Ejemplo n.º 1
def run(dev, processed):
	file_name = "RTE2_dev.preprocessed.xml"
	data_set = part1a.run()
	texts = data_set[0]
	hypos = data_set[1]
	parta = "wordmatches.txt"
	partb_1 = "lemma_matches.txt" 
	partb_2 = "pos-tag_matches.txt" 
	partc = "bleuresults.txt"
	partd = "idfresults.txt"
	partd_threshold = 0.9670
	partc_threshold = 0.2690	
	parta_threshold = 0.8190
	partb_1_threshold = 0.9170 
	partb_2_threshold = 0.5790
	part1c.run(texts, hypos)
	part1d.predict(texts, hypos)
	make_predictions.predict(parta_threshold, parta)
	make_predictions.predict(partb_1_threshold, partb_1)
	make_predictions.predict(partb_2_threshold, partb_2)
	make_predictions.predict(partc_threshold, partc)
	make_predictions.predict(partd_threshold, partd)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run(dev, processed):
    # Extracts the text enclosed in <t></t>
    # Returns a list of characters

    class TextHandler(ContentHandler):

        in_text = False

        def __init__(self, text):
            self.text = text
            self.data = []

        def startElement(self, name, attrs):
            if name == 't':
                self.in_text = True

        def endElement(self, name):
            if name == 't':
                t = ''.join(self.data)
                self.data = []
                self.in_text = False

        def characters(self, string):
            if self.in_text:

    # Extracts the text enclosed in <h></h>
    # Returns a list of characters

    class HypothesisHandler(ContentHandler):

        in_hypothesis = False

        def __init__(self, hypothesis):
            self.hypothesis = hypothesis
            self.data = []

        def startElement(self, name, attrs):
            if name == 'h':
                self.in_hypothesis = True

        def endElement(self, name):
            if name == 'h':
                t = ''.join(self.data)
                self.data = []
                self.in_hypothesis = False

        def characters(self, string):
            if self.in_hypothesis:

    # Uses the content handlers to extract texts and hypothesis from the xml-file
    text = []
    hypothesis = []
    parse(dev, TextHandler(text))
    parse(dev, HypothesisHandler(hypothesis))

    # converts everything to lowercase
    text = map(lambda x: x.lower(), text)
    hypothesis = map(lambda x: x.lower(), hypothesis)

    no_words = []
    texts = []
    hypos = []
    # TODO: creating lists of words and removal of punctuation can be done on the text-list as awhole
    # 	instead of for each element
    for i in range(len(text)):
        t = text[i]
        h = hypothesis[i]

        # create lists of words from the lists of characters
        t = t.split()
        h = h.split()

        # remove punctuations TODO: Extend the list of characters to be removed
        t = map(lambda x: x.strip('.,:;()"'), t)
        h = map(lambda x: x.strip('.,:;()"'), h)


    bleu = "bleuresults.txt"
    idf = "idfresults.txt"
    step_size = 0.001
    part1d.predict(texts, hypos)
    part1c.run(text, hypos)
    predict.predict(step_size, bleu)
    predict.predict(step_size, idf)