def onMyAction(self, event): myline = self.inputText.GetValue().split() cmd = myline[0] if cmd == "admit": result = pb.Result() result.winner = otherColor(self.myColor()) result.endType = pb.EndType.ADMIT self.gameover(result) msg = pb.Msg() msg.type = pb.MsgType.GAME_OVER msg.gameOver.gid = msg.gameOver.result.CopyFrom(result) self.sendMsg(msg) elif cmd == "count": self.doPaused() msg = pb.Msg() msg.type = pb.MsgType.COUNT_REQUEST msg.countRequest.gid = self.sendMsg(msg) elif cmd == "result": # self.sendCountResult() elif cmd == "cancel": msg = pb.Msg() msg.type = pb.MsgType.CANCEL msg.cancel.gid = self.sendMsg(msg)
def on_run_button(self, event): self.output_text.Clear() myline = self.input_text.GetValue().split() cmd = myline[0] if cmd == "login": msg = pb.Msg() msg.type = pb.MsgType.LOGIN = myline[1] msg.login.passwd = myline[2] self.sendMsg(msg) elif cmd == "invite": dialog = ProtoDialog(self, None) result = dialog.ShowModal() if result == ProtoDialog.OK: msg = pb.Msg() msg.type = pb.MsgType.INVITE = myline[1] msg.invite.proto.CopyFrom(dialog.getProto()) self.sendMsg(msg) dialog.Destroy() elif cmd == "logout": msg = pb.Msg() msg.type = pb.MsgType.LOGOUT self.sendMsg(msg) elif cmd == "data": msg = pb.Msg() msg.type = pb.MsgType.DATA self.sendMsg(msg) self.input_text.Clear()
def sendWillDeadStone(self, mystone, myaddOrRemove): msg = pb.Msg() msg.type = pb.MsgType.WILL_DEAD_STONE msg.willDeadStone.gid = msg.willDeadStone.addOrRemove = myaddOrRemove msg.willDeadStone.stone.CopyFrom(mystone) self.sendMsg(msg)
def sendClockNotify(self): msg = pb.Msg() msg.type = pb.MsgType.CLOCK_NOTIFY msg.clockNotify.gid = = self.gameFrame.myPlayer().pid msg.clockNotify.clock.CopyFrom(self.clock) self.gameFrame.sendMsg(msg)
def cmd_loop(self): try: addr = ('localhost', 20000) self.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.connect(addr) Thread(target=self.get_msg, daemon=True).start() while True: line = input(self.get_prompt()) if line == '': self.check_msgs() continue cmd, *params = line.split() if cmd == "exit": self.sock.shutdown(SHUT_RDWR) break elif cmd == "login": pid, password = params msg = pb.Msg() = pid msg.login.password = password write_msg(self.sock, msg) time.sleep(1) self.check_msgs() finally: self.sock.close()
def data_received(self, data): self.buf += data if len(self.buf) < self.headSize: return body_size, = struct.unpack('<I', self.buf[:self.headSize]) if len(self.buf) < self.headSize + body_size: return bin_data = self.buf[self.headSize:self.headSize + body_size] # we should override the *process_msg* method! msg = pb.Msg() msg.ParseFromString(bin_data) self.process_msg(msg) self.buf = self.buf[self.headSize + body_size:]
def countdownOverflow(self): "对面断线了,但是我等了两分钟还没回来" self.stopCountDown() myresult = pb.Result() myresult.winner = self.myColor() myresult.endType = pb.EndType.LINEBROKEN self.gameover(myresult) msg = pb.Msg() msg.type = pb.MsgType.GAME_OVER msg.gameOver.gid = msg.gameOver.result.CopyFrom(myresult) self.sendMsg(msg)
def iamTimeout(self): "我超时了,输了,棋局结束了" myresult = pb.Result() myresult.winner = otherColor(self.myColor()) myresult.endType = pb.EndType.TIMEOUT self.gameover(myresult) msg = pb.Msg() msg.type = pb.MsgType.GAME_OVER msg.gameOver.gid = msg.gameOver.result.CopyFrom(myresult) self.sendMsg(msg) # ---------------------------------------------------------
def putStone(self, stone): "下一个子,到棋盘上,这个子可能是你下的,也可能是对面下的" if != pb.State.RUNNING: return if self.isMyTurn(): self.boardPane.addStone(stone) self.myClockPane().stop() msg = pb.Msg() msg.type = pb.MsgType.HAND msg.hand.gid = msg.hand.stone.CopyFrom(stone) self.sendMsg(msg) else: self.boardPane.addStone(stone) # checkStart 是没副作用的 self.checkStart()
def data_received(self, data): self.buf += data if len(self.buf) < self.headSize: logging.debug("dataSize < headSize!") return bodySize, = struct.unpack('<I', self.buf[:self.headSize]) logging.debug("bodySize={}".format(bodySize)) if len(self.buf) < self.headSize + bodySize: logging.debug("message data not enougth!") return bin = self.buf[self.headSize:self.headSize + bodySize] msg = pb.Msg() msg.ParseFromString(bin) wx.CallAfter(self.uiObj.msg_received, msg) self.buf = self.buf[self.headSize + bodySize:]
def countRequest(self): "接到对面发出的数子请求" dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Are you want to count?', 'Question', wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION) result = dialog.ShowModal() isAgree = True if result == wx.ID_YES else False msg = pb.Msg() msg.type = pb.MsgType.COUNT_REQUEST_ANSWER msg.countRequestAnswer.gid = msg.countRequestAnswer.agree = isAgree self.sendMsg(msg) if isAgree: self.doPaused() # change to select mode to select will dead stones self.boardPane.setSelectMode(True)
def sendCountResult(self): "死的都选完了,可以结算了" gameResult = pb.Result() gameResult.endType = pb.EndType.COUNT gameResult.winner, gameResult.mount = self.computePoints() # 弹出对话框,问一下是否同意结果。发消息给对面,以确定下一步。 words = "color:" + str(gameResult.winner) + ",mount:" + str( gameResult.mount) dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, words, 'Agree?', wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION) result = dialog.ShowModal() msg = pb.Msg() msg.type = pb.MsgType.COUNT_RESULT msg.countResult.gid = msg.countResult.result.CopyFrom(gameResult) msg.countResult.agree = True if result == wx.ID_YES else False self.sendMsg(msg)
def read_msg(sock): """maybe *BLOCK*,when sock recv no data""" head_size = 4 buf = bytes() while True: data = sock.recv(8192) if not data: break buf += data while True: if len(buf) < head_size: break body_size, = struct.unpack('<I', buf[:head_size]) if len(buf) < head_size + body_size: break bin_data = buf[head_size:head_size + body_size] msg = pb.Msg() msg.ParseFromString(bin_data) yield msg buf = buf[head_size + body_size:]
def msg_received(self, msg):"=========received==========") if msg.type == pb.MsgType.LOGIN_OK: self.player = msg.loginOk.player self.SetTitle("----{}----".format( elif msg.type == pb.MsgType.INVITE: # show dialog,get yes or no,or change the proto to resend invite msg again # if yes or no,send a invite_answer msg dialog = ProtoDialog(self, msg.invite.proto) result = dialog.ShowModal() if result == ProtoDialog.CHANGE: # resend a invite to pid,use the changed proto msg.invite.proto.CopyFrom(dialog.getProto()) self.sendMsg(msg) else: # not change,agree or refuse msg1 = pb.Msg() msg1.type = pb.MsgType.INVITE_ANSWER msg1.inviteAnswer.agree = True if result == ProtoDialog.OK else False = msg1.inviteAnswer.proto.CopyFrom(msg.invite.proto) self.sendMsg(msg1) dialog.Destroy() elif msg.type == pb.MsgType.INVITE_ANSWER:"invite answer: isagree = {}".format( msg.inviteAnswer.isAgree)) elif msg.type == pb.MsgType.GAME: # create a window and set the game in self.gameFrames.append(GameFrame(self, elif msg.type == pb.MsgType.HAND: self.withGameFrame(msg.hand.gid, lambda gf: gf.putStone(msg.hand.stone)) elif msg.type == pb.MsgType.GAME_OVER: # timeout or admit 超时或者认输,棋局就真的结束了! self.withGameFrame(msg.gameOver.gid, lambda gf: gf.gameover(msg.gameOver.result)) elif msg.type == pb.MsgType.COUNT_REQUEST: # 收到数目请求 self.withGameFrame(msg.countRequest.gid, lambda gf: gf.countRequest()) elif msg.type == pb.MsgType.COUNT_REQUEST_ANSWER: # 收到数目回答。同意就开始数子,不同意,就继续。 cra = msg.countRequestAnswer def myfun(gf): if cra.agree: gf.boardPane.setSelectMode(True) else: gf.doContinue() self.withGameFrame(cra.gid, myfun) elif msg.type == pb.MsgType.DO_CONTINUE: # 目前,对于数子的结果,如果两人没达成一致,服务器会发出docontinue消息。 self.withGameFrame(msg.doContinue.gid, lambda gf: gf.doContinue()) elif msg.type == pb.MsgType.CLOCK_NOTIFY: cn = msg.clockNotify self.withGameFrame(cn.gid, lambda gf: gf.clockNotify(, cn.clock)) elif msg.type == pb.MsgType.LINE_BROKEN: self.withGameFrame(msg.lineBroken.gid, lambda gf: gf.lineBroken()) elif msg.type == pb.MsgType.COMEBACK: self.withGameFrame(msg.comeback.gid, lambda gf: gf.comeback()) elif msg.type == pb.MsgType.WILL_DEAD_STONE: ds = msg.willDeadStone self.withGameFrame( ds.gid, lambda gf: gf.boardPane.willDeadStone( ds.addOrRemove, ds.stone))