Ejemplo n.º 1
def pcb_instanciate_multiple_boards(pcb, lsItems, nx, ny, step_vector, offset_vector, angle, center):
	if nx<1 or(ny<1):
		raise ValueError, "Columns(%i) or Rows(%i) cannot be less than 1…" % (nx, ny)
	for y in range(ny):
		for x in range(nx):
			vector_to_place = wxPt(x*step_vector.x + offset_vector.x, y*step_vector.y + offset_vector.y)
			pcb_instanciate_one_board(pcb, lsItems, vector_to_place, angle, center)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def pcb_instanciate_multiple_boards(pcb, lsItems, nx, ny, step_vector,
                                    offset_vector, angle, center):
    if nx < 1 or (ny < 1):
        raise (ValueError,
               "Columns(%i) or Rows(%i) cannot be less than 1…" % (nx, ny))

    for y in range(ny):
        for x in range(nx):
            vector_to_place = wxPt(x * step_vector.x + offset_vector.x,
                                   y * step_vector.y + offset_vector.y)
            pcb_instanciate_one_board(pcb, lsItems, vector_to_place, angle,

Ejemplo n.º 3

# panelizing script

from pcbnew import LoadBoard, PCB_TEXT as PCB_TEXT, \
 Edge_Cuts as Cutout, wxPoint as wxPt, FromMils, FromMM
from os import path as pt
import re

# generate vectors from dimensions
step_vector = wxPt(Units(step_x), Units(step_y))
offset_vector = wxPt(Units(offset_x), Units(offset_y))
center = wxPt(Units(center_x), Units(center_y))

# derived file names
fileNameSave = "%s-panelized.%s" % tuple(fileNamePCB.rsplit('.', 1))
fileNameCommonParts = "%s-panel-common.%s" % tuple(fileNamePCB.rsplit('.', 1))

# load PCB
print("Reading file: '%s'\n" % fileNamePCB)
pcb = LoadBoard(fileNamePCB)

# get all items
lsItems = brdItemize(pcb)
Ejemplo n.º 4
# panelizing script

from pcbnew import LoadBoard, TEXTE_PCB as TEXTE_PCB, DIMENSION as DIMN, \
	Edge_Cuts as Cutout, wxPoint as wxPt, FromMils, FromMM, GetKicadConfigPath as cfgPath
from os import path as pt
import re

# generate vectors from dimensions
step_vector = wxPt(Units(step_x),Units(step_y))
offset_vector = wxPt(Units(offset_x),Units(offset_y))
center = wxPt(Units(center_x),Units(center_y))

# derived file names
fileNameSave = "%s-panelized.%s" % tuple(fileNamePCB.rsplit('.', 1))
fileNameCommonParts = "%s-panel-common.%s" % tuple(fileNamePCB.rsplit('.', 1))

# load PCB
print("Reading file: '%s'\n"% fileNamePCB)
pcb = LoadBoard(fileNamePCB)

# get all items