def test_with_valid_password(self):
     """ Tests function prints out only passwords that match criteria. """
     self.assertEqual(password_check('Az09#@$,a F1#,2w3E*,2We3345'),
     self.assertEqual(password_check('Az09#@$,Ab1#xx,a F1#'),
     self.assertEqual(password_check(''), 'No valid password found')
 def test_for_an_accepteted_symbolic_char(self):
     """ Test for at least 1 accepted symbolic character from [$#@] """
     self.assertEqual(password_check('Az09*-^!,Az09@$#*^'), 'Az09@$#*^')
 def test_with_invalid_input(self):
     """ Tests handling of invalid input/invalid passwords """
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, password_check, 1,
                       'Argument should be a string')
     self.assertEqual(password_check('Az09InValid, AZ@#$inVALID'),
                      'No valid password found')
 def test_for_max_len(self):
     """ Test passwords for maximum length of 12 characters. """
                      'No valid password found')
 def test_for_min_len(self):
     """ Test passwords for minimum length of 6 characters. """
     self.assertEqual(password_check('Az09#,Az09@$'), 'Az09@$')
     self.assertEqual(password_check('Az09#'), 'No valid password found')
 def test_for_a_numeric_char(self):
     """ Test for at least 1 numeric character [0-9] in each password. """
     self.assertEqual(password_check('Az09#@$,az$$#@$'), 'Az09#@$')
     self.assertEqual(password_check('az$$#@$'), 'No valid password found')
 def test_for_an_upper_alpha(self):
     """ Test for at least 1 uppercase character [A-Z] in each password."""
     self.assertEqual(password_check('Az09#@$,az09#@$'), 'Az09#@$')
 def test_for_a_lower_alpha(self):
     """ Test for at least 1 lowercase character [a-z] in each password."""
     self.assertEqual(password_check('Az09#@$,AZ09#@$'), 'Az09#@$')