Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_long_table(self):

        # Create a long table, that is 4 rows long
        tbl = Table([{'id': 1, 'tag': [1, 2, 3, 4]}])
        self.assertEqual(tbl.long_table(['id'], 'tag').num_rows, 4)

        # Assert that column has been dropped
        self.assertEqual(tbl.columns, ['id'])

        # Assert that column has been retained
        tbl_keep = Table([{'id': 1, 'tag': [1, 2, 3, 4]}])
        tbl_keep.long_table(['id'], 'tag', retain_original=True)
        self.assertEqual(tbl_keep.columns, ['id', 'tag'])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def process_custom_fields(self, json_blob):
        # Internal method to convert custom fields responses into a list of Parsons tables

        # Original table & columns
        custom_fields = Table(json_blob)

        # Available On
        available_on = custom_fields.long_table(['id'], 'available_on')

        # Options
        options = custom_fields.long_table(['id', 'name'], 'options')

        return [{
            'name': 'custom_fields',
            'tbl': custom_fields
        }, {
            'name': 'custom_fields_available',
            'tbl': available_on
        }, {
            'name': 'custom_fields_options',
            'tbl': options
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_activity_types(self):
        Get activity types

            `filters: dict`
            Optional; pass additional parameters to filter the records returned.
            See `Copper documentation <https://developer.copper.com/?version=latest#6bd339f1-f0de-48b4-8c34-5a5e245e036f>`_ for choices

            List of dicts of Parsons Tables:
                * activitiy_types
        """ # noqa: E501,E261

        logger.info("Retrieving activity types.")

        response = self.paginate_request('/activity_types/', req_type='GET')
        orig_table = Table(response)
        at_user = orig_table.long_table([], 'user', prepend=False)
        at_sys = orig_table.long_table([], 'system', prepend=False)
        Table.concat(at_sys, at_user)

        return [{'name': 'activity_types', 'tbl': at_sys}]
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def process_json(self, json_blob, obj_type, tidy=False):
        # Internal method for converting most types of json responses into a list of Parsons tables

        # Output goes here
        table_list = []

        # Original table & columns
        obj_table = Table(json_blob)
        cols = obj_table.get_columns_type_stats()
        list_cols = [x['name'] for x in cols if 'list' in x['type']]
        dict_cols = [x['name'] for x in cols if 'dict' in x['type']]

        # Unpack all list columns
        if len(list_cols) > 0:
            for l in list_cols:
                # Check for nested data
                list_rows = obj_table.select_rows(lambda row: isinstance(
                    row[l], list) and any(isinstance(x, dict) for x in row[l]))
                # Add separate long table for each column with nested data
                if list_rows.num_rows > 0:
                    logger.debug(l, 'is a nested column')
                    if len([x for x in cols if x['name'] == l]) == 1:
                            obj_table.long_table(['id'], l)
                        # Ignore if column doesn't exist (or has multiples)
                    if tidy is False:
                        logger.debug(l, 'is a normal list column')

        # Unpack all dict columns
        if len(dict_cols) > 0 and tidy is False:
            for d in dict_cols:
                logger.debug(d, 'is a dict column')

        if tidy is not False:
            packed_cols = list_cols + dict_cols
            for p in packed_cols:
                if p in obj_table.columns:
                    logger.debug(p, 'needs to be unpacked into rows')

                    # Determine whether or not to expand based on tidy
                    unpacked_tidy = obj_table.unpack_nested_columns_as_rows(
                        p, expand_original=tidy)
                    # Check if column was removed as sign it was unpacked into separate table
                    if p not in obj_table.columns:
                            'name': f'{obj_type}_{p}',
                            'tbl': unpacked_tidy
                        obj_table = unpacked_tidy

        # Original table will have had all nested columns removed
        if len(obj_table.columns) > 1:
            table_list.append({'name': obj_type, 'tbl': obj_table})

        return table_list