Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_midi_export_anacrusis(self):
        part = score.Part("id")
        # 1 div is 1 quarter
        part.set_quarter_duration(0, 1)
        # 4/4 at t=0
        part.add(score.TimeSignature(4, 4), 0)

        # ANACRUSIS
        # quarter note from t=0 to t=1
        part.add(score.Note("c", 4), 0, 1)
        # incomplete measure from t=0 to t=1
        part.add(score.Measure(), 0, 1)

        # whole note from t=1 to t=5
        part.add(score.Note("c", 4), 1, 5)
        # add missing measures

        # print(part.pretty())

        mid = export_and_read(part, anacrusis_behavior="shift")
        t = 0
        for msg in mid.tracks[0]:
            t += msg.time
            if msg.type == "note_on":
                assert t == 0

        mid = export_and_read(part, anacrusis_behavior="pad_bar")
        t = 0
        for msg in mid.tracks[0]:
            t += msg.time
            if msg.type == "note_on":
                assert t == 3, f"Incorrect time of first note on: {t} (should be 3)"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def make_measure(xml_measure):
    measure = score.Measure()
    # try:
    #     measure.number = int(xml_measure.attrib['number'])
    # except:
    #     LOGGER.warn('No number attribute found for measure')
    measure.number = get_value_from_attribute(xml_measure, 'number', int)
    return measure
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_export_import_pprint(self):
        # create a part
        part1 = score.Part('My Part')

        # create contents
        divs = 10
        ts = score.TimeSignature(3, 4)
        page1 = score.Page(1)
        system1 = score.System(1)
        measure1 = score.Measure(number=1)
        note1 = score.Note(step='A', octave=4, voice=1, staff=1)
        rest1 = score.Rest(voice=1, staff=1)
        note2 = score.Note(step='C', octave=5, alter=-1, voice=2, staff=1)
        # and add the contents to the part:
        part1.set_quarter_duration(0, divs)
        part1.add(ts, 0)
        part1.add(measure1, 0, 30)
        part1.add(page1, 0)
        part1.add(system1, 0)
        part1.add(note1, 0, 15)
        part1.add(rest1, 15, 30)
        part1.add(note2, 0, 30)
        # pretty print the part
        pstring1 = part1.pretty()

        with TemporaryFile() as f:
            # save part to musicxml
            save_musicxml(part1, f)
            # load part from musicxml
            part2 = load_musicxml(f)

        # pretty print saved/loaded part:
        pstring2 = part2.pretty()

        # test pretty printed strings for equality
        equal = pstring1 == pstring2

        if not equal:
            show_diff(pstring1, pstring2)
        msg = 'Exported and imported score does not yield identical pretty printed representations'
        self.assertTrue(equal, msg)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_times_2(self):
        # 6/8 anacrusis
        part = score.Part("id")
        # 2 divs is 1 quarter
        part.set_quarter_duration(0, 2)
        part.add(score.TimeSignature(6, 8), 0)

        # ANACRUSIS
        part.add(score.Note("c", 4), 0, 3)
        part.add(score.Measure(), 0, 3)

        part.add(score.Note("c", 4), 3, 9)


        time_pairs = [(-3, -1.5), (0, 0), (6, 3)]
        test_time_pairs(part, time_pairs)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_times_1(self):
        # 4/4 anacrusis
        part = score.Part("id")
        # 1 div is 1 quarter
        part.set_quarter_duration(0, 1)
        # 4/4 at t=0
        part.add(score.TimeSignature(4, 4), 0)

        # ANACRUSIS
        # quarter note from t=0 to t=1
        part.add(score.Note("c", 4), 0, 1)
        # incomplete measure from t=0 to t=1
        part.add(score.Measure(), 0, 1)

        # whole note from t=1 to t=5
        part.add(score.Note("c", 4), 1, 5)
        # add missing measures
        time_pairs = [(-1, -1), (0, 0), (4, 4)]
        test_time_pairs(part, time_pairs)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def part_from_matchfile(mf):
    part = score.Part('P1', mf.info('piece'))
    # snotes = sorted(mf.snotes, key=attrgetter('OnsetInBeats'))
    snotes = sort_snotes(mf.snotes)
    divs = np.lcm.reduce(np.unique([note.Offset.denominator * (note.Offset.tuple_div or 1)
                                    for note in snotes]))
    part.set_quarter_duration(0, divs)
    min_time = snotes[0].OnsetInBeats  # sorted by OnsetInBeats
    max_time = max(n.OffsetInBeats for n in snotes)

    ts = mf.time_signatures

    beats_map, beat_type_map, min_time_q, max_time_q = make_timesig_maps(ts, max_time)

    bars = np.unique([n.Bar for n in snotes])
    t = min_time
    t = t * 4 / beat_type_map(min_time_q)
    offset = t
    # bar map: bar_number-> start in quarters
    bar_times = {}
    for b0, b1 in iter_current_next(bars, start=0):

        bar_times.setdefault(b1, t)
        if t < 0:
            t = 0
            # multiply by diff between consecutive bar numbers
            n_bars = b1 - b0
            if t <= max_time_q:
                t += (n_bars * 4 * beats_map(t)) / beat_type_map(t)

    for note in snotes:
        # start of bar in quarter units
        bar_start = bar_times[note.Bar]

        # offset within bar in quarter units
        bar_offset = (note.Beat - 1) * 4 / beat_type_map(bar_start)
        # offset within beat in quarter units
        beat_offset = (4 * note.Offset.numerator
                       / (note.Offset.denominator * (note.Offset.tuple_div or 1)))

        # # anacrusis
        if bar_start < 0:
            # in case of anacrusis we set the bar_start to -bar_duration (in
            # quarters) so that the below calculation is correct
            bar_start = - beats_map(bar_start) * 4 / beat_type_map(bar_start)

        # note onset in divs
        onset_divs = int(divs * (bar_start + bar_offset + beat_offset - offset))
        # print(note.Anchor, onset_divs, bar_start, bar_offset, beat_offset, offset)

        articulations = set()
        if 'staccato' in note.ScoreAttributesList:
        if 'accent' in note.ScoreAttributesList:

        # dictionary with keyword args with which the Note (or GraceNote) will be instantiated
        note_attributes = dict(step=note.NoteName,

        staff_nr = next((a[-1] for a in note.ScoreAttributesList if a.startswith('staff')), None)
            note_attributes['staff'] = int(staff_nr)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            # no staff attribute, or staff attribute does not end with a number
            note_attributes['staff'] = None

        note_attributes['voice'] = next((int(a) for a in note.ScoreAttributesList
                                         if NUMBER_PAT.match(a)), None)

        # get rid of this if as soon as we have a way to iterate over the
        # duration components. For now we have to treat the cases simple
        # and compound durations separately.

        if note.Duration.add_components:
            prev_part_note = None

            for i, (num, den, tuple_div) in enumerate(note.Duration.add_components):

                # when we add multiple notes that are tied, the first note will
                # get the original note id, and subsequent notes will get a
                # derived note id (by appending, 'a', 'b', 'c',...)
                if i > 0:
                    # tnote_id = 'n{}_{}'.format(note.Anchor, i)
                    note_attributes['id'] = score.make_tied_note_id(note_attributes['id'])

                part_note = score.Note(**note_attributes)

                duration_divs = int(divs * 4 * num / (den * (tuple_div or 1)))

                assert duration_divs > 0

                offset_divs = onset_divs + duration_divs

                part.add(part_note, onset_divs, offset_divs)

                if prev_part_note:
                    prev_part_note.tie_next = part_note
                    part_note.tie_prev = prev_part_note
                prev_part_note = part_note
                onset_divs = offset_divs


            num = note.Duration.numerator
            den = note.Duration.denominator
            tuple_div = note.Duration.tuple_div
            duration_divs = int(divs * 4 * num / (den * (tuple_div or 1)))

            offset_divs = onset_divs + duration_divs

            # notes with duration 0, are also treated as grace notes, even if
            # they do not have a 'grace' score attribute
            if ('grace' in note.ScoreAttributesList or
                    note.Duration.numerator == 0):

                part_note = score.GraceNote('appoggiatura', **note_attributes)


                part_note = score.Note(**note_attributes)

            part.add(part_note, onset_divs, offset_divs)

    # add time signatures
    for (ts_beat_time, ts_bar, (ts_beats, ts_beat_type)) in ts:

        bar_start_divs = int(divs * (bar_times[ts_bar] - offset))  # in quarters
        part.add(score.TimeSignature(ts_beats, ts_beat_type), bar_start_divs)

    # add key signatures
    for (ks_beat_time, ks_bar, keys) in mf.key_signatures:

        if len(keys) > 1:
            # there are multple equivalent keys, so we check which one is most
            # likely according to the key estimator
            est_keys = estimate_key(notes_to_notearray(part.notes_tied), return_sorted_keys=True)
            idx = [est_keys.index(key) if key in est_keys else np.inf
                   for key in keys]
            key_name = keys[np.argmin(idx)]


            key_name = keys[0]

        fifths, mode = key_name_to_fifths_mode(key_name)
        part.add(score.KeySignature(fifths, mode), 0)

    # add_clefs(part)

    # add incomplete measure if necessary

    if offset < 0:

        part.add(score.Measure(number=1), 0, int(-offset * divs))

    # add the rest of the measures automatically
    # print(part.pretty())

    if not all([n.voice for n in part.notes_tied]):
        # print('notes without voice detected')

    return part