      #   #   \n!>  <div id="dynsection-1-summary" class="dynsummary" style="display:block;"> \
      #   #   \n!>  </div> \
      #   #   \n!>  <div id="dynsection-1-content" class="dyncontent" style="display:none;">'])
      #   olines.extend(['!>\n!>     <tr><th>Name(s)</th><th>(in-out)</th><th>Description</th></tr>'])
      #   for v in sorted(vars.keys()):
      #      #print v,vars[v][1]
      #      ino = ['-','-','-']
      #      if '<' in vars[v][0]: ino[0] = '<'
      #      if '>' in vars[v][0]: ino[2] = '>'
      #      line = '!>          <tr><td>' + v + '\n!></td><td>' + ''.join(ino) + '</td><td>' + '\n!>                  '.join(vars[v][1]) + '\n!>    </td></tr>'
      #      olines.extend([line])
      #   olines.extend(['!>     </table>'])
      #   #olines.extend(['!>  </div></p>'])

      #for count in range(len(docs)):
      #   proc = re.match(f77continu2,docs[count])
      #   if proc: docs[count] = '     &'+docs[count][6:]

      # ~~ Final Tempates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      #for v in sorted(vars.keys()):
      #   name = v + '             '
      #   ino = ['-','-','-']
      #   if '<' in vars[v][0]: ino[0] = '<'
      #   if '>' in vars[v][0]: ino[2] = '>'
      #   line = 'C| ' + name[0:15] + '|' + ''.join(ino) + '| ' + '\nC|                |   | '.join(vars[v][1])
      #   olines.extend([line])

      # ~~ Unchanged ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      for line in body:

   return olines