Ejemplo n.º 1
def parse_legacy(obj,mymodel):
    take a loaded legacy dictionary, decides between current filetype and legacy caDNAno 1.0 filetype
    obj: dictionary object generated from a JSON file 

    See Also

    from assembly import Assembly
    from part import Part
    my_assembly = Assembly()
    my_part = Part(my_assembly.createPartID())
    vhelixlist = obj["vstrands"] # should rename to 
    name = obj["name"] # placeholder, not really used
    # create dictionaries (keyed by vstrand #) of
    # row/col, scaf array, stap array
    vhToRowCol = {}
    vhToScaf = {}
    vhToStap = {}
    vhNums = []
    for helix in vhelixlist: # strand should be helix
        num = helix["num"] # helix number
        vhNums.append(num) # keep track of a list of helix numbers
        row = helix["row"] # slice row for this helix
        col = helix["col"] # slice column
        scaf = helix["scaf"] # array of scaffold points
        stap = helix["stap"] # array of staple pointers
        vhToRowCol[num] = [row,col]
        vhToScaf[num] = scaf
        vhToStap[num] = stap
    # extract scaffold 5' breakpoints
    scafBreaks = []
    for vh in vhNums:
        scaf = vhToScaf[vh]
        for i in range(len(scaf)):
            base = scaf[i]
            if (base[1] == -1) & (base[3] != -1):
                scafBreaks.append([vh, i])
    # extract staple 5' breakpoints
    stapBreaks = []
    for vh in vhNums:
        stap = vhToStap[vh]
        for i in range(len(stap)):
            base = stap[i]
            if (base[1] == -1) & (base[3] != -1):
                stapBreaks.append([vh, i])
    # extract scaffold paths, starting at 5' breakpoints
    scafPaths = []
    for scafBreak in scafBreaks:
        path = []
        [curr_vh, curr_base] = scafBreak
        [next_vh, next_base] = vhToScaf[curr_vh][curr_base][2:4]
        while next_base != -1:
            [row, col] = vsToRowCol[curr_vs]
            [x, y, z] = getScafCoord(row,col,curr_base)
            path.append([curr_vs,curr_base,[x, y, z]])
            # append midpoint for crossover
            if (curr_vs != next_vs) & (curr_base == next_base):
                (x1,y1,z1) = getScafCoord(row,col,curr_base)
                [nextrow, nextcol] = vsToRowCol[next_vs]
                (x2,y2,z2) = getScafCoord(nextrow,nextcol,next_base)
                midxyz = [(x1+x2)/2,(y1+y2)/2,(z1+z2)/2]
            [curr_vs, curr_base] = [next_vs, next_base]
            [next_vs, next_base] = vsToScaf[curr_vs][curr_base][2:4]
        [row, col] = vsToRowCol[curr_vs]
        [x, y, z] = getScafCoord(row,col,curr_base)
        path.append([curr_vs,curr_base,[x, y, z]])
    # extract staple paths, starting at 5' breakpoints
    stapPaths = []
    for stapBreak in stapBreaks:
        path = []
        [curr_vs, curr_base] = stapBreak
        [next_vs, next_base] = vsToStap[curr_vs][curr_base][2:4]
        while next_base != -1:
            [row, col] = vsToRowCol[curr_vs]
            [x, y, z] = getStapCoord(row,col,curr_base)
            path.append([curr_vs,curr_base, [x, y, z]])
            # append midpoint for crossover
            if (curr_vs != next_vs) & (curr_base == next_base):
                (x1,y1,z1) = getStapCoord(row,col,curr_base)
                [nextrow, nextcol] = vsToRowCol[next_vs]
                (x2,y2,z2) = getStapCoord(nextrow,nextcol,next_base)
                midxyz = [(x1+x2)/2,(y1+y2)/2,(z1+z2)/2]
            [curr_vs, curr_base] = [next_vs, next_base]
            [next_vs, next_base] = vsToStap[curr_vs][curr_base][2:4]
        [row, col] = vsToRowCol[curr_vs]
        [x, y, z] = getStapCoord(row,col,curr_base)
        path.append([curr_vs,curr_base, [x, y, z]])
    my_part.VHelix = vhelixlist
    return my_parts, my_assembly