Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_loadavg(self):
     s = StringIO('==> /proc/loadavg <==\n0.15 0.22 0.43 1/650 3914\n')
     stats = read_tailed_files(s)[0]
     self.assertEqual(0.15, stats.one_minute_load)
     self.assertEqual(0.22, stats.five_minute_load)
     self.assertEqual(0.43, stats.fifteen_minute_load)
     self.assertEqual(1, stats.running_threads)
     self.assertEqual(650, stats.total_threads)
     self.assertEqual(3914, stats.last_pid)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_reading_realistic_file(self):
     with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'procfs.tail'),
               'rb') as f:
         _, processes, _ = read_tailed_files(f)
         self.assertEqual(6, len(processes))
         p = processes[6261]
         self.assertEqual(p.comm, 'deja-dup-monitor',
                          'name did not match? [{0}]'.format(p.comm))
         self.assertEqual(p.minor_faults, 7149,
                          'minor_faults did not match')
         self.assertEqual(p.major_faults, 0, 'major_faults did not match')
         self.assertEqual(p.user_time, 17, 'user_time did not match')
         self.assertEqual(p.system_time, 11, 'system_time did not match')
         self.assertEqual(p.start_time, 1027736, 'start_time did not match')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def read_stats(args):
    # This is the command to grab all of the necessary info.
    # Note that -v is passed to tail - this is so we always the filename
    # given to us, which is needed for parsing.
    # As processes can be transient, we can get errors here about
    # non-existent files, so ignore them, this is expected.
    cmd = 'nice tail -v -n +1 '\
              '/proc/%s/{cmdline,smaps} '\
              '/proc/meminfo '\
              '/proc/loadavg '\
              '/proc/uptime '\
              '/proc/vmstat '\
          '2>/dev/null; ' \
          'nice find /proc/%s -type f -name stat '\
            '-exec tail -v -n +1 {} \; 2>/dev/null | '\
            'awk \''\
              '/==>/ {print} '\
              '/^[0-9]/ {print \$2, \$10, \$12, \$14, \$15, \$22}\';'

    # Accept a space-separated list of pids as that is what pidof(8) returns and
    # it's quite likely you'll want to invoke this script with something like:
    #     --pid "`pidof foobar`"
    # at some point.
    if args.pid.isdigit() or args.pid == '*':
        pids = args.pid
        pids = '{%s}' % args.pid.replace(' ', ',')

    # root can see all of /proc, another user is likely not going to be able
    # to read all of it. This isn't a hard error, but won't give a full view
    # of the system.
    if (args.host == '' and getpass.getuser() != "root") or\
       (args.host != '' and args.user != 'root'):
        LOGGER.warning("If not running as root you may not see all info.")

    if args.host == '':
        LOGGER.info('Loading local procfs files')
        cmd = "bash -c \"%s\"" % (cmd % (pids, pids))
    elif args.host != '':
        ssh = (
            "ssh %s@%s"
            " -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
            " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
            " -o LogLevel=error"
            % (args.user, args.host)
        if args.password:
            ssh = "sshpass -p %s %s" % (args.password, ssh)
            ssh = "%s -o PasswordAuthentication=no" % ssh

        cmd = """%s "%s" """ % (ssh, cmd % (pids, pids))

    LOGGER.info('Reading procfs with cmd: %s' % cmd)
    p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=-1, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    stats = read_tailed_files(p.stdout)
    if p.poll() != 0:
        LOGGER.error("Command failed with: %r" % p.stderr.read().strip())

    return stats
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_reading_empty_string(self):
     _, processes, _ = read_tailed_files(StringIO(''))
     self.assertEqual(0, len(processes))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_reading_realistic_file(self):
     with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'procfs.tail'),
               'rb') as f:
         _, processes, _ = read_tailed_files(f)
         self.assertEqual(6, len(processes))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_reading_empty_file(self):
     with tempfile.TemporaryFile('rb') as f:
         _, processes, _ = read_tailed_files(f)
         self.assertEqual(0, len(processes))