Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    print '-' * 50
    print 'Using', prg.__path__, 'for parserasgeo'
    print '-' * 50, '\n'

    outfile = 'test.out'
    test_files = glob.glob(r"C:\workspace\git_clones\parserasgeo\geofiles\*.g*")
    #print len(test_files)
    #for x in test_files:
        #print type(x), x
    #    print  x

    for test_file in test_files:
        print('*' * 30),
        print('Processing ', test_file)
        geo = prg.ParseRASGeo(test_file)
	xss = geo.extract_xs()
        if filecmp.cmp(test_file, outfile, shallow=False):
            print('Geometry file', test_file, 'exported correctly.')
            print('WARNING: file', test_file, 'did not export properly')
            subprocess.Popen(["diff", test_file, outfile])
            sys.exit('WARNING: file' + test_file + 'did not export properly')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def correct_extents(geo_file, extents_list, round_digits):
    Correct extents for skew and offset
    :param geo_file: - name of RAS geometry file
    :param extents_list: - list of extents from import_extents()
    :param round_digits: - digits to round xs ids to
    ras_geo = prg.ParseRASGeo(geo_file)

    if round_digits != 0 and round_digits != '':
        rnd = True
        rnd = False

    for i, ex in enumerate(extents_list):
        # Pull info from RAS geometry file
            if rnd:
                geo_xs = ras_geo.return_xs_by_id(float(ex.XS_ID),
                geo_xs = ras_geo.return_xs_by_id(float(ex.XS_ID))
        except prg.CrossSectionNotFound:
                'Cross section ' + ex.river + '/' + ex.reach + '-' +
                str(ex.XS_ID) + ' is in cross ' +
                'section shapefile but is not in RAS geometry file. Skipping')

        offset = geo_xs.sta_elev.points[0][0]
        skew = geo_xs.skew.angle

        # if nothing changes, skip this extent
        if offset == 0 and skew is None:

        left_sta = ex.left_sta
        right_sta = ex.right_sta

        if offset != 0:
            arcpy.AddWarning('Correcting offset of ' + str(offset) +
                             ' at XS ' + ex.river + '/' + ex.reach + '-' +
            left_sta = left_sta - offset
            right_sta = right_sta - offset
        if skew is not None:
            arcpy.AddWarning('Correcting skew of ' + str(skew) + ' at XS ' +
                             ex.river + '/' + ex.reach + '-' + str(ex.XS_ID))
            left_sta = left_sta / math.cos(math.radians(skew))
            right_sta = right_sta / math.cos(math.radians(skew))

        # Create new, corrected extent and replace the old one
        fixed = WS_extent(ex.river, ex.reach, ex.XS_ID, ex.profile, left_sta,
                          right_sta, ex.WSEL)
        extents_list[i] = fixed
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\FHAD Review\Niver Round 3\Orig\20161012 FHAD Submittal\HEC-RAS\NiverCreek_FHAD_Sept.g01"
    infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\Grange Hall Creek\02 HYDRAULICS\HEC-RAS\GHC_FHAD.g01"
    #infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\FHAD Review\Sloans Lake Round 1\Orig\20161013 - Sloan'sLake_FHAD_HEC-RAS-20161007\HEC-RAS\SloansFHAD2017.g01"
    infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\FHAD Review\Niver Round 3\Orig\20161012 FHAD Submittal\HEC-RAS\NiverCreek_FHAD_Sept.g01"
    #infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\FHAD Review\SPR - 6th to 58th\Orig\20160907 Merrick_SPR 6th-58th_08-26-2016\SPR 6th-58th_Existing_HECRAS\SPR_Downstream.g04"
    infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\FHAD Review\South Platte\Orig\20160629 5-27-16 SPR FHAD submittal\5-27-16 submittal\HEC-RAS\SouthPlatteFHAD.g08"
    infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\Second Creek\12 FHAD\01_RAS\HEC-RAS\Submittal 2 - working\SCFHAD.g02"

    geo = prg.ParseRASGeo(infile)
    cross_sections = geo.extract_xs()

    print 'Levees are at the following XS:'
    for xs in cross_sections:
        if xs.levee.value is not None:
            print xs.river + ',' + xs.reach + ',' + str(xs.header.xs_id)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():
    infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\FHAD Review\Niver Round 3\Orig\20161012 FHAD Submittal\HEC-RAS\NiverCreek_FHAD_Sept.g01"
    #infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\Grange Hall Creek\02 HYDRAULICS\HEC-RAS\GHC_FHAD.g01"
    infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\FHAD Review\Sloans Lake Round 1\Orig\20161013 - Sloan'sLake_FHAD_HEC-RAS-20161007\HEC-RAS\SloansFHAD2017.g01"
    infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\FHAD Review\Clear Creek Round 1\Orig\20161013 Review Submittal\ClearCreek_ModelReviewSubmittal\Hydraulics\ClearCreek_FHAD2016.g07"
    infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\Second Creek\12 FHAD\01_RAS\HEC-RAS\Submittal 2 - working\SCFHAD.g02"

    geo = prg.ParseRASGeo(infile)
    cross_sections = geo.extract_xs()

    print 'There are skews at the flowing cross sections - river, reach, xs_id, skew_angle'

    skew = False
    for xs in cross_sections:
        if xs.skew.angle is not None:
            print xs.river+','+xs.reach+','+str(xs.header.xs_id)+','+str(xs.skew.angle)
            skew = True

    if not skew:
        print 'No cross sections are skewed'
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
    infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\FHAD Review\Niver Round 3\Orig\20161012 FHAD Submittal\HEC-RAS\NiverCreek_FHAD_Sept.g01"
    infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\Grange Hall Creek\02 HYDRAULICS\HEC-RAS\GHC_FHAD.g01"
    #infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\FHAD Review\Sloans Lake Round 1\Orig\20161013 - Sloan'sLake_FHAD_HEC-RAS-20161007\HEC-RAS\SloansFHAD2017.g01"
    infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\FHAD Review\Niver Round 3\Orig\20161012 FHAD Submittal\HEC-RAS\NiverCreek_FHAD_Sept.g03"
    #infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\FHAD Review\SPR - 6th to 58th\Orig\20160907 Merrick_SPR 6th-58th_08-26-2016\SPR 6th-58th_Existing_HECRAS\SPR_Downstream.g04"
    infile = r"Z:\UDFCD PLANNING\Second Creek\12 FHAD\01_RAS\HEC-RAS\Submittal 2 - working\SCFHAD.g02"

    tolerance = 1

    geo = prg.ParseRASGeo(infile)
    cross_sections = geo.extract_xs()

    for xs in cross_sections:
        left_elv = xs.sta_elev.elevation(xs.bank_sta.left)
        right_elv = xs.sta_elev.elevation(xs.bank_sta.right)
        diff = left_elv - right_elv
        if abs(diff) >= tolerance:
            print xs.river + ',' + xs.reach + ',' + str(
                xs.header.xs_id) + ',' + str(diff)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def n_value_review(geofile, xs_shape_file, xs_id_field, river_field,
                   reach_field, outfile):
    Combines HEC-RAS geometry file and cross section shapefile to create polylines representing areas of consistent
    surface roughness.

    :param geofile: HEC-RAS geoemtry file
    :param xs_shape_file: shape file of cross sections
    :param xs_id_field: cross section id field in xs_shape_file
    :param river_field:
    :param reach_field:
    :param outfile: name of output shape file
    :return: nothing

    # the field names cannot have spaces in them in ArcGIS. Replace spaces with "_" if they exist for the new shapefile
    # use the one with spaces with parsing through the original shapefile
    new_xs_id_field = xs_id_field.replace(' ', '_')
    new_river_field = river_field.replace(' ', '_')
    new_reach_field = reach_field.replace(' ', '_')

    # Setup output shapefile
    spatial_reference = arcpy.Describe(xs_shape_file).spatialReference
    _setup_output_shapefile(outfile, new_xs_id_field, new_river_field,
                            new_reach_field, spatial_reference)
    message('Importing HEC-RAS geometry...')
    ras_geo = prg.ParseRASGeo(geofile)
    message('Done.\nCreating surface roughness review lines...')

    num_xs_ras_geo = ras_geo.number_xs()
    num_xs_gis = 0
    num_xs_processed = 0
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(
        ['SHAPE@', xs_id_field, river_field, reach_field]) as xs_cursor:
        with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outfile, [
                'SHAPE@', new_xs_id_field, new_river_field, new_reach_field,
        ]) as out_cursor:
            for xs in xs_cursor:
                num_xs_gis += 1
                geo = xs[0]
                xs_id = xs[1]
                river = xs[2]
                reach = xs[3]

                if DEBUG:
                    message('*' * 20 + 'working on xs ' + str(xs_id) + '/' +
                            river + '/' + reach)

                if geo.isMultipart:
                    warn('Warning: Cross section ' + xs_id +
                         ' is multipart. Using part 0.')

                # Get RAS cross section
                    if type(xs_id) is str or type(xs_id) is unicode:
                            'Cross section station for ' + str(xs_id) +
                            ' is a string in GIS data, trying to cast to a number'
                            xs_id = float(xs_id)
                        except ValueError:
                                'Unable to convert XS station ' + str(xs_id) +
                                ' to a number. Please remove any characters from the station '
                    geo_xs = ras_geo.return_xs(xs_id, river, reach, strip=True)
                except prg.CrossSectionNotFound:
                    warn('Warning: Cross section ' + str(xs_id) + '/' + str(river) + '/' + str(reach) + \
                         ' is in cross section shape file but is not in the HEC-RAS geometry file. Continuing')

                # Check for duplicate n-values
                test = geo_xs.mannings_n.check_for_duplicate_n_values()
                if test is not None:
                    message('Cross section ' + str(xs_id) + ' has duplicate n-values at the following stations: ' + \
                         str(test) + '. This is not visible in the cross section editor but can be seen in the ' + \
                         'geometry file.')

                test = geo_xs.mannings_n.check_for_redundant_n_values()
                if test is not None:
                    message('Cross section ' + str(xs_id) + ' has redundant n-values at the following stations: ' + \

                # Fix cross section skew (if present)
                n_values = _correct_skew(geo_xs)

                # Enough guard clauses, let's make the n-value review line
                    n_lines = _create_n_value_lines(geo, n_values, xs_id)
                except CrossSectionLengthError:
                    warn('Error: N-value stationing for cross section ' + str(xs_id) + ' in RAS geometry exceeds ' + \
                         'GIS feature length. Ignored.')

                num_xs_processed += 1
                for i, n_line in enumerate(n_lines):
                    seg_id = river + '-' + reach + '-' + str(
                        xs_id) + '-' + str(i) + '-' + str(n_line[1])
                    #message([n_line[0], xs_id, river, reach, n_line[1], seg_id])
                        [n_line[0], xs_id, river, reach, n_line[1], seg_id])

    warn('There are ' + str(num_xs_ras_geo) + ' cross sections in the HEC-RAS geometry and ' + str(num_xs_gis) + \
         ' cross sections in the cross section shape file. ' + str(num_xs_processed) + ' cross sections were' + \
         ' successfully converted into surface roughness review lines.')
Ejemplo n.º 7
def iefa_review(geofile,
    Combines HEC-RAS geometry file and cross section shapefile to create polylines representing areas of consistent
    surface roughness.

    :param geofile: HEC-RAS geoemtry file
    :param xs_shape_file: shape file of cross sections
    :param xs_id_field: cross section id field in xs_shape_file
    :param river_field:
    :param reach_field:
    :param outfile: name of output shape file
    :param rnd: boolean - round XS ids?
    :param digits: number of digits to round to

    # the field names cannot have spaces in them in ArcGIS. Replace spaces with "_" if they exist for the new shapefile
    # use the one with spaces with parsing through the original shapefile
    new_xs_id_field = xs_id_field.replace(' ', '_')
    new_river_field = river_field.replace(' ', '_')
    new_reach_field = reach_field.replace(' ', '_')

    # Setup output shapefile
    spatial_reference = arcpy.Describe(xs_shape_file).spatialReference
    _setup_output_shapefile(outfile, new_xs_id_field, new_river_field,
                            new_reach_field, spatial_reference)
    message('Importing HEC-RAS geometry...')
    ras_geo = prg.ParseRASGeo(geofile)
    message('Done.\nCreating IEFA review lines...')

    num_xs_ras_geo = ras_geo.number_xs()
    num_xs_gis = 0
    num_xs_processed = 0
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(
        ['SHAPE@', xs_id_field, river_field, reach_field]) as xs_cursor:
        with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outfile, [
                'SHAPE@', new_xs_id_field, new_river_field, new_reach_field,
        ]) as out_cursor:
            for xs in xs_cursor:
                num_xs_gis += 1
                geo = xs[0]
                xs_id = xs[1]
                river = xs[2]
                reach = xs[3]

                if DEBUG:
                    message('*' * 20 + 'working on xs ' + str(xs_id) + '/' +
                            river + '/' + reach)

                if geo.isMultipart:
                    warn('Warning: Cross section ' + xs_id +
                         ' is multipart. Using part 0.')

                    if type(xs_id) is str or type(xs_id) is unicode:
                            'Cross section station for ' + str(xs_id) +
                            ' is a string in GIS data, trying to cast to a number'
                            xs_id = float(xs_id)
                        except ValueError:
                                'Unable to convert XS station ' + str(xs_id) +
                                ' to a number. Please remove any characters from the station '
                    geo_xs = ras_geo.return_xs(xs_id,
                except prg.CrossSectionNotFound:
                    warn('Warning: Cross section ' + str(xs_id) + '/' + str(river) + '/' + str(reach) + \
                         ' is in cross section shape file but is not in the HEC-RAS geometry file. Continuing')

                # Verify presence of IEFA
                if geo_xs.iefa.num_iefa is None:

                # Enough guard clauses, let's make the n-value review line
                    iefa_lines = _create_iefa_lines(geo, geo_xs)
                except CrossSectionLengthError:
                    warn('Error: N-value stationing for cross section ' + str(xs_id) + ' in RAS geometry exceeds ' + \
                         'GIS feature length. Ignored.')

                # get the list of the IEFA permanence from the geo xs
                # use that to determine the permanence of each existant IEFA line
                # a unique iefa index has to be created because iefa.iefa_permanence
                # only includes existing IEFA (i.e. iefa_line[1] != 0)
                iefa_permanence = geo_xs.iefa.iefa_permanence
                iefa_index = 0

                num_xs_processed += 1
                for iefa_line in iefa_lines:
                    # only create out IEFA lines that had IEFA, not ones that don't have IEFA
                    if iefa_line[1] == 0:
                        status = 'no'
                        status = 'yes'
                        if iefa_permanence[iefa_index] == 0:
                            permanence = 'No'
                            permanence = 'Yes'
                        iefa_index += 1

                            iefa_line[0], xs_id, river, reach, iefa_line[1],
                            status, permanence

    warn('There are ' + str(num_xs_ras_geo) + ' cross sections in the HEC-RAS geometry and ' + str(num_xs_gis) + \
         ' cross sections in the cross section shape file. ' + str(num_xs_processed) + ' cross sections were' + \
         ' successfully converted into IEFA review lines.')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def obstruction_review(geofile, xs_shape_file, xs_id_field, river_field,
                       reach_field, outfile):
    Combines HEC-RAS geometry file and cross section shapefile to create polylines representing areas of consistent
    surface roughness.

    :param geofile: HEC-RAS geoemtry file
    :param xs_shape_file: shape file of cross sections
    :param xs_id_field: cross section id field in xs_shape_file
    :param river_field:
    :param reach_field:
    :param outfile: name of output shape file
    :return: nothing

    # the field names cannot have spaces in them in ArcGIS. Replace spaces with "_" if they exist for the new shapefile
    # use the one with spaces with parsing through the original shapefile
    new_xs_id_field = xs_id_field.replace(' ', '_')
    new_river_field = river_field.replace(' ', '_')
    new_reach_field = reach_field.replace(' ', '_')

    # Setup output shapefile
    spatial_reference = arcpy.Describe(xs_shape_file).spatialReference
    _setup_output_shapefile(outfile, new_xs_id_field, new_river_field,
                            new_reach_field, spatial_reference)
    message('Importing HEC-RAS geometry...')
    ras_geo = prg.ParseRASGeo(geofile)
    message('Done.\nCreating blocked obstruction review lines...')

    num_xs_ras_geo = ras_geo.number_xs()
    num_xs_gis = 0
    num_xs_processed = 0
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(
        ['SHAPE@', xs_id_field, river_field, reach_field]) as xs_cursor:
        with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outfile, [
                'SHAPE@', new_xs_id_field, new_river_field, new_reach_field,
        ]) as out_cursor:
            for xs in xs_cursor:
                num_xs_gis += 1
                geo = xs[0]
                xs_id = xs[1]
                river = xs[2]
                reach = xs[3]

                if DEBUG:
                    message('*' * 20 + 'working on xs ' + str(xs_id) + '/' +
                            river + '/' + reach)

                if geo.isMultipart:
                    warn('Warning: Cross section ' + xs_id +
                         ' is multipart. Using part 0.')

                    if type(xs_id) is str or type(xs_id) is unicode:
                            'Cross section station for ' + str(xs_id) +
                            ' is a string in GIS data, trying to cast to a number'
                            xs_id = float(xs_id)
                        except ValueError:
                                'Unable to convert XS station ' + str(xs_id) +
                                ' to a number. Please remove any characters from the station '
                    geo_xs = ras_geo.return_xs(xs_id, river, reach, strip=True)
                    # ras_geo = prg_old.return_xs(geo_list, xs_id, river, reach)
                except prg.CrossSectionNotFound:
                    warn('Warning: Cross section ' + str(xs_id) + '/' + str(river) + '/' + str(reach) + \
                         ' is in cross section shape file but is not in the HEC-RAS geometry file. Continuing')

                # Verify presence of obstructions
                if geo_xs.obstruct.num_blocked is None:

                # Enough guard clauses, let's make the n-value review line
                    blocked_lines = _create_blocked_lines(geo, geo_xs)
                except CrossSectionLengthError:
                    warn('Error: N-value stationing for cross section ' + str(xs_id) + ' in RAS geometry exceeds ' + \
                         'GIS feature length. Ignored.')

                num_xs_processed += 1
                for blocked_line in blocked_lines:
                    # only write out blocked obstructions that exist
                    # do not create them if they don't exist
                    if blocked_line[1] == 0:
                        status = 'no'
                        status = 'yes'
                            blocked_line[0], xs_id, river, reach,
                            blocked_line[1], status

        'There are ' + str(num_xs_ras_geo) +
        ' cross sections in the HEC-RAS geometry and ' + str(num_xs_gis) +
        ' cross sections in the cross section shape file. Obstructions were created at '
        + str(num_xs_processed) + ' cross sections.')