Ejemplo n.º 1
def init_based_on_last_frame(this, lastResult):
    this.schedule, this.Q = init_schedule(this, this.A, this.nEdges)
    # Initialize the node data (particles, likelihood and max marginal value)
    this.b = [None]*this.nNodes
    this.new_b = [None]*this.nNodes

    for i in this.nodeIdx:
       #print ' ###*** nParticles ' +str(i) + ': ' + str(this.nParticles[i])
       this.b[i] = {'x':lastResult.new_b[i]['x'][:,:this.nParticles[i]], 'L':np.zeros((this.nParticles[i])), 'value':np.zeros((this.nParticles[i]))}
       #print ' *** x: ' + str(this.b[i]['x'].shape)
       #print ' *** L: ' + str(this.b[i]['L'].shape)
       #print ' *** v: ' + str(this.b[i]['value'].shape)
       this.new_b[i] = {'x':lastResult.new_b[i]['x'][:,:this.nParticles[i]], 'L':np.zeros((this.nParticles[i])), 'value':np.zeros((this.nParticles[i]))}

    # Particles initialization
    init_particles_based_on_last_frame(this, lastResult)

    # Beliefs initialization
    for i in this.nodeIdx:
       this.b[i]['L'] = particles.compute_likelihood(this, i, this.b[i]['x'])
       this.b[i]['value'] = this.b[i]['L']

    # Messages initialization

Ejemplo n.º 2
def compute_model_log_posterior(this):
    Computes the energy of the current sbm body model in the dpmp class (this.body)
    body = this.body

    # Compute particles and likelihood
    X = [None]*this.nNodes
    logL = np.zeros([this.nNodes])
    for part in body.partSet:
        x = particles.get_from_sbm(this, body, part)
        X[part] = np.asarray([x]).T
        logL[part], D = particles.compute_likelihood(this, part, X[part], return_normals_cost=True)
        if this.verbose > 1:
            print 'part ' + this.body.names[part] + ' likelihood: ' + str(logL[part]) + ' normals cost: ' + str(D)

    logPair = np.zeros([body.nPairs])
    for k, pair in enumerate(body.pairs):
        logPair[k] = compute_pairwise_stitch_potential(this, pair[0], pair[1], X[pair[0]], X[pair[1]])
        if this.verbose > 1:
            print 'pair ' + this.body.names[pair[0]] + ' ' + this.body.names[pair[1]] + ' stitch :' +  str(logPair[k]) 

    logLs = np.sum(logL)
    # The pairwise stitch cost and the camera potentials are counted 2 times
    logP = np.sum(logPair)/2
    logPos = logLs + logP 
    return logPos, logLs, logP
Ejemplo n.º 3
def init(this):

    this.schedule, this.Q = init_schedule(this, this.A, this.nEdges)
    # Initialize the node data (particles, likelihood and max marginal value)
    this.b = [None]*this.nNodes
    this.new_b = [None]*this.nNodes

    for i in this.nodeIdx:
       this.b[i] = {'x':np.zeros((this.nodeDim[i],this.nParticles[i])), 'L':np.zeros((this.nParticles[i])), 'value':np.zeros((this.nParticles[i]))}
       this.new_b[i] = {'x':np.zeros((this.nodeDim[i],this.nParticles[i])), 'L':np.zeros((this.nParticles[i])), 'value':np.zeros((this.nParticles[i]))}

    # Particles initialization

    # Beliefs initialization
    for i in this.nodeIdx:
       this.b[i]['L'] = particles.compute_likelihood(this, i, this.b[i]['x'])
       this.b[i]['value'] = this.b[i]['L']

    # Messages initialization

Ejemplo n.º 4
def run(nParticles, nSteps, basePath, faustId, outputPath, isTest, params, code, seed, frameId, genderArgv, lastResult=None):
    nBtorso = 12 
    nB =  5 
    nBshape = 4 

    gender = 'male'
    sbmModel = "model_ho_male_5_reduced"
    if genderArgv == 'female':
        gender = 'female'
        sbmModel = "model_ho_female_5_reduced"

    b = sbm.Sbm(basePath)
    b.gender = gender
    d = dpmp.Dpmp(b, nBtorso, nB, nBshape, nParticles, 0, sbmModel)

    d.body.fixedShape = False
    d.compute_normals_cost = True
    d.select_msg = True
    d.probRandomWalk = 0.5
    d.use_map_particle_for_rnd_walk = False
    d.LMsteps = 5 # Actually is 4
    d.init_torso_location = np.zeros((3))
    d.init_torso_rotation = np.zeros((3))
    d.init_with_global_rotation = True
    d.springSigma = 0 
    d.display = -1
    d.verbose = 1
    d.likelihoodType = '3Dlikelihood' 
    if d.verbose > 0:
        print 'MODEL ' + sbmModel
        print 'GENDER ' + d.body.gender

    # Inference parameters
    d.particle_genericSigma = params['genericSigma']; d.particle_rSigma = params['rSigma']; d.particle_tSigma = params['tSigma'] 
    d.particle_posePCAsigmaScale = params['posePCAsigmaScale']; d.particle_shapePCAsigmaScale = params['shapePCAsigmaScale'] 
    d.robustOffset = params['robustOffset']; d.robustGamma = params['robustGamma']; l_alphaNormal = params['l_alphaNormal']
    l_alphaLoose = params['l_alphaLoose']; l_alphaVeryLoose = params['l_alphaVeryLoose']; s_alphaNormal = params['s_alphaNormal']
    s_alphaLoose = params['s_alphaLoose']; s_alphaTight = params['s_alphaTight']; alphaRef = params['alphaRef']

    # When to change parameters during inference
        fullModelStart = nSteps/4
        refinementStart = 2*nSteps/4
        greedyStart = 3*nSteps/4
        fullModelStart = 1
        refinementStart = nSteps+1
        greedyStart = nSteps+1

    # Load one example to use as test data
    load_mesh.load_FAUST_scan(d, basePath+faustId, isTest)

    # Inference
    lower_parts = np.array([2, 0, 5, 10, 12, 4, 1, 15])
    logB = np.zeros((nSteps))

        d.likelihoodAlpha[:] =  l_alphaNormal 
        d.likelihoodAlpha[lower_parts] =  l_alphaVeryLoose 
        d.stitchAlpha = s_alphaNormal*np.ones((d.nNodes, d.nNodes))
        d.stitchAlpha[d.body.parts['ll_r'], d.body.parts['foot_r']] = s_alphaLoose
        d.stitchAlpha[d.body.parts['foot_r'], d.body.parts['ll_r']] = s_alphaLoose
        d.stitchAlpha[d.body.parts['ll_l'], d.body.parts['foot_l']] = s_alphaLoose
        d.stitchAlpha[d.body.parts['foot_l'], d.body.parts['ll_l']] = s_alphaLoose
        d.stitchAlpha[d.body.parts['la_r'], d.body.parts['hand_r']] = s_alphaLoose
        d.stitchAlpha[d.body.parts['hand_r'], d.body.parts['la_r']] = s_alphaLoose
        d.stitchAlpha[d.body.parts['la_l'], d.body.parts['hand_l']] = s_alphaLoose
        d.stitchAlpha[d.body.parts['hand_l'], d.body.parts['la_l']] = s_alphaLoose

        d.stitchAlpha[d.body.parts['ul_r'], d.body.parts['torso']] = s_alphaTight
        d.stitchAlpha[d.body.parts['torso'], d.body.parts['ul_r']] = s_alphaTight
        d.stitchAlpha[d.body.parts['ul_l'], d.body.parts['torso']] = s_alphaTight
        d.stitchAlpha[d.body.parts['torso'], d.body.parts['ul_l']] = s_alphaTight
        d.likelihoodAlpha[:] =  l_alphaNormal 
        d.stitchAlpha = s_alphaNormal*np.ones((d.nNodes, d.nNodes))

    d.nSteps = nSteps 
    for s in range(nSteps):
        d.step = s
            if s == fullModelStart:
                d.likelihoodAlpha[lower_parts] = l_alphaNormal
                d.likelihoodAlpha[d.body.parts['hand_r']] = l_alphaLoose
                d.likelihoodAlpha[d.body.parts['hand_l']] = l_alphaLoose
                d.likelihoodAlpha[d.body.parts['foot_r']] = l_alphaLoose
                d.likelihoodAlpha[d.body.parts['foot_l']] = l_alphaLoose
                d.stitchAlpha = s_alphaNormal*np.ones((d.nNodes, d.nNodes))
                d.stitchAlpha[d.body.parts['ul_r'], d.body.parts['torso']] = s_alphaTight
                d.stitchAlpha[d.body.parts['torso'], d.body.parts['ul_r']] = s_alphaTight
                d.stitchAlpha[d.body.parts['ul_l'], d.body.parts['torso']] = s_alphaTight
                d.stitchAlpha[d.body.parts['torso'], d.body.parts['ul_l']] = s_alphaTight
                # Recompute the likelihood of the particles as I have changed the weight
                d.compute_normals_cost = True
                for v in d.nodeIdx:
                    new_L = particles.compute_likelihood(d, v, d.b[v]['x'])
                    d.b[v]['L'] = new_L.copy()

            # Refinement
            if s == refinementStart:
                d.particle_genericSigma = alphaRef*d.particle_genericSigma
                d.particle_rSigma = alphaRef*d.particle_rSigma
                d.particle_tSigma = alphaRef*d.particle_tSigma
                d.particle_posePCAsigmaScale = alphaRef*d.particle_posePCAsigmaScale
                d.particle_shapePCAsigmaScale = alphaRef*d.particle_shapePCAsigmaScale
                d.stitchAlpha = s_alphaTight*np.ones((d.nNodes, d.nNodes))

            # Greedy resampling around the best solution
            if s == greedyStart:
                d.select_msg = False # Use m-best instead
                d.probRandomWalk = 1.0
                d.use_map_particle_for_rnd_walk = True

            tic = time.time()

            logB[s] = run_DPMP_step(d, s, frameId, lastResult)
            toc = time.time() - tic

            #if d.display ==4: 
                #show_all_particles(d, faustId, nParticles, s)

            if d.verbose > 0:
                #print str(s) + ' time to run DPMP step: ' + str(toc)
                logPos, logL, logP = compute_model_log_posterior(d)
                #print 'iter ' + str(s) + ' logPos= ' + str(logPos) + ' logL= ' + str(logL) + ' logP= ' + str(logP) 
            #print str(s) + ': ' + str(logB[s])
            #filename = 'faustID_' + faustId + '_' + str(seed) + '_' + str(s) + '.png'
            #if d.display > 0:
                #ba.show_me(d.body, scan=d.scanMesh, filename='dpmp_step_'+faustId + '_' +str(s)+'.png')

    # Show the solution
    #if d.display > 0:
        #filename = code + 'faustID_' + faustId + '_' + str(seed) + '.png'
        #ba.show_me(d.body, dbstop=False, scan=d.scanMesh, filename=filename)

    #if d.verbose > 0:
        #print 'negative energy at each iteration:'
        #print logB

    # Save the result as a single mesh
    v, f, joints, skeleton = ba.sbm_to_scape_mesh(d.body, d.scanCenter)
    mesh_data = {'v':v, 'f':f} 

    filename = basePath+outputPath+'.pkl'
    #dpmp.save_dpmp(d, logB, params, mesh_data, filename)

    # Save in ply
    from my_mesh.mesh import myMesh
    m = myMesh(v=v, f=f, e=[])
    filename = basePath+outputPath + '.ply'

    # My code starts:
    #print len(skeleton)
    m = myMesh(v=joints, f=[], e = skeleton)
    filename = basePath+outputPath +'_skeleton.ply'
    # My code ends:

    #save landMark file
    filename = basePath+outputPath + '.lnd'

    return d
Ejemplo n.º 5
def run_DPMP_step(dpmp, s, frameId, lastResult=None):
    Run a step of diverse particle max product. 
    @params: dpmp Is an object of class Dpmp
    @params: s Is the step index

    if dpmp.verbose >= 1:
        print 'PBP Iter ' + str(s)

    if s == 0 and frameId == 0:
        # Only do the initialization and run BP

    elif s == 0:
        initBP.init_based_on_last_frame(dpmp, lastResult)

        # In each step we perform augment + BP + select + BP

        # Save the current number of particles
        nParticles_old = dpmp.nParticles.copy()

        # Define the augmentation strategy. Can be chosen per step, or a different strategy per particle (in this case
        # we do the selection later)
        if dpmp.proposal_per_particle:
            augment_type = None
            randVal = random.random()
            if randVal <= (1.0 - dpmp.probRandomWalk - dpmp.probUniform):
                augment_type = 'NBR'
                if randVal <= (1.0 - dpmp.probUniform):
                    augment_type = 'RANDWALK'
                    augment_type = 'UNIFORM'

        # Sample new particles (the are saved in dpmp.new_b)
        tic = time.time()
        augmentTypes = sample_particles.sample_particles(dpmp, augment_type)
        toc = time.time()
        if dpmp.verbose > 0:
            print 'time to sample new particles: ' + str(toc - tic)

        # Augment the partice set on each node (dpmp.b)
        tic = time.time()
        for v in dpmp.nodeIdx:
            dpmp.b[v]['x'] = np.hstack(
                (dpmp.b[v]['x'].copy(), dpmp.new_b[v]['x'].copy()))
            dpmp.nParticles[v] = dpmp.b[v]['x'].shape[1]
            new_L = particles.compute_likelihood(dpmp, v, dpmp.new_b[v]['x'])
            dpmp.b[v]['L'] = np.vstack(
                (dpmp.b[v]['L'].copy(), new_L.copy())).flatten()
            dpmp.b[v]['value'] = np.zeros((dpmp.nParticles[v]))
        toc = time.time()
        if dpmp.verbose > 0:
            print 'time for likelihood of augmented particles: ' + str(toc -

        # Update the messages on the extended sets of particles

        # Select: we select into new_b the chosen particles from the extended set in b
        dpmp.nParticles = nParticles_old.copy()

        if dpmp.select_msg:
            I_accept = select_msg_faster(dpmp)
            if dpmp.verbose > 0:
                print 'select m-best!'
            I_accept = select_mbest(dpmp)

        if dpmp.verbose > 2:
            print 'Acceptance rates:'
            for v in dpmp.nodeIdx:
                print dpmp.body.names[v] + ': ' + str(
                    np.sum(I_accept[v] >= dpmp.nParticles[v]) /
                    (2.0 * dpmp.nParticles[v]))

        for v in dpmp.nodeIdx:
            dpmp.b[v]['value'] = dpmp.new_b[v]['value'].copy()
            dpmp.b[v]['L'] = dpmp.new_b[v]['L'].copy()
            dpmp.b[v]['x'] = dpmp.new_b[v]['x'].copy()


    logB = set_me_as_solution.fun(dpmp, 0)
    if dpmp.verbose > 1:
        print 'negative energy ' + str(logB)
    return logB
Ejemplo n.º 6
def run_DPMP_step(dpmp, s, frameId, lastResult = None):
    Run a step of diverse particle max product. 
    @params: dpmp Is an object of class Dpmp
    @params: s Is the step index

    if dpmp.verbose >= 1:
        print 'PBP Iter ' + str(s)

    if s == 0 and frameId == 0:
        # Only do the initialization and run BP

    elif s == 0:
	initBP.init_based_on_last_frame(dpmp, lastResult)

        # In each step we perform augment + BP + select + BP

        # Save the current number of particles
        nParticles_old = dpmp.nParticles.copy()

        # Define the augmentation strategy. Can be chosen per step, or a different strategy per particle (in this case
        # we do the selection later)
        if dpmp.proposal_per_particle:
            augment_type = None
            randVal = random.random()
            if randVal <= (1.0 - dpmp.probRandomWalk - dpmp.probUniform):
                augment_type = 'NBR'
                if randVal <= (1.0 - dpmp.probUniform):
                    augment_type = 'RANDWALK'
                    augment_type = 'UNIFORM'

        # Sample new particles (the are saved in dpmp.new_b)
        tic = time.time()
        augmentTypes = sample_particles.sample_particles(dpmp, augment_type)
        toc = time.time() 
        if dpmp.verbose > 0:
            print 'time to sample new particles: ' + str(toc-tic)

        # Augment the partice set on each node (dpmp.b)           
        tic = time.time()
        for v in dpmp.nodeIdx:
            dpmp.b[v]['x'] = np.hstack((dpmp.b[v]['x'].copy(), dpmp.new_b[v]['x'].copy()))
            dpmp.nParticles[v] = dpmp.b[v]['x'].shape[1]
            new_L = particles.compute_likelihood(dpmp, v, dpmp.new_b[v]['x'])
            dpmp.b[v]['L'] = np.vstack((dpmp.b[v]['L'].copy(), new_L.copy())).flatten()
            dpmp.b[v]['value'] = np.zeros((dpmp.nParticles[v]))
        toc = time.time()
        if dpmp.verbose > 0:
            print 'time for likelihood of augmented particles: ' + str(toc - tic)
        # Update the messages on the extended sets of particles

        # Select: we select into new_b the chosen particles from the extended set in b
        dpmp.nParticles = nParticles_old.copy()

        if dpmp.select_msg:
            I_accept = select_msg_faster(dpmp)
            if dpmp.verbose > 0:
                print 'select m-best!'
            I_accept = select_mbest(dpmp)

        if dpmp.verbose > 2:
            print 'Acceptance rates:'
            for v in dpmp.nodeIdx:
                print dpmp.body.names[v] + ': ' + str(np.sum(I_accept[v] >= dpmp.nParticles[v])/(2.0*dpmp.nParticles[v]))

        for v in dpmp.nodeIdx:
            dpmp.b[v]['value'] = dpmp.new_b[v]['value'].copy()
            dpmp.b[v]['L'] = dpmp.new_b[v]['L'].copy()
            dpmp.b[v]['x'] = dpmp.new_b[v]['x'].copy()


    logB = set_me_as_solution.fun(dpmp, 0)
    if dpmp.verbose > 1:
        print 'negative energy ' + str(logB)
    return logB