Ejemplo n.º 1
def run_integration_tests():
    script_dir = "testscripts"
    report_dir = script_dir + os.sep + "reports"

    from parsers import fileparser
    from reviewers import reviewer

    from testscripts import expected
    expected_results = expected.results

    for item in os.listdir(script_dir):
        if item[-3:] == ".js":
            print "- " + item

            if not expected_results.has_key(item):
                print "seems to be a new file for which no reference data exist"

            # Gather data about the file to be reviewed
            file_data = None
            file_data = fileparser.get_file_data_from_file(script_dir +
                                                           os.sep + item)
            #except Exception as error:
            #	print error
            #	break;

            # Review the file
            result = reviewer.review(file_data)

            messages = get_list_of_messages_easy_to_compare(

            if not expected_results[item].has_key(
                    "messages") and messages != []:
                assert False, "Found messages for " + item + ", but none expected. Found:\n" + str(
            elif expected_results[item].has_key("messages") and messages == []:
                assert False, "Expected messages for " + item + " but none found. Expected:\n" + str(
            elif expected_results[item].has_key("messages") and messages != []:
                assert sorted(
                ) == messages, "incorrect messages found for " + item + " expected results not found:\n" + str(
                        set(expected_results[item]["messages"]) - set(messages)
                    )) + "\nfound results not expected\n" + str(
                            set(messages) -

    print "ALL FILES OK"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run_integration_tests():
	script_dir = "testscripts"
	report_dir = script_dir + os.sep + "reports"
	from parsers import fileparser
	from reviewers import reviewer
	from testscripts import expected
	expected_results = expected.results

	for item in os.listdir(script_dir):
		if item[-3:] == ".js":
			print "- " + item

			if not expected_results.has_key(item):
				print "seems to be a new file for which no reference data exist"

			# Gather data about the file to be reviewed
			file_data = None
			file_data = fileparser.get_file_data_from_file(script_dir + os.sep + item)
			#except Exception as error:
			#	print error
			#	break;

			# Review the file
			result = reviewer.review(file_data)

			messages = get_list_of_messages_easy_to_compare(result.message_bag.get_messages())
			if not expected_results[item].has_key("messages") and messages != []:
				assert False, "Found messages for " + item + ", but none expected. Found:\n" + str(messages)
			elif expected_results[item].has_key("messages") and messages == []:
				assert False, "Expected messages for " + item + " but none found. Expected:\n" + str(expected_results[item]["messages"])
			elif expected_results[item].has_key("messages") and messages != []:
				assert sorted(expected_results[item]["messages"]) == messages, "incorrect messages found for " + item + " expected results not found:\n" + str(list(set(expected_results[item]["messages"]) - set(messages))) + "\nfound results not expected\n" + str(list(set(messages) - set(expected_results[item]["messages"])))
	print "ALL FILES OK"
Ejemplo n.º 3
    print ""
    print "This command line tool requires 2 arguments:"
    print "  - the javascript file path to be checked"
    print "  - the path and filename of the report HTML file that will be created"
    print ""
    print "Usage example: $ python cleanjs_cmdline.py path/to/myFile.js path/to/myFileReport.html"
    print ""

file_name = sys.argv[1]
report_name = sys.argv[2]

# Gather data about the file to be reviewed
from parsers import fileparser
    file_data = fileparser.get_file_data_from_file(file_name)
except Exception as error:
    print error

# Review the file
from reviewers import reviewer

result = reviewer.review(file_data)

# Displaying the messages to an output
from reporters import htmlwithcode

htmlwithcode.output_messages(result, file_data, report_name)

print "Your file has been cleanjs'd! Check the report here " + report_name
Ejemplo n.º 4
    print "This command line tool requires 2 arguments:"
    print "  - the javascript file path to be checked"
    print "  - the path and filename of the report HTML file that will be created"
    print ""
    print "Usage example: $ python cleanjs_cmdline.py path/to/myFile.js path/to/myFileReport.html"
    print ""

file_name = sys.argv[1]
report_name = sys.argv[2]

# Gather data about the file to be reviewed
from parsers import fileparser

    file_data = fileparser.get_file_data_from_file(file_name)
except Exception as error:
    print error

# Review the file
from reviewers import reviewer

result = reviewer.review(file_data)

# Displaying the messages to an output
from reporters import htmlwithcode

htmlwithcode.output_messages(result, file_data, report_name)

print "Your file has been cleanjs'd! Check the report here " + report_name