Ejemplo n.º 1
def backend_add_patient(mongo_db, patient, match_external=False):
        Insert or update a patient in patientMatcher database

            patient(dict) : a MME patient entity

            inserted_id(str) : the ID of the inserted patient or None if patient couldn't be saved
    modified = None
    upserted = None
    matching_obj = None

        result = mongo_db['patients'].replace_one({'_id': patient['_id']}, patient , upsert=True)
        modified = result.modified_count
        upserted = result.upserted_id

    except Exception as err:
        LOG.fatal("Error while inserting a patient into database: {}".format(err))

    # this will happen only if patient is added via POST request,
    # and if there is a change in patients' collections (new patient or updated patient)
    # Matching is not triggered by inserting demo data into database
    if match_external and (modified or upserted):
        matching_obj = external_matcher(mongo_db, patient)
        #save matching object to database

    return modified, upserted, matching_obj
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_external_matching(database, test_node, gpx4_patients, monkeypatch):
    """Testing the function that trigger patient matching across connected nodes"""

    patient = gpx4_patients[0]

    # insert test node object in database

    # insert patient object in database
    inserted_ids = backend_add_patient(mongo_db=database,
    assert inserted_ids

    class MockResponse(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.status_code = 200

        def json(self):
            resp = {
                "disclaimer": "This is a test disclaimer",
                "results": gpx4_patients
            return resp

    def mock_response(*args, **kwargs):
        return MockResponse()

    monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'request', mock_response)

    ext_m_result = external_matcher(database, patient, test_node['_id'])
    assert isinstance(ext_m_result, dict)
    assert ext_m_result['data']['patient']['id'] == patient['id']
    assert ext_m_result['has_matches'] == True
    assert ext_m_result['match_type'] == 'external'
def match_external(database, query_patient, node=None):
    """Trigger an external patient matching for a given patient object"""
    # trigger the matching and save the matching id to variable
    matching_obj = external_matcher(database, query_patient, node)
    # save matching object to database only if there are results or error messages
    if matching_obj and (matching_obj.get("has_matches") or matching_obj.get("errors")):
    return matching_obj