Ejemplo n.º 1
    def plotFiles(self, flist):
        Loads the specified data file(s) and plots them.
        if len(flist) < 1 or (flist is None):
            if hasattr(self.pscr, 'obj') and self.pscr.obj is not None and  hasattr(self.pscr.obj, "default_waves"):
                log.debug ("Plotting <pscr:%s>.default_waves" % os.path.basename(self.pscr.cur_file))
                self.plotWaves (self.pscr.obj.default_waves)
            elif hasattr(self.pscr, 'obj') and self.pscr.obj is not None and  hasattr(self.pscr.obj, "default_files"):
                log.debug ("Plotting <pscr:%s>.default_files" % os.path.basename(self.pscr.cur_file))
                flist = [self.pscrRelPath(i) for i in self.pscr.obj.default_files]
        if len(flist) < 1 or (flist is None):
            log.debug ("Empty list, nothing to do.")

        log.debug ("File list: %s" % str(flist))
        data = []
        for fname in flist:
            d = igor.load (fname)
            d.info.setdefault('name', os.path.basename(str(fname)))
            d.info.setdefault('tmp', {})
            d.info['tmp']['last path'] = str(fname)
            self.pscr.toolbar.path_ref = str(fname)
            self.plot.files = list(flist)
            data.append (d)
        self.plotWaves (data)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def kwav(self):
     A dictionary of Wave() objects, using file base names (i.e. 
     the part of the path after the last '/') as keys. It will misbehave
     if different waves in different directories have the same file name.
     For this purpose, use *BrowserWindow._wav* instead.
     return dict({i: igor.load(j) for i,j in self.ksel})
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def wav(self):
     The currently selected waves as a list of Wave() objects.
     Works correctly for similary named waves in different directories.
     return [igor.load(i) for i in self.sel]
Ejemplo n.º 4
    if (param.output == param.input.name) and param.safe:
        with NamedTemporaryFile (delete=False) as tmp:
            igor.wave_write (wav, tmp.name)
            os.rename (tmp.name, param.output)
        igor.wave_write (wav, param.output)


if __name__ == "__main__":

    p = arpes_opt_parse (sys.argv[1:])

    print "Loading:", p.input.name
    inw = igor.load (p.input)

    ## perform argument post-processing (i.e. parsing of string
    ## arguments, unit conversion where necessary).

    # eax is always defined (default: 0)
    print " - Energy axis:", p.eax

    # Ef is always eV
    if p.Ef is not None:
        p.Ef = eval(p.Ef)
    if isinstance(p.Ef, int):
        p.Ef = inw.dim[p.eax].i2x(eval(p.Ef))
    print " - Fermi level is", p.Ef, "eV"

    # norm-region is 'index' if specified