Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_asymptotic_relation():
    """Test for method to compute frequencies from the asymptotic relation"""

    # setup
    norders = cs.pars['norders']
    nsamples = cs.pars['nsamples']
    mod = asymp_spec_model(cs.st.f, norders)
    dnu, numax, eps, alpha = 3050.0, 135.0, 1.45, 10**-2.5  # roughly solar
    func = mod._asymptotic_relation
    inp = [dnu, numax, eps, alpha, norders]
    inp_arr = [
        np.float64(alpha).repeat(nsamples), norders

    # simple tests
    pbt.does_it_run(func, inp)
    pbt.does_it_return(func, inp)
    pbt.right_type(func, inp, np.ndarray)
    pbt.right_shape(func, inp, (norders, ))
    pbt.right_shape(func, inp_arr, (norders, nsamples))

    # check that function returns the same as during testing given the above
    # inputs
    assert_allclose(func(*inp), [2896.028668, 3030.75434], atol=0.001)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_get_nmax():
    """Test for method to get nmax"""

    # setup
    nsamples = cs.pars['nsamples']
    norders = cs.pars['norders']
    mod = asymp_spec_model(cs.st.f, norders)
    dnu, numax, eps = 10**cs.pars['asypars'][0], 10**cs.pars['asypars'][
        1], cs.pars['asypars'][2]
    func = mod._get_nmax
    inp = [dnu, numax, eps]
    inp_arr = [

    # simple tests
    pbt.does_it_run(func, inp)
    pbt.does_it_return(func, inp)
    pbt.right_type(func, inp, float)
    pbt.right_type(func, inp_arr, np.ndarray)

    pbt.right_shape(func, inp, ())
    pbt.right_shape(func, inp_arr, (nsamples, ))

    # check that function returns the same as during testing given the above
    # inputs
    assert (func(*inp) == 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_get_freq_range():
    """Test for getting frequency range of modes"""

    # setup
    func = cs.st.asy_fit._get_freq_range

    # simple tests
    pbt.does_it_run(func, None)
    pbt.does_it_return(func, None)
    pbt.right_type(func, None, tuple)
    pbt.right_shape(func, None, (2, ))

    # check function returns expected values
    assert_allclose(func(), [-12.5, 22.5])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_get_asy_start():
    """Test for getting starting location of asy fit"""

    # setup
    func = cs.st.asy_fit._get_asy_start

    # simple tests
    pbt.does_it_run(func, None)
    pbt.does_it_return(func, None)
    pbt.right_type(func, None, list)
    pbt.right_shape(func, None, (10, ))

    # check function returns expected values
    assert_allclose(func(), [10, 10, 1, 10, 10, 1, 1, 1, 10, 1])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_normal():
    """Test for the log of a normal distribution"""

    # setup
    func = normal
    inp = [0, 0, 1]
    inp_arr = [np.linspace(-10, 10, 100), 0, 1]

    # simple tests
    pbt.does_it_run(func, inp)
    pbt.does_it_return(func, inp)
    pbt.right_type(func, inp, float)
    pbt.right_shape(func, inp_arr, (len(inp_arr[0]), ))

    # check height at mean is correct
    assert (10**func(*inp) == 1)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_asymp_spec_model_call():
    """Test call method for asymptotic relation spectrum model class"""

    # setup
    norders = cs.pars['norders']
    mod = asymp_spec_model([0.5, 1], norders)
    func = mod.model
    inp = cs.pars['asypars']
    # simple tests
    pbt.does_it_run(func, inp)
    pbt.does_it_return(func, inp)
    pbt.right_type(func, inp, np.ndarray)
    pbt.right_shape(func, inp, np.shape(cs.st.f))
    # check that the function doesn't change the output 
    assert_allclose(mod(inp), mod.model(*inp))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_model():
    """Test for method to compute the total asymptotic relation model"""

    # setup
    norders = cs.pars['norders']
    mod = asymp_spec_model([0.5, 1], norders)
    func = mod.model
    inp = cs.pars['asypars']

    # simple tests
    pbt.does_it_run(func, inp)
    pbt.does_it_return(func, inp)
    pbt.right_type(func, inp, np.ndarray)
    pbt.right_shape(func, inp, np.shape(cs.st.f))

    # check that function returns the same as during testing given the above
    # inputs
    assert_allclose(func(*inp), [7.93069307, 7.73076923], atol=0.001)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_pair():
    """Test for method to compute the mode pairs"""

    # setup
    norders = cs.pars['norders']
    mod = asymp_spec_model([0.5, 1], norders)
    h, freq, w, d02 = 1, cs.st.f[0], 1, 0.5
    func = mod._pair
    inp = [h, freq, w, d02]

    # simple tests
    pbt.does_it_run(func, inp)
    pbt.does_it_return(func, inp)
    pbt.right_type(func, inp, np.ndarray)
    pbt.right_shape(func, inp, np.shape(cs.st.f))

    # check that function returns the same as during testing given the above
    # inputs
    assert_array_equal(func(*inp), [1.2, 1.35])
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_lor():
    """Test for method to compute the lorentzian profiles"""

    # setup
    norders = cs.pars['norders']
    mod = asymp_spec_model(cs.st.f, norders)
    h, freq, w = 1, cs.st.f[0], 1
    func = mod._lor
    inp = [freq, h, w]

    # simple tests
    pbt.does_it_run(func, inp)
    pbt.does_it_return(func, inp)
    pbt.right_type(func, inp, np.ndarray)
    pbt.right_shape(func, inp, np.shape(cs.st.f))

    # check that function returns the same as during testing given the above
    # inputs
    assert_array_equal(func(*inp), [1, 1])
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_P_envelope():
    """Test for method to get height of pmode envelope"""

    # setup
    norders = cs.pars['norders']
    mod = asymp_spec_model(cs.st.f, norders)
    nus = cs.pars['freqs']
    envheight, numax, envwidth = 10**1.5, nus[0], 10**2.2
    func = mod._P_envelope
    inp = [nus, envheight, numax, envwidth]

    # simple tests
    pbt.does_it_run(func, inp)
    pbt.does_it_return(func, inp)
    pbt.right_type(func, inp, np.ndarray)
    pbt.right_shape(func, inp, np.shape(nus))

    # check that function returns the same as during testing given the above
    # inputs
    assert_allclose(func(*inp), [31.6227766, 31.5718312], atol=0.001)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_get_percentiles():
    """Tests the function for getting the percentiless of a distribution"""

    # setup
    func = get_percentiles
    inp = [np.random.normal(0, 1, size=10), 3]


    # simple tests
    pbt.does_it_run(func, inp)
    pbt.does_it_return(func, inp)
    pbt.right_type(func, inp, np.ndarray)
    pbt.right_shape(func, inp, (2 * inp[1] + 1, ))

    # check some different inputs
    inp = [np.random.normal(0, 1, size=30000), 5]
    pbt.right_shape(func, inp, (2 * inp[1] + 1, ))

    inp = [[0, 0, 0, 1, 1], 1]
    assert_array_equal(func(*inp), [0., 0., 1.])
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_get_enns():
    """Test for method to get the radial orders in the asymptotic relation"""

    # setup
    norders = cs.pars['norders']
    nmax = cs.pars['nmax']
    nsamples = cs.pars['nsamples']
    mod = asymp_spec_model(cs.st.f, norders)
    func = mod._get_enns
    inp = [nmax, norders]
    inp_arr = [np.array([nmax]).repeat(nsamples), norders]

    # simple tests
    pbt.does_it_run(func, inp)
    pbt.does_it_return(func, inp)
    pbt.right_type(func, inp, np.ndarray)
    pbt.right_shape(func, inp, (norders, ))
    pbt.right_shape(func, inp_arr, (nsamples, norders))

    # check that function returns the same as during testing given the above
    # inputs
    assert_array_equal(func(*inp), [0, 1])
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_asymp_spec_model_call():
    """Test call method for asymptotic relation spectrum model class"""

    # setup
    norders = cs.pars['norders']
    mod = asymp_spec_model([0.5, 1], norders)
    func = mod.model
    inp = cs.pars['asypars']

    # simple tests
    pbt.does_it_run(func, inp)
    pbt.does_it_return(func, inp)
    pbt.right_type(func, inp, np.ndarray)
    pbt.right_shape(func, inp, np.shape(cs.st.f))

    # check that the function doesn't change the output
    assert_allclose(mod(inp), mod.model(*inp))

# The test functions below require longer runs and are not suitable for GitHub
# workflows. the mark.slow decorator doesn't seem to work with GitHub workflows.

# #def test_asymptotic_fit_call():
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_get_summary_stats():
    """Test for method for getting summary stats from asy_fit"""
    # setup
    st = cs.st
    func = st.asy_fit._get_summary_stats #(st.asy_fit.fit)
    inp = [st.asy_fit.fit]
    # simple tests
    pbt.does_it_return(func, inp)
    pbt.right_type(func, inp, pd.DataFrame)
    pbt.right_shape(func, inp, (10, 9))

    out = func(*inp)

    # check that function returns the same as during testing given the above
    # inputs
    for key in ['std', 'skew', 'MAD']:
        assert_array_equal(out.loc[:, key], 0)
    # same as above
    for key in ['mean', '2nd', '16th', '50th', '84th', '97th']:
        assert_array_equal(out.loc[:,key], np.array([ 1.,  2.,  1.,  0., -2.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.]))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_kde_predict():
    """Tests for the kde.kde_predict method"""
    # Test raise statement
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  

    # Setup
    err = 0.01
    simp_kde.samples = np.vstack([np.random.normal(m, err*abs(m), 50) for m in solar_p]).T
    enns = range(15,25)
    func = simp_kde.kde_predict
    inp = [enns]
    # basic run/return/type/shape tests
    pbt.does_it_run(func, inp)
    pbt.does_it_return(func, inp)
    pbt.right_type(func, inp, tuple)
    pbt.right_shape(func, inp, (2, 10)) 
    # Test that errors propogate more or less correctly (probably not the most
    # robust test)
    out = simp_kde.kde_predict(enns)   
    assert_almost_equal(out[1]/out[0], np.ones_like(out[1])*err, decimal = 1)