Ejemplo n.º 1
def command_rabbitmq(args):

    if args.config:
        if not os.path.isdir(DIMHOLT_OPT):
	    pbs.mkdir('-p', DIMHOLT_OPT)
        checkout_dir = os.path.join(DIMHOLT_OPT, "rabbitmq")
        if os.path.isdir(checkout_dir):
            pbs.rm("-rf", checkout_dir)
        pbs.git('clone', CODE_RABBITMQ_URL, checkout_dir)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_sharded_directory(base_dir, domain_name, create=True):
    hashed = hash_domain_thumb(domain_name)
    shard_dir = join(base_dir, hashed[0], hashed[0:2] , hashed[0:3])
    if create:
        try: sh.mkdir("-p", shard_dir)
        except: pass
    return shard_dir
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def create_motes_dir(self, path):
    except pbs.ErrorReturnCode_1:
      CommandLogger('Motes directory already existed, no new directory is created.', True)

    except pbs.ErrorReturnCode_2:
      CommandError('Motes install directory could not be created. Permissions problem?').exe()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def capture(domain_name, screenshot_base, screenshot_timeout=15000, resize_widths=[], exact_sizes=[]):    
    tmp_screenshot = utils.get_sharded_directory("/tmp/screenshot", domain_name)
    final_screenshot = utils.get_sharded_directory(screenshot_base, domain_name)
    try: pbs.mkdir("-p", tmp_screenshot)
    except: pass
    try: pbs.mkdir("-p", final_screenshot)
    except: pass

    hash_domain = utils.hash_domain_thumb(domain_name)     
        name = "%s.png" % hash_domain
        original = join(tmp_screenshot, name)
        logging.info("taking full size screenshot to %s", original)
        os.environ["DISPLAY"] = ":1"
	# swapping this out to wrap the call to CutyCapt with a timeout so that we don't end up with hung procs
	#pbs.CutyCapt("--url=http://%s" % domain_name, "--out=%s" % original, "--max-wait=%s" % screenshot_timeout)
	pbs.timeout("45s", "CutyCapt", 
		    "--url=http://%s" % domain_name, 
		    "--out=%s" % original, 
		    "--max-wait=%s" % screenshot_timeout)

        logging.info("done taking full size screenshot to %s", original)
        for width in resize_widths:
            name = "%s-%d.png" % (hash_domain, width)
            resized = join(tmp_screenshot, name)
            logging.info("resizing to %d", width)
            pbs.convert(original, "-resize", "%d" % width, "-crop", "%dx%d+0+0" % (width, width * 3), "-quality", "75", resized)
            logging.info("done resizing to %d", width)

        for width, height in exact_sizes:
            name = "%s-%dx%d.png" % (hash_domain, width, height)
            resized = join(tmp_screenshot, name)
            logging.info("resizing to %dx%d", width, height)
            pbs.convert(original, "-resize", "%d" % width, "-extent", "%dx%d" % (width, height), "-quality", "75", resized)
            logging.info("done resizing to %dx%d", width, height)
	# prior to rsync'ing, remove the full size screenshot as we don't want to keep that
	pbs.rm(original, "-f")

        pbs.rsync("-a", tmp_screenshot + "/", final_screenshot + "/")   
        return True   
        logging.exception("error, but closing down screenshotter cleanly")
        return False
        try: pbs.rm(tmp_screenshot, "-rf")
        except: pass