Ejemplo n.º 1
def read_text_by_regex(regex, text):
    date_match = search(regex, text)
    if not date_match:
        raise ParserException('IN-PB', 'Not date_match')
    date_text = date_match.group(0)
    if not date_text:
        raise ParserException('IN-PB', 'Not date_text')
    return date_text
Ejemplo n.º 2
def fetch_exchange(country_code1='ES', country_code2='ES-IB', session=None):

    ses = session or Session()
    responses = BalearicIslands(ses).get_all()
    if not responses:
        raise ParserException("ES-IB", "No response")

        data = []
        for response in responses:

            sorted_country_codes = sorted([country_code1, country_code2])
            net_flow = response.link['pe_ma']

            response_data = {
                net_flow if country_code1 == sorted_country_codes[0] else -1 *


        return data
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_response(country_code, url, session=None):
    """Get response"""
    ses = session or Session()
    response = ses.get(url)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        raise ParserException(
            country_code, 'Response code: {0}'.format(response.status_code))
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 4
def assert_country_code(country_code, expected, parser_name=None):
    """Assert country code"""
    if not country_code or country_code != expected:
        if not parser_name:
            parser_name = country_code
        raise ParserException(
            'Country_code expected {0}, is {1}'.format(expected, country_code),
Ejemplo n.º 5
def fetch_consumption(country_code='ES-CN', session=None):
    ses = session or Session()

    elhierro = ElHierro(ses).get()
    if not elhierro:
        raise ParserException("ES-CN", "ElHierro not response")

    granacanaria = GranCanaria(ses).get()
    if not granacanaria:
        raise ParserException("ES-CN", "GranCanaria not response")

    gomera = Gomera(ses).get()
    if not gomera:
        raise ParserException("ES-CN", "Gomera not response")

    lanzarotefuerteventura = LanzaroteFuerteventura(ses).get()
    if not lanzarotefuerteventura:
        raise ParserException("ES-CN", "LanzaroteFuerteventura not response")

    palma = LaPalma(ses).get()
    if not palma:
        raise ParserException("ES-CN", "LaPalma not response")

    tenerife = Tenerife(ses).get()
    if not tenerife:
        raise ParserException("ES-CN", "Tenerife not response")

    ## Compare timestamps
    ## Raise ParserException if timestamps aren't equals
    if elhierro.timestamp != granacanaria.timestamp \
        and elhierro.timestamp != gomera.timestamp \
        and elhierro.timestamp != lanzarotefuerteventura.timestamp \
        and elhierro.timestamp != palma.timestamp \
        and elhierro.timestamp != tenerife.timestamp:
        raise ParserException("ES-CN", "Response timestamps aren't equals")

    demand = round(
        elhierro.demand + granacanaria.demand + gomera.demand +
        lanzarotefuerteventura.demand + palma.demand + tenerife.demand, 2)

    data = {
        'countryCode': country_code,
        'datetime': get(elhierro.timestamp).datetime,
        'consumption': demand,
        'source': 'demanda.ree.es'

    return data
Ejemplo n.º 6
def fetch_consumption(country_code='ES-IB', session=None):
    ses = session or Session()
    responses = BalearicIslands(ses).get_all()
    if not responses:
        raise ParserException("ES-IB", "No response")
        data = []

        for response in responses:
            response_data = {
                'countryCode': country_code,
                'datetime': get(response.timestamp).datetime,
                'consumption': response.demand,
                'source': 'demanda.ree.es'


        return data
Ejemplo n.º 7
def fetch_production(country_code='ES-IB', session=None):

    ses = session or Session()
    responses = BalearicIslands(ses).get_all()

    if not responses:
        raise ParserException("ES-IB", "No response")

        data = []

        for response in responses:
            response_data = {
                'countryCode': country_code,
                'datetime': get(response.timestamp).datetime,
                'production': {
                    'coal': response.carbon,
                    'gas': round(response.gas + response.combined, 2),
                    'solar': response.solar,
                    'oil': round(response.vapor + response.diesel, 2),
                    'wind': response.wind,
                    'hydro': response.hydraulic,
                    'biomass': 0.0,
                    'nuclear': 0.0,
                    'geothermal': 0.0,
                    'unknown': response.unknown()
                'storage': {
                    'hydro': 0.0,
                    'battery': 0.0
                'source': 'demanda.ree.es',


        return data
Ejemplo n.º 8
def fetch_island_data(country_code, session):
    if country_code == 'ES-CN-FVLZ':
        lanzarote_fuerteventura_data = LanzaroteFuerteventura(session).get_all()
        if not lanzarote_fuerteventura_data:
            raise ParserException(country_code, "LanzaroteFuerteventura not response")
            return lanzarote_fuerteventura_data
    elif country_code == 'ES-CN-GC':
        gran_canaria_data = GranCanaria(session).get_all()
        if not gran_canaria_data:
            raise ParserException(country_code, "GranCanaria not response")
            return gran_canaria_data
    elif country_code == 'ES-CN-IG':
        gomera_data = Gomera(session).get_all()
        if not gomera_data:
            raise ParserException(country_code, "Gomera not response")
            return gomera_data
    elif country_code == 'ES-CN-LP':
        la_palma_data = LaPalma(session).get_all()
        if not la_palma_data:
            raise ParserException(country_code, "LaPalma not response")
            return la_palma_data
    elif country_code == 'ES-CN-TE':
        tenerife_data = Tenerife(session).get_all()
        if not tenerife_data:
            raise ParserException(country_code, "Tenerife not response")
            return tenerife_data
    elif country_code == 'ES-CN-HI':
        el_hierro_data = ElHierro(session).get_all()
        if not el_hierro_data:
            raise ParserException(country_code, "ElHierro not response")
            return el_hierro_data
        raise ParserException(country_code, 'Can\'t read this country code {0}'.format(country_code))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def fetch_islands_data(country_code, session):
    data = {}

    el_hierro_data = ElHierro(session).get_all()
    if not el_hierro_data:
        raise ParserException(country_code, "ElHierro not response")
        data.update({'el_hierro': el_hierro_data})

    gran_canaria_data = GranCanaria(session).get_all()
    if not gran_canaria_data:
        raise ParserException(country_code, "GranCanaria not response")
        data.update({'gran_canaria': gran_canaria_data})

    gomera_data = Gomera(session).get_all()
    if not gomera_data:
        raise ParserException(country_code, "Gomera not response")
        data.update({'gomera': gomera_data})

    lanzarote_fuerteventura_data = LanzaroteFuerteventura(session).get_all()
    if not lanzarote_fuerteventura_data:
        raise ParserException(country_code,
                              "LanzaroteFuerteventura not response")
        data.update({'lanzarote_fuerteventura': lanzarote_fuerteventura_data})

    la_palma_data = LaPalma(session).get_all()
    if not la_palma_data:
        raise ParserException(country_code, "LaPalma not response")
        data.update({'la_palma': la_palma_data})

    tenerife_data = Tenerife(session).get_all()
    if not tenerife_data:
        raise ParserException(country_code, "Tenerife not response")
        data.update({'tenerife': tenerife_data})

    return data
Ejemplo n.º 10
def fetch_production(zone_key='LK', session=None, target_datetime=None, logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)):
  """Requests the previous day's production mix (in MW) for Sri Lanka, per quarter-hour
  if target_datetime is not None and target_datetime < arrow.utcnow().shift(days=-2):
      raise NotImplementedError('The datasource currently only has data for yesterday') # so 0-24 hours ago just after local midnight to approx. 24-48 hours ago just before midnight

  r = session or requests.session()

  response = r.get(GENERATION_BREAKDOWN_URL)

  assert response.status_code == 200, 'Exception when fetching production for ' \
                               '{}: error when calling url={}'.format(
                                   zone_key, GENERATION_BREAKDOWN_URL)

  source_data = json.loads(response.json()) # Response is double encoded; a JSON array encoded as a JSON string

  logger.debug(f"Raw generation breakdown: {source_data}", extra={"key": zone_key})

  output = []

  for quarter_hourly_source_data in source_data:

    output_for_timestamp = {
      'zoneKey': zone_key,
      'datetime': arrow.get(quarter_hourly_source_data['DateTime'], 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', tzinfo=TIMEZONE_NAME).datetime,
      'production': {
          'biomass': 0.0,
          'coal': 0.0,
          'gas': 0.0,
          'hydro': 0.0,
          'nuclear': 0.0,
          'oil': 0.0,
          'solar': 0.0,
          'wind': 0.0,
          'geothermal': 0.0,
          'unknown': 0.0
      'source': SOURCE_NAME

    for generation_type, outputInMW in quarter_hourly_source_data.items():
      if(generation_type == "DateTime"):

      if generation_type == "Coal":
        output_for_timestamp['production']['coal'] += outputInMW
      elif generation_type == "Major Hydro" or generation_type == 'SPP Minihydro':
        output_for_timestamp['production']['hydro'] += outputInMW
      elif generation_type == "SPP Biomass":
        output_for_timestamp['production']['biomass'] += outputInMW
      elif generation_type == "Solar":
        output_for_timestamp['production']['solar'] += outputInMW
      elif generation_type == "Thermal-Oil":
        output_for_timestamp['production']['oil'] += outputInMW
      elif generation_type == "Wind":
        output_for_timestamp['production']['wind'] += outputInMW
        raise ParserException(zone_key, "Unknown production type: " + generation_type)


  return output
Ejemplo n.º 11
def fetch_exchange(country_code1='ES',

    # Get ESIOS token
    token = environ.get('ESIOS_TOKEN', token)
    if not token:
        raise ParserException("ESIOS", "Require access token")

    ses = session or requests.Session()

    # Request headers
    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Accept': 'application/json; application/vnd.esios-api-v2+json',
        'Authorization': 'Token token="{0}"'.format(token)

    # Request query url
    utc = arrow.utcnow()
    start_date = utc.shift(hours=-24).floor('hour').isoformat()
    end_date = utc.ceil('hour').isoformat()
    dates = {'start_date': start_date, 'end_date': end_date}
    query = urlencode(dates)
    url = 'https://api.esios.ree.es/indicators/10209?{0}'.format(query)

    response = ses.get(url, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200 or not response.text:
        raise ParserException(
            'ESIOS', 'Response code: {0}'.format(response.status_code))

    json = response.json()
    values = json['indicator']['values']
    if not values:
        raise ParserException('ESIOS', 'No values received')
        data = []
        sorted_country_codes = sorted([country_code1, country_code2])

        for value in values:
            # Get last value in datasource
            datetime = arrow.get(value['datetime_utc']).datetime
            # Datasource negative value is exporting, positive value is importing
            net_flow = -value['value']

            value_data = {
                net_flow if country_code1 == sorted_country_codes[0] else -1 *


        return data
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_instance_with_country_code(self):
     exception = ParserException('ESIOS', "Parser exception", "ES")
     self.assertIsInstance(exception, ParserException)
     self.assertEqual(str(exception), 'ESIOS Parser (ES): Parser exception')
Ejemplo n.º 13
def fetch_production(country_code='IN-KA', session=None):
    """Fetch Karnataka  production"""
    countrycode.assert_country_code(country_code, 'IN-KA')

    html = web.get_response_soup(country_code,
                                 'http://kptclsldc.com/StateGen.aspx', session)

    india_date_time = IN.read_datetime_from_span_id(html, 'lbldate',
                                                    'M/D/YYYY h:mm:ss A')

    # RTPS Production: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raichur_Thermal_Power_Station
    rtps_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblrtptot')

    # BTPS Production: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellary_Thermal_Power_station
    btps_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblbtptot')

    # YTPS Production: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yermarus_Thermal_Power_Station
    ytps_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'ytptot')

    # UPCL Production: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udupi_Power_Plant
    upcl_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblupctot')

    # JINDAl Production: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSW_Vijayanagar_Power_Station
    jindal_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lbljintot')

    # Coal Production
    coal_value = rtps_value + btps_value + ytps_value + upcl_value + jindal_value

    # Sharavati Production: Sharavati  Hydroelectric
    sharavati_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblshvytot')

    # Nagjhari Production: Kalinadi-Nagjhari Hydroelectric
    nagjhari_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblngjtot')

    # Varahi Production: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varahi_River#Varahi_Hydro-electric_Project
    varahi_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblvrhtot')

    # Kodsalli Production: Kalinadi Kodasalli Hydroelectric
    kodsalli_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblkdsltot')

    # Kadra Production: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kadra_Dam
    kadra_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblkdrtot')

    # GERUSOPPA production: Gerusoppa Dam
    gerusoppa_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblgrsptot')

    # JOG production: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jog_Falls
    jog_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lbljogtot')

    # LPH Production: Linganamakki Dam
    lph_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lbllphtot')

    # Supa production: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supa_Dam
    supa_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblsupatot')

    # SHIMSHA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shimsha#Power_generation
    shimsha_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblshimtot')

    # SHIVASAMUDRA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shivanasamudra_Falls#Power_generation
    shivasamudra_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblshivtot')

    # MANIDAM: Mani Dam Hydroelectric
    manidam_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblmanitot')

    # MUNRABAD: Munirabad Hydroelectric
    munrabad_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblmbdtot')

    # BHADRA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhadra_Dam
    bhadra_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblbdratot')

    # GHATAPRABHA: Ghataprabha Hydroelectric
    ghataprabha_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblgtprtot')

    # ALMATTI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Almatti_Dam
    almatti_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblalmttot')

    # CGS (Central Generating Stations) Production
    # TODO: Search CGS production type
    cgs_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(html, 'lblcgs')

    # NCEP (Non-Conventional Energy Production)
    ncep_html = web.get_response_soup(country_code,
    ncep_date_time = IN.read_datetime_from_span_id(ncep_html, 'Label1',
                                                   'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss')

    # Check ncep date is similar than state gen date
    if abs(india_date_time.timestamp - ncep_date_time.timestamp) > 600:
        raise ParserException('IN-KA', 'NCEP or State datetime is not valid')

    biomass_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(ncep_html, 'lbl_tb')

    # TODO: Cogeneration value production type?
    cogen_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(ncep_html, 'lbl_tc')

    mini_hydro_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(ncep_html, 'lbl_tm')

    wind_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(ncep_html, 'lbl_tw')

    solar_value = IN.read_value_from_span_id(ncep_html, 'lbl_ts')

    # Hydro production
    hydro_value = sharavati_value + nagjhari_value + varahi_value + kodsalli_value \
                  + kadra_value + gerusoppa_value + jog_value + lph_value + supa_value \
                  + shimsha_value + shivasamudra_value + manidam_value + munrabad_value \
                  + bhadra_value + ghataprabha_value + almatti_value + mini_hydro_value

    # Unknown production
    unknown_value = cgs_value + cogen_value

    data = {
        'countryCode': country_code,
        'datetime': india_date_time.datetime,
        'production': {
            'biomass': biomass_value,
            'coal': coal_value,
            'gas': 0.0,
            'hydro': hydro_value,
            'nuclear': 0.0,
            'oil': 0.0,
            'solar': solar_value,
            'wind': wind_value,
            'geothermal': 0.0,
            'unknown': unknown_value
        'storage': {
            'hydro': 0.0
        'source': 'kptclsldc.com',

    return data
Ejemplo n.º 14
def fetch_production(country_code='ES-CN', session=None):
    ses = session or Session()

    elhierro = ElHierro(ses).get()
    if not elhierro:
        raise ParserException("ES-CN", "ElHierro not response")

    granacanaria = GranCanaria(ses).get()
    if not granacanaria:
        raise ParserException("ES-CN", "GranCanaria not response")

    gomera = Gomera(ses).get()
    if not gomera:
        raise ParserException("ES-CN", "Gomera not response")

    lanzarotefuerteventura = LanzaroteFuerteventura(ses).get()
    if not lanzarotefuerteventura:
        raise ParserException("ES-CN", "LanzaroteFuerteventura not response")

    palma = LaPalma(ses).get()
    if not palma:
        raise ParserException("ES-CN", "LaPalma not response")

    tenerife = Tenerife(ses).get()
    if not tenerife:
        raise ParserException("ES-CN", "Tenerife not response")

    ## Compare timestamps
    ## Raise ParserException if timestamps aren't equals
    if elhierro.timestamp != granacanaria.timestamp \
        and elhierro.timestamp != gomera.timestamp \
        and elhierro.timestamp != lanzarotefuerteventura.timestamp \
        and elhierro.timestamp != palma.timestamp \
        and elhierro.timestamp != tenerife.timestamp:
        raise ParserException("ES-CN", "Response timestamps aren't equals")

    ## Gas production
    gas_elhierro = elhierro.gas + elhierro.combined
    gas_granacanaria = granacanaria.gas + granacanaria.combined
    gas_gomera = gomera.gas + gomera.combined
    gas_lanzarotefuerteventura = lanzarotefuerteventura.gas + lanzarotefuerteventura.combined
    gas_palma = palma.gas + palma.combined
    gas_tenerife = tenerife.gas + tenerife.combined
    gas_total = gas_elhierro + gas_granacanaria + gas_gomera + gas_lanzarotefuerteventura + gas_palma + gas_tenerife

    ## Solar production
    solar_total = elhierro.solar + granacanaria.solar + gomera.solar + lanzarotefuerteventura.solar + palma.solar + tenerife.solar

    ## Oil production
    oil_elhierro = elhierro.vapor + elhierro.diesel
    oil_granacanaria = granacanaria.gas + granacanaria.combined
    oil_gomera = gomera.gas + gomera.combined
    oil_lanzarotefuerteventura = lanzarotefuerteventura.gas + lanzarotefuerteventura.combined
    oil_palma = palma.gas + palma.combined
    oil_tenerife = tenerife.gas + tenerife.combined
    oil_total = oil_elhierro + oil_granacanaria + oil_gomera + oil_lanzarotefuerteventura + oil_palma + oil_tenerife

    ## Wind production
    wind_total = elhierro.wind + granacanaria.wind + gomera.wind + lanzarotefuerteventura.wind + palma.wind + tenerife.wind

    ## Hydro production (EL Hierrro is exluded)
    hydro_total = granacanaria.hydraulic + gomera.hydraulic + lanzarotefuerteventura.hydraulic + palma.hydraulic + tenerife.hydraulic

    ## Hydro storage
    hydro_storage = -elhierro.hydraulic

    data = {
        'countryCode': country_code,
        'datetime': get(elhierro.timestamp).datetime,
        'production': {
            'coal': 0.0,
            'gas': round(gas_total, 2),
            'solar': round(solar_total, 2),
            'oil': round(oil_total, 2),
            'wind': round(wind_total, 2),
            'hydro': round(hydro_total, 2),
            'biomass': 0.0,
            'nuclear': 0.0,
            'geothermal': 0.0,
            'unknown': 0.0
        'storage': {
            'hydro': round(hydro_storage, 2)
        'source': 'demanda.ree.es',

    return data
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_instance(self):
     exception = ParserException("ESIOS", "Parser exception")
     self.assertIsInstance(exception, ParserException)
     self.assertEqual(str(exception), "ESIOS Parser: Parser exception")
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_instance(self):
     exception = ParserException('ESIOS', "Parser exception")
     self.assertIsInstance(exception, ParserException)
     self.assertEquals(str(exception), 'ESIOS Parser: Parser exception')
Ejemplo n.º 17
def get_response_text(country_code, url, session=None):
    """Get text response"""
    response = get_response(country_code, url, session)
    if not response.text:
        raise ParserException(country_code, 'Response empty')
    return response.text
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def test_instance_with_zone_key(self):
     exception = ParserException("ESIOS", "Parser exception", "ES")
     self.assertIsInstance(exception, ParserException)
     self.assertEqual(str(exception), "ESIOS Parser (ES): Parser exception")
Ejemplo n.º 19
def fetch_production(
    logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__),
    """Requests the previous day's production mix (in MW) for Sri Lanka, per quarter-hour"""
    if target_datetime is not None and target_datetime < arrow.utcnow().shift(days=-2):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "The datasource currently only has data for yesterday"
        )  # so 0-24 hours ago just after local midnight to approx. 24-48 hours ago just before midnight

    r = session or requests.session()

    response = r.get(GENERATION_BREAKDOWN_URL)

    assert response.status_code == 200, (
        "Exception when fetching production for "
        "{}: error when calling url={}".format(zone_key, GENERATION_BREAKDOWN_URL)

    source_data = json.loads(
    )  # Response is double encoded; a JSON array encoded as a JSON string

    logger.debug(f"Raw generation breakdown: {source_data}", extra={"key": zone_key})

    output = []

    for quarter_hourly_source_data in source_data:

        output_for_timestamp = {
            "zoneKey": zone_key,
            "datetime": arrow.get(
                "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss",
            "production": {
                "biomass": 0.0,
                "coal": 0.0,
                "gas": 0.0,
                "hydro": 0.0,
                "nuclear": 0.0,
                "oil": 0.0,
                "solar": 0.0,
                "wind": 0.0,
                "geothermal": 0.0,
                "unknown": 0.0,
            "source": SOURCE_NAME,

        for generation_type, outputInMW in quarter_hourly_source_data.items():
            if generation_type == "DateTime":

            if generation_type == "Coal":
                output_for_timestamp["production"]["coal"] += outputInMW
            elif generation_type == "Major Hydro" or generation_type == "SPP Minihydro":
                output_for_timestamp["production"]["hydro"] += outputInMW
            elif generation_type == "SPP Biomass":
                output_for_timestamp["production"]["biomass"] += outputInMW
            elif generation_type == "Solar":
                output_for_timestamp["production"]["solar"] += outputInMW
            elif generation_type == "Thermal-Oil":
                output_for_timestamp["production"]["oil"] += outputInMW
            elif generation_type == "Wind":
                output_for_timestamp["production"]["wind"] += outputInMW
                raise ParserException(
                    zone_key, "Unknown production type: " + generation_type


    return output