Ejemplo n.º 1
def grade_core(grid, Robot_init_pose, Dh_circular, Robot_speed):
    # initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
    particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, grid)
    robbie = Robot(Robot_init_pose[0], Robot_init_pose[1], Robot_init_pose[2])
    particlefilter = ParticleFilter(particles, robbie, grid, Dh_circular,

    score = 0

    # 1. steps to build tracking
    steps_built_track = 9999
    for i in range(0, Steps_build_tracking):

        est_pose = particlefilter.update()

        if grid_distance(est_pose[0], est_pose[1], robbie.x, robbie.y) < Err_trans \
                and math.fabs(diff_heading_deg(est_pose[2], robbie.h)) < Err_rot \
                and i+1 < steps_built_track:
            steps_built_track = i + 1

    #print("steps_built_track =", steps_built_track)
    if steps_built_track < 50:
        score = 50
    elif steps_built_track < 100:
        score = 100 - steps_built_track
        score = 0

    acc_err_trans, acc_err_rot = 0.0, 0.0
    max_err_trans, max_err_rot = 0.0, 0.0
    step_track = 0

    # 2. test tracking
    score_per_track = 50.0 / Steps_stable_tracking

    for i in range(0, Steps_stable_tracking):

        est_pose = particlefilter.update()

        err_trans = grid_distance(est_pose[0], est_pose[1], robbie.x, robbie.y)
        acc_err_trans += err_trans
        if max_err_trans < err_trans:
            max_err_trans = err_trans

        err_rot = math.fabs(diff_heading_deg(est_pose[2], robbie.h))
        acc_err_rot += err_rot
        if max_err_rot < err_rot:
            max_err_rot = err_rot

        if grid_distance(est_pose[0], est_pose[1], robbie.x, robbie.y) < Err_trans \
                and math.fabs(diff_heading_deg(est_pose[2], robbie.h)) < Err_rot:
            step_track += 1
            score += score_per_track

    return score
Ejemplo n.º 2
        threading.Thread.__init__(self, daemon=True)
        self.filter = particle_filter
        self.gui = gui

    def run(self):
        while True:
            estimated = self.filter.update()
            self.gui.show_mean(estimated[0], estimated[1], estimated[2],

if __name__ == "__main__":
    grid = CozGrid(Map_filename)

    # initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
    particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, grid)
    robbie = Robot(Robot_init_pose[0], Robot_init_pose[1], Robot_init_pose[2])
    particlefilter = ParticleFilter(particles, robbie, grid)

    if Use_GUI:
        gui = GUIWindow(grid)
        filter_thread = ParticleFilterThread(particlefilter, gui)
        while True:
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run_test_case(Robot_init_pose, Dh_circular, Robot_speed):
    grid = CozGrid(Map_filename)

    # initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
    particles = Particle.create_random(setting.PARTICLE_COUNT, grid)
    robbie = Robot(Robot_init_pose[0], Robot_init_pose[1], Robot_init_pose[2])
    particlefilter = ParticleFilter(particles, robbie, grid)

    score = 0

    # 1. steps to build tracking
    steps_built_track = 9999
    for i in range(0, Steps_build_tracking):

        est_pose = particlefilter.update()

        if grid_distance(est_pose[0], est_pose[1], robbie.x, robbie.y) < Err_trans \
                and math.fabs(diff_heading_deg(est_pose[2], robbie.h)) < Err_rot \
                and i+1 < steps_built_track:
            steps_built_track = i + 1

    #print("steps_built_track =", steps_built_track)
    if steps_built_track < 50:
        score = 45
    elif steps_built_track < Steps_build_tracking:
        score = Steps_build_tracking - steps_built_track
        score = 0

    print("\nPhase 1")
    print("Number of steps to build track :", steps_built_track, "/",
    acc_err_trans, acc_err_rot = 0.0, 0.0
    max_err_trans, max_err_rot = 0.0, 0.0
    step_track = 0

    # 2. test tracking
    score_per_track = 45.0 / Steps_stable_tracking

    for i in range(0, Steps_stable_tracking):

        est_pose = particlefilter.update()

        err_trans = grid_distance(est_pose[0], est_pose[1], robbie.x, robbie.y)
        acc_err_trans += err_trans
        if max_err_trans < err_trans:
            max_err_trans = err_trans

        err_rot = math.fabs(diff_heading_deg(est_pose[2], robbie.h))
        acc_err_rot += err_rot
        if max_err_rot < err_rot:
            max_err_rot = err_rot

        if grid_distance(est_pose[0], est_pose[1], robbie.x, robbie.y) < Err_trans \
                and math.fabs(diff_heading_deg(est_pose[2], robbie.h)) < Err_rot:
            step_track += 1
            score += score_per_track

    print("\nPhase 2")
    print("Number of steps error in threshold :", step_track, "/",
    print("Average translational error :",
          acc_err_trans / Steps_stable_tracking)
    print("Average rotational error :", acc_err_rot / Steps_stable_tracking,
    print("Max translational error :", max_err_trans)
    print("Max rotational error :", max_err_rot, "deg")

    return score
Ejemplo n.º 4
def grade(Robot_init_pose, Dh_circular, Robot_speed):
    grid = CozGrid(Map_filename)

    # initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
    particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, grid)
    robbie = Robot(Robot_init_pose[0], Robot_init_pose[1], Robot_init_pose[2])
    particlefilter = ParticleFilter(particles, robbie, grid)

    score = 0

    # 1. steps to build tracking
    steps_built_track = 9999
    for i in range(0, Steps_build_tracking):

        est_pose = particlefilter.update(Dh_circular, Robot_speed)

        if grid_distance(est_pose[0], est_pose[1], robbie.x, robbie.y) < Err_trans \
                and math.fabs(diff_heading_deg(est_pose[2], robbie.h)) < Err_rot \
                and i+1 < steps_built_track:
            steps_built_track = i + 1

    #print("steps_built_track =", steps_built_track)
    if steps_built_track < 50:
        score = 50
    elif steps_built_track < 100:
        score = 100 - steps_built_track
        score = 0

    print("\nPhrase 1")
    print("Number of steps to build track :", steps_built_track, "/",
    acc_err_trans, acc_err_rot = 0.0, 0.0
    max_err_trans, max_err_rot = 0.0, 0.0
    step_track = 0

    # 2. test tracking

    for i in range(0, Steps_stable_tracking):

        est_pose = particlefilter.update(Dh_circular, Robot_speed)

        err_trans = grid_distance(est_pose[0], est_pose[1], robbie.x, robbie.y)
        acc_err_trans += err_trans
        if max_err_trans < err_trans:
            max_err_trans = err_trans

        err_rot = math.fabs(diff_heading_deg(est_pose[2], robbie.h))
        acc_err_rot += err_rot
        if max_err_rot < err_rot:
            max_err_rot = err_rot

        if grid_distance(est_pose[0], est_pose[1], robbie.x, robbie.y) < Err_trans \
                and math.fabs(diff_heading_deg(est_pose[2], robbie.h)) < Err_rot:
            step_track += 1

    if step_track > 90:
        score += 50
    elif step_track > 40:
        score += step_track - 40
        score += 0

    print("\nPhrase 2")
    print("Number of steps error in threshold :", step_track, "/",
    print("Average translational error :{:.2f}".format(acc_err_trans /
    print("Average rotational error :{:.2f} deg".format(acc_err_rot /
    print("Max translational error :{:.2f}".format(max_err_trans))
    print("Max rotational error :{:.2f} deg".format(max_err_rot))

    print("\nexample score =", score)
    return score
Ejemplo n.º 5
async def run(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
    global last_pose
    global grid, gui
    # global pf, state

    # start streaming
    robot.camera.image_stream_enabled = True

    #start particle filter
    pf = ParticleFilter(grid)
    await robot.set_head_angle(degrees(0)).wait_for_completed()
    state = "In motion"
    ######################### YOUR CODE HERE####################################
    turn_num = 0
    while True:
        robo_odom = compute_odometry(robot.pose)
        vis_markers = await image_processing(robot)
        markers_2d = cvt_2Dmarker_measurements(vis_markers)
        m_x, m_y, m_h, m_confident = ParticleFilter.update(
            pf, robo_odom, markers_2d)
        gui.show_mean(m_x, m_y, m_h, m_confident)
        robbie = Robot(robot.pose.position.x, robot.pose.position.y,
        if robot.is_picked_up:
            await robot.say_text("Hey put me down!!").wait_for_completed()
            pf = ParticleFilter(grid)
            state = "In motion"
            await robot.set_head_angle(degrees(0)).wait_for_completed()
        elif m_confident and state == "In motion":
            print("Going to the goal pose")
            print("X: {}, Y:{}".format(m_x, m_y))

            # Part 1: Figure out Robot's origin + theta offset
            # For consistency, the global frame is A, the one used by the bot is B
            # need tp find angle theta_b_a (radians) that represents angle FROM X_b TO X_a
            theta_a_b = math.radians(m_h - robot.pose_angle.degrees)
            theta_b_a = math.radians(robot.pose_angle.degrees - m_h)

            # need to find vector t (in frame A) that represents the origin of B in A
            # Solution: We have robot pos in both B and A. a_to_r, b_to_r, and t make a triangle.
            # First we must get R_b in the coordinate system of A, then a_to_r - b_to_r = t.
            a_to_r_in_A = (m_x, m_y)
            b_to_r_in_B = (robot.pose.position.x / 10.,
                           robot.pose.position.y / 10.)  # in mm, right?
            b_to_r_in_A_x = (math.cos(theta_a_b)* b_to_r_in_B[0] \
                    - math.sin(theta_a_b)*b_to_r_in_B[1])
            b_to_r_in_A_y = (math.sin(theta_a_b) * b_to_r_in_B[0] \
                    + math.cos(theta_a_b) * b_to_r_in_B[1])
            b_to_r_in_A = (b_to_r_in_A_x, b_to_r_in_A_y)
            t = (a_to_r_in_A[0] - b_to_r_in_B[0],
                 a_to_r_in_A[1] - b_to_r_in_B[1])

            # Part 2: Find goal_in_B
            goal_in_A = (goal[0], goal[1])
            goal_in_B_x = (math.cos(theta_b_a) * goal_in_A[0] \
                    - math.sin(theta_b_a) *goal_in_A[1] \
                    + t[0])
            goal_in_B_y = (math.sin(theta_b_a) * goal_in_A[0] \
                    + math.cos(theta_b_a) * goal_in_A[1] \
                    + t[1])
            r_to_goal_in_B = (goal_in_B_x - b_to_r_in_B[0],
                              goal_in_B_y - b_to_r_in_B[1])
            head = math.degrees(
                           r_to_goal_in_B[0])) - robot.pose_angle.degrees
            actual_head = math.degrees(math.atan2(goal[1], goal[0])) - m_h
            print("Calculated Head: " + str(head) + " Actual Head: " +
            print("Observed theta: " + str(m_h) + "Calculated theta: " +
                  str(robot.pose_angle.degrees + theta_a_b))

            dist = (goal[0] - m_x, goal[1] - m_y)
            delta_t = math.degrees(math.atan2(dist[1], dist[0])) - m_h
            dist = math.sqrt(dist[0]**2 + dist[1]**2)
            print("M_H: " + str(m_h))
            print("M_X: " + str(m_x))
            print("M_Y: " + str(m_y))
            print("Delta_t: " + str(delta_t))
            print("Dist: " + str(dist))

            await robot.turn_in_place(degrees(delta_t)).wait_for_completed()
            #dist = math.sqrt(r_to_goal_in_B[0]**2 + r_to_goal_in_B[1]**2)
            await robot.drive_straight(distance_inches(dist),
            # print("Vectors:")
            # print(m_x,m_y)
            # print(str(math.degrees(theta_a_b)) + " + " + str(robot.pose_angle.degrees))
            # print(b_to_r_in_B)
            # print(goal_in_A)
            # print((goal_in_B_x,goal_in_B_y))
            # print(t)
            # print(r_to_goal_in_B)

            # h_offset *= -1
            # local_x = math.cos(h_offset)*(goal[0]-x_offset) - math.sin(h_offset)*(goal[1]-y_offset)
            # local_y = math.sin(h_offset)*(goal[0]-x_offset) + math.cos(h_offset)*(goal[1]-y_offset)

            # goal_pose = cozmo.util.Pose(10*goal_in_B_x, 10*goal_in_B_y, goal[2], angle_z=degrees(goal[2]))
            # print(robot.pose)
            # await robot.go_to_pose(goal_pose, relative_to_robot=True, in_parallel=False).wait_for_completed()
            await robot.say_text("I did it!!").wait_for_completed()
            state = "Wait to be picked up"
        elif state == "In motion":
            last_pose = robot.pose
            if abs(m_x - 130) < 20 and abs(m_y - 90) < 10:
                await robot.turn_in_place(degrees(15)).wait_for_completed()
                await robot.turn_in_place(degrees(15)).wait_for_completed()
Ejemplo n.º 6
async def run(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):

    global flag_odom_init, last_pose
    global grid, gui

    # start streaming
    robot.camera.image_stream_enabled = True
    #start particle filter
    pf = ParticleFilter(grid)

    reqConfidentFrames = 10
    reqUnconfidentFrames = 10
    ############YOUR CODE HERE#################
    condition = True
    estimated = [0,0,0,False]
    ballObj = Robot(0, 0, 0)
    STATE = RobotStates.LOCALIZING
    trueVal = 0
    falseVal = 0
    dist_to_ball = None
    robotLen = 1

    while (condition):
        curr_pose = robot.pose
        img = image_processing(robot)
        (markers, ball) = cvt_2Dmarker_measurements(img)
        dist_to_ball = calcDistance(ball)
        if(dist_to_ball is not None and estimated[3]):
            ballx = estimated[0] + math.cos(estimated[2]) * dist_to_ball
            bally = estimated[1] + math.sin(estimated[2]) * dist_to_ball
            ballObj.set_pos(ballx, bally)
            #thinkg about false positives
            #go to pose calculation
            #How to make a pose??
            #rotation plus position
            #once localized we can tell what directino we are looking in and what position we are in
            #add to cozmo's pose robot.Pose.pose.position in the direction of robot.Pose.pose.rotation

        odom = compute_odometry(curr_pose)
        estimated = pf.update(odom, markers)
        gui.show_mean(estimated[0], estimated[1], estimated[2], estimated[3])

        if STATE == RobotStates.LOCALIZING:

            robot.drive_wheels(-5, -5)

            if estimated[3]:
                trueVal += 1
                trueVal = 0
            if trueVal > reqConfidentFrames && dist_to_ball is not None:
                STATE = RobotStates.TRAVELING

        if STATE == RobotStates.TRAVELING:
            h = math.degrees(math.atan2(goal[1] - estimated[1], goal[0] - estimated[0]))
            dx = ballObj.x - estimated[0] - (math.cos(h) * robotLen)
            dy = ballObj.y - estimated[1] - (math.sin(h) * robotLen)
            dh = h - estimated[2]
            our_go_to_pose(robot, curr_pose, dx, dy, dh)

            if not estimated[3]:
                falseVal += 1
                falseVal = 0
            if trueVal > reqUnconfidentFrames:
                STATE = RobotStates.LOCALIZING

            STATE = RobotStates.SHOOT

        if STATE == RobotStates.SHOOT:
            STATE == RobotStates.RESET

        if STATE == RobotStates.RESET:
            STATE = RobotStates.TRAVELING

        last_pose = curr_pose
Ejemplo n.º 7
async def run(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
    global last_pose
    global grid, gui
    # global pf, state

    # start streaming
    robot.camera.image_stream_enabled = True

    #start particle filter
    pf = ParticleFilter(grid)
    await robot.set_head_angle(degrees(0)).wait_for_completed()
    await robot.set_lift_height(0).wait_for_completed()
    state = "unknown"
    role = ""
    storage_cube_mult = 1
    ######################### YOUR CODE HERE####################################
    while True:
        robo_odom = compute_odometry(robot.pose)
        vis_markers = await image_processing(robot)
        markers_2d = cvt_2Dmarker_measurements(vis_markers)
        m_x, m_y, m_h, m_confident = ParticleFilter.update(
            pf, robo_odom, markers_2d)
        gui.show_mean(m_x, m_y, m_h, m_confident)
        robbie = Robot(robot.pose.position.x, robot.pose.position.y,
        if m_confident:
            state = "known"
            #TODO: relax the constraints on m_confident
        if state == "known":
            if role == "":
                if m_x < 13:
                    role = "pickup"
                    role = "storage"
            print(m_x, m_y, m_h)
            h_offset = m_h - robot.pose_angle.degrees
            h_offset_rad = math.radians(m_h - robot.pose_angle.degrees)

            cube = None
            print("wheels driven")
            init_rx = robot.pose.position.x
            init_ry = robot.pose.position.y
            init_rh = robot.pose_angle.degrees
            while cube is None:
                    cube = await robot.world.wait_for_observed_light_cube(
                        timeout=.5, include_existing=False)
                    after_rx = robot.pose.position.x
                    after_ry = robot.pose.position.y
                    after_rh = robot.pose_angle.degrees
                    dx = .03937 * (after_rx - init_rx)
                    dy = .03937 * (after_ry - init_ry)
                    dh = after_rh - init_rh
                    new_x = m_x + (dx * math.cos(h_offset_rad)) - (
                        dy * math.sin(h_offset_rad))
                    new_y = m_y + (dx * math.sin(h_offset_rad)) + (
                        dy * math.cos(h_offset_rad))
                    new_h = m_h + dh
                    #init_rx = after_rx
                    #init_ry = after_ry
                    #init_rh = after_rh
                    print("rotated pose: " + str(new_x) + ", " + str(new_y) +
                          ", " + str(new_h))
                    cube_pose = get_cube_global_pose(
                        robot, new_x, new_y, new_h,
                        cube.pose.position.x * .03937,
                        cube.pose.position.y * .03937)
                    #start if-else for diff areas:
                    if role == "pickup":
                        if cube_pose[0] >= 9 or cube_pose[1] <= 4:
                            print("Cube out of bounds! " + str(cube_pose))
                            cube = None
                            await robot.turn_in_place(degrees(15)
                            print("In bound cube pose! " + str(cube_pose))
                        if cube_pose[0] <= 9 or cube_pose[
                                0] >= 17 or cube_pose[1] <= 4:
                            cube = None
                            print("Cube out of bounds! " + str(cube_pose))
                            await robot.turn_in_place(degrees(15)
                    await robot.turn_in_place(degrees(15)).wait_for_completed()

            ##Cube found

            await robot.pickup_object(cube,
            #TODO: drive to correct destination
            #TODO: drop object
            #TODO: return to starting position, look in right direction
            after_rx = robot.pose.position.x
            after_ry = robot.pose.position.y
            after_rh = robot.pose_angle.degrees

            dx = .03937 * (after_rx - init_rx)
            dy = .03937 * (after_ry - init_ry)
            dh = after_rh - init_rh

            new_x = m_x + (dx * math.cos(h_offset_rad)) - (
                dy * math.sin(h_offset_rad))
            new_y = m_y + (dx * math.sin(h_offset_rad)) + (
                dy * math.cos(h_offset_rad))
            new_h = m_h + dh

            print(new_x, new_y, new_h)

            if role == "pickup":
                await move_dist_in_global_frame(robot, new_x, new_y, new_h, 12,
                await robot.place_object_on_ground_here(
                    cube, num_retries=5).wait_for_completed()
                await robot.set_lift_height(0).wait_for_completed()
                await move_dist_in_global_frame(
                    robot, 11, 9, robot.pose_angle.degrees - h_offset, 9, 9)
                pf = ParticleFilter(grid)
                state = "unknown"
                await move_dist_in_global_frame(robot, new_x, new_y, new_h, 23,
                                                15 * storage_cube_mult)
                await robot.place_object_on_ground_here(
                    cube, num_retries=5).wait_for_completed(
                    )  #TODO: put second cube somewhere else
                await robot.set_lift_height(0).wait_for_completed()
                await move_dist_in_global_frame(
                    robot, 23, 15 * storage_cube_mult,
                    robot.pose_angle.degrees - h_offset, 23, 9)
                storage_cube_mult -= .25
                pf = ParticleFilter(grid)
                state = "unknown"

        elif state == "unknown":
            last_pose = robot.pose
            if abs(m_x - 130) < 20 and abs(m_y - 90) < 10:
                await robot.turn_in_place(degrees(15)).wait_for_completed()
                await robot.turn_in_place(degrees(15)).wait_for_completed()