Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_exponential_derivatives():
    num_visible_units = 100
    num_hidden_units = 50
    batch_size = 25

    # set a seed for the random number generator

    # set up some layer and model objects
    vis_layer = layers.ExponentialLayer(num_visible_units)
    hid_layer = layers.ExponentialLayer(num_hidden_units)
    rbm = hidden.Model([vis_layer, hid_layer])

    # randomly set the intrinsic model parameters
    # for the exponential layers, we need a > 0, b > 0, and W < 0
    a = be.rand((num_visible_units, ))
    b = be.rand((num_hidden_units, ))
    W = -be.rand((num_visible_units, num_hidden_units))

    rbm.layers[0].int_params.loc[:] = a
    rbm.layers[1].int_params.loc[:] = b
    rbm.weights[0].int_params.matrix[:] = W

    # generate a random batch of data
    vdata = rbm.layers[0].random((batch_size, num_visible_units))
    vdata_scaled = rbm.layers[0].rescale(vdata)

    # compute the mean of the hidden layer
    rbm.layers[1].update([vdata], [rbm.weights[0].W()])
    hid_mean = rbm.layers[1].mean()
    hid_mean_scaled = rbm.layers[1].rescale(hid_mean)

    # compute the derivatives
    d_visible_loc = be.mean(vdata, axis=0)
    d_hidden_loc = be.mean(hid_mean_scaled, axis=0)
    d_W = -be.batch_outer(vdata, hid_mean_scaled) / len(vdata)

    # compute the derivatives using the layer functions
    vis_derivs = rbm.layers[0].derivatives(vdata, [hid_mean_scaled],

    hid_derivs = rbm.layers[1].derivatives(hid_mean, [vdata_scaled],

    weight_derivs = rbm.weights[0].derivatives(vdata, hid_mean_scaled)

    assert be.allclose(d_visible_loc, vis_derivs.loc), \
    "derivative of visible loc wrong in exponential-exponential rbm"

    assert be.allclose(d_hidden_loc, hid_derivs.loc), \
    "derivative of hidden loc wrong in exponential-exponential rbm"

    assert be.allclose(d_W, weight_derivs.matrix), \
    "derivative of weights wrong in exponential-exponential rbm"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_exponential_conditional_params():
    ly = layers.ExponentialLayer(num_vis)
    w = layers.Weights((num_vis, num_hid))
    scaled_units = [be.randn((num_samples, num_hid))]
    weights = [w.W_T()]
    beta = be.rand((num_samples, 1))
    ly._conditional_params(scaled_units, weights, beta)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_exponential_build_from_config():
    ly = layers.ExponentialLayer(num_vis)
    ly.add_constraint({'loc': constraints.non_negative})
    p = penalties.l2_penalty(0.37)
    ly.add_penalty({'log_var': p})
    ly_new = layers.Layer.from_config(ly.get_config())
    assert ly_new.get_config() == ly.get_config()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_exponential_derivatives():
    ly = layers.ExponentialLayer(num_vis)
    w = layers.Weights((num_vis, num_hid))
    vis = ly.random((num_samples, num_vis))
    hid = [be.randn((num_samples, num_hid))]
    weights = [w.W_T()]
    beta = be.rand((num_samples, 1))
    ly.derivatives(vis, hid, weights, beta)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_exponential_conditional_params():
    num_visible_units = 100
    num_hidden_units = 50
    batch_size = 25

    # set a seed for the random number generator

    # set up some layer and model objects
    vis_layer = layers.ExponentialLayer(num_visible_units)
    hid_layer = layers.ExponentialLayer(num_hidden_units)
    rbm = model.Model([vis_layer, hid_layer])

    # randomly set the intrinsic model parameters
    # for the exponential layers, we need a > 0, b > 0, and W < 0
    a = be.rand((num_visible_units, ))
    b = be.rand((num_hidden_units, ))
    W = -be.rand((num_visible_units, num_hidden_units))

    rbm.layers[0].params.loc[:] = a
    rbm.layers[1].params.loc[:] = b
    rbm.weights[0].params.matrix[:] = W

    # generate a random batch of data
    vdata = rbm.layers[0].random((batch_size, num_visible_units))
    hdata = rbm.layers[1].random((batch_size, num_hidden_units))

    # compute conditional parameters
    hidden_rate = -be.dot(vdata, W)  # (batch_size, num_hidden_units)
    hidden_rate += be.broadcast(b, hidden_rate)

    visible_rate = -be.dot(hdata,
                           be.transpose(W))  # (batch_size, num_visible_units)
    visible_rate += be.broadcast(a, visible_rate)

    # compute the conditional parameters using the layer functions
    hidden_rate_func = rbm.layers[1]._conditional_params([vdata],
    visible_rate_func = rbm.layers[0]._conditional_params(
        [hdata], [rbm.weights[0].W_T()])

    assert be.allclose(hidden_rate, hidden_rate_func), \
    "hidden rate wrong in exponential-exponential rbm"

    assert be.allclose(visible_rate, visible_rate_func), \
    "visible rate wrong in exponential-exponential rbm"
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_exponential_update():
    num_visible_units = 100
    num_hidden_units = 50
    batch_size = 25

    # set a seed for the random number generator

    # set up some layer and model objects
    vis_layer = layers.ExponentialLayer(num_visible_units)
    hid_layer = layers.ExponentialLayer(num_hidden_units)
    rbm = hidden.Model([vis_layer, hid_layer])

    # randomly set the intrinsic model parameters
    # for the exponential layers, we need a > 0, b > 0, and W < 0
    a = be.rand((num_visible_units, ))
    b = be.rand((num_hidden_units, ))
    W = -be.rand((num_visible_units, num_hidden_units))

    rbm.layers[0].int_params['loc'] = a
    rbm.layers[1].int_params['loc'] = b
    rbm.weights[0].int_params['matrix'] = W

    # generate a random batch of data
    vdata = rbm.layers[0].random((batch_size, num_visible_units))
    hdata = rbm.layers[1].random((batch_size, num_hidden_units))

    # compute extrinsic parameters
    hidden_rate = -be.dot(vdata, W)  # (batch_size, num_hidden_units)
    hidden_rate += be.broadcast(b, hidden_rate)

    visible_rate = -be.dot(hdata,
                           be.transpose(W))  # (batch_size, num_visible_units)
    visible_rate += be.broadcast(a, visible_rate)

    # update the extrinsic parameter using the layer functions
    rbm.layers[1].update(vdata, rbm.weights[0].W())
    rbm.layers[0].update(hdata, be.transpose(rbm.weights[0].W()))

    assert be.allclose(hidden_rate, rbm.layers[1].ext_params['rate']), \
    "hidden rate wrong in exponential-exponential rbm"

    assert be.allclose(visible_rate, rbm.layers[0].ext_params['rate']), \
    "visible rate wrong in exponential-exponential rbm"
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_Exponential_creation():
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_exponential_online_param_update():
    ly = layers.ExponentialLayer(num_vis)
    vis = ly.random((num_samples, num_vis))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_exponential_log_partition_function():
    ly = layers.ExponentialLayer(num_vis)
    vis = ly.random((num_samples, num_vis))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_exponential_energy():
    ly = layers.ExponentialLayer(num_vis)
    vis = ly.random((num_samples, num_vis))