Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_remove_edge(dag_object: pp.DAG):
    dag_object.remove_edge('b', 'f')
    dag_object.remove_edge('b', 'e')
    assert 'f' in dag_object.roots
    assert 'e' in dag_object.roots
    assert 'e' in dag_object.leafs
    assert 'e' in dag_object.isolate_nodes()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_route_to_node(dag_object: pp.DAG):
    route_i = dag_object.routes_to_node('i')
    assert route_i == [['h', 'i']]

    route_e = dag_object.routes_to_node('e')
    assert route_e == [['a', 'b', 'e'], ['a', 'c', 'b', 'e']]

    route_g = list(sorted(dag_object.routes_to_node('g')))
    assert len(route_g) == 3
    expected = list(sorted([['a', 'c', 'g'], ['a', 'b', 'f', 'g'], ['a', 'c', 'b', 'f', 'g']]))
    for rout, e_route in zip(route_g, expected):
        assert rout == e_route
Ejemplo n.º 3
def generate_causal_tree(dag, root, node_map):
    For a directed acyclic graph and a non-injective mapping of nodes,
    this method creates a *causal tree* for a given root node.
    This is useful for the extraction of causal paths in time-unfolded DAG
    representations of temporal networks. The nodes "{v}_{d}" in the resulting
    causal tree capture that - starting from the root node at step 0 - there is
    a causal path to node v at distance d from the root. Note that the same node
    can be represented by multiple nodes in the causal tree (at different distances d).
    causal_tree = DAG()
    causal_mapping = {}
    visited = defaultdict(lambda: False)
    queue = deque()

    # launch breadth-first-search at root of tree
    # root nodes are necessarily at depth 0
    queue.append((root, 0))
    edges = []
    while queue:
        # take out left-most element from FIFO queue
        v, depth = queue.popleft()

        # x is the node ID of the node in the causal tree
        # the second component captures the distance from
        # the root of the causal tree. These IDs ensure
        # that the same physical nodes can occur at different
        # distances from the root
        x = '{0}_{1}'.format(node_map[v], depth)
        causal_mapping[x] = node_map[v]

        # process nodes at next level
        for w in dag.successors[v]:
            if (w, depth+1) not in queue:
                queue.append((w, depth+1))
                # only consider nodes that have not already
                # been added to this level
                if not visited[node_map[w], depth+1]:
                    # add edge to causal tree
                    y = '{0}_{1}'.format(node_map[w], depth+1)
                    edges.append((x, y))

                    visited[node_map[w], depth+1] = True
                    causal_mapping[y] = node_map[w]
    # Adding all edges at once is more efficient!

    return causal_tree, causal_mapping
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_add_edges(edges, types):
    roots, neither, leafs = types
    from pathpy import DAG

    D = DAG(edges=edges)
    assert D.leafs == leafs
    assert D.roots == roots
    assert neither not in leafs
    assert neither not in roots
Ejemplo n.º 5
def sample_paths_from_temporal_network_dag(tempnet, delta=1, num_roots=1, max_subpath_length=None):
    Estimates the frequency of causal paths in a temporal network assuming a
    maximum temporal distance of delta between consecutive
    time-stamped links on a path. This method first creates a directed and acyclic
    time-unfolded graph based on the given parameter delta. This directed acyclic
    graph is used to calculate causal paths for a given delta, randomly sampling num_roots
    roots in the time-unfolded DAG.

    tempnet : pathpy.TemporalNetwork
        TemporalNetwork to extract the time-respecting paths from
    delta : int
        Indicates the maximum temporal distance up to which time-stamped
        links will be considered to contribute to a causal path.
        For (u,v;3) and (v,w;7) a causal path (u,v,w) is generated
        for 0 < delta <= 4, while no causal path is generated for
        delta > 4. Every time-stamped edge is a causal path of
        length one. Default value is 1.
    num_roots : int
        The number of randomly chosen roots that will be used to estimate path statistics.

        An instance of the class Paths, which can be used to generate higher- and multi-order
        models of causal paths in temporal networks.
    # generate a single time-unfolded DAG
    Log.add('Constructing time-unfolded DAG ...')
    dag, node_map = DAG.from_temporal_network(tempnet, delta)
    # dag.topsort()
    # assert dag.is_acyclic

    causal_paths = Paths()
    # For each root in the time-unfolded DAG, we generate a
    # causal tree and use it to count all causal paths
    # that originate at this root
    current_root = 1
    Log.add('Generating causal trees for {0} root nodes ...'.format(num_roots))
    import random
    for root in random.sample(dag.roots, num_roots):
        causal_tree, causal_mapping = generate_causal_tree(dag, root, node_map)
        if num_roots > 10:
            step = num_roots/10
            if current_root % step == 0:
                Log.add('Analyzing tree {0}/{1} ...'.format(current_root, num_roots))
        # elevate Logging level
        x = Log.min_severity

        # calculate all unique longest path in causal tree
        causal_paths += paths_from_dag(causal_tree, causal_mapping, repetitions=False, max_subpath_length=max_subpath_length)
        current_root += 1

        # restore log level
    return causal_paths
Ejemplo n.º 6
def paths_from_temporal_network_dag(tempnet, delta=1, max_subpath_length=None):
    Calculates the frequency of causal paths in a temporal network assuming a 
    maximum temporal distance of delta between consecutive
    time-stamped links on a path. This method first creates a directed and acyclic
    time-unfolded graph based on the given parameter delta. This directed acyclic
    graph is used to calculate all time-respecting paths for a given delta.
    I.e., for time-stamped links (a,b,1), (b,c,5), (b,d,7) and delta = 5 the
    time-respecting path (a,b,c) will be found.

    tempnet : pathpy.TemporalNetwork
        TemporalNetwork to extract the time-respecting paths from
    delta : int
        Indicates the maximum temporal distance up to which time-stamped
        links will be considered to contribute to a causal path.
        For (u,v;3) and (v,w;7) a causal path (u,v,w) is generated
        for 0 < delta <= 4, while no causal path is generated for
        delta > 4. Every time-stamped edge is a causal path of
        length one. Default value is 1.
    max_subpath_length : int
        Can be used to limit the calculation of sub path statistics to a given
        maximum length. This is useful as statistics of sub paths of length k
        are only needed to fit higher-order model with order k and larger. If model
        selection is limited to a maximum order K, we can set the maximum sub path length
        to K. Default is None, which means all subpaths are calculated.

        An instance of the class Paths, which can be used to generate higher- and multi-order
        models of causal paths in temporal networks.

    >>> t = pp.TemporalNetwork()
    >>> t.add_edge('a', 'b', 1)
    >>> t.add_edge('b', 'a', 3)
    >>> t.add_edge('b', 'c', 3)
    >>> t.add_edge('d', 'c', 4)
    >>> t.add_edge('c', 'd', 5)
    >>> t.add_edge('c', 'b', 6)

    >>> >>>causal_paths = pp.path_extraction.paths_from_temporal_network_dag(t, delta=2)
    >>> [Severity.INFO]	Constructing time-unfolded DAG ...
    >>> [Severity.INFO]	finished.
    >>> [Severity.INFO]	Generating causal trees for 2 root nodes ...
    >>> [Severity.INFO]	finished.
    >>> print(causal_paths)
    >>> Total path count: 		4.0 
    >>> [Unique / Sub paths / Total]: 	[4.0 / 24.0 / 28.0]
    >>> Nodes:				    4 
    >>> Edges:				    6
    >>> Max. path length:		3
    >>> Avg path length:		2.25 
    >>> Paths of length k = 0		0.0 [ 0.0 / 13.0 / 13.0 ]
    >>> Paths of length k = 1		0.0 [ 0.0 / 9.0 / 9.0 ]
    >>> Paths of length k = 2		3.0 [ 3.0 / 2.0 / 5.0 ]
    >>> Paths of length k = 3		1.0 [ 1.0 / 0.0 / 1.0 ]

    >>> The calculated (longest) causal paths in this example are:
    >>> (a, b, c, d), (d, c, b), (d, c, d), (a, b, a)
    # generate a single time-unfolded DAG
    Log.add('Constructing time-unfolded DAG ...')
    dag, node_map = DAG.from_temporal_network(tempnet, delta)

    causal_paths = Paths()
    # For each root in the time-unfolded DAG, we generate a
    # causal tree and use it to count all causal paths
    # that originate at this root
    num_roots = len(dag.roots)
    current_root = 1
    Log.add('Generating causal trees for {0} root nodes ...'.format(num_roots))
    for root in dag.roots:
        causal_tree, causal_mapping = generate_causal_tree(dag, root, node_map)
        if num_roots > 10:
            step = num_roots/10
            if current_root % step == 0:
                Log.add('Analyzing tree {0}/{1} ...'.format(current_root, num_roots))
        # elevate Logging level
        x = Log.min_severity

        # calculate all unique longest path in causal tree
        causal_paths += paths_from_dag(causal_tree, causal_mapping, repetitions=False, max_subpath_length=max_subpath_length)
        current_root += 1

        # restore log level
    return causal_paths
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_route_from_node(dag_object: pp.DAG):
    root = 'a'
    routes = list(sorted(dag_object.routes_from_node(root)))
    expected = [['a', 'b', 'e'], ['a', 'b', 'f', 'g'], ['a', 'c', 'b', 'e'],
                ['a', 'c', 'b', 'f', 'g'], ['a', 'c', 'g']]
    assert routes == expected
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_dag_path_extraction_cyclic(dag_object: pp.DAG):
    dag_object.add_edge('g', 'a')  # adds a cycle to the dag object
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):